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254 Judas' Evidence

The prison in Skikda is very filthy.

Each floor is made of black stone and is uneven, and the surface of the stone is covered with a layer of black dirt.

Those prisoners who were once imprisoned in this prison, their yellow and brown excrement and red blood were mixed and dried to form this terrible dark black color.

The pungent stench filled the entire prison, and even the rats in Skikda were unwilling to live in the prison.

Maybe, the only ones that can live in this stinking prison and live like a fish in water are dirty flies.

Judas was only wearing tattered trousers. He took off his clothes, placed them on the floor, and sat on them.

Judas, the officiating priest who loves cleanliness, would rather be naked and covered in fat as white as jade than be contaminated by the filth on the ground.

According to him, being naked can bring him closer to his faith, but being stained with dirt will make his devotion to angels impure.

Judas had been here half the night.

He used to feel nauseous when he smelled the stench of the prison, and the stench of sour water came out of his stomach. Now he has gradually gotten used to it and can barely bear it.

At this moment, Judas felt extremely regretful.

He shouldn't have spent the prison cleaning staff's wages just to embezzle a few gold coins.

Unfortunately it's too late.

When Judah spent a large amount of money to buy merit and obtained the Legend Order, he never imagined that he would be promoted to Legend and end up in jail one day.

Judas sighed involuntarily.

One after another, they were all protests against the injustice of fate.

Galmos leaned against the black stone wall with his hands on the ground, his brows furrowed and he breathed repeatedly, like a time bomb that was gathering strength.

It's a pity that the fire of Asa in Skikda City suppressed Gailmoth.

At this moment, the legendary Gail Moss was no different from an ordinary level 1 unit.

His space backpack and unit cards are all banned and cannot be opened at all.

Their crusaders in charge of the interrogation couldn't stand the stench in the prison and hid at the door of the prison.

A blessing in disguise, it gave Gailmos and Judah the space to communicate freely.

Gailmos asked Judas, who was three cells away, with a deep look on his face:

"Priest Judas, you are relatively familiar with the church.

Do you know who Adela is?

Why would Pope Ronis deprive us of our military power just because of her words?

And they imprisoned us in this stinky cell.

Do you want us to accept their rude scrutiny?

We are legendary heroes!

I have performed meritorious service for Erathia, and I have shed blood for the church!

How could Pope Ronis disrespect our dignity like this?!"

Judas hesitated several times before replying with dull eyes:

"What about the legendary hero? How can he compare to Adela?

Adela is a saint.

She is the only saint in the entire Erathia.

I don’t know the specific situation, but Adela is highly trusted by Pope Ronis in the church.

You know, when Adela was canonized as a saint, Pope Ronis may have crowned her in person.

If Pope Ronis is the face of our church, Adela is the face of our church.

Every year the church provides disaster relief and large-scale prayer ceremonies, Adela presides over them."

That's it?

The more Galmers listened, the more something was wrong. He asked doubtfully:

"That's all?"

"Of course more than that."

Judas lowered his voice.

"I have a little tidbit, please don't tell anyone else."

He went on to say mysteriously:

"It is said that Adela is an orphan brought back from Longgue Port City by Pope Ronis. She is born with the ability to release water magic.

We humans don’t have the talent to cast spells.”

Gail Moss frowned:

"You mean, Adela's parents are from Bracada?"

Judas clicked his tongue and said:

"Why can't you understand?

Spellcasting heroes who are legendary or above have a small probability that their children will inherit their spellcasting talents.

Pope Ronis specializes in prayer.

Prayer is water magic.

Adela is blessed by the Holy Spirit.

Holy Spirit Blessing is also water magic.

Saint, saint, may not really mean a holy daughter."

Gail Moss's voice was particularly low:

"No wonder, no wonder Ronis trusts Adela so much.

It turns out that Adela is Ronis’ daughter.”

Judas shouted quickly:

"I didn't say anything. It's all your guess.

In short, Adela wants to arrest us, so we just need to cooperate obediently.

I just hope that nothing happens to her guardian knight, otherwise we will have hard times."

Thinking of this, Judas became even more angry.

"If you had listened to me, Gail Moss, and we had gone to save that president, nothing would have happened.

If you insist on retreating, you will cause me great harm. You don’t even know how worried I am now.”

Galmos leaned against the wall and closed his eyes in pain. His five fingers pressed tightly against the black stone wall, even pressing five holes into the hard stone wall.

(If Adela is really the daughter of Ronis, then Sanil and Sosa will be in danger.

Damn it, the plan went well, but Adela showed up halfway.

Man's calculation is not as good as God's calculation. Is this a trick played by the goddess of fate?

Her Majesty the Queen, Gail Moss is sorry for you, please save Sosa and the others.)


The players of the Timely Rain Chamber of Commerce are very proud now. They rely on the strength of others and rely on Adela to stand up and call the shots.

They all received the task of investigating clues from Adela and swaggered to investigate various locations in Skikda City.

From the main castle of Skikda City to the military camp, everything has been explored by players.

Judah's men and Gailmos' men have completely different attitudes toward the players' investigation.

Although the soldiers under Judah cooperated, they kept saying that the priest Judah was clean, honest, and religious, and there was no way he could collude with Ofer.

Gailmoth's men simply refused to cooperate at all, and even tried to block the progress of the player's investigation.

In the end, it was Palu who led the Crusaders to take action and subdued all the soldiers of Gail Moss.

Several players from the World Hegemony Guild were rummaging around in Judas' room.

But Judas's room was surprisingly clean, and they found nothing.

Meteor glanced around.

Judas' room only had a bed, a wardrobe, a bookcase, and a prayer table.

He and Hai Qinyan searched through them all, but found nothing.

Hai Qinyan murmured:

"This is strange. Is this Judas really an 'upright official'?"

Meteor shook his head and said: "Impossible! It must be because we didn't look carefully.

It's written on the mission reward.

If you find the stolen money, hand over half of it, and we will keep half of it in time.

If we can find evidence that Judas colluded with the forces of hell, we can keep 70% of the stolen money.

Look for it again!”

At this moment, Soaring Crane looked at the angel statue on the prayer platform and had a vague idea.

He walked over and picked up the angel statue for inspection, but after touching it for a long time he found nothing wrong.

The system display also indicated that it was an ordinary rare item.

At this moment, Hai Qinyan suddenly thought of something and walked over and said:

"The nuns at the temple said that Judas was very devout in his faith and prayed three times a day, once in the morning, at noon and in the evening. Each prayer took more than an hour."

"Normal prayers usually last about 15 minutes. If he prays for so long, there must be something wrong."

The meteor fell from the hand of Soaring Crane into an angel statue and fell to the ground!


There was a heavy muffled sound, and the angel statue made of plaster broke into two pieces.

"Hi! Vice President, you are so brave.

Fortunately, we are all players here. If the NPC sees this, he will not fight you."

"Huh!" Meteor sneered and said decisively: "I'm sure there must be something hidden in the statue of Judas.

That's how it's done on TV.

Use something like this that no one dares to touch as a cover to hide secrets!"

Unfortunately, the statue was repeatedly hit by meteors several times, and it was all broken into pieces. There was still nothing inside.

At this moment, Soaring Crane suddenly realized:

"Space backpack! Judas is a legendary hero. He has a space backpack. He must be carrying the stolen goods with him!"

Meteor slapped his forehead and leaned in secretly.


This is not the real world, with space backpacks.

The space backpack is the safest place for NPC heroes to hide their things.

Only when the NPC hero dies will the items in the backpack be recovered by the crime value. Otherwise, no one can check it.

What to do?

Hai Qinyan said thoughtfully: "In that case, why did we receive the task of investigating clues from Adela?"

Meteor's eyes lit up: "Judas's men! Those soldiers!"

After nearly a night of searching by the players, the truth was finally revealed.

The findings were simply shocking.

All church leaders in Skikta and officials in Skikta are extremely wealthy.

Meteor even found a total of 20,000 gold coins from a monk who had just entered the temple.

You know, Skikda City is a key poverty-stricken city in Erathia, the kind that suffers from natural disasters year after year.

With the help of the Holy Spirit's insight, Judas' operations were also thoroughly interrogated by Adela from under his control.

It turns out that the city of Skikda has been applying to the church for tax exemptions and exemptions in the name of suffering from natural disasters and successive years of famine since the 8th year.

But these tax exemptions were used by Judah to enrich his own pockets in the name of prayer tax.

In addition to taxes, there is also a large amount of disaster relief money declared by the church headquarters in Skikda.

And in order to develop the church and spread the faith, funds are needed.

All this fell into the hands of Judah.

Evading taxes, freeing up wages, and reselling supplies are simply the three carriages of Skikda City.

Every year the churches in Skikda City alone apply for poverty alleviation grants amounting to millions of gold coins.

Judas also used the stolen money that filled his pockets to corrupt officials at all levels in the city of Skikda, forming a huge network to deal with the inspections of the church's superiors.

When the church comes to check, the superiors can bribe them.

If they can't get through to their superiors, they won't be able to find anything even if they ask the officials to investigate.

When they go to the people, the people are indeed living in extreme poverty, and they are guaranteed to see only what they want to see.

There was a businessman who once thought of a way to tell the truth.

I made a report that morning and was burned to ashes in the afternoon because of collusion.

The neighbors around the businessman also received two gold coins per person as a reporting fee.

Every inspection was handled smoothly by Judas.

In fact, Judas was praised several times by the church for his meritorious service in governing the city of Skikda.

The large amount of wealth made Judah's life extremely luxurious.

He specially built a glazed room underneath the church, where he kept women he collected from various places, ranging from orcs to humans to elves, and allowed them to live in the room wearing only crotchless pants.

From what they said, Judas' favorite thing was to have them lie down on the ground and line up in a row.

Judas blindfolded himself, turned around a few times and randomly selected a lucky person, and guessed the race of the person based only on partial physical contact.

Judas hired four halfling cooks to prepare his meals.

During the most extreme period, he even raised a group of live griffins.

When he wanted to eat a griffon every day, he ordered the kitchen to catch one, cut off only two pieces of meat from the base of the griffin's wings and use them for barbecue, and threw away the rest of the griffin.

The results of the investigation simply shocked the players of Tianxia Hegemon and left them speechless.

Meteor even said bluntly: "Damn it, I'm so envious. I can't wait to replace him."

In addition, the players who originally dominated the world were planning to frame Judah.

The paws of Xiaotian's four dogs were tied up and prepared as evidence.

It's no longer necessary now.

In Judas's glass room, there is a concubine, a succubus, and two female hellhounds.

After interrogation, Adela discovered that they were all bought by Judah's men and a lord of the hell forces.

It's just corruption, Judas still has a way to survive, and the church can still punish him with small punishments and big commandments.

After all, Judas is a legendary priest.

But the officiant was surrounded by soldiers from hell, and he also directly made deals with the lords of the hell forces.

Then the only thing waiting for Judas was death.

After listening to Adela's report, Ronis sighed three times, and with cold eyes asked Adela to press Judas back to the Holy City for interrogation.

And on the spot, Adela was assigned to temporarily take over Skikda City and officially became the commander-in-chief of the counter-rebellion forces.

Gailmos also entered a more stringent review stage because Judas was investigated for colluding with Hell.

Until he was sent to the prison van, Judas was still confident that his operation was perfect and Adela would definitely not be able to find anything in his investigation.

Unfortunately, in the face of the Holy Spirit’s insight, no lie can escape.

Adela watched as the prison car escorted by Palu entered the portal and headed for Shengtian City.

She turned her head and looked at the sky. The deep night shrouded Erathia, hiding all sin and darkness.

The people of Skikda never knew the truth. They didn't even know that Skikda was suffering from famine for many years.

They only know that every year the church will come to collect just the right amount of food so that they will not starve to death, but they will not have enough to eat.

Only in this way will they not be bewitched by demons due to excessive desires.

On the thin shoulders of countless civilians stood a luxurious and lustful officiant.

This is not an isolated case, it is just a microcosm of the huge kingdom of Erathia and one of the consequences of the disorderly expansion of the church.

Fortunately, there are seven pigeons here.

It will be dawn in half an hour.

The dark night is about to pass, and light will eventually return to the world.


"Twister Charge Tornado!"

When Adela lowered her head, she saw under the city wall, the players of the world's hegemony were lying happily swimming in the gold coins found, as if they were mentally retarded.

She sighed deeply, her eyes weak.

It seems that it will have to be dark for a while.

ps: There will be an event on the 15th, a lucky draw, which can be drawn by hamsters and book friends with a fan value of 500 or more.

I'll save the manuscript first.

Please give me a monthly pass, watch~~~~

This chapter has been completed!
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