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Chapter 185 parting

"Mr. Principal, I'm sorry that I did something that disappointed you."

At night, Dumbledore quietly watched the memory images that Corwin left for him in his office.

In the picture, Ke Wen is sitting in the living room of the "Wonderful House", saying with an apologetic smile: "In addition, I am also sorry for not saying goodbye to you in person."

"I like the college very much. I like you and the professors very much."

"The college is like my home. I feel warm and cared for here."

After a moment of silence, Ke Wen in the picture showed a reluctant smile: "However, when the children grow up, they will eventually leave home and go out to explore."

"I originally thought parting was a very simple thing. I turned around gently with blessings and waved gently with the expectation of the next reunion..."

"But...I feel like I might not be able to do it."

Ke Wen in the picture was slightly bitter, and then he forced a smile: "I feel that if I say goodbye in person, I may not be able to leave... I can't let go of the college, and I can't let everyone go..."

With a nostalgic look on his face, Ke Wen in the picture seems to be nostalgic for his college life.

After a moment of silence, Ke Wen said: "However, I still have my mission that must be completed, and there can no longer be anyone in the wizarding world who oppresses everyone."

"What I hope to leave to the future generations is a prosperous and thriving wizarding world. I hope that my friends, classmates and family members can put down all their burdens and live a relaxed and happy life."

Kewen said, his expression became much more relaxed and his smile became sunny.

"Although I have left the protection of you and the professors, I will always remember the training you have given me, and I will ensure that I continue on the right path."

"Thank you again for teaching me. You will always be the best principal and best mentor in my heart."

"Oh, by the way, in fact, Voldemort's Horcruxes are not only those I mentioned that day, but also a ring. However, in order to avoid uncontrollable casualties, I did not tell it that day."

"I'm afraid that Voldemort, who has completely lost everything, will explode in despair."

"I also destroyed the ring, leaving behind a gemstone, a fake gemstone, which has almost the same function as the Mirror of Erised."

"I left the gems in the 'Wonderful House'. If you need it, you can ask Lili to get it. I have already given instructions."

"Finally..." Ke Wen showed a big smile: "I think I should be considered a good disciple of yours."


When Dumbledore saw this, he couldn't help but step forward and wanted to hug Covin, but in the end his arm could only pass through the phantom.

Dumbledore's long beard trembled a little, and his voice trembled slightly. He stared at the sunny smiling face left by Ke Wen, and kept murmuring with moist eyes: "My child... you are the most proud of all my students...


After the scene of 'Thread of Memory' played, Dumbledore's consciousness was bounced back to reality.

However, Dumbledore immediately sank his consciousness into the Pensieve again and watched the memory scene again...

In the professors' offices.

Professor Flitwick faced Covin in the memory screen, with a big smile on his face, and he kept raising his hand to wipe the corners of his eyes.

Professor McGonagall and Professor Sprout were even more fragile. As the memory scenes played, they sometimes laughed happily and proudly, and sometimes they could not stop covering their mouths and crying softly.

In Snape's office.

After reading the memory screen, Professor Snape couldn't help but take a deep breath and raised his head slightly, with an unconcealable reluctance in his eyes.

After a while, Snape, who calmed down, lowered his head and turned to look at a huge gift bag placed against the wall.

Taking a deep breath, Snape stepped forward and did not tear the package violently, but patiently and carefully untied the knot on the package.

The wrapping paper was peeled off layer by layer, and finally, a frame-like thing completely covered by a black curtain was revealed.

"Is it a portrait..."

Snape looked at the shape of the gift, murmured softly, and raised his hand to pull off the black curtain.

The next moment, Snape suddenly froze there.

As tall as a person, in a beautifully patterned frame is a bedroom portrait.

There was a person lying on the bed in the bedroom, who was slowly sitting up because of Snape's action of lifting the curtain.

After seeing Snape, the woman in the portrait couldn't help but said in surprise: "Severus? Is that you?"

A short and violent heartbeat came out of Snape's chest. His eyes were dull and his lips trembled as he whispered softly: "Lily?"

"it's me."

The woman in the portrait stepped forward, as if she wanted to get out of the portrait, and finally stood closest to the canvas and said: "I didn't expect that the first person I saw was you."

"How could this happen..." Snape suddenly became nervous and said in a panic: "I mean, when did you leave the portrait? Why didn't anyone tell me?"

"It's that kid named Cowan Quinn."

Lily replied with some emotion: "The child used a powerful 'flashback spell' to release a fragment of James and I's souls from Voldemort's wand."

"Subsequently, the child received spirituality and memory from us, and made this portrait of me, right!"

Lily suddenly thought of something and couldn't help but look around and asked: "Severus, where is James' portrait? Why don't you see him?"

A picture flashed through Snape's mind. During the dinner, Harry kept staring at the pocket watch in his hand and cried and laughed like a lunatic for a long time.

Thinking of this, Snape suddenly understood. Apparently, Coven made Harry's father's portrait into a photo in his pocket watch and gave it to Harry as a gift.

And Lily in front of her was sent here.

"here you go!"

Snape suddenly growled nervously, clenched his fist and waved his arm vigorously.

"What did you do well?" Lily was a little startled and couldn't help asking with a somewhat annoyed look.

"No!" Snape came back to his senses and quickly raised his hand to straighten his robes while responding: "I mean pfft, cough! I mean it's good that you can leave a portrait! Haha! Very good.

!Yes! Hahahaha..."

"Severus." Harry's mother was very confused by Snape's expression and asked strangely: "What on earth is wrong with you?"

"I'm fine! Hahahaha, fine!" Snape responded immediately, laughing heartily, and tears suddenly burst into his eyes.

"Lily! Please! Please... don't leave me again..."

After finishing speaking with a somewhat choked voice, Snape couldn't help but stretched out his arms to hug the entire portrait frame, slowly knelt on the ground, his cheek seemed to be buried in Lily's knees, and cried out...

Ravenclaw girls' dormitory.

Penello was sitting on the window sill, holding the exquisite necklace in his palm with his left hand, and his tears fell on the letter paper in his right hand.

The letter was thick and had several pages. The tender words of farewell in the first few pages made Penello cry several times before he managed to read it intermittently.

The next two pages are an introduction to the necklace in Penello's hand.

The necklace is an alchemical item made by Coven after imitating the 'Ravenclaw Crown'. It uses the 'Advanced Memory Spell' and is permanently enchanted with alchemy.

The effect is the same as the 'Ravenclaw Crown', and the same effect as the 'Golden Finger' created by Coven.

Whether it is a crown or a necklace, it is equivalent to a plug-in assistant brain. If you wear the necklace, you can use the knowledge in the necklace as if it were your own memory, just like Ke Wen did.

In other words, by wearing the necklace, Penello is equivalent to having a "golden finger" like Kewen. He can store knowledge in the necklace and quickly search and apply various knowledge materials at any time.

In this necklace, Kewen has stored all his magical knowledge in it, and Penello can choose what knowledge to store in it later.

As for the restored 'Ravenclaw Diadem', because it was damaged once, it was still blank inside.

Corwin did not store the knowledge in the diadem, but gave it to Professor Flitwick, the head of Ravenclaw, to decide how to fill the gap in the diadem.

Penello read the entire content of the farewell letter, and then read the letter over and over again from the beginning, just like everyone else.

I couldn't stop my tears, laughing or crying, immersed in various memories.

Eventually, the memories in my mind coalesced into one picture.

That morning, Ke Wen, who was still a little boy, was filled with a bright smile, and extended his hand to apply for acquaintance: "Hello, Miss Crevat, just call me Ke Wen."


Imagining what Ke Wen looked like at that time, Penello couldn't help but chuckle, and then tears fell down his eyes again, he opened his mouth lightly, and couldn't help but whispered in a tearful tone: "Hello... call me Penello.

Luo...just fine..."

After the words fell, Penello couldn't help curling up his body, hugging his legs, burying his face and crying silently...

The Shanghai Stock Exchange in 1994 was not as prosperous as it would be in later generations.

Ke Wen walked on the street and looked at the tricycles and public trams on the narrow streets. His eyes were full of novelties from the old era.

Listening to the deafening dialects around him, and looking at the pagers and BB machines in the hands of people around him, Ke Wen couldn't help but feel like he was "wandering in the long river of time."

It has been several days since I arrived in the East, and Kewen has been to many places.

I saw the Bund, which has not yet formed a commercial circle, the TV tower that is about to be completed, and even went to see where my home is in real life.

However, he did not see any familiar villa complex, and the surrounding environment was completely different from his memory of home.

Feeling of loneliness.

It seems that in the east of this world, he is completely redundant.

I spent a few days separated from the world.

After calculating the date and time, Kewen chose the shore of the Bund as his final stop.

While waiting, Kewen couldn't help but look to the west.

There should be no problem on Spilit's side. He has already made a memory portrait, leaving behind memories of the seven years he spent in this world.

With a portrait chatting with Spilit, the little girl will no longer miss her too much.

What's more, I not only asked my friends to take care of the little girl, but also left the elf Lili to her. With Lili taking care of her, there will definitely be no problems.

Ollivander has also made arrangements, and all patent rights have been transferred to the other party. The continuous huge income will surely make Ollivander's life more comfortable.

Although Ollivander has always said that he is not short of money, it is rare that he can purchase all kinds of precious wand materials.

Come to think of it, Ollivander's wealth is actually not enough for him to squander it wantonly.

There is also Zhang Qiu, who left her some ‘divine fire spells’, which should allow their family to improve their status in the wizarding world.

As well as the principal and professors, I don't know if they would blame him for leaving without saying goodbye.

Professor Snape should have received that gift. I hope the professor can be more selfish this time and not lose his sweetheart again...

There were many thoughts in my mind, popping up one after another.

At some point, Ke Wen suddenly felt a heat in his chest, and the next moment, the second-order Rubik's Cube that caused him to cross the world suddenly came out of his chest.

After a moment of hesitation, Kewen reached out and took the Rubik's Cube in his hand.

He glanced to the west again, then took a deep breath, lowered his head and quickly restored the Rubik's Cube.

A piece of information suddenly came into his mind, making Ke Wen's eyes widen.

The Rubik's Cube actually gives two options, one is to spend seven years to travel through time.

The second option is to give up the magic power in the body to continue traveling to the next world.


Ke Wen was surprised, why did the previous travelers not have this option? Is it because the other person traveled through an urban world without mystery?

Ignoring the question of why for the moment, Kewen immediately considered which option was most appropriate.

After thinking for a while, Kewen decided to use magic power to travel through time.

Using magic this time, you can keep yourself in the form of eighteen years old, and you can use the concept of time in the future.

In this case, after returning to reality, I will still have the body of an eighteen-year-old.

In this way, after returning to reality, you can go directly to the universe without having to wait for seven years.

After making the decision, Ke Wen immediately said: "I choose to spend my magic power to travel through time!"

There was no response from the Rubik's Cube for a long time, and Ke Wen couldn't help but feel a little confused.

I carefully turned over the Rubik's Cube and looked at it. After looking for a long time, I still couldn't find where the problem was.

After a while, Kewen thought of something and began to try to touch the Rubik's Cube with his senses.

Sure enough, this time the Rubik's Cube finally responded and sent out another message.

It turns out that you don't have to stay in every world for seven years before you can continue to travel. As long as you supply enough energy to the Rubik's Cube, you can summon the Rubik's Cube.

After summoning it, and supplying it with enough energy, you can open the door to travel.

After receiving this information, Ke Wen couldn't help but be very excited, because the series of worlds he traveled through were all magical worlds with magical elements.

In this way, the time it takes him to get home will be greatly shortened!

Unable to restrain his longing for returning home, Kewen immediately sent a message to the Rubik's Cube with his consciousness.

The next moment, the Rubik's Cube suddenly exploded, forming a hole with billowing blue mist, appearing in front of Ke Wen.

Taking a deep breath, Ke Wen stepped forward and rushed into the teleportation fog cave...

This chapter has been completed!
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