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448 Strong

Qi Ge found the deacon fairy and asked him to use magic props to notify him in time if someone came to the door.

After that, Qi Ge walked into the alliance bathroom located on the top floor of the Magic Tower.

In the alliance bathroom, there is a huge bath. Qi Ge specially asked Teacher Agaide to add it, specifically to open the [Water Gate].

Endless ocean, please show me the way home.

[Water Path] was activated, [Water Gate] opened, and the seven pigeons jumped deep into the [Water Gate].

The familiar feeling came over me again.

Qi Ge felt like he had turned into a torn drop of water, passing through the elemental realm of water.

In just a few seconds, the seven pigeons returned to the City of God's Choice.

Zhang Fufu is already waiting at the [Water Gate] of God's Choice City.

When he saw Qige, he shouted excitedly: Boss, you are finally back!

Qi Ge changed his skin, dried the sea water on his body, and immediately asked:

"Wealthy, how is the situation over there with the Centaur? Take me there and have a look."

Boss, don’t be too anxious, Petra is maintaining order over there.”

Seven Pigeons walked away and asked:

"Have you landed the centaur yet?"

"No. The centaurs refused. They had to see Lord Rem before they could go ashore."

"So loyal? What about Rem? Zhang Fu had a confused expression:

"God Rem took Medusa and Lola to clear the wilderness, and we are still looking for them.

"Seven pigeons:

To tell a joke, the centaur god takes Medusa to kill monsters every day.

Ha ha ha ha.

Hey, centaur over there, you're smiling, why aren't you smiling?

Isn't this a kind of ntr?

"It's okay. I'll go over and negotiate first to see if there's any way to let them go ashore first."

Zhang Fu smiled and said: "Boss, there is another good news.

Our first [Sea King Turtle Battleship] hatched successfully.

We can take the [Sea King Turtle] there. Qi Ge replied tepidly:

"Oh. I have followed the [Sea King Turtle] of the Church of the Sea back and forth on the sea several times before, so it's not that new anymore."

Zhang Fu laughed mysteriously:

"Boss, it's different. Our Neptune Turtle is different from ordinary Neptune Turtles."


Qi Ge immediately became interested.

"What's different?

"You'll know when you see it, boss. Here, boss, look.

Zhang Fu pointed to the beach.

Qi Ge took a closer look and saw a big silver sea turtle over three meters long lying on the beach.

There are many inscriptions on the turtle's back that describe the birth and death of light and dark, forming an obscure and indescribable pattern.

What puzzled Qi Ge was that this big silver sea turtle was lying on the beach, swallowing the magic bread one bite at a time.

Qi Ge asked in confusion: "Why is it eating this?"

"It eats this."

Zhang Fu said: "This guy is always picky and won't eat anything except what Koruoke [Miracle Gold Coin Bean] grows.

Miracle Gold Coin Beans can grow Miracle Tree, Gold Coin Tree and Bread Tree in total.

The miracle tree grows miracle fruits that can add attribute points, so it is definitely impossible to feed it.

As soon as the gold coin tree finishes growing, it turns into gold coins, which it cannot eat.

Only the magic bread of the bread tree is left and it can be eaten. "Huh? Is there such a thing?

"Yes, boss. This Neptune Turtle was made by Aged using the silver sand from the Silver Spirit.

It ate all the silver sand as soon as it was born. We thought it would eat sand, but when we gave it the silver sand, it didn't eat it at all.

We tested it for a long time, and it turned out that it only responded to the miracle tree.

Don't you know? At that time, it opened its mouth and faced

I just want to eat the Miracle Tree.

How is this possible? Whether we can maximize the attribute points depends entirely on the Miracle Tree.

I was quick-sighted at the time, so I was able to hold it down with just one push. This guy was quite strong, and he shook his head so hard that he threw me off the Silver Spirit.

In the end, we relied on Long Miao Tang to take action and subdue it."

"You have such a wild temper? You shouldn't. The Sea King Turtles of the Poseidon Church are very docile."

Qi Ge moved closer strangely and opened the property panel of the Silver Sea King Turtle.

[Source Dragon Turtle Battleship Gun Patrol Class Biological Battleship HP: 1200 Speed: 9

Experience value: 0/10000 Possessing slots: No slots Characteristics: Biological warship: Equipped in the war machine slot.

It is regarded as a creature and cannot awaken the ship spirit. It is regarded as already possessing the ship spirit.

Requires special food for feeding.

Source Dragon Cannon:

The Yuanlong Turtle battleship can attack enemy battleships and units from a distance.

When attacking, it causes a fixed damage of 20% of the source dragon turtle battleship's current health.

Origin Dragon Transformation: The Origin Dragon Turtle battleship can transform into the Origin Dragon Turtle, gaining a huge combat power bonus.

After the transformation, a battle continues, with a cooldown of 365 days. The Origin Dragon Turtle battleship grows:

The Yuanlong Turtle battleship cannot be equipped with any ship parts, but it will gain experience points through battles.

When the experience is full, you can grow to the next stage. When the experience is full, you can use the [Special Material Source Sand Seabed Ore] to make the [Origin Dragon Turtle Battleship] gain special growth.

The Origin Dragon Turtle battleship has no normal growth path.】

Seven pigeons:???

"Original Dragon Transformation?"

Damn it, those silver sands under the magic pyramid, could they be the source of the broken world of Yuanlong?"

The seven pigeons were surprised and happy.

The world of Yuanlong has special rules, and there are not many residents in this world.

All the power of the Origin Dragon World is used to generate the Origin Dragon.

Therefore, even the weakest source dragon is a mythical soldier.

The Yuanlong Turtle battleship is equipped in the war machinery column, which means.

When push comes to shove, we can get a team of mythical units that don't occupy the command and unit slots.

Zhang Fu said with some worry:

"It's just that the CD is too long. Once you fight, it cools down for a year."

"He's still young now. Maybe he will change when he grows up."

Qi Ge said as he walked towards Yuan Longgui. Zhang Fu quickly stopped Qi Ge.

Hey, boss, wait a minute.

Wait until it finishes eating.

This guy is so cruel that no one will accept him.

Normally, it's fine. When it's time to eat, it protects the food and bites anyone who comes near."

Qi Ge frowned and asked, "Even bite you?"

It’s not just me. Even the little Galaxy wants to bite it.

Last time it tried to bite Little Galaxy, but it was caught by the Dragon Meow Shark, hung up and beaten. After beating it, it calmed down for a while and then started to protect the food again.

"Is that okay? I'm so young now, and I dare to bite you.

When it grows older, won't it dare to bite me? I want to see how ferocious it is.

Don't worry about it, let me train it properly. Qi Ge walked towards the Yuanlong Turtle without hesitation.

The Yuanlong Turtle was enjoying the magic bread, but when he saw the Seven Pigeons approaching, he immediately became vigilant.

It pulled the magic bread under itself and looked at the seven pigeons warily.

Qi Ge walked up to Yuan Long Turtle, sat down generously, stretched out a hand, and introduced himself:

"Boy, I am the boss of this territory. Do you want to meet me?"


Under Zhang Fu's surprised gaze, Yuan Longgui obediently stretched out his neck and placed his head in Qi Ge's palm.

Qi Ge laughed at Zhang Fu.

"Isn't this boy very good? Look at his attitude.

Damn it! Boss, how did you do it?

Zhang Fu came over in surprise. Yuan Longgui immediately turned his face and opened his mouth at Zhang Fu.

What are you doing? Be honest!

Qi Ge slapped Yuanlong Turtle on the head, and Yuanlong Turtle shrank its neck. It was extremely well-behaved.

"I've killed the Endgame Stasis Dragon, how can I still be afraid of this little guy?

Come on, little one, take us out to sea.

Uh-huh." Yuanlong Turtle used his paws to pull the magic bread on it and looked at Qi Ge pitifully.

Okay, I'll let you finish eating before you go.

The source dragon turtle nodded excitedly and started to wolf down the magic bread under him.

Qi Ge stretched out his hand, took out a piece of magic bread from under him, and put it in his mouth.

Yuanlong Turtle was instantly furious. Just as he was about to raise his head, Qi Ge hit him on the head with a piece of bread.

"What are you looking at? What's wrong with eating a piece of your bread? Shut up, don't eat, wait until I finish eating." "Uh.

Yuanlong Turtle immediately calmed down and lay on the ground and sobbed. Qi Ge winked at Zhang Fu and said:

Come over and eat together.

Hey, here it comes!"

Zhang Fu sat down next to Qi Ge and took out a piece of magic bread.

Yuan Longgui was so wronged that he almost burst into tears.

Qi Ge took a piece of bread and placed it in front of Yuan Longgui, and said softly:

"Let me ask you, did we give you the magic bread?

What we give to you belongs to you. If we don’t give it to you, you can’t take it away.

We give you food, so we are your companions.

Not your enemy.

You can be cruel, but you can only be cruel to your enemies. What kind of skill is it to be cruel to your companions and to be a gangster? Eat it.

Remember from now on, don’t protect your food, do you understand?

Yuanlong Turtle seemed to understand, biting the bread in Qi Ge's hand, and ate it one bite at a time.

When Qi Ge and Zhang Fu grabbed the bread under it again, it

There was no response either.

[System prompt: Congratulations to the player for successfully capturing the Yuanlong Turtle battleship. You can equip the Yuanlong Turtle battleship in your war machinery column.]

"It's done! Damn it! You are indeed the boss, the boss is awesome.

Zhang Fu stood up excitedly. What a joke.

You've never seen me training a beauty dog. Forget it, a good man doesn't mention his bravery.

After the Yuanlong Turtle finished eating, Qi Ge and Zhang Fu took the Yuanlong Turtle and sailed to the [Sea Refuge].

It was obviously still a long way from the [Sea Shelter], so Qi Ge saw a large raft floating on the sea.

These rafts were connected with canes and ropes, and they were connected to a piece of land on the sea.

Countless centaurs, large and small, were squatting on the raft, talking to each other.

"Hey, there are so many?

This scene is more exaggerated than I imagined. Fortunately, there is no wind and waves. If there is a tsunami, these centaurs will be buried in the belly of the fish.

The seven pigeons tutted in wonder.

"Yes, these guys have a bad temper. They won't listen to anything they say, and they won't eat the food they are given. They insist on waiting for Rem to come.

Zhang Fu had a sad face.

Don't worry, I'll go up and ask first.

The Origin Dragon Turtle approached the raft group, and the centaurs on the raft group stood up one after another and looked over curiously.

Seven Pigeons jumped on the raft and shouted:

"I am the lord of this place, Seven Doves, brave centaur tribe, please send your chief to meet with me.

The centaurs suddenly panicked, shouting something to each other.

Soon, three tall centaurs stood out from the wooden talisman.

They are two men and one woman.

Both male centaurs are brown.

They all held thick and long spears, wore bronze helmets, and were covered in full-coverage armor that exuded a metallic luster.

The female centaur holds a mahogany staff and is as white as Rem.

She was wearing a pure white gown made of cloth.

The gown is thin and transparent, and the skin on her body can be clearly seen.

Qi Ge took a look at her breasts and found that the little mare was shaking so violently when she walked around. It was obvious that she was not wearing a bra.

Come on, the world is declining, and the horse's heart is not as good as it used to be.

When I was a little mare, I wrapped myself up tightly every day.

Both male centaurs have class cards and are heroes.

The female centaur holds a mahogany staff and is a magic weapon.

To Qi Ge's expectation, among the three centaurs, it was the little mare who stood up to communicate with him on behalf of the centaur clan.

Unlike her tall appearance, her voice is clear and sweet, like a girl's cry.

As soon as you hear it, you will know that you are an old man.

"Dear Lord Seven Pigeons, we have no intention of becoming your enemy.

We seek the guidance of the "God of Reproduction and Creation"

Got here.

My spirituality tells me that our gods are near this sea area.

We just hope to stay here until our gods feel our piety.

Qi Ge looked at each other and replied:

To be honest, Rem is a guest in our territory unjustly.

She left not long ago, and we have already conveyed the news of your arrival to her.

You can definitely bring your tribe to my territory

Take a short rest and wait for her to come back.

The little mare looked a little troubled.

"According to the revelation of our God, we should continue to wait at sea now.

So I'm sorry, we can't agree to your kindness.

Revelation from God? What kind of revelation is it specifically?" She moved her hoof from side to side and said:

Wait a moment, I'll check.

"The high priest gave.

The centaur hero next to him immediately handed over a thick book.

The little mare kept flipping through the book in front of Qi Ge.

What is this for? Qi Ge was a little confused. "Found it!"

The little mare cheered in a sweet voice and said:

"This is it, Lord, please take a look.

The little mare opened the thick book and showed it in front of the seven pigeons.

On the screen, countless centaurs were kneeling on the ground devoutly, while Rem was falling from the sky on clouds.

"According to the analysis of the previous high priest, the [God of Reproduction and Creation] will fall from the sky, riding on colorful auspicious clouds to accept the worship of her followers.

When we arrive near the gods, we should quietly wait for the arrival of the gods.

Seven Pigeons: .....

I have been with Rem for so long, but I have never seen Rem fly. This must be a misunderstanding.


Qi Ge coughed and then advised:

You see, the pattern on the screen is a group of centaurs kneeling on the ground, right?

That means you should welcome Her Majesty Rem on land.

The little mare was stunned for a moment, dripping with cold sweat.

But the two heroes beside the little mare became angry instead!

"Nonsense, you are just an ordinary hero, not even a priest. What do you know, Your Majesty?"

"The ancestors of Priest Sally were the centaur forerunners who always followed Rem's wrongdoing.

The entire Book of Revelation is recorded by Sally’s ancestors, and is a sea of ​​teachings drawn through the sand of prophecy by Rem’s injustice!

"That's right, do you know how hard Priest Sally worked to decipher the [Apocalypse]?"

Everyone in Qige was dumbfounded. Why are you two just trying to make a living?

Under Qi Ge's gaze, Sally's expression became visibly painful.

She exclaimed

Take a breath and say, "That's it.

I am the high priest of the [God of Reproduction and Creation], and no one understands revelation better than me!

I can't be wrong.

Well! No! Absolutely not! So, just wait here!

"Long live Priest Sally!

"Priest Sally is the strongest!!"

The two centaur heroes next to Sally immediately raised their thick spears high and cheered.

Qi Ge:……

There seems to be something wrong with these centaurs?

The last time I saw this scene was in the echo of history.

Cong Kelin was standing where Sally was, surrounded by silly fairies who had been deceived and corrupted by Cong Kelin.

But Sally's situation is a little different now.

She didn't take the initiative like Cong Kelin, but instead seemed to be held back by the two centaur heroes.

It seems that the key is to get rid of these two heroes.


Qi Ge coughed and said: "

Priest Sally, to be honest, your raft is blocking the waters of my territory, which has seriously affected the normal activities of my territory.

Our merchant ships and fishing boats cannot go out to sea because of your rafts.

This caused us great inconvenience.

Sally looked around at a loss. Before she could speak, the two centaur heroes shouted.

"Didn't I just take up a small piece of your sea area? Are you so stingy?"

"That's right, if you have a boat and want to go out to sea, why don't you go around it?

"Hmph! If you want to bully our High Priest Sally, you have to ask us two if we agree, and ask our tribe if we agree!"

[System prompt: The favorability of the centaur hero Kacha towards you is - 5.]

[System prompt: Centaur hero Kadun’s favorability towards you - 5]

Qige's head was throbbing with veins, but he didn't get angry directly. Instead, he asked pleasantly:

"I haven't asked yet, who are you two?

"I am Chiron, a descendant of Chiron, the great [god of battle and herding].

Next to me is my brother Katun. We are both direct descendants of God!

It is our responsibility to protect the Centaur clan. The expression on Qi Ge's face immediately turned cold.

It turns out that they are two second-generation officials who are used to being domineering. Even His Majesty Rem, who is juxtaposed with Chiron, wants to be polite to me and treat me as equals. Who do you think you are? This is my territory and I am willing.

If I ask you to wait on the sea in my territory, you can wait. If I don't want to, you have to get out.

Is this because of your worries?

And you gave me a high-sounding banner? Protecting the Centaur clan?

You came to my territory to protect the centaur clan?

Who gave you the courage?

Being scolded like this in front of Sally, Kacha and Katun immediately lost their composure.

They all raised their spears and pointed them at the Seven Doves.

You bastard, you actually insulted us!"

"Insulting us is an insult to our ancestor Chiron, and we are an insult to the Centaur race.

We want to duel with you!"

[System prompt: Centaur hero Kacha’s favorability towards you is -10.]

[System prompt: Centaur hero Kadun’s favorability towards you - 10]

Qi Ge smiled coldly.

"Duel? Okay. Chengfeng, come out! Qi Ge reaches out and clenches his fist, and Wei Chengfeng transforms into an eternal sleeping dragon.

Suddenly appeared from behind Qi Ge!


As a super giant unit, the Eversleeping Dragon spreads its wings and can even block the sun's rays.

A huge shadow cast down, covering all the centaurs on the wooden talisman group.

Oh my god, it's a giant dragon, a huge dragon. "A scary dragon, bigger than a golden dragon. "Help, help, I'm going to be eaten.

The coercion of mythical troops

Suddenly it appeared, like a huge stone falling down, making all the centaurs tremble and panic.

This power is mythical. Why would a mythical soldier be loyal to an ordinary hero?"

Kacha and Katun also took a step back and looked at the sky with some fear.

It is actually the same mythical unit as its ancestors.

No, this is not true.

They protected Sally, one from the left and the other from the back. The toughness on their faces was tinged with regret and panic, making it complicated.

Qige looked at them, smiled contemptuously, and continued:


Why, seeing that I am just an ordinary hero, you feel that my territory must not be much stronger, so you don’t want to listen to what I say, right?

Do you still want to step on me and show your toughness in front of your beloved little mare?

Do you think that just because I am polite to you, you are qualified to challenge me?

In my territory, I have ten thousand ways to kill you.

But I am still willing to stand here and reason with you instead of using force to force you. This is my quality.

You must show your strength.

Then I will let you know that if you want to talk about force, you are not even qualified to stand in front of me.


Kacha and Katun looked at the seven pigeons, their mouths clenched tightly, and they dared not speak in anger.

The expression on Qi Ge's face was calm. He looked at Sally and asked softly:

Next, can we reason with each other? I can see that you are different from the two of them. Now, they shut up and you come and talk to me. In this case, the weak Sally actually behaved better than the other two.

Click and Cadon are much stronger.

She took a step forward, bent all four hooves at the same time, sat on the ground, and whispered:

Mighty lord, I am sorry that my people have offended you.

I beg you to put away your strength, those weak tribesmen cannot withstand the pressure of the mythical troops.

"It would be great to be like this earlier.

Qi Ge snorted coldly, stretched out his hand and shook it. Take the wind and come back."

With a whoosh, the eternal sleeping dragon disappeared in the air. At the same time, screams of surprise sounded from all directions on the raft group:

Help! Someone fell into the water!"

"My child, save my child!"

Sally turned back in horror, and Kacha and Caton also turned and looked behind.

"Ah! Not good!"

"Don't be afraid." Qige said calmly.

"In the waters of my territory, no one is allowed to die from the ruthlessness of the sea."

He clapped his hands gently, and bubbles emerged from the sea water one after another.

Each bubble contains one or several centaurs.


A large group of beautiful mermaids emerged from the sea and bowed respectfully to the seven pigeons:

"Your Majesty the King of the Sea!"

Qi Ge looked at Ka Cha and Ka Dun, raised his head slightly and said:

"do you understand?

Even if I don’t use Shinhwa, you don’t have the right to challenge me.”

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