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Chapter 603: Beast Tamer Illusion

Chapter 603 The Beast Tamer’s Illusion

Author: Fierce Male Hamster

The Sky Whale put down the Silver Spirit, and the two ships sailed slowly in the mud-filled sea.

Tidal flat fish and jumping fish jump out of the mud from time to time, trying to attack the Silver Spirit and Blue Whale.

Occasionally, some strange insects will emerge from the mud.

The swamp web spider uses water and mud to make spider silk in the swamp, the venomous spider worm can spray poisonous mucus from its tail, and the six-spotted green tiger beetle can move freely in the swamp and walk as fast as flying.

These creatures can almost be found in the world of Yasha. They are neutral and low-level arms with extremely large numbers but relatively low combat effectiveness.

With the combat power of the Sky Whale and Silver Spirit, these low-level creatures have no effect on them.

Especially the Sky Whale.

It is like an indestructible bulldozer, killing wherever it goes, leaving countless corpses along the way.

Sylvia ran to the Silver Spirit and asked Qige strangely:

"Qi Ge, are we really in the Sea of ​​Chaos now?

Why do I feel like it's not dangerous here at all?

It feels almost like being in the Yasha world.”

Qi Ge shook his head solemnly and replied:

"The realm of chaos is surrounded by dangers. The dangers that are visible to the naked eye are not scary, but the dangers that you are completely unaware of are what you are afraid of.

Tamer Mud is often described as "weird and unpredictable" in the books I've seen.

Heroes who enter the Tamer's Mud are often pulled into an illusion by unpredictable means.

If the hero dies in the fantasy world, the hero in reality will also die.

In the illusion, we cannot carry any troops and can only rely on ourselves.

Leaving aside the fact that the hero is in danger, once the fleet is attacked on a large scale while the hero is under control, it may be destroyed.

Now our two fleets combined have a total of four heroes.

You, me, Elena, Nimbas.

Elena is good at medicine, you are good at sailing, both are very dangerous in the illusion."

"Humph!" Sylvia raised her head proudly and said:

"I'm not afraid.

I am a qualified pirate, even if I don't have a battleship, my own strength is not weak."

Qi Ge tapped his temple and said softly:

"In the illusion, force has little influence, and more depends on wisdom.

It requires a grasp of people's hearts and a powerful voice to incite."

Sylvia blinked and her expression suddenly became troubled.

"That's it. Qi Ge, help me."

"You are quite self-aware."

Qi Ge sighed and said:

"Elena and Nimbas will be here soon, and we will have a meeting later.

In case we both enter the illusion, someone needs to be in charge of commanding the fleet.

In addition to them, we also need to call out Galaxy, Xiao Dao and Gin.

Although it is very unlikely that all four heroes will be controlled by the illusion, if it happens, our fleet will become leaderless.

We have to guard against it.”

"The fairies are waving their hands, and the white snow is beating against the frost..."

In a crystal mine in the Everfrost Icefield, a group of goblins were sitting cross-legged on the ground, humming songs in unison under the command of a goblin pioneer.

Different from the muddled appearance in the past, the goblins in these mines now are still in ragged clothes, but there is light in their eyes.

When the majestic and melodious Fairy Overture finished, the Fairy Leader clapped his hands with satisfaction and said:

"Very well, let's eat!"

"Long live Utopia!"

The goblins shouted in unison and rushed to the goblin leader, forming a neat queue.

Every goblin was arranged in an orderly manner, everyone looked relaxed and comfortable, and no one was worried about whether they would get their share.

The goblin leader set up the table and placed baked mashed potatoes and fragrant bread.

The goblins were divided into six groups and left immediately after taking them. Soon everyone had one.

The goblin leader saw the goblins back to back, enjoying today's food enthusiastically while discussing trivial matters in life.

He smiled happily, took out his handkerchief and wiped his eyes.

This goblin pioneer was one of the goblins who retreated to the waterwheel with Petra.

Whenever he sees this scene, he will remember when he fled with Petra.

At that time, there was also a goblin named Fres who was responsible for managing and distributing food.

He died the day before arriving at the Fairy Waterwheel, starving to death.

Among all the goblins, he is more aware than Petra of how scarce the team's food is.

So, he saved his food and gave it to other fairies.

As a goblin who manages food, he could have made himself full every day.

But precisely because he knew how scarce food was, he was more reluctant to eat than any other goblin.

"Not anymore."

The goblin leader clenched his fists and said:

"Under the leadership of Lord Qige, such a thing will never happen again."

The huge Everfrost Icefield is dotted with similar mines.

With the cooperation of Koroko, Wolfs, and Mixue Bingtang, there will be one or two elf pioneers in each mine who are not afraid of sacrifice.

They mix among the goblins and become their spiritual support and logistical support.

Similarly, the goblin organization led by the goblin leader is not only spread across the mines, but also penetrates into various wild goblin villages, countless goblin villages outside the city, and many goblin factories...

Even in many major cities, there are elf pioneers operating secretly.

If you look down from above, the entire Bracada area with Fairy Vanguards will be marked red.

Then, the entire Bracada will become a red ocean connected by countless red dots.

This ocean is still expanding at a terrifying speed.

In the City of God's Choice, a goblin tiptoed into Koroko's tent.

He covered Koroko with a heavy blanket.

Ke Ruoke, who was correcting documents, woke up from his concentration.

He tightened his white robe and asked softly:

"what time is it now?"

"Uncle Ke Ruoke, it's going to be dawn soon. Please take a rest."

Ke Ruoke shook her head and said:

“Can’t rest yet.

There are still some unfinished matters regarding the Goblin Tavern."

Keruoke pushed the document aside and said:

"Lord Qi Ge said that leading the goblins to rise is a huge and complex project, and every comrade is very important.

Especially the leadership.

There is a goblin in my heart, and a pure leadership team that can sacrifice myself for the goblin is very important.

Every comrade with potential must be cultivated with great efforts.

It's almost dawn anyway, Clarence, don't go to sleep.

This is the document I have corrected, take a look and learn from it."

Clarence's head hurt.

He never imagined that he was here to persuade Ruoke to rest on behalf of the goblins, but now, he would have no sleep at all.

He said hurriedly:

"Uncle Ruoke, I get a headache when I see these complicated things."

Keruoke had a straight face, took the document and patted Clarence on the head:

"Confused. How difficult can it be?

You can even learn magic, but can't you learn to make decisions?

It depends on whether you are willing to learn.

Clarence, no matter how good you are at learning magic, the Lord would not dare to give you the task of leading the goblins.

If you want to lead fairies, the key is to improve your ability to process information.

Once the information is in your hands, how should you judge and process it, issue a processing plan, and take the final responsibility.

This is what leadership should learn.

For example.

A level 3 redstone mine was discovered during the expansion of the Goblin Mine.

This is information.

The purpose is to report to the mage in exchange for better living conditions for the goblins, and at the same time to allow more compatriots to enter the mines.

Or hide it, mine it, and transport it to God's Chosen City.

Or maybe they are playing it safe and pretending not to have seen it.

This is decision-making and processing of information.

For another example, the Trader Goblin reported that the prices of iron, wood, and ore in Krolod were increasing.

This is information.

Krolod itself is rich in ores, and even the price of ores is rising, indicating that Krolod is most likely expanding its armaments.

Expanding armaments means war is about to break out.

This is analysis.

I asked the traveling trader elf team to transport large quantities of wood and ore and sell them at normal market prices. At the same time, I asked the whereabouts of the ore to further help us determine the location where the war broke out and the two sides fighting.

This is a decision.

Why can mages give orders in Brakada, but we goblins can only do work?

Is this just because mages are stronger than us fairies? Is it just because mages restrict us?

No, it's not.

Because all information is monopolized by mages and cannot reach us fairies at all.

We goblins cannot develop the ability to process and analyze information at all, and there is no room for advancement.

If you want to cultivate a marksman who is always on target, you need to feed him with a lot of arrows.

This kind of decision-making ability also requires continuous training to possess.

Of course, there are exceptions for a very small number of extremely gifted geniuses, such as our Lord Seven Pigeons."

But Ruo Ruo looked at Clarence with a hateful expression and said:

“There are many heroes of all races who want to get more information and get training opportunities in processing information.

I'm feeding you hand in hand now, but you still don't know how to cherish it."

Clarence scratched his head and said, "Uncle Ke Ruoke, I don't have that ability, I just want to be your guard."


Ke Ruoke snorted and said sternly:

"I think you have lived a good life for too long and have forgotten what kind of life our fellow goblins lived in the beginning.

Master Qi Ge once told me that Brakada is like a mountain pressing on the goblin's head.

As long as this mountain is not overturned, we, the goblin clan, will be trapped in the earth.

Now under the leadership of Mr. Qi Ge, we have received a rare opportunity, but you are still here saying that you only want to be a guard?

Clarence, I want you to grow and progress, not only for you, but also for countless fairies.

From the moment we met Lord Qi Ge, the mission of turning the fairy clan over fell on us.

If we fail with Lord Qi Ge, how much time do you think we have as a fairy clan to wait for the next Lord Qi Ge?

Ten years? A hundred years? A thousand years?

What if I can’t wait any longer? What if I can never wait again?”

Clarence looked at Koroko's serious expression and was speechless for a moment.

Ke Ruoke's expression became a little kinder, he took a deep breath and said:

"It just so happened that I had this opportunity.

Clarence, let me ask you, Master Qige asked you to station in Xinyue Village before, why did you apply to come back?"

Clarence lowered his head and replied: "Uncle Ke Ruoke, I want to spend more time with you."

"Confused." Ke Ruoke knocked Clarence again and said:

"If it weren't for Lord Qige, I would have died in Silver Snow City.

Is this old life that I was lucky enough to survive to be used to accompany you?

My old life is to support the goblins!

In the past, I was not capable enough, so I could only earn some gold coins and barely help a few fairies from starving to death.

Now that I am capable enough, I will help all fairies never go hungry.

This is my path and my mission.

Clarence, what is your path?"

Clarence puffed out his chest and answered loudly:

"Uncle Ruoke, my path is to follow you. Wherever you go, I will follow."


Ke Ruoke was so angry that her hat shook.

He sighed, patted the documents on the table, and ordered:

"Okay, in that case, just memorize all of this and don't miss a word.

Otherwise, I will tell the lord to change the guard."

Clarence sat next to Koroko with an aggrieved expression, and began to read through it unhappily.

Ke Ruoke glanced at Clarence and said in her heart:

"Clarence, it's not me making things difficult for you.

When we fairies begin to rise, there will definitely be countless pressures and obstacles.

I hold the flag high and charge forward, but I will fall down on the charging road at any time.

When I fall, someone must take over my flag.

Clarence, I grew up watching you and know your character deeply.

At present, there is no more suitable fairy than you.

If I can't follow Lord Qige, you can go on in my place."

On the muddy swamp, the Sky Whale and Silver Spirit sailed smoothly.

From their smooth and bright appearance, it is impossible to tell that they have just experienced a dangerous attack.

The swamp mud bugs emerged from the swamp and launched an attack on Seven Pigeons' fleet in crazy numbers.

The swamp mud bug has an extremely long and narrow body, its flesh is plump and white, and it looks very nutritious.

However, their specially constructed mouthparts allow them to ignore defense when attacking and cause extremely high damage.

The Silver Spirit's magic shield helped a lot in this attack.

The mouthparts of the swamp mud bug can ignore physical defenses, but have no effect on magic shields.

Cooperating with Elena's improvised [Calamity Potion: Earthquake], the Silver Spirit's magic shield successfully blocked this wave of continuous attacks for three hours.

But just when the attack ended, everyone suddenly discovered that Qige, Sylvia and Nimbas all fainted at the moment the attack ended.

Among the heroes of the fleet, only Elena is left.

"here it is?"

Qi Ge shook his head and sat up from the mud.

He glanced around, and saw many shackled Ant-men holding torches, grinning, and looking fierce.

"The fantasy begins..."

Qige's heart was inexplicably heavy.

If you want to conquer the Tamer's Mud, you must complete a great deed in the fantasy world.

In the previous life, Mud of the Beast Tamer was successfully cleared once by a player, and he selflessly posted the guide.

But this guide is almost useless.

Because of the illusion of Tamer Mud, the situation you encounter is different every time you enter.

This illusion must involve a world related to animal trainers, but it is not necessarily the world of Yasha.

There are thousands of worlds swallowed by Chaos. Among these countless worlds, there are countless worlds related to beast tamers.

For players, it is already difficult enough to figure out the rules of the world within a limited time. If they want to leave the illusion, they have to find the hidden pass conditions in the illusion, which is not easy.

The Seven Pigeons are still dazed, but the world will not wait for the Seven Pigeons.

Just as Qi Ge stood up, he heard a tall Ant-Man standing on his hind legs with a huge butt roaring from the high platform in front of him:

"Those damn animal trainers enslaved our queen ants and made us work for them for generations.

It would be fine if they treated our queen ants well, but they even want to take away the queen ant paddle that we worked so hard to brew.

The mother queen ant is exhausted from hunger and has no strength to continue giving birth. If this continues, our [ant tribe] will definitely become extinct!

My compatriots, we have no retreat!

Resist, struggle, rush to the ground, and kill all those animal trainers!"

"Kill all those animal trainers!"

Each Ant-Man raised his torch high, and the tentacles above his head trembled wildly.

The leader, Big-ass Ant-Man, shouted loudly:

"Bring the animal tamer we captured, and let the charred corpse of the animal tamer pave the way for our resistance!"

Qi Ge saw, surrounded by a group of ant-men, an extremely weak man in black robes was brought to a high platform.

A group of ant-men held torches and surrounded the man in black robes. The big-assed ant-men suddenly opened the hood of the man in black robes, pointed at his nose and asked:

"Animal Tamer, do you admit that you detained our [Ant Clan]?"

Through the dazzling firelight, Qi Ge tried hard to look at the stage.

He grinned and almost cursed:

"Fuck! Nimbas?!"

"What's not criminal detention?"

Nimbas looked at the strange creature in front of him in confusion and said gently:

"What question did you just ask that I didn't hear clearly?"

Big-ass Ant-Man was furious:

"How dare you pretend to be stupid! Guilty, death penalty! Burn for me!!"

A group of ant-men suddenly approached Nimbas holding torches.

Qi Ge was extremely panicked.

Nimbas is an NPC. If he dies in the illusion, he is really dead.

He quickly pressed down on the back of an Ant-Man and stepped on him!

"Can't burn! Can't burn!"

Qi Ge stepped on one Ant-Man after another and ran towards the high platform.

Thanks to the half-elf's flexible body, Seven Pigeons can still walk quickly even with Ant-Man's bumpy head full of spikes.

The cry of the Seven Pigeons suddenly attracted the attention of countless ant-men.

Big-ass Ant-Man saw Qi Pigeon and his butt shook several times.

He shouted in horror:

"Another beast tamer.

Unfortunately, an animal trainer sneaked in.

Everyone, catch him quickly and never let him escape."

Qi Ge quickly shouted loudly:

"Misunderstanding! Misunderstanding! We are here to join you!"

After such a delay, Seven Pigeons ran from the center of Ant-Man to the stage.

He said loudly:

"I am an animal trainer, but I am not the same as the animal trainer who detained you.

We are the trainers of the internment trainers, and others call us the strongest trainers!

Tamers are your enemy and our enemy.

We are in this together!”

Not only the big-bellied Ant-Man was dumbfounded by these words, but even Nimbas was dumbfounded.

He asked loudly:

"Master, what is the situation now and what do we need to do?"

Qi Ge immediately said:

"Don't be afraid, Nimbas, just treat it as an illusion and it will pass soon.

There must be some misunderstanding that caused [Cut Ant Tribe] to arrest you by mistake.

Once the misunderstanding is resolved, everything will be fine."

Nimbas suddenly realized:

"Then I will stay here and wait for your order."

The big-bellied Ant-Man shook the tentacles on his head from side to side, feeling a little at a loss.

The ants under the stone platform were also swaying from side to side, swinging restlessly.

Qi Ge saw that the tentacles on the top of the big belly Ant-Man's head collided with the tentacles on the top of the surrounding Ant-Man's heads several times.

Then, he took a big step forward, stopped in front of Qi Ge, and asked loudly:

"We have never heard of the strongest animal trainer.

Your appearance is not that of our ant tribe at all, how can you prove that you are not the same as those animal trainers?"

how to prove?

I don't even know what's going on now.

I don’t even understand what an animal trainer is.

Qi Ge glanced at Nimbas, had an idea, and said loudly:

"We have great power beyond the beast tamers and can help resurrect your dead companions!

As long as you still have the bodies of your dead companions, we can provide you with an army that is not afraid of death to help you fight against the Tamers.

You see, we are all surrounded by you.

If we are your enemies, you can burn us to death at any time, and we pose no threat to you, right?"

The ant-men collided with each other a few more times with the tentacles on their heads, and quickly came to the conclusion:

"Then prove it to us."

The big-assed Ant-Man shook his butt at the ants for a while, and after a while, a group of Ant-Man came over carrying more than a dozen corpses of Ant-Man with missing arms and heads.

Qi Ge winked at Nimbas, who immediately understood and used spiritualism on the corpses of the group of ant-men.

With the current power of Nimbas, he can't summon high-level soldiers. He can only summon skeleton soldiers, which means turning the bones of Ant-Man's corpse into undead.

Originally, Qi Ge was ready to explain why Ant-Man turned into a skeleton, but it just happened that Ant-Man's bones grew outside the skin.

Their skeletons are made of a waxy chemical called chitin, which coats the outside of Ant-Man's body.

Under the influence of spiritualism, the inside of Ant-Man dissolved completely, but the outer shell stood up.

Their arms and legs have grown and recovered, and even the ant-men who were missing their heads have had their heads replenished.

"Wow! Really resurrected."

"Animal trainers definitely don't have this power, otherwise they wouldn't oppress the queen and force her to become sterile."

Ant-Man chirped, and most of his hostility toward Seven Pigeons and Nimbas disappeared.

Even the big-ass Ant-Man was shaking his tentacles and shaking his head from side to side, excited.

Qi Ge was also surprised, but he pretended to be calm and under control.

"As I said, we are your allies.

We should work together to kill the trainer and save the queen, instead of hurting each other."

Just when Qi Ge thought he could survive this wave, suddenly, a giant Ant-Man with a huge body and a head like a steel ball rushed to the stage.

He pointed at the Seven Pigeons and Nimbas and shouted:

"He's lying!"

ps: I owe you the 4000 words first, the hamster has to pay the public food. Woo woo woo.

This chapter has been completed!
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