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Chapter 513 Financial War

Chapter 513 Financial War

In Stormwind City, the [Jenova Chamber of Commerce] has purchased a twelve-story magic tower as its headquarters.

Qi Ge stood under the magic tower at the headquarters of the [Jenova Chamber of Commerce], feeling very emotional.

Even he had to admit that Mixue Bingtang's abilities were outstanding.

In just ten days, the size of the [Jenova Chamber of Commerce] expanded exponentially into a behemoth.

Just as he was sighing, a familiar voice came from behind him.

"Dignified guest, are you the person the president is waiting for?

I am the secretary of the president, please follow me to the top floor."

Qi Ge turned around and saw an elf in a butler uniform standing behind him holding his hands and smiling lightly at him.

Although the other party used disguise, Qi Ge easily recognized the other party's true identity.

Yo! Pope Hove, you had a good time?

"Yes, that's me. Please forgive me."

Qige raised her eyebrows, smiled and greeted Hof.

"this way please!"

Qige followed Huo Fu and entered the magic tower through the back door of the Chamber of Commerce.

Here are the hidden steps in the Magic Tower.

The blue stone steps were covered with dust, and the handrails were covered with unswept spider webs.

The sun shines through the window, and through the sunlight you can see little white dots flying randomly.

There was no one around and there was silence.

Huo Fu, who was climbing the stairs, slowed down, fell back, and stuck to Qi Ge.

She whispered in a hoarse voice:

"Qi Ge, Elni and Moriel have returned to Black Dragon City, I'm here to help Michelle Bingtang.

The cleaning work of the Jenova Chamber of Commerce has also been completed, and the top management are now members of our Wealth Church."

Qi Ge asked in a low voice:

"Where's Jenova? Have you said hello?"

"Don't worry, Jenova has come to our wealth management to temporarily take over my position.

We are already a regular army through and through, and no one would think that we are fakes."


Qi Ge smiled first, and then asked doubtfully:

"Speaking of which, why do we have to lower our voices and speak like this? Hasn't the protective barrier been deployed in the magic tower?"

"That must be because it feels better to speak like this!

After all, we are an evil organization with heinous crimes now."

Qige categorically denied:

"Nonsense, we are obviously heroes who uphold justice.

Bracada money is evil money.

And ours is the embodiment of justice.

When evil money comes into our hands, it will turn into righteous money."

Qi Ge and Huo Fu looked at each other and smiled, showing a look of embarrassment.

Qi Ge followed Huo Fu out of the secret passage of Mixue Bingtang's office, and immediately saw a mountain of various documents on a desk.

Michelle Bingtang poked her head out from the sea of ​​documents, glanced at the two of them, and immediately buried her head back.

She said loudly:

"Qige you are here.

Please sit down for a moment and wait for me to finish what I'm doing and come over to entertain you."


Qi Ge and Hof sat opposite each other, and Hof made tea for Qi Ge very skillfully.

Qi Ge looked at the mountain of documents in front of Mixue Bingtang and asked Hof doubtfully:

"Didn't you say the network is about to be closed down? Why does Mixue Bingtang still have so many files to process?"

Hoff smiled and replied:

“It’s just the first phase of closing the network.

We are still far from the end of the entire plan.”

"Huh?" Qi Ge was even more confused.

“I don’t know much about finance, so I left the entire plan to Bingtang.

I remember Bingtang said it before.

After gathering a wave of funds, they will leave.

Has the situation changed?"

Huo Fu glanced at Qige with admiration and said:

"Yes! The first phase of the plan went more smoothly than we imagined, and we successfully raised a lot of funds.

Originally we were ready to run away, but suddenly a surprise came from the sky.

Things start with the invasion of the Will of the Abyss.

The Will of the Abyss fought all the way from Lava City to Thunder City.

All the cities along the way from Lava City to Thunder City were attacked to a greater or lesser extent.

Many heroes and soldiers who invested in us died in battle.

Unlike Erathia, which is a family system, most of the mages and djinn in Brakada adhere to the principle of celibacy.

This led to the development of the prostitution industry in Bracada and the extremely large number of bachelors in Bracada.

Once they die, all investments and bonds become ours.

Especially the financial backers in Thunder City are all extremely wealthy and generous in their spending.

Lord Elmore alone gave us one million Titan coins, which is 10 million gold coins.

This even changed my impression of those mages.

Although they do all kinds of evil in oppression and exploitation, they are all kind-hearted and good people."

Qi Ge:……

Qi Ge was shocked.

"Is there such a thing?"

Hof smiled proudly and said:

“We now have a large amount of additional assets out of thin air.

The [Headless Titan Coin] that can be confirmed now is close to 20 million.

There will be more when we finish counting them all.”

Qi Ge was in a complicated mood.

Black swan events can bring both unexpected shocks and magical surprises.

It seems that Ur, the black swan, has feathers made of gold, so red that it turns black.

"With huge assets and the official endorsement of the [Jenova Chamber of Commerce], it would be too stupid to just run away."

At this moment, Mixue Bingtang came over.

She said enthusiastically:

"We can completely use this fund as a fulcrum to leverage and launch a big wave!"

Faced with the huge surprise, Qi Ge did not get carried away.

He asked calmly:

"Bingtang, please tell me specifically, what do you want to do?"

Mixue Bingtang slapped the table hard and said in a loud voice:

“I want to borrow money from the [Bracada National Treasury]!”

"National Treasury?"

Qige was stunned for a moment and asked:

"We have so much money, why are we still borrowing it? How big of a deal do you want to do?"

“It’s easy to borrow money only if you have money! Banks will only lend large sums of money to rich people.

The richer you are, the easier it is to borrow money, but those who are short of money will not be able to borrow it.

Her Majesty Ernie and I studied Bracada's financial system together.

Bracada actually overdrawn a lot of future money to spend on construction, which allowed Bracada to maintain its superficial prosperity.

And the source of everything is the [Bracada National Treasury].

[Bracada National Treasury] can be simply regarded as the central bank of Bracada.

In the early days, the [Bracada National Treasury] carried out economic businesses with high interest rates and high returns.

For example, you can lend money to pseudo-legends who are expanding their land, help them build cities, and then slowly draw interest and principal from the income after the city is established.

Another example is that during the war, merchants' assets were used as collateral to lend money to overseas merchants to purchase goods. After the merchants came back from the transaction, the interest and principal were repaid in one go.

Most of those who borrowed money from the [Bracada National Treasury] in the early days had high social status, and if they were not careful, they could easily go into bad debts.

In order to maintain their own development environment, [Brakada National Treasury] and [Thunder Church] cooperate with each other.

[Braccada National Treasury] provides [Thunder Church] with high tax revenue, and [Thunder Church] protects [Braccada National Treasury] to develop businesses that can obtain high profits.

Therefore, in the early days, [Brakada National Treasury] became a subsidiary economic institution of [Thunder Church], and in turn, [Thunder Church] also became a favorable support for the [Brakada National Treasury].

By the way, [Thunder Church] is a powerful organization that controls the highest theological power, the highest political power, and the highest military power in Brakada.

Therefore, the cooperation between [Brakada National Treasury] and [Thunder Church], in the simplest and most straightforward terms, is:

Money and power cooperation.

[Quan] utilizes rights to ensure that [money] flows towards [Quan].

【Money】Use your rights to ensure that you can earn more money stably.

Later, with the issuance of Titan coins, the status of the [Bracada National Treasury] became more and more important.

Gradually, the [Bracada National Treasury] has more functions.

Such as deposits and withdrawals, small loans for everyone, etc.

Heroes have space backpacks and can carry unlimited gold coins and resources. Therefore, even if there is interest as an attraction, the enthusiasm of Bracada's heroes for deposits is quite limited.

Therefore, the [Bracada National Treasury] stipulates that if you want a loan, in addition to the collateral, you must deposit a certain amount of gold coins as a guarantee.

This seems to be a strange situation.

Only those who are short of gold coins need a loan, but a loan requires depositing gold coins. Isn't this a joke?

In fact, when the hero makes a deposit at the [Bracada National Treasury], he deposits gold coins.

But all they loaned out were Titan coins.

For example, if a hero deposits 10,000 gold coins and then mortgages assets worth 100,000 gold coins, he can get a loan of 200,000 titan coins from the [Brakada National Treasury].

Relying on Bracada's official reputation as a guarantee, Titan coins have the same purchasing power as gold coins in Bracada.

It is precisely because of the existence of the [Bracada National Treasury] that Titan coins can replace gold coins and become the mainstream currency in Bracada."

Mixue Bingtang took a breath and continued:

“It is precisely because of this system that the wealth of Bracada is inevitably concentrated.

When the business scale reaches a certain level, those who want to engage in business will not be able to compete with rivals with abundant capital without borrowing money (financing).

And the source of all financing will point to the [Bracada National Treasury].

[Bracada National Treasury] did not purchase any property, but just continued to borrow money, and it was able to continuously obtain huge profits.

But this system also has a big drawback.

What I want to do is to take advantage of this shortcoming to penetrate the [Brakada National Treasury] and make Titan Coin lose its credibility."

Hof smiled and said:

"The existence of Titan coins will pose a great threat to the normal circulation of gold coins.

This is also something the God of Wealth cannot allow.

Therefore, we, Wealth Church, also provide Bingtang with the greatest support.

Bingtang's plan is no longer just a matter between Qige you and Bingtang.

This is war, a financial war between our church of wealth and Bracada."

Financial war…

In the real world, financial war refers to wars, strategies, tactics and campaigns that are conducted and implemented in the military or non-military fields using monetary funds and financing methods to strive for the interests of the country or the group.

The outcome of the financial war not only determines the life and death of commercial entities (enterprises, chambers of commerce) and the success or failure of the military, but also determines the strength and decline of the country and the nation.

There are countless examples of countries being destroyed due to defeat in financial wars.

It seems that the Wealth Church is getting serious.

From this point of view, it is no accident that Mixue Bingtang became the God of Fortune just one year after coming to Yasha World.

What the Church of Wealth is looking for should be Mixue Bingtang’s ability in business.

"I see."

Qi Ge asked softly:

"Then what happened to the request you mentioned before?"

Michelle Bingtang blinked and said with a smile:

"I need to use your goblin tavern and use your identity as His Majesty Agede to endorse me.

I'm going to start buying the factory in Bracada.

This war between Brakada and Negan caused many city lords to lose their money.

You destroyed those factories to pieces again.

Many city owners are unable to resume factory production and are putting their factories up for sale.

I can buy a lot of factory shells at the broken price."

When Qi Ge heard this, he immediately understood:

"Most of the production lines in those factories have fallen into the hands of the Church of Fortune and Moriel.

Once you buy the shell, you can resume production at the factory at an extremely low price!"

"That's right!"

Michelle Bingtang smiled proudly:

"Once the Titan coins leave Bracada, they are just a pile of waste paper.

Only by converting Titan coins into various products of real value can you get considerable gold coins.

Moreover, with these factories as cover, we can recruit goblins in Bracada unscrupulously and constantly transfer goblins to the Chosen City.

In addition, we can also use these factories as collateral to the [Bracada National Treasury] to loan out more Titan coins.

The loaned Titan coins are used to invest in other industries, and then used to continue to mortgage, and more Titan coins are loaned out.

Use leverage to leverage new levers and continuously expand the industry.

Then, the physical output of the industry is secretly delivered to the Church of Fortune and the City of God’s Choice.

Borrow Bracada's chickens to lay our eggs.

It doesn't matter if I lose the money, I never thought about paying back the principal in the first place.

If something goes wrong, I will run away immediately!

We ate the eggs and left the rotting dead chickens for Bracada to clean up.

If everything goes well and the market is built big enough, the credibility of Titancoin will be destroyed in one wave.

Even if it doesn’t go well, this move can act as a major earthquake that causes a financial tsunami!”

After the plan was finished, Michelle Bingtang and Huo Fu both showed proud expressions on their faces.


Qi Ge took a breath of cold air.

"You are good and bad, you are trying to punish Brakada to death."

"Just tell me whether you like it or not?"

Qi Ge was shocked: "I like it!"

"Hey hey hey!"

Michelle Bingtang narrowed her eyes and let out a cunning laugh.

The three of them laughed together for a while, and Qige asked Mixue Bingtang:

"By the way, Bingtang, the county and city upgrade plan mentioned earlier is about to begin.

Do you have time to go back to God’s Chosen City?”

"Ah, this is... troublesome.

There are a lot of things I have to deal with here, but building the city is also a big deal."

Michelle Bingtang frowned and said with some confusion:

"Sorry, I can only spare one day for Qi Ge."

"I might not be able to finish it in one day."

Qi Ge rubbed his eyebrows.

At this moment, Hoff took a sip of tea and said elegantly:

"Elnie is pretty busy over there. You can come over and help at any time."

Mixue Bingtang turns worries into joy:

"It would be okay if the teacher comes here.

I have been reporting information to the teacher recently, and the teacher is more familiar with the situation in Brakada than I am.

If you work harder as a teacher, you can spare as much time as you want!"

Qi Ge smiled slightly and said: "Then you wait for my news. When the time is up, I will come to pick you up and go back to meet you."


Qi Ge sat next to Mixue Bingtang for a while before saying goodbye and leaving.

Before leaving, Qige said to Mixue Bingtang:

"Bingtang, no matter what, you have to pay attention to safety. It doesn't matter even if the plan fails.

Your status is special and you don't even have the ability to commit suicide.

Some tricks that are ineffective for us ordinary players may not be effective for you.

In my heart, you are more important than destroying Bracada's economy."

"What a coincidence, in my mind too."

Michelle Bingtang said with a smile:

"Don't worry, Your Majesty Huofu and Your Majesty Seri are here.

What's more, I still have Dingdong to protect me!"

After leaving Stormwind City, Qi Ge arrived at [Silverwind City] through the portal.

Li Xiaobai, who has left [Thunder City], is waiting for him here.

They are going to [Camellia Oil City] together to meet up with Agaide and Lin Xi.

Because the teleportation hub of [Maple Leaf City] was destroyed by Seven Pigeons, all cities in the southern border of Brakada are unable to use the teleportation array.

Qi Ge could only take the armed airship over with Li Xiaobai.

Even if the airship can travel in a straight line, it will still take a day and a night to reach [Camellia Oil City].

On the airship, Qige opened a double room and lived with Li Xiaobai.

With rare free time, Qi Ge began to sort out the drawings he had obtained in the past three weeks in Historical Echoes.

In the past two weeks, Qi Ge did not pursue the ultimate in historical echoes because he was concerned about the Negan war and the "Heavenly Changes" project.

I just casually completed the customs clearance conditions and left the historical echo.

Therefore, the seven pigeons did not get anything good in three weeks.

Except for some ordinary and hidden buildings, there are only four miracle building drawings in total.

They are [Treasure Black Market], [Wandering Magician’s Cabin], [Warrior’s Tomb], [Time Market]

[Treasure black market architectural drawings


Wandering treasure:

Real treasures of 4 random levels are generated every week, and you can choose one for purchase.

Treasure drift bottle:

You can spend 20,000 gold coins to open a treasure drift bottle every month.

The lowest level 3 treasure you can get from the treasure drifting bottle is, and the highest you can get is a combination of treasures.

Land area: 4 building spaces (2*2).]

【Wandering Magician's Cabin

Special skill: After opening the Magician's House, you can get the coordinates of a random Chaos Treasure House on the map.

Provides troop advancement: level 4 and 5, miracle troop, [Wandering Mage]. 】

【Tomb of the Warriors

Special skill: Warrior's Admiration can be activated once a week.

Three random results:

1. The tomb is empty and nothing happened.

2. Encounter the heroic soul of the warrior and fight with the heroic soul.

Victory can get a level 1~5 real treasure, and increase the hero's morale by 3 this week.

The unit carried by the failed hero will not die, but the hero's morale will be reduced by 3 this week.

3. Get guidance from the warrior, who will tell you the location of a powerful enemy (high-level wild monster).

After defeating the opponent, you will receive the warrior's blessing and randomly gain 1~3 attack points or 1~3 defense points permanently.

If you fail to defeat the opponent within this week, you will not be able to visit the Tomb of the Warriors next week.】

【Time market


You can visit once a week, spend 10,000 gold coins, and choose an effect to trigger.

Back to the past: You can forget any auxiliary skills, once a week.

Buy the Future: Improve one of the hero's auxiliary skills by one level (the highest legendary), lasting for one week.】

Qi Ge has gained a lot here, and Li Xiaobai is not bad either.

Just one NPC mythical soldier [Black Shadow Lizard Dragon] is enough to envy Qi Ge.

Qi Ge does not have any NPC mythical troops in his hands.

[Name: Shadow of Truth

Race: Black Shadow Lizard

Affiliation: Negan

Level 3 and Level 5 Myth







Giant arms.

Permanent invisibility: Permanent invisibility. It will not reveal itself when attacking, but will be counterattacked. Invisible state cannot be the target of single magic.

Ignores terrain when moving.

Cooperative attack: When there are enemies around you and teammates attack the enemy, you will immediately add an additional attack to the enemy. This attack will not be counterattacked.】

Qi Ge looked at the attributes of the Black Shadow Dragon Lizard in [Knight Token] and was very excited.

For permanently invisible troops, as long as the opponent does not have anti-invisibility capabilities, they will not be actively attacked or hit by single-target magic.

Unlike the acrobatic mythical units such as the Eternal Sleeping Dragon, the Black Shadow Lizard Dragon is simple and crude.

"Boss, this mythical soldier is so perverted."

Li Xiaobai muttered:

"No matter how I look at it, I feel perverted.

It just lacks the ability to attack without counterattack.

If [Black Shadow Lizard Dragon] attacks without counterattack, it will be invincible.

Used to kill wild monsters that cannot hide. As long as there is enough time, one can kill countless enemies."

"Yes. Mythical soldiers, how can they not be abnormal?

If it wasn’t strong, it wouldn’t be called a myth.”

Qige nodded and said:

"Level 4 earth magic, [Slow Sword], can add [no counterattack] special skill to the troops.

Then ask Lemeng to look for it and see if he can get the magic book."

Li Xiaobai's expression was tangled:

"Before that, we still have to find a way to deceive the [Shadow Reality].

I communicated with it several times, but was rejected by it.

It doesn’t want to submit to me at all.”

Qi Ge looked at Li Xiaobai sideways and said:

"of course.

The mythical troops are few in number, strong in strength, and of course arrogant.

Even some truly legendary heroes who don't have enough accumulation don't have mythical troops at their disposal.

[Shadow Truth] It’s normal to look down on you.

Don't worry, when we get to God's Chosen City, we will release [Shadow Reality] and let Mirola get close to [Shadow Reality].

In front of the 9th level Lucky God, it will understand what it means to be a lizard under the eaves and have to bow its head."

Li Xiaobai understood instantly and burst out laughing.

"That's right, boss.

When [Shadow Truth] threatened me, he said it was a lizard dragon with the blood of the noble shadow dragon.

Boss, what kind of dragon is the shadow dragon?"

"Shadow Dragon?"

Qi Ge was stunned for a moment.

"Isn't that a creature from the Shadow Realm? Can a shadow dragon travel to the main world to become a lizard?"

(End of chapter)

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