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Chapter 145 Target

On the short 100-meter walk to the villa area, Ruiz was shocked again and again!

He didn't realize it when he was in the hall before, but when he walked out of the building, he realized that the surrounding environment turned out to be a floating island!

For thousands of years, he has traveled to almost every place in Rune Continent! But he has never seen any island that can float! He has never heard of it!

But that's not what shocked him the most!

What was most unbelievable to him was that he actually felt that he had lost contact with the real world!

In this life, he went deep into various restricted areas and dangerous situations, and collected a lot of ancient runes that triggered the world-destroying war thousands of years ago!

He sealed all the world runes in a very hidden ruins.

The magic scroll he carries behind his back is what monitors the sealed land.

Once something happens inside or near the Sealed Land, Ryze can learn about the situation through the scroll and rush back to deal with it immediately.

Of course, the function of the scroll does not stop there.

Ryze can also indirectly use the power of those 'world runes' through scrolls.

He knew the horror of the world's runes, so he did not dare to come into contact with them personally for a long time, for fear that he would be corrupted into a puppet by that powerful power.

So he created a rune scroll that acted as a relay.

Using the power of those world runes through the scrolls, although the power has become weaker, it also prevents Ryze from the danger of losing control.


At this time, what shocked Ryze was that he discovered that the connection between the rune scroll and the sealed land was severed!

He immediately ignored Ke Wen and immediately opened his cloak and took the scroll off his back.

Opening the scroll and looking at it, Ryze found that the rune symbols in the scroll had been extinguished, and there was no more magic flowing on it!

This is equivalent to the scroll being invalid! He can no longer use the power of those world runes through the scroll!

Ryze didn't care about this.

He is not a slave to power, and he has an attitude towards the power of those world runes that he can use or not use.

What makes him a little nervous is that he can no longer monitor the sealed place through the scroll!

He was worried that something unexpected would happen over there in the Sealed Land!

Once those world runes reappear in the world, then the world will probably face a terrible disaster!

Therefore, Ryze can no longer maintain the stable mentality that he has spent thousands of years cultivating!

He immediately stopped Ke Wen: "Sir!"

Taking two quick steps, Ryze came to Kewen's side.

He showed the scroll in his hand to Ke Wen and asked slightly anxiously: "Where exactly is this place?! I have a problem with something very important! Can you send me back?!"

While asking, Ruiz also felt helpless and wary.

Because he faces another problem on this mysterious floating island!

That means he can't teleport!

Ryze can't find the teleport beacon on Runeterra!

This means that he has been trapped on this floating island!

He had some regrets.

Although Cowen seemed to him to be very friendly and showed no trace of hostility in him, Ryze still felt that he should not have come to this floating island at all!

In short, the mentality he had cultivated for thousands of years collapsed instantly on this floating island!

Let’s talk about Ke Wen who was stopped in his tracks.

He turned to look at the rune scroll in Ryze's hand.

After discovering the above content, he couldn't help but feel a little secretly amused.

Because the format on the scroll is very interesting, very similar to the rune talent page at the beginning of the game.

However, the runes in Ryze's scroll are not repeated, they are all world runes.

Each world rune represents a kind of demigod power!

If a magician can completely master a world rune, then he can easily enter the realm of demigods.

Looking at the scroll in Ryze's hand, nearly twenty runes have been engraved on it.

One can imagine how powerful Ryze is who can use so much demigod power!

The title of the strongest magician in Rune Continent is not for nothing!

These thoughts only fleetingly pass through my mind.

After reading the scroll, Kewen also guessed the source of the problem.

So Kewen handed all the ingredients he was carrying to his left hand, stretched out his right hand, and passed over the scroll with ease.


Sounds of magic emerging one after another gathered together.

The sound quickly faded away again.

Looking at the scroll again, all the runes on it have been relit.

Ryze also looked absent-minded because he reconnected to the surveillance of the Sealed Land.


After coming back to his senses, Ryze didn't know what to say for a moment.

"Let's go."

Ke Wen smiled and greeted: "The children will be back for dinner soon. I have to be busy preparing the meal first. I have plenty of time. We can talk after dinner."

Ryze hesitated to speak. He had a lot of questions but didn't know where to start.

In the end, he could only shake his head and follow Ke Wen's footsteps again.

The two quickly walked into the villa.

Coven let Ritz do as he pleased, and he went straight to the kitchen.

Ruiz sat in the living room, feeling a little uncomfortable.

He got up and found the kitchen, standing at the door and watching Ke Wen busy inside.

This made Ryze a little confused.

Who exactly is Coven?

Why is it so powerful?

Not only is the teleportation magic invisible to anyone, but even the rune scroll, which is almost equivalent to an exclusive artifact, Ke Wen can seal and unseal at will, even leaving him, the master, unaware!

What makes Ryze feel most awkward is that the aura of fireworks and dust around the master Kewen is too strong, right?


Shouldn't it be the kind of person who hides in the deep mountains and old forests, or hides in some hidden magic vein node to conduct research and focus on exploring the mysteries of magic?

Or is it a wise prophet who traveled around the world and left some legends around the world?

These two images are in line with Ryze's understanding of masters.

But what about Kewen?

Ryze didn't care about the offence, he looked up and down Coven very carefully.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! But no matter how you look at it, Ke Wen is just a very normal ordinary person in his eyes!

It was obvious that he was the one who was abnormal.

If Ke Wen was a normal person, what would the previous methods mean?

Just like that, Ryze, standing at the door of the kitchen, fell into a strange thinking circle.

At the same time, the more he looked at Ke Wen's house-husband appearance, the more he felt that his sense of separation from the world was deepening!

In his mind, thoughts of self-denial appeared unconsciously.

Is it normal for Kewen to be like this, but abnormal for him to be like this?

Gradually, Ryze couldn't help but feel that everything was fake.

The world is fake, his thousand-year past is fake, and even himself is fake!


When this kind of self-doubt and self-denial reached a certain level, the magic power in Ryze's body suddenly became chaotic!

Magic power emerges uncontrollably from his seven orifices!

However, his consciousness continued to sink, and he was not aware of what was happening to him at all!

Kewen finally turned his attention away from the wok in his hand.

When he saw Ryze's condition, he couldn't help but whisper softly: "Hey! Resurrection!"

The soft drink seemed to shake Ryze's soul.

Ruiz Jilingling woke up from self-denial!

He immediately realized the crisis in himself, quickly closed his eyes to stabilize his mind, and gradually straightened out the chaotic magic power.

After a while, he opened his eyes again.

Looking at Ke Wen who was still cooking, Ruiz couldn't help but asked in fear: "Sir! What's going on?!"

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Ke Wen replied and poured the fried vegetables in the pot onto the plate.

Taking an enchanted thermal cover and covering the dish, Kewen continued to fry the second dish and said without looking back: "The more you know, the more cognitive barriers you will have."

He drew the spatula casually in a small circle beside him.


He said: "When the circle of knowledge is only so small, the unknown you can come into contact with is only as small as the air that is touched by the circle."

"And when the circle expands."

As he thought, Ke Wen ordered the circle composed of magic power to begin to expand.

He continued: "The wider the circle, the more air you can come into contact with, and the more things you don't understand."

The words are not over yet.

Kewen waved the shovel again, causing a bulge to suddenly appear on the magic circle, as if a nail was trying to break through from the circle.

He tapped his chin on the deformed bulge on the ring.

"This is equivalent to your knowledge in magic, it is too outstanding."

"But other parts of the circle have become smaller, which cannot keep a good balance between your magical knowledge and your understanding of the world."

He concluded simply: "That is to say, it is very easy for you to get into trouble like this."


Ryze was slightly confused: "Sir, why did I fall into that state of mind just because I was watching you?"

"It's because my 'transformation into mortal world' is not yet complete."

Ke Wen smiled helplessly: "I wanted to be an ordinary person, but I always resorted to extraordinary means without knowing it."

"So I am in danger now, and I bring danger to others."

He stopped cooking and went to choose seasonings, and continued: "Ordinary people can't detect anything, and real masters won't notice anything either. Only people like you..."

After adding the seasonings to the pot, Kewen sealed the pot with a lid and returned the seasonings to their original places.

Then he turned around, leaned on the edge of the kitchen counter and looked at Ritz.

"People like you are the most dangerous."

He said: "People like you will find it easy to find abnormalities in me."

"And you are stuck in the rules...no, stuck at the critical point of the rules, which is the state where the desire for knowledge is the strongest."

"So you will subconsciously explore the abnormality in me."

"And my status is too high."

Ke Wen spread his hands: "So you can't understand or figure anything out at all. In the end, you can only fall into a vicious circle of thinking and be unable to get out, which ultimately leads to self-destruction."

Ryze understood.

But just because he understood it, he was particularly shocked.

He couldn't help but widen his eyes, stared at Ke Wen and asked half a sentence: "Are you...?"

"that's not important."

Ke Wen smiled and waved his hand: "I have also reached this level step by step from a magic apprentice, so you can regard me as a forerunner. My true identity and the like are not important."

These words really made Ryze relax.

It even gave Ryze some motivation!

Since Kewen can go from a magic apprentice to this unknown step now, Ryze is confident that he can do the same!

Thinking about it this way, he really didn't care what Ke Wen's status was now.

He was so quietly changed by Ke Wen.

In order to avoid Ruiz reacting, Kewen started another topic.

He pointed to the apron on his body and said with a smile: "Once you become an immortal species, you must find one or more interests, otherwise time will destroy a person's will."

"Doing this to you is part of the fun."

Coven raised his chin towards Ryze: "For these thousand years, you have been concentrating on collecting those world runes. This is a way to stabilize your will in time."

"The same is true for some other beings in the world."

Kewen pointed to the north and then to the west: "For example, among the three demigods in the north, one is keen on forging, one is keen on protecting, and the other is keen on fighting and destroying."

"The protoss in the west are similar. They are keen on aggression, and those with a peaceful mentality have shouldered the mission of fighting against the void."

"So longevity breeders always have to find something to do for themselves."

He summed up with a smile: "Me too, I am keen on raising a daughter recently, this kind of mortal state is normal."

Ruiz was stunned when he heard this, and then suddenly realized!

In fact, he does not know this common sense.

He never thought about how the immortal species would spend the time that had no end in sight.

When Ryze was young, he determined his goal, which was to gather all the ancient runes scattered around the world so that they could no longer cause trouble!

For the past thousand years, he has been working hard on this mission.

Ryze didn't think about anything else at all.

At this time, after hearing Ke Wen's explanation, he finally realized the troubles in the Immortal Seed.

Think about it too.

What if he collects all the world runes in the future?

What to do in the long years after that?

He couldn't imagine what goals he could have after that.

Could it be that...the world runes were scattered again on purpose? And then he went on another collecting trip?

Shake your head vigorously!

Ryze quickly shook this terrible thought out of his mind!

At this moment, he completely realized the horror of 'boredom' to the immortal species!

Fortunately, Ke Wen had given him enough reminders.


Ryze gathered his thoughts and asked in a solemn voice: "Is the void dangerous?"

"I know what you mean."

Ke Wen smiled and said: "Yes, even though Rune Continent has defeated them twice, the void is very dangerous. They invade, transform and destroy every world, and they can't kill them all. For the material world, it is eternity."


"I understand!"

Ruiz showed a relaxed smile: "It seems that I have found my second life goal in advance."

"Then, Mr. Reitz, who has two goals, help me serve the food."

Kewen turned around and opened the lid of the pot and said with a smile: "My precious girls are back, it's time to eat."

As Ke Wen finished speaking, the sound of Jinx and Wei's quarrel suddenly spread into the kitchen...

This chapter has been completed!
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