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Chapter 202 The fallen saint, the grand show opens! (Four in one chapter

"Adela is becoming more and more outrageous. She is overflowing with kindness over and over again and has no idea what the overall situation is!

Although she is a legend, in the final analysis she is just a very lucky little girl.

She still needs to be taught carefully by me, after all, I am her senior, even half of her teacher."

The high priest was intoxicated with himself and strode toward the old church.

His name is Zhao Nun Raz Gao. (hereinafter referred to as Raz)

Raz is a true master hero who has walked the path of master himself.

His master-level specialty is [Confusing People's Hearts].

This specialty can not only greatly enhance the effect of the third-level magic [Bewitching], but also allow Raz's [Bewitching] magic to take effect on the Asha world map.

Raz is not only the high priest of Longgue Port City, but also the patriarch of the Holy Angel Church. He is also the actual person in charge of the church in Longgue Port City.

Although he is only a master hero, he is deeply trusted by the contemporary Pope Ronis of the Church of Holy Angels and has the right to control Saint Adela.

Six years ago, Adela was promoted to Legend, transferred to the legendary profession [Saint], landed in Longgue Port City, and replaced Inheim as the church leader of Longgue Port City.

As Inheim's old subordinate, Raz assumed the responsibility of helping Inheim search for faith, so he naturally became hostile to Adela.

Adela has a relatively soft personality, and after many trials, Raz determined that she was not averse to him taking charge of the educational affairs of Longgue Port City.

As a result, Raz gradually emptied Adela and turned Adela into a vase saint.

Adela seemed to be happy with this. She became the boss and delegated most of the daily affairs of the church to Raz, and devoted herself to studying the teachings of the Church of Holy Angels.

Adela: Lie down (_(:з ∠)_)

Raz arrives at the old church in Porto Tequila.

At the entrance of the old church, there were densely packed piles of pilgrims, like the dried fish that the residents of Tequila were hanging out to dry.

Raz was a little happy and a little disappointed when he saw this scene.

Most of these pilgrims were sent in by him personally, as a result of his contribution to the Angelic Church.

It's a pity that because Adela is kind-hearted and always does bad things, she didn't send in enough.

Raz still knew what was going on.

He knew what he did was a sin.

Using a frame-up to force ordinary people to become pilgrims is not allowed by church doctrine.

"The angel lives in my heart and will help me bear all my sins."

Raz touched the angel statue hanging on his chest. The cold statue calmed him down. His heart, which had just felt a little guilty, became as hard as iron again.

"As long as there is war, sacrifices are inevitable.

For every additional angel, thousands of spearmen can survive on the battlefield, which is thousands of mothers' children and thousands of wives' husbands.

Rather than letting the crusaders who have been trained so hard by the church die, it would be better to let those unbelievers who never go to church to pray die.

This is all for the Angel Church, for Erathia, and for Lord Inheim to become the Pope."

He whispered in his heart.

"Of course, the most important thing is to be promoted to a legend."

Raz bypassed the crowd of pilgrims and headed straight for the old church.

He quickly walked up the stairs and passed the corridor filled with angel statues, but was blocked by two nuns before entering the old church.

"High Priest! Her Majesty the Holy Lady is praying. You can't go there for the time being. Please wait a moment."

Raz paused in confusion, Is this the time to pray?

Adela's work and rest schedule is very regular. Now should be her time for meditation (study of teachings). Raz specially calculated it.

No matter how much Raz thinks of Adela as a young girl, she is still a legendary hero.

Regardless of strength or status in the church, Adela is much higher than Raz.

Raz had no choice but to stop at the door and wait quietly.

This wait is half an hour.

Raz couldn't bear it anymore and asked the nun who had been blocking him:

"Is Her Majesty the Holy Maiden really praying inside?"

The two nuns looked at each other and nodded vigorously together.

Raz's eyes were full of suspicion.

"Normally, believers in our church don't pray for more than fifteen minutes at a time.

Mian next prayed for half an hour, is this reasonable?"

One of the nuns' face turned red from holding back, and the other nun replied:

"Maybe it's because the saint is particularly pious?"

"That's true, very reasonable." Raz closed his mouth.

Faraz could accept this, after all, Adela's devotion to angels was obvious to all.

So he waited for another half hour.

Raz was old and had bad legs and feet. His legs were sore from standing all the time. He couldn't help but ask again: "Your Majesty Adela has been praying for an hour, right?"

The nun who was lost in thought came back to her senses and said seriously:

"Perhaps the Holy Lady should pray to the Holy Spirit by the way. The Holy Lady has been favored by the Holy Spirit, so she should be more grateful."

That's quite reasonable.

Raz was speechless, but he wanted to ask the nun to go to the church to inform Adela.

But I'm embarrassed to say this.

Prayer is a very sacred thing, especially for Adela.

Her legendary profession is "Holy Maiden", and prayer for her is a ritual that can bring her closer to the path of demigods.

That's not to say that she must not interrupt her prayers, but at least Raz is not qualified to do so.

On this point, Raz is still self-aware.

Helpless, Raz looked around, found a stone next to the church wall, sat down on it, and hammered his legs.

This sitting lasted another half an hour.

Raz was getting tired of waiting. He still had a lot of things to deal with.

So he sat on the ground, pointed his finger at the two nuns, and spoke loudly:

"You two, Her Majesty the Holy Maiden has really been praying? It's been an hour and a half!"

The two nuns who were whispering quickly stopped, turned their heads, and said to Raz seriously:

"The saintly lady has five blessings from the Holy Spirit. I definitely can't favor one over the other. It's normal to thank each of them one by one for a long time."

Oh, it makes sense.

There is a ghost!

One nun tried her best to look at Raz with a serious expression, while the other nun hid behind her and suppressed a smile.

No matter how much Raz believed in Adela, he still reacted.

He was so angry that he stood up with a slap on his thigh and asked:

"Cultist, please tell me honestly whether Your Majesty the Holy Maiden is inside or not!"

"We guarantee that the Holy Lady is inside!"

"I am the high priest. My presence here represents the arrival of angels. To deceive me is to deceive angels. Do you want to deceive God?"

"The Holy Lady is really inside!"

"Then why didn't the saint see me?! Did she ask you two to deal with me here?

I am the high priest appointed by Pope Ronis. Even a saint cannot ignore me like this.

Get out of your way, I'm going in now."

As Raz said that, he was about to walk in. He seriously doubted whether Adela was doing something shameful without telling him.

"High Priest, you can't go in. The Holy Lady is really praying."

The two nuns used their bodies to block Raz.

Raz's face turned cold. He adjusted his high priest's robe, pinched his white dry beard, and said angrily:

"In the name of the high priest, I give you a final warning, get out of the way."

The two nuns shrank in fear. They were just ordinary soldiers, and they were really a little timid in front of a master-level hero.

But when they thought of Adela's instructions, they still gritted their teeth and blocked Raz.

"Okay, okay! Very good!

It seems that some nuns around the Holy Maiden have been bewitched by demons and have forgotten the glory of angels.

I will report to Pope Ronis and ask for a thorough investigation of the nuns surrounding the Holy Lady. You just wait."

Raz felt that his majesty in Longgue Port City was being challenged, something he had never experienced before.

In Longgue Port City, I always speak my mind. Even Saint Adela will listen to my opinions as long as I am firm.

But today, he was stopped by two nuns beside Adela whose names he couldn't even remember!

This is not over yet!

Just as Raz turned around to leave, two footsteps were heard in the church.

Broad male voice: "Then, Adela, let's just say this."

A gentle female voice: "If possible, I really want to chat with you until tomorrow morning. Unfortunately, time waits for no one."

Raz turned his head in surprise. In the church, a man in a white cloak and Saint Adela were walking out side by side.

Although the passage was very wide, the two of them were very close, chatting and laughing with each other.

Raz stood stunned on the spot as if struck by lightning.

Saint Adela is the most perfect woman Raz has ever seen.

He has a gentle personality and is extremely youthful. Like Raz, he is extremely devout to the Church of Holy Angels.

Such a perfect woman is also the immediate boss who gets along with Raz day and night.

Even Raz, a century-old bachelor who had sworn not to get married, still inevitably had thoughts in his heart.

But he only dared to suppress this idea in the deepest part of his heart, and did not dare to reveal it at all.

Although the Church of Holy Angels does not prohibit marriage, Raz knew that in addition to the huge age and appearance gap between himself and Adela, there was also a huge obstacle in strength that made it difficult for him to cross boundaries.

Therefore, Raz has always thought about using his abilities in Longgue Port City to let young Adela see his rich experience and talents in handling various educational affairs with ease.

Use your mature manly charm to make Adela fall in love with you.

Then apply for a legendary order through sufficient merit, or walk the path of legend like Bishop Inheim.

After he is promoted to a legend and rejuvenated, he can confess his love to Adela.

But now, what did he see!

Adela, who had always kept herself clean, and all her attendants were nuns, actually behaved so intimately with a man!

How long were they in there? What did they do?!

What on earth did they do that required Adela to ask the nun to stop her?

All the information led Raz to think the worst.

Jealousy, resentment, grievance, and jealousy all surged into Raz's heart in an instant.

Raz pointed at the two people and yelled at the two nuns:

"Is this what you say you pray for?

The saint is praying to a man?!

Prayed for an hour and a half!!!”

The two nuns were staring at Qi Ge and Adela with sparkling eyes. They were startled by Raz's sudden roar and huddled together tremblingly.

An hour and a half!!

In Raz's mind, every night he could not sleep, the male protagonist in the fantasy turned into seven doves wearing a white cloak.

"Don't you want to know how a body that has been cared for by the Holy Spirit is different from ordinary people?"

Ah! Ah! Ah!!

It was clear that nothing happened, and it was clear that Raz saw everything, but his mentality exploded as if his most precious possession had been taken away.

Half of Raz's mind was full of crazy thoughts, telling him to rush forward and teach the man in white robe a severe lesson.

The other half is the rationality accumulated through years of cultivation, telling myself not to be impulsive and to test it first.

In the end, his rich experience overcame Raz's instinct. He calmed down and faced the two nuns who were frightened by him. He used [Confusing] magic to confuse them and asked calmly:

"Who is that man in white robe? How long have you been in there? And who asked you to stop here?"

A nun's eyes were dull and she answered in a daze:

"I don't know either, it was the Holy Lady who asked Sister Du Lac to bring him here.

They have been there for more than two hours, and he went in half an hour before you came.

The Holy Lady ordered us not to let anyone enter the church until he comes out."

Two hours! No one is allowed into the church!

A man and a woman alone! Sneaking around!

Raz's mind was filled with words like tryst and affair.

He rushed forward angrily, stopped in front of Qi Ge and Adela who were talking, and said through gritted teeth:

"Your Majesty, you have finally come out. I have been waiting for you for a long time."

[System prompt: Zhao Nun Raz Gao’s favorability towards you is -10, currently -60 (blood feud)]

When Qi Ge and Adela came all the way, the reminders of Raz's declining favorability kept popping up, until now, he finally fell to a blood feud.

But Qige pretended not to hear.

He turned to Adela with some surprise and asked doubtfully:

"Adela, who is this?"

The three words Adela simply pierced Raz's ears.

Such an intimate title!

Raz stared at Seven Pigeons with hatred.

[System prompt: Zhao Nun Raz Gao’s favorability towards you is -10, currently -70 (blood feud)]

Adela's hood was now draped behind her back, and the hem of her gray shepherd's cloak had two buttons unbuttoned.

She glanced at Raz indifferently, turned to Qi Ge and said:

"He, one of my priest subordinates."

Subordinate to the priest.

Priest subordinate!

Priest! Secretary! Subordinate!

These four words, like thunder, struck in Raz's ears, making his head buzz.

He opened his mouth and wanted to say that he was not. He was Adela's predecessor, the high priest of Longgue Port City, and he had a close relationship with Adela.

But when the words came to his lips, nothing came out, as if his throat was blocked.

It turns out that I only have this little status in Adela's heart?


Qige nodded, held Adela's hand in front of Raz, and looked at her affectionately.

"Adela, then I'll wait for you."

Adela responded softly: "Well, wait for my good news."

[System prompt: Zhao·Nun Raz·Gao’s favorability towards you is -30, currently -100 (incompatible)]

Dog man and woman!

Raz's rationality was completely disconnected, and he shouted at Qi Ge:

"Who are you! Who allows you to touch the noble saint!

The Holy Maiden is the embodiment of holiness, you are blaspheming!

The teachings of the Holy Light Church stipulate that anyone who touches the Saint shall be punished by death!"

There is no such thing in the teachings of the Church of Holy Angels.

Raz's mind was now filled with finding excuses to kill seven pigeons.

Just kill this bitch and delay it for a moment or two.

With Pope Ronis (demigod) and Bishop Inheim (legendary) protecting her, Adela was soft-tempered and did not dare to attack him.

As long as he is killed, Adela will still be a pure saint.

She will forgive me. As long as I become a legend, I will still have a chance.

Raz took a step forward, trying to pull Qi Ge into the fighting space.

Qi Ge glanced sideways at Raz, watching as Raz ran towards her with a white beard but a blushing face and a thick neck.

Qi Ge smiled and said to Adela:

"Adela, my mission is completed, and the rest is left to you."

Adela nodded, and a protective shield emerged from her body, flicking Raz, who was rushing towards Qi Dove, to the ground.

Raz fell to the ground and felt like his bones were falling apart.

"Adela, you bitch! I..."

Raz raised his head and was about to curse when he met Adela's cold eyes.

His body cooled down and he woke up instantly.

What did he just do? He actually scolded Adela, a legend!

Something's wrong, why am I so impulsive? I'm being manipulated, who?!

"High Priest, Zhao Nicholas Gao, how dare you attack my guests in front of me?"

Adela looked at Raz coldly and said expressionlessly:

"Zhao Nicholas Gao

In the name of the Saint of the Church of Angels.

Take away your profession of High Priest.

Deprive you of the right to command the Crusaders.

I act in the name of the acting city lord of Longgue Port City.

Deprive you of your status as a citizen of Longgue Port City,

I will expel you from Longgue Port City."

Following Adela's words, the angel emblem representing the power of the church and the Yasha fire representing Dragon Tongue City appeared on her body at the same time.

A white light and a red light flashed across Raz's body at the same time, and he became visibly weaker.

As early as a long time ago, the legendary city lord who is currently leading a team to conquer Sosa Longgue Port City has secretly taken refuge in Adela.

Raz looked at Adela's cold eyes, his bones tightened, and he felt that his connection with Yasha's fire in Longtongue Port City was being stripped away.

Raz understood.

is her.

She is the one who framed me!

It’s the Adela whom I always thought had a soft character and could be bullied!

While she was feeling proud of having a little power, the entire Longgue Port City had already become Adela's voice without even realizing it.

Raz thought sadly, it turned out that he had always been a clown not only in terms of emotions, but also in terms of tactics.


Wait, there is still hope!

Raz waved his hands and shouted:

"Adela, you can't do this to me. You have no right to do this!

I am the high priest personally appointed by Pope Ronis, and you have no right to deprive me of my position."

Qi Ge, who was leaving the scene, glanced at Raz with pity.

Some people, even if they die, die in a mysterious way.

Qi Ge shook his head and continued walking outside the church.

Adela's gentle voice came from behind.

"Zhao Nicholas Gao, you are involved in a total of one hundred and twenty-three charges against the residents of Longgue Port City.

Including framing ordinary people, robbing ordinary people's property, accepting bribes, and illegally converting residents into pilgrims.

I, Adela, as the chief judge of the Church of Angels, am here to judge you!"

As the seven pigeons walked, they hummed softly in their mouths.

"There is a bird in the south that does not fly or sing for three years.

The time has come to soar into the sky and become a blockbuster."

Qi Ge walked to the square in front of the church, where countless pilgrims were still numbly praying to the angels in their hearts, as if everything that happened in the church had nothing to do with them.

Qi Ge sighed: "I will avenge you.

I don’t know which of you has a grudge against him, anyway, I’ve avenged them all.”

He clicked on the friend system and entered eight characters.

"The plan goes well, act now."

Twenty minutes later.

The guards in Longgue Port City near the teleportation array in the east city suddenly received a transfer order from the high priest Raz, asking them to garrison at the market in the west city.

The Lord of the City is away on an expedition, and the Holy Maiden is not doing anything. Recently, the High Priest has been calling the shots in Longgue Port City.

They didn't think much and ran to Dongcheng as ordered.

However, they did not see that the guards who came to switch defenses with them quickly left the scene after they left.

The portal suddenly fluctuated, and the recognition function was turned off. Soon, a hell player led a group of NPC monsters, hell dogs, appeared in Longgue Port City.

As soon as he entered Longgue Port City, he couldn't wait to send a message.

Xiangtao: Vice president, I’m here! Damn, that’s awesome.

Xiangtao: I, a player from the Hell Tribe, really went directly to Erathia through the portal, which is outrageous. Is Erathia's defense a sieve?

Xiangtao: Vice President, how did you do this?

Meteor: Don’t ask, the Seven Pigeons God has great powers.

Meteor: Your person will be here soon. The advanced team is in large numbers. We will act according to the plan and get things done!

Xiangtao: Make trouble, make trouble!

Qige returned to the Champs Hotel. At the door of the hotel, Luo Xiang was pulling a carriage and waiting anxiously.

Seeing Qi Ge walking over with his head lowered, Luo Xiang ran over quickly. When he ran in front of Qi Ge, he knelt down with a thump and kowtowed vigorously.

"Benefactor! Please save me one more time!"

[System prompt: Luo Xiang’s favorability towards you is 10, currently 100 (share life and death)]

An invisible arc flashed at the corner of Qi Ge's mouth and disappeared instantly.

He quickly bent down to help Luo Xiang up and asked, "What are you doing? Get up quickly. If you have anything to do, just say it."

Luo Xiang looked at Qi Ge eagerly:

"Sir, I have offended the church and have no place in Longgue Port City.

Sir, I can drive a carriage. Does your Chamber of Commerce lack carriage drivers? I want to go with you."

[System prompt: Level 1 and Level 3 Logistics Troop Coachman, Luo Xiang admires you and wants to join your team. Do you agree? 】

That's definitely not possible. My favorability level has reached 100. For such a die-hard loyalist, his worries must be completely resolved before he can work for me with peace of mind.

Qige pointed to the blue flower on Luo Xiang's chest and asked:

"What about your family?"

Luo Xiang hesitated for a moment, then gritted his teeth and said, "If possible, I hope you can make arrangements for me.

If that doesn't work, I will use my savings and the gold coins you gave me to send them to other cities to settle down, and then come back to you."

That's right, buy one get two free, the whole family must be neat and tidy.

Qi Ge patted Luo Xiang on the shoulder, walked past Luo Xiang, opened the curtain of the carriage, stepped on the carriage, and said:

"Wait for my news and bring your family to see me. Now, take me to Xicheng first.

Let me introduce you again, my name is Qi Ge, the president of the Timely Rain Merchant Guild, and at the same time, I am also the city lord of God’s Choice City.

From now on, please call me Lord."

[System prompt: You invite Luo Xiang, a level 1 and 3 logistics unit coachman, to join your God’s Chosen City. 】

City Lord!!!

My guess is correct, Lord Qige must be the same legendary hero as the Lord of Longgue Port City!

Wife, I won the bet!

Luo Xiang's heart almost jumped out of his throat. He was overjoyed and shouted: "Yes! Lord!"

[System prompt: Luo Xiang has joined your chosen city.]

【Luo Xiang has become your subject.】

Seven Pigeons were sitting in the carriage, which was driving smoothly under the driving of Luo Xiang.

Qi Ge quietly checked Luo Xiang's attributes.

[Name: Luo Xiang

Sex: Male

Level: Level 1 (innate level 1 arms)

Level: Level 3 (third stage occupation)

Quality: Ordinary arms

Race: human

Favorability: 100 (share life and death)

Loyalty: 90 (loyal)






Damage: 1~2


Carriage driving: When driving a carriage or riding a horse, the movement speed is increased according to the level of the horse.

Quick thinking: smarter than the average person and more able to adapt to changes. (Exclusive to Luo Xiang)

Holy Spirit Wolf's Favor: Those who are favored by Holy Spirit Wolf (hard-working) will work longer and are less likely to get tired. (Exclusive to Luo Xiang)

Sure enough it was him!

On the first day of Seven Pigeons, Longgue Port City noticed Luo Xiang.

He was the Holy Spirit Chariot Soldier under Adela in his previous life, a level 1 and level 6 miracle soldier, and he made great contributions to Adela.

In the latter part of his previous life, Luo Xiang completed the road of heroism and became a hero.

His profession is the Holy Spirit Cavalry, which is one of the hidden professions prepared by Qi Ge for Meteor and the others. It is the exclusive profession for the heroes under Adela.

His specialty is diligence, a specialty that only applies to NPC soldiers.

Under his leadership, it is difficult for all NPC arms to tire.

Even if they march forcefully day and night, the troops he leads will not suffer from a decrease in combat effectiveness due to long journeys like other NPC units.

Qige is interested in his performance in logistics.

A hero who can keep his NPC troops from getting tired.

Tsk tsk tsk.

No matter how much you work overtime, you will never get tired and you can earn overtime pay endlessly.

He is simply the hero that the logistics NPCs dream of!

In order not to overly affect Luo Xiang's growth path, Qi Ge decided to arrange for Luo Xiang to study with Adela after bringing his family to the City of God's Choice.

After Adela helps me cultivate him into a good person, I will harvest it again.

Adela has to thank me for this. Luo Xiang has a quick mind and with a little training, he is a very handy worker.

Especially since he comes from a commoner and is very familiar with civilian life. Adela and Qige's plans will be much easier with Luo Xiang around.

This is called lending!

Lend the soldier Luo Xiang to Adela, and Adela will return the capital and interest to a hero Luo Xiang.

She received excellent support, I gained a top logistics hero, and Luo Xiang changed his destiny.

They all make money.

And I won! Ha! Ha! Ha!

Perfect, everything is as planned.


Xicheng Market District in Longgue Port City.


Gog's fireball exploded, kicking off the drama!

"Ah! Ah! Ah! Hell is under siege!"

The crowd became panicked, and countless vendors and customers who were doing business ran away.

A large number of troops from hell forces, led by a giant fire elf, wreak havoc!

"Hahahaha! You insects, suffer death. I, the King of Fire Elves, are here. Accept my judgment!"

Taro is having fun.

He is a giant fire elf with a special profession. He gave up the ability to release magic and gained a high health value. What he focuses on is the pleasure of punching to the flesh.

Qi Ge also asked Adela to temporarily turn off the town's defenses and turn on the big battlefield mode.

This allows Xiangyao to do whatever he wants, punching a stall without hurting anyone.

"Let the fire purify everything!!!"

Another player from hell arrives on the battlefield.

He is the hidden profession Flame Apostle, a hidden profession obtained by the World Hegemony Guild from Qi Ge.

Bu Nuo waved his hand, and a large number of serial fireballs appeared, bombarding the surroundings wantonly.

"Why do demons enter Longgue Port City? What do the guards do for food!

Stop it and let that girl go!

Damn it, damn devils, you are looking for death."

Among the chaotic crowd, a few swordsmen rushed out, but they were soon beaten to the ground by a large number of hellhounds and Magogs.

They covered their chests and shouted in despair: "Where are the heroes! Where are the heroes of Longgue Port City! Where are the guards?!

Where have the heroes and guards gone?!"

The heroes and guards of Longgue Port City are all in the main castle.

Not long ago, the high priest Razto sent a message and summoned them all near the castle.

At this time, the entire Longgue Port City was an empty city, without even a messenger.

In the new church in the north city of Longgue Port City, the captain of the Holy Guards is rushing to the west city with the church's Holy Guards.

The news of the coming hell made them anxious.

"Wait a minute, what's ahead!"

At this moment, the captain of the Holy Guards discovered a nun whose clothes were charred and her body was covered with blood stains from wounds lying on the road they must pass.

He quickly ran over and helped the nun up.

The accompanying priests and priests urgently used healing techniques on the nuns.

The nun opened her eyes with difficulty, grabbed the gauntlet of the Holy Guard captain, and said:

"It's not good! The high priest colluded with hell and wanted to murder the saint. The saint is in Nancheng and is seriously injured. Please save her quickly."


The captain of the Holy Guards watched the nun take out the token representing the saint from her clothes with difficulty. He couldn't care about anything on the spot.

Comparing the common people of West City with the legendary hero Adela, it is clear at a glance which one is more important.

West City fell, and as long as Adela was there, there was still a possibility of saving it.

If Adela dies, the entire city of Longgue Port cannot be saved.

"Holy Lady!! You must hold on! I will come to save you right away!"

The captain of the Holy Guards shouted:

"Target Nancheng! Charge the entire army!"

ps: 8000-word chapter, please subscribe!

I beg you all if you have the ability to come and support Hamster Qaq. I’ve had so many orders dropped recently that I’m almost losing confidence. My grades are not good and I don’t have any recommendations.

This chapter has been completed!
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