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Chapter 602 A Desperate Gambler

Chapter 602 Desperate Gambler

Author: Fierce Male Hamster

Chapter 602 Desperate Gambler


When Qi Ge heard from Yinhe that an enemy had boarded the Silver Spirit, he already understood what had happened to him.

Thieving corpse monsters and corpse mountains and seas of bones are rarely seen, but they are also the most troublesome Chaos troops.

In the past life, I don’t know how many players’ fleets were eventually destroyed at the hands of the corpse thieves.

"No, we must think of a way."

Before Seven Pigeons could take action, the Sky Whale spewed out a fountain of light like a whale spouting water.

This is the signal agreed between Qi Ge and Sylvia, indicating that the Sky Whale needs help.

"Yinhe, go up a gear and let the Sky Whale come up."


Qi Ge gave an order, and the Silver Spirit expanded rapidly.

The Sky Whale quickly accelerated and rushed onto the deck of the Silver Spirit.

"Seven pigeons!"

Sylvia sullenly swung the hook from the Sky Whale and swung to Qi Ge.

She said anxiously:

"Seven Pigeons, something invisible is attacking the Sky Whale. The Whale King is very uncomfortable."

Qi Ge immediately said:

"Me too, the Silver Spirit was also attacked.

I've read in books that the enemy may be a corpse thief."

"[Thief Corpse Monster]? What is that? Qi Ge, do you know?"


Qige explained:

"The Thief Corpse Monster lives in a different dimension and is not in the same space as our battleship at all.

Therefore, the Silver Spirit's magic shield and the ship's own defense have no effect on them.

Only after they launch an attack will they be forced into the same dimension as us by the power of order, and become able to be harmed and killed.

But this time is very short, only about 4 seconds.

Once the Thief Corpse Monster launches an attack, it will skip the naval battle and directly use our battleships as the battlefield for boarding battles.

In the realm of chaos, the battle space cannot be expanded, and it must be a fully open battlefield mode.

This means that the Thief Corpse Monster can completely stop fighting our troops and focus on destroying the warship.

The most difficult thing to deal with is that the Thief Corpse Monster is not a BOSS at all, but an ordinary chaos monster that relies on its numbers to produce destructive power.

As time goes by, more and more corpse thieves will enter our warships, until our ship repair speed cannot keep up with their destruction speed."

"Tsk, it's so troublesome."

After listening to Qige's description, Sylvia frowned and bit her finger.

At this moment, Yinhe hammered his palm and said with sudden enlightenment:

"Oh~~I understand! Isn't this just like the Seven-Star Beetle?"

"Seven-star beetles?"

Sylvia asked strangely:

"what is that?"

Yinhe raised his fist angrily and said:

"It's a very bad bug. They can directly cross the space and lay their larvae in the tree without penetrating the bark.

The larvae will then develop and gnaw inside the body of the tree, and then fly out across space as adults.

Even the high-level deadwood guards and the mithril trees in their infancy will be parasitized by the Seven-Star Beef.

Because the larvae are in our own bodies, there is nothing we can do about them.

A tree parasitized by larvae cannot even bloom and produce flower demons, and can only wait for the larvae to eat it and die.

Later, our mithril tree killed all the seven-star beetles, and our mithril tree’s space capabilities were also stolen from the seven-star beetles.”

Qige asked in surprise:

"Yes, the mithril tree is between illusion and reality, and it also controls the power of dimensions.

Galaxy, can you catch those invading thief corpse monsters?"

Yinhe nodded seriously and said:

"I feel like I can."

Yinhe closed his eyes, and his long silver hair suddenly floated.

The mithril tree appeared again in the sky. This time, the originally amiable mithril tree became full of chilling aura.

Pieces of silver leaves are like sharp blades, falling from the sky like rain.

The blades hit the deck and passed directly through it as if it were an illusion.

There was obviously nothing around, but Qi Ge and Sylvia clearly heard strange wails.

These silver leaves are like boomerangs, and will fly back to the mithril tree after attacking.

Qi Ge noticed that every leaf that came back would be a little thicker than the previous one.

Ten minutes, twenty minutes, thirty minutes...

The silver raindrops from the mithril tree continued for half an hour before slowly stopping.

The mithril tree disappeared, and Yinhe's hair slowly fell down, draped behind her again.

She smiled and said to Qige:

"Brother Admiral, it's all done! There's not a single pest left."

Yinghe stretched out his hand, and a mountain of corpses appeared out of thin air on the deck of the Silver Spirit.

[The Thief Corpse Monster] looks very weird. It looks like a human, but its mouth is somewhat similar to that of an ant, with two sharp knives.

Their eyes have six pairs of pupils, and their arms are covered with dense barbs.

"Awesome!" Qige was very surprised.

The [Thief Corpse Monster] that left countless players helpless in previous lives was actually solved by Galaxy so easily.

But Qi Ge did not expect that the surprise had just begun and was not over yet.

Galaxy suddenly teleported in front of those [Thief Corpse Monsters], and a bright light emitted from his body.

Immediately afterwards, the mithril tree appeared on the hillside of the corpse of the [Thief Corpse Monster], and the roots of the tree of light enveloped all the [Thief Corpse Monsters].

Sylvia asked strangely:

"Is the mithril tree going to eat the [Thief Corpse Monster]? Don't eat this randomly, be careful of eating it."

Qi Ge smiled and said:

"It's okay, the mithril tree can even be eaten by natural disasters, so my appetite is good.

Galaxy is smart and won't mess around without my permission."

Soon, the mithril tree slowly retracted its roots, and the hillock of [Thief Corpse Monster] disappeared, leaving behind a dozen sparkling mithril and a lot of resources.

[Thief Corpse Monster] The mound of corpses has turned into a mound of resources.

Yinhe breathed a sigh of relief, turned around and said with a smile:

"Brother Admiral, it's done!"

"[The Thief Corpse Monster] can also turn into mithril?"

Qi Ge was very shocked.

"Yeah!" Yinhe said proudly:

"I extracted all the rules that can break through dimensions from the [Thief Corpse Monster].

After this kind of rules are extracted, the [Thief Corpse Monster] species will completely lose contact with our space and will never come back."

"Little Galaxy, how did you become so powerful when you grew up?!"

Sylvia was extremely envious.

"The Whale King is nothing compared to you.

You are also a ship spirit who has awakened three times, why are you so outstanding."

"Ha ha."

Yinhe gestured proudly:

"You will definitely become more powerful when you grow up."

The incident on the Silver Spirit not only made Qi Ge very nervous, but the goblin crew members were also frightened.

Fortunately, Yinhe's heroic performance soon dispelled their uneasiness.

Bruno is one of the many goblin crew members aboard the Silver Spirit.

As a member of the "Hope Goblin Chamber of Commerce" and the first goblin to work on the Silver Spirit, Bruno is very prestigious among the goblin crew.

Under his leadership, most of the fairies on the Silver Spirit advanced into fairy shipwrights and fairy tinkers.

Both of these arms can play a huge role on the Silver Spirit.

Seeing the piled mountain of resources, Bruno breathed a sigh of relief and said to the other fairies:

"Did you see it? Did you see it?

I said, as long as Master Qi Ge is here, we will have no danger and smooth sailing along the way.

There is nothing in this world that can trouble Master Qi Ge.

Little ones, there should be life in your eyes.

The crisis has passed. Let's quickly patrol the Silver Spirit to see if there is anything we need to repair.

We have to let Lord Qige see our performance.

Long live Lord Qi Ge!"

"Long live Master Qi Ge!"

The goblins shouted in unison, opened the hatch and entered the cabin of the Silver Spirit, and began to check around.

Bruno thought for a while and went straight to the most important cabins.

"The elf battleship modification cabin is no problem.

Shell bay, no problem.

Magic core cabin, no problem.

Meow Shark's lair cabin, no problem."

After personally confirming that the important cabins were intact, Bruno breathed a sigh of relief.

The only thing that hasn't been checked yet is the kitchen.

He strolled to the kitchen and opened the kitchen door.

Everything was normal in the kitchen, except for a fish tank for aquatic products that collapsed.

The wet and sticky seawater covered the wooden floor, and colorful sea fish and a few octopuses were feebly flopping around.

"Oh, why did the water tank fall over?

These aquatic products are the little princess of the Milky Way’s favorite food.”

Bruno quickly ran into the kitchen to check. Although the water tank fell over, it was not broken and all the sea water did not flow out.

This made Bruno breathe a sigh of relief.

He struggled to straighten the large water tank, and then prepared to throw the fish, shrimp and octopus into the water tank.

When he picked up the slippery octopus, the octopus suddenly sprayed a stream of sticky liquid directly into Bruno's face.


Bruno wiped his face and patted the octopus on the head.

"Hey, you little guy, let me eat you first tonight."

Bruno took out the mop and mopped the floor clean.

He took a satisfied look at the brand new kitchen and was about to leave.

Suddenly, Bruno's eyes suddenly widened and he fell straight to the ground.

His eyeballs exploded, and a bunch of weird tentacles that resembled sea anemones emerged from them.

Immediately afterwards, Bruno's entire face began to transform into slimy sea anemone tentacles.

These tentacles turned a few times on Bruno's face and reassembled into Bruno's face.

This strange scene was not even noticed by the Milky Way.

Bruno shook his head and stood up. He looked around suspiciously and said to himself:

"Hey, what happened to me? Oh, I came to check the kitchen and accidentally fell.

Nothing seems to be going on in the kitchen.

It’s okay if it’s okay, it’s okay if it’s okay.”

Although Galaxy's heroic performance helped the fleet survive a crisis, it also wasted a lot of time.

At this time, the anglerfish in front of the Silver Spirit and Sky Whale had already put their lanterns in their mouths.

This means that the Sea of ​​Chaos has entered a closed state, and no matter which direction you go, you cannot get out.

Helpless, Qige can only try to conquer the Mountain of Corpses and Sea of ​​Bones.

Either up or down.

Seven doves down there is the Nautilus.

But Qige did not choose to dive into the sea of ​​bones.

To sneak into the Sea of ​​Bones means that Qi Ge has to leave the Silver Spirit and control the Nautilus himself.

This is a huge risk for Qi Ge and Yin Ling.

In the end, Qi Ge decided to climb up the mountain of corpses to have a look. If it didn't work, he would choose the second way.

Ten minutes later, the Silver Spirit and the Blue Whale gradually approached the mountain of corpses.

The closer you get, the more terrifying you can feel the mountain of corpses.

This huge mountain covers almost all the military types that have been swallowed by Chaos since it invaded the world of Yasha.

Even at the bottom of the corpse mountain, you can see the huge corpses of the fairy dragon and the holy dragon.

"It would be great if these bodies were real."

In the past life, I don’t know how many cemetery players have felt this way.

Unfortunately, these corpses are all reflections of certain rules, representing the order of the Yasha world that has been absorbed by Chaos. They are part of the mountain of corpses and sea of ​​bones, and cannot be removed or used by players.

As they approached the mountain of corpses, strange chaotic troops emerged from the sea of ​​bones to attack the Silver Spirit.

For example, bone lice whose whole body is made of bones, evil maggots that lay eggs in corpses, and zombie zombies that can control corpses to fight.

But they don't have the ability of [Thief Corpse Monster] to penetrate the magic shield.

When they attack the Silver Spirit's protective shield, they will be targeted by Qi Ge and killed remotely by the long-range Heroic Soul unit.

The Silver Spirit, which has awakened three times, still recovers its magic power at an exaggerated rate even in the realm of chaos.

These slain chaos monsters will also become the source of the Silver Spirit's magic power recovery.

Chaos is an increase in entropy.

The increase in entropy is the increase in the degree of chaos of energy, not the absence of energy.

Just like when you light a cigarette, the smoke burns into fire and smoke.

It's difficult to convert fire and smoke into a cigarette because the energy that makes up the smoke becomes chaotic when it burns.

But it doesn't mean that this smoke of yours disappears.

It just spreads in the air in another way.

Chaos energy is chaotic, energy that cannot be utilized.

Chaos monsters are also made of chaotic energy.

The Silver Spirit, which has awakened for the third time, possesses the same powerful power of order as Yasha Fire. It can forcibly stabilize the chaotic and unusable energy.

For Qi Ge, he wished that there would be more Chaos Monsters with limited threats.

This is simply a buffet delivered to Silver Spirit's mouth.

Finally arriving at the mountain of corpses, Sylvia raised her head at a 90-degree angle in shock.

The tall corpse mountain has been submerged in the thick fog of chaos, and it is impossible to see what is on the top of the corpse mountain.

"Qi Ge, how do you climb up here?"

Qi Ge said solemnly:

"Drive right up.

A mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​bones is not a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​bones, but a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​bones.

This huge mountain of corpses is also a kind of sea.

The Silver Spirit can completely drive up the mountain of corpses vertically.

The rules of gravity often do not apply in the realm of chaos."

Qige then added:

"But climbing the mountain of corpses is not that easy.

The moment the Silver Spirit boarded the Corpse Mountain, all the Chaos monsters in the entire Bone Sea would gather towards the Corpse Mountain.

At the same time, various obstacles will appear on the corpse mountain.

Some of these chaos monsters will try their best to catch up with the Silver Spirit and attack the Silver Spirit, while others will race against the Silver Spirit.

If we can't reach the top of the corpse mountain before the chaos monsters do, we will be wiped out by the rules.

According to records, no one has ever climbed to the top of Corpse Mountain."

Sylvia blinked and said confidently:

"For the speed competition, it's up to me and the Sky Whale to do it.

As long as it's in the sea, there can't be anyone faster than us."


Qige nodded and said:

"I think so too."

The Silver Spirit quickly shrunk under the mountain of corpses, and the Sky Whale also returned to the Sea of ​​Bones from the deck of the Silver Spirit.

Although the size of the successfully awakened Sky Whale has not changed much, it can unconditionally and continuously unfold the Sky Whale to descend to the earth.


The whale king's whale song sounded, and the bloody ocean and bones were rolled up, forming a huge circle of blood-red whales around the Sky Whale.

The giant bloody whale wrapped the shrunken Silver Spirit together with the magic shield.

At this time, the Silver Spirit became the frigate of the Whale King.

[Sky Whale Patrol: Designate other battleships as the frigates of the Sky Whale. When the Sky Whale is damaged, the frigate will bear the damage. The speed of the frigate is always the same as the Sky Whale.

A maximum of three frigates can be designated.]

Sylvia returned to the Sky Whale first, and Qi Ge asked Yin Yin to call out Elena who was helping the Flower Demon transform the elf battleship in the elf battleship transformation cabin.

Qige touched Yinhe's head and said to Yinhe and Elena:

"I'm going to help on the Sky Whale, you guys wait for me here.

If anything happens, please notify me as soon as possible."

"Well! Come on, brother Admiral."

"Don't worry, I will take good care of the Milky Way.

Yinhe and Elena nodded simultaneously.

The Silver Spirit opened the magic channel and delivered the seven pigeons to the Sky Whale.

The pirate crew on the Sky Whale are busy making final inspections.

The King Whale turned into a small glowing whale and surrounded the Seven Pigeons, welcoming their arrival.

Qi Ge told Sylvia some precautions that he still remembered.

When everything was ready, the Whale King flicked his tail vigorously, and the Sky Whale jumped out immediately!

After three awakenings, the Sky Whale's basic movement speed reached a terrifying 210 points.

After being boosted by Sylvia and Ocean Hat, it reached 430 points!

Sylvia's acceleration stunt is activated again, the speed is doubled again, 860 points!

In just six seconds, the Sky Whale accelerated from 0 to 340km/s, which is equivalent to a thousand times the speed of sound!

The Sky Whale is heading up the mountain!

The Sea of ​​Bones is rioting!

Countless chaos monsters rushed to the sea crazily!

The Sky Whale has reached the top of the mountain!

Bone Sea, Bone Sea hasn't reacted yet.

The chaos monsters even thought that the summons from the corpse mountain just now was an illusion, and they all froze on the spot.

Bang bang bang!!!!

In the blink of an eye, the Sky Whale rushed through three layers of thick fog of chaos and rushed straight into a brilliant sea of ​​​​light clouds.

Above the mountain of corpses, there is actually a dazzling paradise.

"Coming up!"

Sylvia cheered excitedly.

She looked around curiously and asked strangely:

"Huh? It's not difficult.

Qi Ge, where are the obstacles you mentioned?"

Qige lay down under the railing of the Sky Whale and glanced down.

A group of chaotic monsters with teeth and claws, and a trap composed of various pieces of blood and flesh have just exploded.

Obviously, the speed of the Sky Whale was too fast and Corpse Mountain could not react.

"Ah this..."

The seven pigeons were silent.

He understood that the reason why no players had climbed the mountain of corpses in previous lives was simply because they were not fast enough.

If Mario could reach 10 times the speed of sound, he wouldn't need to pick mushrooms, bump into turtles, or fight Bowser. He could just swish the princess away, and swish back again.

The princess was so slapped that Bowser rolled his eyes and couldn't even catch up.

"Wait a minute, we're already here, but why hasn't the Mountain of Corpses and Sea of ​​Bones been conquered yet?"

Qi Ge looked around suspiciously.

The brilliant sea of ​​clouds was empty, with nothing in it.

"Could it be said that climbing up the mountain of corpses is useless and diving into the sea is the right way?

Is this huge mountain of corpses just a cover?"

Just as Qi Ge was puzzled, a door suddenly appeared in the surrounding sea of ​​​​glorious clouds.

The door is inlaid with colorful jewels, which is dazzling; the pillars of the door are a pair of Cyclops with their heads cut off, and their huge navels are flowing with rancid black blood.

This scene of huge contrast really made Qi Ge feel a burst of physical discomfort.

The light door opened with a bang, and a headless giant walked out of it.

Its mere appearance made Qi Ge feel a chill on his back.

The conch of Qi Dove suddenly rang, and the voice of the undead demigod Nimbas came from inside:

"Master! Be careful, I feel the aura of chaos at the demigod level. The opponent is a troublesome guy."

"Sure enough, we still have to fight the BOSS."

Qi Ge became serious and prepared for battle.

However, the headless giant did not attack the seven pigeons.

He stretched out his hand, crossed countless distances, and picked out a head from the mountain of corpses under the sea of ​​clouds.

Whether it was luck or misfortune, he happened to choose a Behemoth head and placed it on his head. In the blink of an eye, he transformed into a huge Behemoth.

The seven pigeons were horrified:

"Fuck! Level 4 Mythical Overlord Behemoth!"

【Overlord Behemoth

Level 7 Level 4 Myth


Defense: 0




Special skills: Giant soldiers, the return of the myth, the enemy cannot counterattack when attacking.

Overlord Breaks Defense: When actively attacking the enemy, all the enemy's defense will be deducted and added to your own attack.

When attacked, the enemy's attack power is deducted from the enemy's defense power.

Resist magic: Overlord Behemoth is not affected by any possession magic, whether beneficial or harmful.

Overlord Behemoth cannot be healed or resurrected by magic.

Bloodthirsty Breakout: When the total number of enemies within 6 blocks around you is greater than the total number of your own, you will receive a ring attack and double-click.

Gobi King: Flying is prohibited within 6 blocks around Overlord Behemoth, and the battlefield will be changed to the Gobi Desert.]

In the blink of an eye, the brilliant sea of ​​clouds in the sky gradually turned into endless yellow sand.

Both the Silver Spirit and the Sky Whale are battleships. If a battle occurs in the Gobi terrain, their movement speed will instantly drop to 0.


Seven Pigeons called out, and Sylvia immediately opened the Ocean Cap and made the Blue Whale move at high speed.

[Turn on during battle. After turning on, the terrain that the troops have moved will be converted into sea area.

Cool down three battles.]

There is a conflict between the special skills of mythical units and the special skills of combined treasures.

Overlord Behemoth will forcibly change the entire battlefield to the Gobi Desert, and the Ocean Cap will forcibly change the place where the Sky Whale has moved to the ocean.

The result of the conflict between the two is that the Ocean Hat has a higher priority.

This is because the Sky Whale has a Sky Whale that ignores terrain restrictions when moving!

Before the Sky Whale was transformed into the Gobi desert at its feet, it had already started taking action.

Therefore, on the Gobi battlefield, an extra 420 blocks of water appeared out of thin air.

This piece of blue water is suspended in the air very unreasonably.

It's not a turn-based system, everyone makes their own decisions.

How could Seven Pigeons give Overlord Beamon a chance to react?

"Sylvia, speed up and hit us!"



The Sky Whale ignores the enemy's obstruction when it moves. It turns into a stream of light and directly crushes Overlord Behemoth.

Because the acceleration distance was not enough, this blow did not directly kill Overlord Behemoth.

However, being penetrated by the Sky Whale, the Gobi desert under Overlord Behemoth's feet suddenly turned into a sea.


Overlord Behemoth suddenly fell into the sea water, and was wrapped in the sea water and gradually melted and disappeared.

"Did you win?"

Sylvia turned around and saw that the dead Overlord Behemoth suddenly turned into a head.

But the headless giant emerged from Overlord Behemoth's body. It floated on the sea and reached out to grab the mountain of corpses.

This time, the headless giant took off the head of a ghost dragon.

It pressed the dragon's head on its neck, transformed into a bone dragon, flapped its wings and flew into the sky.

"Damn it, are you doing this?

One death and one head at a time.”

Seven Pigeons took out the conch and read loudly:

"Galaxy, magic resonance, give it a shot."

"Come on!"

The Silver Spirit resonated, the mithril tree appeared, and with one shot, the bone dragon was instantly destroyed.

But then, the headless giant flew out of the bone dragon's body again, and reached out to take the head again.

"It's not that easy, Sky Whale, hit me!"


The Sky Whale flashed with light and directly hit the headless giant!

However, the headless giant was not harmed at all, as the Sky Whale passed directly through his body.

"Exemption of goods? Silver Spirit, blizzard!"


The mithril tree flickered, and the powerful ice and snow storm passed through the headless giant's body, still not causing any damage.

"Both immunity and physical immunity? Can we only deal real injuries?"

In the realm of chaos, you cannot directly see the attributes of the units, you can only continue to test them like this.

When you encounter these tricky and strange things, you may get into trouble if you are not careful.

Qi Ge and Sylvia followed the headless giant and fought for a long time.

Real damage, instant death, terrain effects, and weather damage effects have all been tested, but none of them can cause damage to the headless giant.

"Damn it, is he invincible?

It is actually the most troublesome BOSS with special rules.

How to lift the invincibility rule?"

Qige took one look at the terrifying mountain of corpses and felt a chill in her heart.

"Oh my God, are we going to kill the whole mountain of corpses?"

Not to mention how long the fight will take, there may even be four divine dragons in this pile of corpses: [Purple Dragon, Holy Dragon, Rust Dragon, and Crystal Dragon].

If someone appears that they can't deal with, Qi Ge and the others will be wiped out here.

That's the only way to go.

Qi Ge gritted his teeth and said to Sylvia:

"Sylvia, slow down this big demon. It's best to kill it after five minutes.

Give me some time and I'll think of a solution."


Sylvia did not ask Qi Ge how to find a solution. After experiencing the difficulties together several times, she now trusts Qi Ge unconditionally.

Qi Ge closed his eyes and was forced to log off!

For a moment, Qige's body fell straight into Sylvia's arms.

Qi Ge ran out of the game cabin naked and woke up Zhang Fu.

Zhang Fu saw Qi Ge's livid face and asked hurriedly:

"Boss, what's wrong?

Qi Ge explained the situation he encountered and said anxiously:

"Rich, go online immediately, coordinate XXX, open sky vision, use perspective, and then tell me the attributes and special skills of the headless giant."

Although Zhang Fufu usually escapes, at critical moments he is more trustworthy than anyone else.

After listening to Qige's words, he immediately lay down on the spot without any hesitation.

While waiting, Qi Ge sat on a chair and poured himself a glass of water to calm down.

“You can’t see attributes and special skills in the Realm of Chaos, but you can see the sky vision.

The power of mythical architecture can penetrate even the obstruction of chaos.

This is also my biggest trump card for daring to enter the Sea of ​​Chaos."

While Qi Ge prepared paper and pen, he analyzed possible stunts of the headless giant in his mind and came up with solutions one by one.

Five long minutes passed, and Zhang Fu's game cabin opened.

He said excitedly:

"Boss, I saw it."

Zhang Fu immediately took the pen and paper from Qi Ge and wrote down the special skills and attributes of the headless giant word for word.

Qige tied the paper and said in shock:

"Damn, there is such a thing."

He immediately said to Zhang Fu:

"Fu Fu, when you return to the City of God's Choice, help me deliver some things, as fast as possible."

Two minutes later, Seven Pigeons woke up on the Sky Whale.

Xiao Dao and Gin, who were guarding Qi Ge, immediately shouted in surprise:

"First mate, you're awake!"

"Sister-in-law, eldest brother-in-law is awake!"

Sylvia immediately released the resonance state and looked at Qi Ge with concern.

Seven Pigeons caught Sylvia and said:

"I figured out a way."

Sylvia hugged Qi Ge happily:

"It's great that you're okay."

Qi Ge:……

Qi Ge smiled and patted Sylvia on the back:

"Don't worry, I'll be fine."

A minute later, the headless giant that turned into [Disaster Hydra] was exploded again, and nine snake heads flew into the air.

The strange headless giant appeared again. It stretched out its hand and grabbed at the mountain of corpses.

Qi Ge raised the still scepter in his hand and said loudly:

"That's enough! Since you like to transform, I will let you transform!"

Delivery begins!

Zhang Fufu, who was located in God's Choice City, immediately took action.

Hundreds of huge pumpkin heads appeared out of thin air, all falling next to the headless giant.

The headless giant had already reached out to the mountain of corpses, turned involuntarily, and fished out a pumpkin head from the air.

He put the pumpkin head on his head and turned into a pumpkin skeleton farmer with a bang.

Losing the ability to fly, the pumpkin skeleton farmer immediately fell from the sky.

The static scepter in Qi Ge's hand flashed, and he immediately mounted Ziyuan, flew up suddenly, and caught the skeleton pumpkin farmer in the princess's arms.


The Skeleton Pumpkin Farmer opened his mouth and fiercely attacked the seven pigeons, biting them indiscriminately.

However, Seven Pigeons' health volume is not something that a logistics unit with only 1 damage can take advantage of.

Seeing Qige carrying the boss back, the crew members on the Blue Whale were shocked.

Qi Ge put the pumpkin skeleton down, and tied it up with a rope against the pumpkin skeleton farmer's output.

He patted the pumpkin skeleton farmer on the head and said proudly:

"Don't be afraid. Even though this guy is fierce, he is a big treasure."

【The Head Stealer·The Bone King of Corpse Mountain


Level: 7

Quality: True Chaos Troops




Defense: 0

Attack: 0

Damage: 0


True Chaos Troops.

Chaos Intimidation: All non-Chaos units around you have -2 morale.

Chaos Magic Armor: Immune to possession magic.

Super Chaos Physique: Immunity means death.

Corpse Mountain Bone King: When there are corpses within 60 blocks around, it is invincible.

Thief head reincarnation:

Consume the nearest group of corpses (if there are multiple groups of corpses in the nearest distance, choose randomly).

Lose all other special skills and transform into the same type of soldier as before the death of the corpse - the special skills, attributes, and quantity are the same as before the death of the corpse.

And get the stunt headless awakening:

Headless Awakening: When killed, the body disappears and turns back into [Headstealer·Corpse Mountain Bone King], the number is fixed at 1.]

When Sylvia heard Qige's explanation, she immediately said in surprise:

"That's it, I understand.

Dead and alive again, alive and dead again, being invincible with corpses around is really scary.

However, as long as you take it away from the pile of corpses and kill it, it will not be able to resurrect."

"Get rid of it? What a waste."

Qi Ge laughed wildly.

He shouted to the sky:

"Rich, come down!"


Zhang Fu used the sky boat's delivery stunt to teleport to Qi Ge. He shouted excitedly:


Qi Ge asked:

"are you ready?"

"Don't worry, boss, I've prepared everything to make sure nothing goes wrong."

Zhang Fu's hands were shaking.

Qi Ge pushed [Pumpkin Skeleton Farmer] next to Zhang Fu and said:

"Let's do it!"


Zhang Fu put his hand on the head of [Pumpkin Skeleton Farmer]:

"Weak undead, I am the lord of the undead, controlling death and eternity. Join me and become my subordinate.

In the name of Asa, I will protect you!"

Above the head of [Pumpkin Skeleton Farmer], a black magic circle suddenly appeared.

The magic circle ignored [Pumpkin Skeleton Farmer]'s fierce struggle and was forcefully carved into its skull.

The soul fire in its eyes suddenly trembled and became solid.

Zhang Fu said excitedly:

"Boss, it's done."

He waved his hand and instantly put away the [Pumpkin Skeleton Farmer·BOSS Transformed Version].

Zhang Fu's hidden profession is the Dead Soul Emperor.

The strongest point of the Revenant Emperor is that it can have a Revenant Space where NPC undead troops can be stored.

His professional stunts can also allow him to sign a contract with the weak undead, forcing him to admire them.

The [Pumpkin Skeleton Farmer] transformed by the BOSS is of course also an undead, and the weakest among the undead.

What? The Head Stealer·The Bone King of Corpse Mountain?

What it is?

This thing looks like [Pumpkin Skeleton Farmer], feels like [Pumpkin Skeleton Farmer], and has exactly the same stunts as [Pumpkin Skeleton Farmer].

Today the King of Heaven is here, and he must be the [Pumpkin Skeleton Farmer].

Hey, isn't it just an extra stunt with unknown meaning? It's normal. Don't worry about the details.

Zhang Fu said cheerfully:

"Boss, the test site has been prepared to ensure that there is not a single corpse within a radius of 60 kilometers.

I will do experiments when I get back.

If I can really turn this BOSS into my army, then I will take off."

Sylvia was shocked:

"Oh my God! Qige, you want to take that weird thing away? Is this possible?"

Qige happily patted Zhang Fu's butt and said:

"I am 80% sure that there is no reason why a mere true Chaos unit can defeat the supreme rules of the Mother Goddess.

I admire you, it is yours.

Go back quickly, don’t miss the delivery and return time.”


Zhang Fu disappeared on the Sky Whale in a whoosh.

His departure was like sending a signal.

The entire mountain of corpses and sea of ​​bones suddenly began to shake.

The crimson sea of ​​blood is constantly boiling like magma, with various bubbles emerging.

The huge mountain of corpses swayed from side to side, and countless dead corpses raised their heads and made deafening screams.

There was a loud bang, and the mountain of corpses collapsed. A large number of corpses fell into the sea of ​​blood, reacting with the boiling seawater.

Then, the sky split open!

A strong ray of sunshine accompanied the sea water, and the magic power of rainbow and purple poured into the mountain of corpses and the sea of ​​bones!

The sea of ​​blood gradually dried up, and green soil grew.

Grass and flowers sprout and grow on the soil.

The floods overflowed and gathered into a vast ocean.

Filled with magic, the world becomes vibrant!

A powerful force descended from the sky and cut the entire mountain of corpses and bones from the sea of ​​chaos.

[System prompt: Congratulations to the player for successfully conquering the Chaos Area, Mountain of Corpses and Sea of ​​Bones]

[System prompt: The mountain of bones and the sea of ​​corpses in the chaotic area are returning to the world of Yasha.]

[System prompt: You have gained 1.56 million experience, 9 skill points, and 1 auxiliary skill grid.]

“It actually happened!!!”

Sylvia was stunned.

"Qige, are you a genius?"

Qi Ge laughed: "It's not that great, I'm just a desperate gambler.

But I'm very lucky."

[System prompt: Chaos is about to launch a counterattack, it is extremely dangerous, players are asked to leave as soon as possible.]

Qige and Sylvia saw that at the border of chaos, the vast and thick fog of chaos was already gathering.

Countless tall and ferocious true Chaos soldiers can be vaguely seen in the fog of Chaos.

Qi Ge glanced at the ground with regret and said:

"At this time, if we can capture a city here and withstand Chaos' counterattack, we can completely recover this area.

It’s a pity that we can’t do it now.”

Sylvia smiled and said:

"If we want to completely regain the border of Chaos, several demigods will have to come over with a large number of mythical troops.

Moreover, it may not be successful yet.

Complete recovery is a dangerous thing that none of the nine major forces dare to attempt easily.

If we can achieve the conditions for recovery and allow Yasha World to successfully gain temporary control of this area, it will be very good.

During this time, our world can regain a lot of things from chaos.

Qi Ge, don’t demand too much of yourself.”

Qi Ge also laughed and said:

"Yes, during this period, the true gods can help us disperse a lot of power in the Sea of ​​Chaos. Let's take advantage of this opportunity and rush in!"



The Sky Whale took the Silver Spirit, braved the thick fog of chaos, and crashed in without hesitation!

This time in the fog of chaos, frightening roars would be heard from time to time, as if countless ferocious beasts were choosing people to devour.

But the Sky Whale didn't hesitate at all and moved forward unswervingly!

Finally, the Sky Whale penetrated the thick fog, and in front of Qi Ge was a sea full of mud.

[System prompt: You have entered the chaotic area: Beast Tamer Mud Sea.]

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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