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255 The cabbage king Tuogu

When Dongzheng City was first built, it was built for the purpose of a purely military fortress.

The area of ​​Dongzheng City itself is much smaller than that of other main cities, and it has built two inner walls within the city at all costs.

Each inner city wall represents a solid line of defense, which can be called a copper wall or an iron wall.

The defenders of Dongzheng City can completely open the second city wall and retreat all the soldiers behind the second city wall when the first outer city wall is broken.

This also means that to attack Dongzheng City, a total of three siege battles will be fought.

Two inner walls and one outer wall form three rings.

From the inside to the outside, they are the first ring, the second ring, and the third ring.

The second ring has the largest area, the third ring is smaller, and the first ring has only one point.

The first ring of Dongzheng City is key buildings such as the city main castle and material warehouses, the second ring is civilian residences and farmland, and the third ring is military camps.

The third ring faces the outer city wall. Whenever a war breaks out, the soldiers can mobilize for defense immediately.

The second ring ensures that even if Dongzheng City is besieged, the defenders in the city can hold on for a long time.

The first ring is the core of the entire city. As long as the first ring is defended, there is hope for a comeback.

A fortress-type main city like this was designed purely for war purposes. Its original purpose was to serve as a nail around the radiation to prevent Over from detouring around the wild monster area to attack like humans.

Dongzheng City is located in the northern part of the eastern border of the empire, close to the sea, with high terrain and huge temperature differences.

When it’s hot during the day, the temperature can reach as high as 30~50 degrees, and when it’s cold at night, the temperature can reach as low as -10~0 degrees.

The severe temperature difference between day and night makes Dongzheng City extremely unsuitable for human survival, especially when there are no houses and enough warm clothing.

The soldiers of Dongzheng City chanted one sentence for a long time:

The sun bakes the iron during the day, and the frost freezes the body at night

In Erathia, Dongzheng City is a bitter and cold place that cannot be developed at all.

But Sousa chose to settle here and established the Eastern Expedition City.

It was very cold at night in Dongzheng City, and the steps in the inner city were slippery.

This kind of step is designed for human soldiers wearing heavy boots. The soles of the heavy boots have anti-slip patterns, making walking on them feel like walking on flat ground.

But Qi Ge's soft cloth shoes are not suitable for walking on such steps.

He climbed step after step, being careful not to fall.

Nasanil strode forward in front, stopping from time to time to wait for the seven pigeons, and introduced them by the way:

"Since we left the front line and counterattacked outside the church, our resistance forces have been under tremendous pressure.

Lord Sousa started from the rear of the Eastern Front and helped the refugees all the way back.

Our supplies quickly ran low.

Fortunately, there are many territories controlled by the church along the way.

We fought all the way, occupied material warehouses, opened granaries, and finally managed to hold on.

But after we returned to Dongzheng City, the situation not only did not improve, but took a sharp turn for the worse.

When Dongzheng City was designed, it was not considered to accommodate a large number of territorial residents.

Even if we plant all our efforts in the farmland area of ​​the Second Ring Road, we can only provide supplies for the soldiers and a small number of territorial residents."

Nasanir sighed and said:

"A large number of the refugees we rescued along the way chose to follow us.

Lord Sosa couldn't bear to see them displaced and starving, so he took them all with him.

An excess of people poured into Dongzheng City at once, causing a huge load on Dongzheng City."

Qi Ge listened to Nasanil's introduction and weighed it in his mind before following Nasanil to the first inner city wall.

Nasanil patted Qi Ge on the shoulder and pointed to the Third Ring Military Camp area.

There are row after row of sky-blue square tents.

A large number of people lay in the gaps between tents, covered with thatch, huddled together to keep each other warm.

Nasanil said with a serious face:

“The tent that was supposed to house 10 people was already occupied by 30 soldiers, and all the beds and cabinets were removed to make room.

The remaining tents, including the spare tents used for marching, were all sold to the refugees, but it was still not enough.

To be honest, the tents and construction tools you supported helped a lot.

Each additional tent means that a dozen refugees will not have to suffer from the cold.

Unfortunately, there are too many refugees, and even though you have tried your best, it is still a drop in the bucket."

Nasanil knocked hard on the city wall, pointed at the farmland area of ​​the second ring road and said:

“When Dongzheng City was built, the ground on the first, second, and third rings were all hard rocks.

Master Sosa specially invited the Legend of Lambeth from the Elemental City (specialty: body protection stone skin), and released the legendary spell Earth Shaping, transforming the ground of the second ring into fertile soil for planting. Now, the second ring has become our last


I have to say that Master Sosa is very far-sighted."

Qi Ge's mind suddenly drifted away.

Lambeth, the Legend of the Elemental City, is a legendary speciality in earth magic. Every month, any earth magic can be upgraded to a god-level effect.

Including magic that can completely change the terrain of the territory, such as earth shaping, mountain uplift, and earth crust subsidence.

Simply the top civil engineer.

Miraculously, Sousa and Lambeth came from the same poor village.

One of them became the war goddess of Erathia, and the other became the legendary earth mage of the elemental forces.

The luck of that village is outrageous.

Nasanil sighed and continued:

“Originally, we were building some houses in the Second Ring Road, but now they have all been demolished.

Master Sosa ordered not to occupy any land in the second ring, to plant crops with all his strength, and to prepare for a protracted war.

The power of the people is strong.

The sowing that originally took several weeks was completed in just three days with the help of the refugees.

Old people, children, and women all carried the crops on their backs, just in time to catch up with the planting season of Chinese cabbage.

If we can persist for a month, we can harvest the first batch of Chinese cabbage, and if we live frugally, we can support the next harvest."

Nasanir shook his head and continued: "But now, it is difficult for us to hold on even for two weeks.

If you eat too much, you won't be able to hold on for two days.

The burden is too great.

Even our soldiers are implementing a rationing system, eating one meal every three days.

Let alone civilians, they can only eat one meal every five days.

Master Sosa has set off to the Mulak Territory to rescue the hostages in the Mulak Territory.

At the same time, we will try to find a way to get some food from the church in Mulak Territory to help us tide over the difficulties."

Nasaniel said with a gloomy face: "But I'm afraid that the refugees in Mrak's territory will be even worse than ours."

"This time, under the persecution of the church, Sir Mrak took away about 80% of Mrak's young men when he went on an expedition.

Without enough labor force, coupled with the exploitation of the church, it is very likely that the refugees in the Mulak Territory are also on the verge of collapse and can only maintain a fragile balance.

Once these refugees are rescued by Lord Sousa, Dongzheng City will not be able to handle them."

Qi Ge pointed at the camp area with a penetrating gaze and said, "In addition to food, are there other problems?

A large number of people gathered, sanitation, drinking water, epidemics, soldiers did not eat enough, and did not get enough rest, which led to a decline in morale.

Dongzheng City is already at its limit."

Sanil was a little surprised that Qige could actually consider this. He nodded in agreement:


In fact, the epidemic has already broken out once.

Fortunately, we still have a medical tent, which can barely hold on.

But if there is another outbreak, the number of medical tents will not be enough to control the epidemic. Not only will the people be in danger, but even the soldiers will lose their combat effectiveness due to illness.

During the last epidemic, there were not many people, so I asked them to undergo isolation treatment in the castle.

But if the number of people increases, Dongzheng City is so big that there is no place to hide.

If the patient is moved to the second ring road, it will cause delays in the planting of Chinese cabbage.

What a dilemma."

When Qi Ge turned around, he noticed that a few white hairs had appeared under Nasanil's brown hair.

He couldn't help but ask: "General Sanil, how long has it been since you had a rest?"

Nasanil raised his head slightly, looked at the city, and said:

"The enemy is outside and there are many hidden dangers inside.

How to take a break?

I have had almost no sleep since the beginning of our rebellion until now.

This is true of me, and so is General Sosa.

Now, I just hope for a miracle."

Qi Ge looked at the farmland in the second ring. There were pits dug out in the fertile soil at random intervals.

There is a small cabbage in each pit.

Yes, the crops in the heroic soul world are completely different from reality.

Cabbage like this takes shape as soon as it emerges from the soil, and will gradually grow as it absorbs the energy of yasha.

It's neither scientific nor magical, but interesting.

These cabbages are the hope of countless refugees and soldiers in Dongzheng City.

Qi Ge supported the city wall with his hands and said slowly:

"General Nathaniel.

Have you ever thought that a miracle might be around you?"

Sanil was stunned for a moment, and suddenly understood what Qi Ge meant. He asked nervously and expectantly:

"Do you have any idea?"

Sanil's voice was trembling, as if he was afraid of hearing a negative answer.

[System prompt: Congratulations to the player for triggering the hidden mission: The Danger of the Eastern Expedition City]

Qi Ge showed an unexplainable smile.

"I'll give it a try. I can always solve some problems. It's better than being helpless."


Kayuri closed her eyes and pretended to be sleeping, praying like an angel in her heart.

"The Supreme God, the Supreme Lord, judges sin and banishes lust.

Be purified, be purified, angels are in heaven, God is in trance.”

The small pendant he held in his hand did not react at all, just like an ordinary stone.

Kayuri opened his eyes, a little confused.

What happened to Judas the officiant?

Why haven't you responded to me yet?

Kayuri sat up. Surrounding him were large areas of dry thatch. In the thatch piles, there were many dirty refugees lying in random directions.

Kayuri patted his body gently to knock off the thatch from his body.

He has been lurking in Dongzheng City for a week.

Being with these unbelieving sinners all day long made him sick, as if his holy soul had been defiled.

He had long wanted to return to the monastery, be served by the nuns, and wash himself with the warm spring water blessed by Priest Judas.

Unfortunately, he still has the mission of monitoring the movements of the rebels.

Kayuri was a little confused and didn't know why Judas, the officiating priest, didn't respond to him.

This made him feel very anxious.

At dusk, the rebels captured a group of caravans and obtained a large amount of food and clothing.

Even Kayuri was given a potato that was baked with the skin on, and even the skin was baked very crispy.

Just now, the rebels mobilized a large number of Crusaders and tightly surrounded the inner city wall.

Although the specific reason has not yet been figured out, Kayuri has a keen sense that the rebels may be making some big move.

try again.

Kayuri grabbed a handful of thatch and covered himself with it. He closed his eyes and prayed again.


Qi Ge held Xiao Yinhe in his hands, and both Ke Ruoke and Fei Rui stood beside him.

Little Galaxy looked at the cabbage on the ground curiously. Little Galaxy had never come into contact with this special crop of Erathia before.

"Brother Admiral, this plant looks like a small emerald ball, just like an emerald."

Qi Ge smiled and said: "In many cases, these cabbages are much more expensive than emeralds."

"Yinhe, are you sure you can ripen these Chinese cabbages?"

Little Yinhe rolled his eyes and said, "Okay, I feel it's not very difficult for me."

Qige put Yinhe on the ground, and Yinhe squatted down and gently poked the cabbage balls on the ground with his fingers.

Ke Ruoke asked with some worry: "Lord, with such a large land, will it be too much of a burden for Little Galaxy?"

Qige explained:

"Ordinary flower demons also have the ability to spawn plants.

Xiao Yinhe is the Silver Flower Demon, the king of flower demons. Logically speaking, her ability to induce the growth of plants should be stronger than that of ordinary flower demons.

But I don't know exactly how strong it is.

It doesn’t matter, we can observe first and stop immediately if Little Galaxy appears tired.”

On the inner city wall, Nasanil looked at the second ring with worry.

A crusader beside him asked anxiously: "General Sanil, why did President Qi Ge allow a little girl to play in our farmland?

Those cabbages are our hope for the future, if she crushes them..."

"Shut up. Just watch." Nasanil interrupted.

"Remember to instruct all the soldiers to keep everything they saw tonight strictly confidential, and no one is allowed to tell anyone.

There may be spies in our eastern expedition city."


Little Yinhe was running around in the farmland, stopping from time to time to poke the cabbage balls on the ground.

She ran around a lot, and the bottom of her silver-white skirt was stained with mud.

Suddenly, Xiao Yinhe's eyes lit up.

"Brother Admiral! I found it!"

Yinhe flew back, threw herself into Qi Ge's arms, and said:

"I found the king of these cabbages."

"The king of Chinese cabbage?"

"Hmm! Most of these plants are unconscious, but when a large number of Chinese cabbages are gathered together, a vegetable king with a weak consciousness will be born.

Little Galaxy has already made an agreement with it, and it agrees that Little Galaxy helps the cabbage grow!

But it said that after ripening, Little Galaxy would give its seeds to Admiral Brother.

Let Brother Admiral take its seeds far away."

Seven Pigeons:?

Cabbage King Tuogu?

Is there such a thing?

This chapter has been completed!
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