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Chapter 512 Request for Response

Chapter 512 Request for Acceptance

Ur attacked Brakada inexplicably, causing Brakada a lot of trouble. Even Al Zeus fell into a troublesome and dangerous war with the Kingdom of God.

But all this will not affect the five cities in the southernmost part of Brakada: [Camellia Oil City], [Shaking City], [Storm City], [Iron Tree City], and [City of Wisdom].

From the moment Brakada withdrew its troops to conquer Over, these five county towns that were upgrading their main cities changed from "frontline bases for attacking Negan" to "strong fortresses defending Negan's counterattack".

Attack is the arrogance of the strong, defense is the destiny of the weak.

The importance of upgrading the main city of the five southern cities has not decreased, but has increased.

At this time, [Camellia Oil City] is in the middle.

"Bang bang bang!"

Grand fireworks were set off in the sky, and a large group of mages and djinn were singing, dancing, and toasting in celebration.

A mage in full attire raised his wine glass high to open the banquet:

“Let us celebrate the success of [Camellia Oil City] in upgrading its main city!

Your Majesty Al-Ghaed has made great contributions!

Your Majesty Aqed!"

"Your Majesty Aqed!"

Even Agede himself could not have imagined that among the five legendary architects responsible for upgrading the main city, he would be the first to successfully upgrade.

At the grand celebration banquet, Agaide was proud of the spring breeze, smiling happily, changing glasses and talking and laughing happily.

The people surrounding Al Qaeda are either rich or noble.

Lord of the main city, commander of the Thunder City Military Department, president of a large chamber of commerce, Nila, Fafner...

To be able to get close to Aqed, the guarantee must be pseudo-legendary.

But compared with Aqed, they were like candlelight and the bright moon, completely obscured by the light of Aqed.

Some are happy and some are sad.

No matter how bright the light on Agede's body was, it could not shine into the dark corners of the banquet hall.

Kelfo hid in a dark corner, staring at Algaed in the crowd, taking deep breaths repeatedly.

"This is the only way. Only Your Majesty Aqed can save me."

The war between Bracada and Negan was suddenly suspended.

Although Brakada has been propagating to the public that Brakada has returned victorious, the senior officials know very well that in fact it was Brakada's defeat.

On the frontal battlefield.

Due to the emergency retreat of Brakada's troops, all the cities originally captured by Brakada were recaptured by Negan, which meant that nothing was gained.

Including the [Pingdi City] that was abandoned before the large-scale war started, the frontal battlefield was like grandma's house.

The rear battlefield.

Under the rampage of the Black Dragon Legion, the factories and mines behind Brakada suffered countless losses.

In terms of high-end combat power, Brakada Demigod [Dragon Slayer] was seriously injured, while Negan [Moriel] was safe.

No matter which way you think about it, Bracada failed miserably.

Someone always needs to be held responsible for such a defeat.

The actual war criminal must be the [Thunder Titan Legion].

The mistake of the [Thunder Titan Legion] was the main culprit that caused Brakada to have to withdraw its troops.

If it weren't for the rescue of the [Thunder Titan Legion], even if it was at a disadvantage for a short time, Brakada would have been able to move back with its hard power.

However, when Brakada is looking for the "scapegoat", he must first eliminate the [Thunder Titan Legion].

In Brakada, the noble golden blood of the Titans is a god, a saint, a white lotus, and a non-stick pan.

Defeat can be anyone's problem, but not the Titan's.

As a result, the cauldron that led to the defeat was thrown to the war faction.

The Thunder Temple stated that it was Nila and Fafner who lost Flatland City, which led to the failure of Brakada's surprise attack.

Investigate strictly!

The war faction must be strictly investigated!

The Thunder Temple investigation team led by Titan set out from Thunder City and secretly headed to the five southern cities shortly after Brakada began to attack Orver.

As we all know, no matter what secret investigation team it is, there are no secrets.

As soon as the Thunder Temple's investigation team arrived at the front line, Nila neatly arranged the information she had prepared long ago.

"The photo ball, the confession, the testimony of Negan's prisoner...

All of the above can prove that Lord Kelvin of Flatland City has become Negan’s spy very early on, and Kelara of the Kel family is also a spy.”

While explaining the ins and outs of the fall of [Pingdi City], Nila placed evidence one after another in front of the investigation team.

At the same time, Fafner outside the courtyard was performing combat skills with Queen Naga Blood Blade.

Fafner is using his fist as big as a casserole to physically release magic [the earth shakes and the mountains shake].

Titan, who turned into a mage, trembled twice and said seriously:

"We totally get it!

Of course Nila and Fafuna are innocent.

Thanks to both of you for your insight and help us find the real culprit.

We will truthfully report this information to the Great Council and Thunder Temple!"

So, after a series of games, the final war criminal was tentatively designated as the southern overlord [Kyle family].

As I said before, there are no secrets in the secret investigation team.

The current patriarch of the [Kail Family], [Kelfu], quickly learned the news.

He was immediately worried.

Once the charges are proven, the entire Kaier family will be uprooted.

This is not a small fight, this is the confiscation of the family and the extermination of the clan.

Before Kelfo could take action, a group of spies began to secretly investigate the Kelfo family.

Kelfo, who was being watched by many spies, didn't even have the means to return to [Thunder City] for activities.

When he was in a desperate situation, he thought about it and suddenly discovered that the only person who had the ability and possibility to save him was Agaide.

"This is the only way. Only Your Majesty Aqed can save me."

At the banquet, while toasting with Algaed, Kelfo tremblingly handed a letter asking for help to Algaed.

Agaide found an opportunity to say goodbye to everyone and opened the letter for help in a safe and remote place.

He read it carefully and raised his eyebrows with satisfaction.

"The entire Kaier family is willing to become my retainers, but I will follow my lead and be at my disposal. All the resources, treasures and troops of the Kaier family will be at my disposal.

Compared with this condition, that soulless angel is just a plus.

Cut off the tail to survive, cut it off so decisively.

It is indeed no accident that the Kaier family can develop to this point."

Return a favor in return.

Taking the opportunity of drinking, Agede approached the Titan leader of the investigation team.

"There is a traitor in Bracada, which really makes me sad.

Traitors must be severely punished.

Killing without mercy is not enough to warn those young people.

However, we must also pay attention to who should be who, and do not dare to expand the scope at will.

Otherwise, it will be easy for someone to take advantage of you.

If the investigation team investigating traitors becomes a tool for certain people to eliminate dissidents, it will only damage Brakada's strength."

Tai Tan looked troubled.

"Your Majesty Aqed, I understand what you mean.

But His Majesty the God King is really angry this time. If we don’t investigate thoroughly, I’m afraid I won’t be able to protect myself.”


Agaide smiled and patted Titan's chest, and put a drawing into Titan's pocket.

"The miraculous architectural blueprint, [Cloud Around the Temple], can increase the reproduction speed of giants.

This is a great thing I just got recently.

Compared with Titan, other things are insignificant.

Don't pay attention to some details, it's just a statement.

I feel that the failure of this war is not our internal problem, but Over's problem.

What do you think?"

Titan suddenly became excited.

The miracle building is still a good thing that can increase the reproduction speed of the giant race!

This investigation, to put it bluntly, is to find someone to take the blame.

Even if he sends Fafonanila to take the blame, there will be no reward.

But if he submits this drawing, he will even get the opportunity to meet His Majesty the God King.

Therefore, Titan knew very clearly how to answer and do things.

"Your Majesty Aqed, I think you are right!"

In the end, the accountability team wisely obtained the investigation results:

The Lord of Kelfu killed his relatives out of righteousness, and found evidence of correspondence with Ofer in Kel'ara's house.

Negan and Ofer had long colluded to deal with Brakada. The reason why this battle was not completely won was because of the enemy's cunning tricks!

Everyone in Brakada was very satisfied with the survey results.

The Kaier family has been nailed to death in the coffin, and Algaed can still save them.

With his hands and eyes reaching the sky, Kelford was grateful and at the same time more determined to follow Algaed.

On the second day after the Kel family was acquitted, Kelfu knelt down in front of Algaed and offered the soulless angel his hands.

The world of Yasha is in turmoil, and major events that can change the world come one after another.

However, the Mulak Territory, which is far away from the mainland and has always been drifting on the sea, has always maintained peace and tranquility.

In a monastery in Mulak Territory, Father Rai was smiling and telling stories to his adopted children.

"Angels are of great help to us humans.

No one can deny this.

But angels aren't the only allies we humans have.

A long time ago, Lien Geffenhardt, a young paladin, rose from the plains of Enroth.

He gathered the defeated warriors, and with the help of the Edric family and the griffons in the Griffin Cliff area, he established the Kingdom of Erathia, the predecessor of our Castle force.

From then on, our Erathian royal family has always used the griffon as our coat of arms until today.

Now, under the influence of [Holy Angel Church], we humans believe in angels and regard them as gods.

But in fact, there is no difference between angels and griffins. They are all allies and helpers of our humans.

We can be grateful to them, love them, and worship them, but we cannot rely on them.

We humans are not exclusive.

Whether it's a griffon or an angel, we can use all the power we can to help us achieve better development.

But we must always remember that self-reliance and self-reliance are our ultimate solution.

The future of mankind depends on us humans.

This is the core teaching of our [Holy Griffin Church].

people oriented."

Although the children surrounding Father Rai's feet did not fully understand, they could clearly feel that when Father Rai spoke the last four words, his words were filled with a touching power.


They all stared at Father Rai with adoring eyes and exclaimed in admiration!

Outside the monastery, the peasants of Mrak's territory were standing with a group of goblins, talking and laughing.

A goblin with eyes pointed at a strange mechanical creation beside him and said proudly:

"This is the latest invention of our engineering wizards, the self-propelled irrigation vehicle!

Just one irrigation truck can complete the irrigation work that only 300 farmers can complete.

It is simply an earth-shattering, ultimate invention that spans the ages!”

"Wow!! So awesome!

It’s great, I no longer have to bend down to fetch water!”

"Mr. Goblin, please use my field for experiments. Even if it explodes, I won't blame you."

The farmers applauded enthusiastically, eager to try, and extremely excited.

Not far away by the rice fields, Sosa and Smit were walking and watching this scene.

Looking at the golden wheat ears hanging low in the rice fields, Sosa said with emotion:

"As a result, the burden of overthrowing the church falls on you.

Let a little girl like you stand in front of the stage to fight against [Holy Angel Church], we adults are really useless."

Smit said with a smile:

"It's hard to say.

In fact, all I can do is stand in front of the stage.

The really important work is often done behind the scenes."

Sosa looked at Smit and smiled knowingly:

"For example, some half-elf who is behind everything?"

Smit held his hands in front of his chest and said seriously:

"Of course, Brother Qi Ge is the beginning of everything. Without him, there would be no current Mrak Kingdom, and there would be no [Holy Griffin Church].

But your contribution, General Sosa, is also immeasurable."

Sosa smiled and rubbed Smit's head.

"Qi Ge has such a good eye, Smit, you really have the potential to become a saint.

Calm down in times of crisis, kind-hearted, gentle and generous.

You are full of qualities that make people want to follow you.”

Smit lowered his head shyly.

"I'm just trying to act according to the method that Brother Qige taught me."

"You two have such a good relationship."

Sosa smiled meaningfully and asked:

"By the way, Smit, where is the saint's robe I prepared for you? Why don't you wear it?

Does it mean it doesn’t fit?”

Smit waved his hands repeatedly:

“Fits great! Very comfortable to wear.

It’s just that I want to save my first appearance for Brother Qi Ge to see.”

Halfway through his words, Smit's face turned red.

She covered her face and laughed.

"Young girl, you are so cute."

Sosa lamented:

"You remind me of Her Majesty in her youth.

The race of half-elves is indeed not a good thing, each one is more stealing than the other."

"Her Majesty the Queen? Half-elf?"

Sosa suddenly realized that he had made a mistake and quickly covered it up.

"No, it's nothing. Smit, just pretend I didn't say that."


Schmidt tilted his head in confusion.

On the seaside of the Mulak Territory, a group of human citizens gathered together, led by the mermaid, and kept shouting:

"The holy sky is dead! The blue sky must stand!"

"The holy sky is dead! The blue sky must stand!"

Behind the leaders, there was also a group of fishmen.

The murlocs held up all kinds of weird weapons and followed the human leaders, shouting "Jili Wah La".

Although no one could understand what the fish people were shouting, the momentum of the fish people was not inferior to humans at all.

Among the shouting crowd, a young man sneakily poked the uncle next to him and asked:

"Village Chief, what on earth are we shouting?"

The village chief glared at the young man and said:

"You don't care what it shouts, just follow it.

Lord Sosa said, this is called [Eliminating the Viciousness of the Holy Angel Church and Purifying the Faith]."

"Ah? What do you mean?"

"You can get ten pumpkins and two sea fish after shouting."

"I understand! The Holy Sky is dead! The Blue Sky will stand!"

The young man's eyes lit up and his voice suddenly became louder, even drowning out the sound of the waves!

The sea breeze swept these shouts and rushed into the sky, as if carrying these shouts, they rushed to Erathia and broke through the barriers built by the [Holy Angel Church].

"This is your [God's Chosen City]?"

Anosaki stood outside [God's Chosen City] and said with emotion:

"I tried my best to think the best about your [Chosen City], but I still underestimated it.

So many wonders and miraculous buildings gathered in a small acropolis...

If you are not Credel's successor, I can't help but take action now."

Seven pigeons are furious:

"Put it down! Uncle Thief! Put down the dagger quickly!

Neck, my neck, oooh wow, it’s bleeding! I’m already bleeding!”

Anosaki clapped his hands and said regretfully:

"Sorry, I couldn't control my body."

"This is an embarrassing question! I was almost killed by you!"

"Hahaha! This is not dead."

Anosaki smiled and patted Qi Ge on the shoulder, and poured a jar of life potion into Qi Ge.

This guy is definitely taking revenge on me for looting so many of his resources.

Qi Ge was panicked and began to wonder if it would be a mistake for him to bring Anosaki back to God's Chosen City.

Qi Ge previously believed that since she chose to trust Anosaki, she should let Anosaki come to the God's Chosen City to visit.

On the one hand, this can mean that the relationship between oneself and the thief uncle is very close, and there is nothing to hide.

On the other hand, when the acropolis is upgraded to the county town, the thief uncle can be asked to help guard the home.

The location of the God's Chosen City is the high-level [Wild Monster Zone], and the difficulty of upgrading the city is very different from the [Order Zone].

Taking ten thousand steps back, even if the thief uncle really betrayed the location of God's Chosen City, Qi Ge, who was in close contact with the Poseidon Church, would not worry about being attacked at all.

However, when he arrived at the territory, Qi Ge suddenly realized that he had inadvertently overlooked a very important thing.

Uncle Thief is a demigod thief!

[Kredel] The instructions on the suit are all lessons learned in blood and tears.

Anosaki could even steal Credel's things and sell them. As Credel's disciple, there was no way he could be spared.

Anosaki seemed to have judged his thoughts from Qi Ge's expression.

He smiled coldly and said:

"Haha, don't worry.

I stole your ancestor's things and sold them in order to build an orphanage.

Now that I have no shortage of gold coins, I will not attack you."

Qige asked cautiously:


"Of course it's true, Credel and I are brothers in love, brothers in life and death.

You are Credel's successor, and you are my successor.

If I steal from anyone, I won’t steal from you.”

【system hint:

Warning! Warning!

Credel is trying to steal your mythical architectural blueprint: [Beautiful Heaven].

Yasha's God's Choice protection takes effect and the theft fails.】

Qi Ge:……

"Uncle, you did it on purpose, to tease me."

"Tch, it failed. The protection of the Mother Goddess is really troublesome."

Anosaki patted Qi Ge on the shoulder and said sincerely:

"I just did this to remind you to be careful about thieves."

Qi Ge: "For example, you?!"

Anosaki coughed and quickly changed the subject:

"Without further ado, when will you build the Sky Boat?

If you and Aqed work together, it should be completed in about half a year."

Qi Ge shook his head and said:

"Not so fast.

I plan to build the [Sky Boat] instantly when the Acropolis is successfully upgraded to the prefecture, relying on the rewards given to us by the Mother Goddess as chosen by the God of Yasha.

Otherwise, even if Teacher Aged comes back, the construction of the mythical building will be too long."

"Reward? What reward?" Anosaki was confused.

"This can be regarded as the privilege chosen by our Yasha God.

When our Yasha God chooses to build a city or upgrade a city, it will cause the surrounding chaotic wild monsters to attack the city.

As long as the defense is successful, you will get rewards.

The amount of rewards is determined by the difficulty of defense.

The more chaotic monsters that attack the city and the stronger they are, the greater the rewards will be.

By the way, if we, the Chosen Gods of Yasha, rely on the strength of you locals from the Yasha world when defending the city, the final reward will be greatly reduced.

The higher your level of participation, the greater the discounts we will reward.

Therefore, in this defensive battle, we can only rely on our Asa gods to choose ourselves.

Uncle Thief, you haven't joined my territory yet. You can only use it as a trump card just in case. You can't take action casually.

I'm going to do something big this time when I upgrade.

If my idea is successful, the rewards should be increased to a very exaggerated level.

According to my estimation, even if the [Sky Boat] cannot be knocked out directly, the time required for construction can be greatly shortened.


Correspondingly, the number of wild monsters during siege will also become very exaggerated.

Therefore, I must make a lot of preparations before upgrading the city."

Anosa was stunned for a long time and exclaimed:

"There is such a thing.

A reward enough to complete the mythical building in an instant...

Unheard, unseen.

The Mother Goddess is too partial to you, the Chosen God of Yasha, and even I feel envious."

Qi Ge laughed:

"After all, we are the Chosen One who wants to save the world.

The greater the privilege, the greater the responsibility.

Dangerous places like Chaos Treasure House and Void Shards.

You locals have only one life, it's too dangerous to explore.

We are different.

The Chosen God of Yasha is not afraid of death, but is afraid that the reward will not be enough."

Anosaki quickly calmed down and asked again:

"Then when are you going to start? I can't stay here with you forever."

"Uncle Thief, you can visit my God's Chosen City first.

If it doesn't work, just leave first.

I'll call you when I'm ready.

Don't worry, it won't be long, I still have to wait for some people to come back.

When everyone is here, start immediately."

Qi Ge was talking when a conch on his body suddenly lit up.

Qi Ge put the conch to her ear, and a cold female voice came from inside.

"The plan is going well, we are ready to close the net and request for support!"

Qi Ge smiled slightly and said:

"Look, one is coming back."

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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