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Chapter 24 Fairness

Erza looked very embarrassed at this moment and couldn't help but subconsciously turned to look at Ke Wen.

However, she immediately turned her pretty face away, because it had been agreed that she would take the lead in the entire mission this time, and she could not show her timidity immediately when encountering a problem.

After hesitating for a moment, Erza didn't think of any good solution, so she could only say to the man named Sakari in a dry tone: "Mr. Sakari, can you roughly point out the location of that route for us? We can

You can find it yourself.”

The man still shook his head immediately: "There is no way. You have to go through many routes to find the cave. I have no way to explain it to you."

Hearing this, Erza couldn't help but sigh, and could only say helplessly: "Then, please Mr. Sakari, please tell us the location of the misty valley."

"I won't tell you." The man insisted: "I will never let you go and die."

Erza was about to say something.


The man's tone suddenly took a turn, with a greedy look in his eyes, and he whispered seductively: "Since you are magicians, you are not short of money, right?"

"Why is there no shortage!? I..."

While Erza was speaking, she suddenly noticed something and couldn't help but look up at the other person with strange eyes.

After a while, Erza calmed down and asked, "Mr. Sakari, what's the matter?"

The man glanced at Kewen, who had never spoken, and then said to Erza: "If you are willing to spend money to hire me, I can take you there myself."

"Really!?" Erza looked delighted and asked quickly: "How much do you want!?"

"One million gold!"

"What!?" Erza immediately shouted: "The reward for our mission this time is only worth 1.2 million gold! You actually want one million!?"

The man was stunned for a moment, then immediately changed his words: "I'm sorry, I don't know. How about six hundred thousand?"

"Or not!"

Erza shook her head and refused: "The bounty is divided between me and my companion! If we can only get 300,000 each, we might as well give up on this mission!"

"Then how much do you say?" The man said slightly weakly: "I also have a large family to support. If you can't give me a suitable price, I will never take you into the mountains."

Hearing this, Erza immediately became entangled. After hesitating for a moment, she said in a deep voice: "Four hundred thousand! This is the highest price I can give!"

"Okay." The man agreed immediately as if he was afraid that Erza would regret it.

"Then when do we set off?" Erza said with some pain.

"You can do it at any time." The man turned around and walked towards the hut and said, "When I bring some dry food, I will have to walk for more than a day after entering the mountain."

Erza nodded without interest, and said without any fluctuation in her tone: "Okay."

Not long after, the man walked out with a shoulder bag, greeted Ke Wen and Erza, and then took the lead in the direction of the mountains...

More than two hours passed in the blink of an eye.


A huge wild boar nearly one and a half meters tall suddenly howled and fell to the ground with a big ball on its head.

Erza withdrew her small fist wrapped in a metal gauntlet, turned to hunter Sa Shou and asked, "Are there no magical beasts in this mountain? Why are all the beasts popping up?"

"Yes." Sa Shou explained: "We are still on the outskirts of the mountain range. If we go deeper into it for about two hours, we will reach the boundary where the monsters are active."

"I see."

Erza looked astonished and said with slight admiration: "Mr. Sasori is worthy of being called the best hunter by the townspeople."

"Thank you, let's move on."

"Okay!" Erza responded energetically and followed Sakari's lead.

Just as Sa Shou said, after traveling for more than two hours, the three of them encountered a monster, a big rabbit nearly two meters tall and with a very fierce expression.

The two front paws of the big rabbit are very sharp and the speed is very fast. Its huge body bounces back and forth between the trees, but it seems as light as a swallow.

Speed ​​may not be what Erza is good at right now, so after chasing the violent rabbit that attacked the team, she simply stood firm in a small open space.

My eyes kept following the movement of the big rabbit. Not long after, the big rabbit suddenly swooped down from a big tree.


The dull impact sound spread, and the big rabbit seemed to have completely suppressed Erza.

However, upon closer inspection, I realized that it was Erza who raised her two thin arms and grabbed the big rabbit's two sharp front paws with her hands.

With her calves half submerged into the ground, Erza's pretty face turned slightly red. While wrestling with the big rabbit's two front paws, she raised her head with a proud and vindictive smile: "Now! Let me see where you are going to run!"

As soon as she finished speaking, Erza squatted slightly and retracted the two arms holding the rabbit's front paws.

Because the big rabbit had been pressing down its front paws hard, it suddenly lost its point of focus, and its body couldn't help but fall down suddenly.

At this moment, Erza suddenly shouted and jumped up with all her strength.


There was a crisp impact sound, and Erza's little head instantly hit the rabbit's chin like a cannon from the sky.

The big rabbit's body couldn't help but change from jumping forward to leaning back, then his feet lifted off the ground, and finally he lay on the ground with a 'bang'.

His two eyeballs moved around weakly and disorderly, and he was obviously dizzy.

With a snapping sound, Erza landed on her feet. With her red forehead and tears in her eyes, she stared at the big rabbit and laughed heartily: "How about it! You bastard big rabbit! In the end, I won!"

At this time, Ke Wen and Sa Shou walked out from behind a big tree.

Kewen looked at Erza's proud look and couldn't help but laugh: "You obviously still have a sword hanging on your waist, why didn't you just stab it to death with the sword when it jumped down?"

"Ah?" Erza turned her head blankly, looked at Coven with big tearful eyes and responded: "But it didn't use weapons. Isn't that too unfair?"

Ke Wen had already walked up to Erza. Hearing this, he raised his right hand, pointed at the little Lolita's red forehead and tapped it lightly: "Its sharp claws are weapons. Why are you like Natsu? It's not strange.

Mira said you are rigid."

"Ouch!" Erza immediately covered the red and swollen bump on her forehead, more tears fell from her eyes, and she said loudly and shyly: "You, you are the one who is rigid! I am respecting my opponent! I, I

Aren’t you wearing armor too!?”

Hearing this, Kewen shook his head helplessly and did not intend to say more. After all, everyone has different rules of conduct, and Kewen planned to respect Erza's ideas.

Glancing at the unconscious big rabbit, Ke Wen said: "So, you don't plan to kill this rabbit, right?"

"Of course." Erza rubbed her forehead carefully while nodding her head and said, "I have already defeated it, why should I kill it? Doesn't the president teach us to respect life?"


"Okay." Ke Wen directly walked around the big rabbit and continued to move forward: "Then let's continue and go deeper while there is still more than an hour before dark."

Erza nodded and followed, and when she passed the big rabbit, she couldn't help but give him a "hum" arrogantly.

Behind him, Sasori stared at the backs of Ke Wen and Erza, then silently stepped forward to catch up...

Before dark, the team encountered a monster again.

It was a huge black bear that stood nearly five meters tall.

Erza still attacked alone, using her petite body to directly and forcefully collide with the black bear.

After being knocked away again and again, and after nearly five minutes of fierce fighting, Erza finally seized an opportunity.

In the process of being slapped away, Erza quickly turned around in the air, then stepped on the trunk of a giant tree with her feet, and then quickly bounced back.

Before the black bear had time to react, Erza successfully knocked the black bear to the ground with a knee strike.

However, the black bear's physique was much stronger than the previous big rabbit, so it didn't take long before he woke up.

What surprised Ke Wen was that the black bear seemed to have human reason. After waking up, he did not continue to fight Erza. Instead, he restrained his ferocity and sat there with his head down in frustration.

Erza was in a state of embarrassment, panting slightly and stood in front of the big black bear. Then, like the boss of a bad boy, she pinched her waist and reprimanded the big black bear: "I won! You are not allowed to attack humans again in the future! Remember!"


The big black bear reluctantly raised his head and glanced at Erza, finally growled angrily and hit the ground with his paw.

Just when Ke Wen thought the battle was about to start again, the big black bear slowly stood up, turned around and left in despair.

It wasn't until the back of the big black bear completely disappeared into the jungle that Erza made a 'bang' sound and laid her small body on her back in a 'big font' shape on the ground.

While panting, Erza showed a big smile and said loudly: "This battle is really enjoyable! When doing tasks outside the town, it turns out that you can meet so many powerful opponents!"

Kewen looked at Erza on the ground, and then in the direction where the big black bear was leaving. He was silent for a moment, and couldn't help but smile...

The sky is getting dark and the moon is shining on the branches.

The three of them set up camp at the site of the battle.

Erza still had some life skills, so she simply made some rice porridge with a pot hanging on her backpack, and had a dinner of dried meat.

Coven did not take out the food from the suitcase, but ate a meal with Erza.

After the two of them discussed the order of the vigil, Erza set up the tent and got in to rest.

Kewen sat in front of the fire, listening to the gentle breathing coming from the tent, and raised his hand to fill the fire with a few dead branches.

Then, his eyes slowly moved sideways and glanced at Sa Shou, who was sleeping against a tree root...

This chapter has been completed!
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