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Chapter 125 Leaks

Professor McGonagall, Professor Snape, and Professor Quirrell quickly rushed into the women's toilet from the door. They did not notice Kewen outside the door of the station.

Ke Wen originally wanted to say hello, but when he saw three professors rushing into the women's bathroom, he suddenly realized that he was still invisible.

After canceling the 'Illusion Body Curse' on his body, Ke Wen's figure appeared out of thin air outside the door.

But no one noticed this at this time, because the professors' attention was all in the women's bathroom.

After seeing the situation in the women's toilet clearly, Professor McGonagall couldn't help but raise her hand and pat her chest. After breathing a sigh of relief, she quickly asked: "Oh my God! Why are you three here!?"

Snape quickly looked at the situation in the women's bathroom with a solemn expression, then thought of something, turned to look at the door, and looked at Ke Wen.

When he discovered that it was Corwin, Snape immediately understood everything. He couldn't help but glared at Corwin, then ignored him and turned back to stare at Harry Potter.

At this time, after being asked by Professor McGonagall, Harry and Ron were hesitant and didn't know how to explain. Hermione immediately picked up the topic.

"It's my fault! Professor McGonagall." Hermione's big, watery eyes moved around, obviously making up lies on the spot.

"Miss Granger?" Professor McGonagall saw something but did not reveal it.

"I'm looking for the troll." Hermione quickly glanced at Harry and Ron, and then said: "I saw the introduction of the troll in the book, and I thought I could deal with it. Sorry, it's

I was wrong……"

Hermione lowered her head and apologized, then looked up at Harry and Ron, and then said: "Harry and Ron are here to save me, and I don't know who is protecting us. When we are in crisis, the giants are here."

It’s strange that it turned out like this…”

As she spoke, Hermione raised her arm and pointed towards the huge, slightly trembling 'Egyptian coffin' in the center of the room.

The three professors subconsciously followed Hermione's direction and looked at the human-shaped coffin in the room.

At this time, Professor McGonagall suddenly thought of something, immediately looked around, and called out: "Kevin? Are you here?"

Hearing this, Kewen, who was still standing outside the door, quickly said: "Professor, I'm here."

Everyone immediately looked towards the door, except of course Snape, who had already turned his attention back to Harry Potter.

Seeing Kewen at the door, Professor McGonagall looked relieved, and a smile appeared on his face.

Professor Quirrell squinted his eyes slightly, looking carefully, but instantly concealed his expression and turned it into surprise.

The trio of protagonists were a little in disbelief. Then Ron showed a look of joy and couldn't help but opened his mouth and whispered: "It turns out to be Kewen!"

"Good boy!" At this time, Professor McGonagall spoke, looking at Kewen tenderly and praising: "You are really helpful! I can't even imagine what the three of them would be like without you.


"Hmph!" Snape was in a bad mood at this time. He snorted immediately after hearing this, squinted at Ke Wen with a bad look, and said in a deep voice: "Of course our 'Mr. Humanoid Dragon' is not afraid of trolls.

Yes! Maybe he had eaten a lot back then!"

Professor McGonagall looked at Snape dumbfounded, then turned to Coven, and said helplessly: "You should have informed me as soon as you discovered the situation, instead of taking action yourself. Although we all believe in your strength,

But just in case..."

Seeing Professor McGonagall's very real worried expression, Ke Wen quickly comforted him: "Don't worry about my Professor McGonagall, this giant monster is not as big as the big one in the forbidden area... uh..."


There was no way he could continue what he said next. Ke Wen looked like he was in a coma, and immediately raised his hand to cover his mouth, feeling extremely embarrassed.

Damn it! You spilled the beans!

The three professors were stunned at the same time, their eyes widened, and they looked at Ke Wen in astonishment.

The reaction of the three protagonists was much slower, but they soon thought of something and became stunned again.

"Ahem..." Professor McGonagall was the first to come to his senses. He coughed slightly and opened his mouth to say something, but then he thought that the three protagonists were still there, and they couldn't let them know about the forbidden area.

Therefore, Professor McGonagall quickly changed the topic, shook her head slightly at Ke Wen with some feigning annoyance, and then shifted her gaze to look at the trio of protagonists.

"You...your behavior is very stupid! Especially you! Miss Granger! I thought you were very smart..."

On one side, Professor McGonagall was blaming Hermione for overestimating her abilities. On the other side, Harry's eyes suddenly spotted something on Professor Snape's calf.

Snape, who had been staring at Harry, noticed this and immediately reached for a pocket of robes to cover his calves.

Coven, who was pretending to be a transparent person, noticed Snape's movements and after a little recall, he knew what was going on.

But Snape had thought before that someone was trying to lure the tiger away from the mountain. Someone deliberately created a giant monster to distract the professors, so that they could steal things from the forbidden area on the third floor.

So Snape hurried to the forbidden area, but in his haste, he was accidentally injured on his calf by the three-headed dog.

What Harry discovered at this time, and what he had covered up with his robe, was the bloody wound on his calf.

"Because you lack judgment when doing things..."

At this time, Professor McGonagall had already made a somewhat disappointed decision on Hermione: "Gryffindor will be deducted...five points for this!"

After saying that, Professor McGonagall looked at Harry and Ron, who were pretending to be quail, and after thinking for a while, he pronounced: "As for you two, I hope you will remember the lesson this time. Not every time you can


"After learning about Miss Granger's situation, you should not come over rashly and take risks, but should inform the professors as soon as possible!"

After saying this in one breath, Professor McGonagall took a breath, and then softened her tone: "However, seeing that you are kind-hearted in helping your classmates, I announce that I will give each of you five points."

"And..." Professor McGonagall looked at Kewen at the door again.

She was about to add some college points to Ke Wen. After all, Ke Wen's way of dealing with the trolls was so amazing, but she suddenly thought of what Ke Wen had just missed.

Therefore, Professor McGonagall suddenly paused.

After being speechless for a moment, Professor McGonagall shook her head helplessly: "Forget it, let's stop here..."

Seeing this, Snape immediately wanted to protest, but thinking that the scene at this time was inappropriate, he could only hold his tongue and let Cowen off for the time being. He would worry about Cowen's trespassing into the forbidden area later.

"Okay." Professor McGonagall took a deep breath again, and then commanded: "Kevin, you take them back to the dormitory first, while we stay here to clean up."

"Okay professor." Kewen responded quickly...

This chapter has been completed!
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