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Chapter 124 shot

Hermione was very smart. Her first reaction when facing the troll was to scream, but before she could make a sound, she quickly raised her hand to cover her mouth, stifling the scream.

Then Hermione stared at the troll in horror, slowly retreating until her back hit the compartment door.

The troll was always staring directly at Hermione, with an expression as ready as a predator's.

At this time, as Hermione's back touched the wooden board of the compartment and made a soft sound, the troll seemed to have been triggered by a switch, and took a heavy step forward with a 'bang' sound.

Hermione finally collapsed in fear. At this moment, she lost all her calmness, turned around in panic, opened the door, and got into the compartment, as if the narrow wooden compartment could protect her.

Seeing the little guy hiding, the giant monster immediately raised the giant stick in his hand with some annoyance and was about to sweep towards the compartment.

At this time, Kewen, who had always been invisible and following the giant monster, finally took action.

He raised his hand, pointed the wand at the giant monster's right armpit exposed by waving the stick, and fired a silent "lightning spell", and a tiny bolt of lightning instantly hit the giant monster's armpit.

Under the conditioned reflex of pain, the giant monster trembled all over and subconsciously let go of the giant stick in his hand.

Kewen's second magic spell was the 'Levitation Curse'. The tip of the wand was pointed at the giant stick that had not yet landed on the ground, causing it to float in the air.

At this time, there was a burst of rapid footsteps, and Harry Potter and Ron finally suppressed their fear and ran in from the door.

However, after seeing the giant monster, the two of them couldn't help but stiffen in fear and froze at the door.

The troll, who was initially dazed because he saw the stick floating away from his hand, was also brought back to his senses by the movement made by Ron and the others.


The giant monster was disturbed from its hunting, so it opened its foul-smelling mouth and roared. Without thinking about why the stick was floating in the air, it immediately reached out to reach for the stick, intending to grab it back in its hand.

"Hermione! Run!"

At this time, Harry Potter finally got rid of his fear and quickly shouted to Hermione who was hiding in the compartment.

Hearing this, Hermione obediently pushed open the wooden door of the stall, rushed out, and immediately ran away from the troll, running to the wall at the end of the bathroom.

At this time, the troll had reached out to the stick floating in the air and was about to grab it.

Ke Wen couldn't make it do what he wanted, so he stepped back toward the bathroom door while silently commanding with his wand, causing the stick to dodge in the air.

The troll kept grabbing at the stick, but could never catch the stick that it had been avoiding. After a few times, the troll became extremely angry and couldn't help but retract its arm, clenched its fist and hit its chest hard.

After a muffled sound, the troll looked up to the sky and roared. Then, its bloodshot eyes quickly looked at Harry and Ron.

The troll's limited IQ made it unable to understand what was happening on the stick, but it believed that all of this was caused by the arrival of Harry and Ron.

Therefore, the troll changed its hunting target and listed Harry and Ron as its first targets.

At this time, Ke Wen had already walked to the bathroom door invisibly, and then used the wand to control the stick to rise to the height of the ceiling.

However, the troll no longer paid attention to the stick this time. It had already taken long strides, making the floor tremble and rushed towards Harry and Ron.

Seeing this, Kewen immediately changed the spell and used the 'Transformation Spell' to change the form of the stick in the sky and turned it into a thick black cloth.

Then, Kewen controlled the thick cloth to suddenly extend downwards and rushed towards the giant monster.

Just as Harry and Ron screamed and ran away, and the troll bent down and reached out, only one meter away from the two little figures, the cloth above suddenly rotated and wrapped the troll's disproportionately small head inside.


Circle after circle, the cloth spreading from a high place continued to wrap around the giant monster's head.

After wrapping it around for five times, the cloth began to spread like a snake again, and the hands that continued to grab the giant monster's head were also wrapped around it.

Before it was over, after wrapping the giant monster's arms, the fabric continued to snake downwards, wrapping around the monster's waist, abdomen, and legs one after another.

In the end, the whole black cloth wrapped the giant monster's body into a black mummy, causing the giant monster to roar and struggle inside.

The giant monster is indeed a very dangerous monster, and the strength of its struggle is so great that the cloth wrapped in several layers continuously makes a "squeaking" cracking sound.

But if it wants to successfully break the fabric and escape, it will probably take a while.

Therefore, Coven paused control of the transformation spell outside the door, and then flicked his wand towards the corridor.

A silvery white transparent light quickly spurted out from the tip of the wand, and soon condensed into the shape of a bird in the air, and then the illusory bird quickly flew away into the distance.

This is the 'Guardian Spell'.

Since the paper on 'Dementors' had been published, it was natural for Kewen to master the 'Calling Guard' spell used to deal with Dementors.

Moreover, Kewen not only mastered the ordinary usage of the 'Guarding Curse', but also learned the advanced usage of the 'Guarding Curse' from Professor Flitwick.

The effect is just like what Kewen performed just now. After summoning the magic guard, the guard can be used to deliver messages to others, etc.

Speaking of which, after Cowen used the 'Guardian Spell' to send a message to Professor McGonagall, he once again targeted the troll.

The wand pointed towards the ground at the troll's feet, and the transformation spell was released again.

The next moment, the stone floor under the giant monster's feet suddenly became as soft as rubber and quickly rose and deformed.

It started to wind upwards along the giant monster's legs like running water, and soon, it completely wrapped the giant monster's entire body.

Immediately afterwards, the 'stone liquid' solidified instantly, forming an ancient Egyptian-style coffin, completely trapping the giant monster inside.

Since the giant monster has been wrapped up into a mummy, Kewen will naturally give it a matching mummy coffin.

As a result, an ancient Egyptian human-shaped coffin with exquisite details stood in the bathroom. Under the shining light of the wall lamp, the golden human-shaped coffin continued to exude golden light all around.

Listening to the faint sounds of struggling and muffled roars coming from the coffin, the three protagonists had already been completely stunned. They were all dumbfounded and amazed.

After a long while, Hermione was the first to react and couldn't help shouting: "Who is protecting us!?"

Hearing this, Harry and Ron also recovered from their sluggishness, and together with Hermione, they began to look around to find who was taking action.

At the same time, three other hurried footsteps were gradually approaching the bathroom...

This chapter has been completed!
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