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Chapter 23 Intelligence

The Chuike Mountains, located on the southern edge of the kingdom, is a very huge continuous mountain range with various landforms including cliffs, abyss, forests and rocky fields.

After riding the train for a day and night, and driving for half a day, Kewen and Erza finally arrived at the foot of the mountains.

There is a small town at the foot of the mountains. The town is not big, and the residents basically make a living by selling delicacies or planting fruit trees.

At this time, Kewen and Erza walked into the town one after another.

Kewen, who was walking in front, was unharmed and his steps were brisk, while Erza behind him was a little burdened.

She was carrying a huge backpack on her back, with a field tent rolled up on top of it, and pots and pans hung on both sides, making jingling sounds as she walked.

When setting out from the guild before, President Ke Wen and President Makarov had a very tacit understanding about this, and neither gave any suggestions or reminders.

The purpose is to let Erza experience it for herself, so that she can learn from the experience and understand what to bring and what not to bring when going out on missions.

In addition, Kewen did not provide Erza with a space bag, or help her put away the salute, but just watched Erza carry the load...

Speaking of which, although Ke Wen has taught President Makarov the magic of speech in the world of Harry Potter, the new system of runes is not that simple for President Makarov.

Easy to understand.

The meaning of each character, the various combinations of characters, etc., made President Makarov scratch his head when he first learned it.

In the end, President Makarov had no choice but to give up and let Kewen only teach the rune combinations required for the 'Repair Spell'.

Later, after seeing Kowen's space bag, President Makarov began to learn the 'Summoning Curse' again.

But the other party didn't successfully master the spell until half a month ago, and like the 'Repair Curse', he was in a state of 'knowing it but not knowing why'.

Even President Makarov, who has mastered magic for decades, is like this, let alone others.

Therefore, Kewen's plan to popularize the use of 'space bags' among guild members has been terminated, and it can no longer provide everyone with a new convenience.

However, Kewen likes the guild "Fairy Tail" very much, so in his mind, he has recently had the outline of a plan, which will be a very huge plan.

If the plan is successful in the future, then the entire guild will take on a completely new look, and the guild will even be able to occupy the apex of all guilds in the world.

Of course, that plan will cost Kewen a lot of energy and time, and now is not the time to start executing it...

Stop talking and talk about it.

Kewen and Erza walked into this small town called 'Kraft'. After a brief look, Kewen turned back to Erza and said: "Elsa, what do you think we should do next?"


"Ah?" Erza tilted her head cutely: "Ask, ask me?"

Ke Wen laughed out loud and then nodded: "Of course, the president asked me to lead you, but do you want me to teach you how to do it in detail, or do you want to challenge it yourself under my care?"

"Challenge!" Erza immediately responded with a firm look: "Please, Kovin! This time I want to solve the task myself! Please just stay and pay attention!"

"I guess you also chose this." Ke Wen said with a smile: "So, what should we do next?"

Erza immediately raised her arms, crossed her chest with her left arm, propped up her right arm, held her chin with her right hand and began to think.

Ke Wen felt very happy when he saw it. Erza had no idea who she had learned this little adult look and movements from.

After a moment, Erza's eyes lit up: "I thought of it! Kewen! We should ask for news first!"

"Yeah." Ke Wen nodded in agreement and smiled softly: "Very good, the first element of the mission - intelligence."

"Then let's go quickly!" Erza quickly passed Covin and said while looking around: "I heard from the guild members that the tavern is the most convenient place to inquire about information!"

Ke Wen followed up and guided softly: "Are you sure you want to choose to find a tavern?"

"What's wrong?" Erza turned around and asked in confusion.

"Think more about it. Don't just do whatever comes to your mind. You need to consider the actual situation when considering the problem."


Erza stopped, humbly accepted Coven's suggestion, and started thinking about it again.

This time it took a little longer. After a long time, Erza showed a sudden look and clapped her hands: "Yes! We are both children! The tavern may not be suitable for us!"

Ke Wen nodded slowly with satisfaction, feeling that Erza could not think of anything more in a short time, so he taught: "It is suitable for our children, and it is also a place where magicians can enter. The best choice should be 'Magic

supply store'."

Under Erza's stunned look, Coven continued: "Basically, the owners of those 'magic shops' will have some information channels."

"I understand!" Erza nodded humbly: "Then let's go find the 'Magic Shop' first."

"Let's go."

Ke Wen took a step forward and continued to give guidance as he walked: "Due to various factors, some cities do not have a 'magic shop'. Then, we should use our children's advantages and ask the newspaper owners for information."

"If the newspaper owner doesn't know, you can also ask him if there are any well-informed people in the city."

"In short, we must make full use of our children's advantages and obtain as much mission intelligence as possible without arousing others' vigilance."

"I remember!" Erza responded excitedly: "Thank you, Kewen!"

For the next actions, Kewen left it all to Erza, and he was only responsible for assisting from the side.

A few hours later, the two gathered all the information in a hotel.

Erza took a pen and wrote quickly on the paper, and soon placed a very simple map in front of Ke Wen.

Pointing on the map with a pen, Erza whispered enthusiastically: "Look, Kewen! According to the information we heard, there are two peaks that may have epiphyllums on them!"

"One mountain range seems to be in the shape of a bull's horn, and the other mountain range seems to be in the shape of three fingers."

"But both peaks are inside the mountains, so we'd better find another hunter who is familiar with the conditions inside the mountains."

Moving the penholder, Erza clicked on a name on the paper: "Mr. Sakari!"

Raising her head, Erza said with a smile on her face: "So after we finish eating, we will go find Mr. Sakari and ask him where the two peaks are!"

"It's up to you to decide." Ke Wen responded with a smile.

"Then it's settled!" Erza waved her little fist full of energy.

The food came quickly. Because she was very interested in doing the task, Erza urged Coven to eat faster.

After about ten minutes, the two of them paid and walked out of the hotel.

According to the information they had heard from the townspeople before, the two of them walked towards the edge of the town in the direction of the mountains. More than ten minutes later, they saw a lonely wooden house at the foot of the mountain.

The house is as simple as a hunter's hut, built simply with horizontal logs. Even the bark of the tree has not been treated, so there are many small branches sticking out of the walls.

Arriving at the door, Erza raised her hand and knocked on the door.

There was movement immediately inside the door, and a very deep voice said: "Who?"

Erza stepped back slightly and asked politely: "Hello, is Mr. Sakari in there?"

Soon, the wooden door with uneven gaps was opened.

A middle-aged man nearly two meters tall, thin and with most of his face obscured by a beard, appeared in front of the two of them.

"I am Sa Shou, you are..."

"Hello, Mr. Sasuke." Erza kept in mind Kewen's teachings, with a child's innocence on her face, and said with a smile: "I heard that you are the best hunter in the town and the most familiar with the Fukke Mountains.

, so we want to ask you something."

Hearing this, the tall man named Sakari looked at Kewen and Erza silently, and then asked in a deep voice: "What do you want to know?"

"Ue Epiphyllum." Erza said without any concealment: "Do you know which mountain range the Ue Epiphyllum is located on?"

"Excellent Epiphyllum?"

The man was stunned for a moment, looked up at the mountains, and then said in a slightly surprised tone: "I see, is it the season when epiphyllums are in full bloom again?"

"You know?" Erza heard the hidden meaning in the other party's words and immediately said expectantly: "Please tell us where we can find Udella!"

The man did not answer, but lowered his head and looked at Coven and Erza again.

After a moment, he continued in a deep voice: "I do know where You Epiphyllum is, but I can't tell you."

"Why?" Erza was a little anxious.

"It's too dangerous." The man shook his head: "I can't let you go find You Danhua."

"We are not afraid of danger!" Erza immediately patted the armor on her body: "We are magicians! We can deal with wild beasts and magical beasts in the mountains!"

"No." The man still shook his head, and then explained: "It's a problem with the road. If you want to reach the mountains with beautiful epiphyllum flowers, you have to cross two dangerous valleys. However, the place is covered by thick fog all year round. One wrong step will lead to your death.

People fall from cliffs into abyss.”

Hearing this, Erza frowned her beautiful eyebrows, a little confused: "Is there no other route? It doesn't matter if we go over the mountain, we all have enough energy!"

"There is a path." The man unexpectedly gave the answer: "But I only know how to go, not how to explain it, because it is too hidden there."

Hearing this, Kewen's eyes suddenly flashed slightly...

This chapter has been completed!
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