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Chapter 1,299 Beware of bombs

"Very good, now we are just a few bald eagles strung on a rope, so if you have any back-up plans, you can tell them all, let's work together, and run out first before discussing other things. What do you think?"

Sir Zhang was not surprised that Hans would agree to his request.

In fact, the reason why John ran downstairs to deal with the gunman instead of rushing up to meet Hans and others was because Sir Zhang deliberately made some noise on the lower floors.

His purpose of doing this was very simple, which was to cut off Hans and others' escape route, so that they could finally go to the roof of the building honestly.

Facts have proved that John's execution ability is very strong.

Without Sir Zhang giving him any specific instructions, he showed his initiative and went downstairs to kill the gunman Hans arranged there and cut off the opponent's escape route.

In fact, even if Sir Zhang didn't show up at this moment, Hans and others would have no choice but to go to the rooftop to have a try.

"Hey, why don't you help your friends? I just knocked them unconscious."

After Hans decided to go to the roof of the building, he acted quickly and turned around and left.

On the contrary, Sir Zhang was not as anxious as he was. He first lifted up a gunman who had been knocked unconscious by him and hid most of his body on him. Then he called out to Hans and others who were about to leave, and pointed at another gunman on the ground.

Two gunmen who are still unconscious.

Sir Zhang didn't really mean to take several unconscious gunmen away. In fact, his most fundamental purpose of knocking these gunmen unconscious was to allow them to block the surveillance cameras for him, and then take the opportunity to pretend to be the gunmen.

Anyway, when these gunmen entered the building, no one except themselves knew the specific number.

Sir Zhang had already said goodbye to Aoki and the rest of Zhongfu Group and left.

At that time, he can completely excuse himself and leave before the terrorists come, and then everything will be perfect.

When Hans and others heard Zhang Pin's words and saw his actions, they couldn't help but feel ashamed.

At the same time, their original wariness towards Zhang Pin also disappeared a lot.

Although it is still unclear what Zhang Pin's intentions were, the fact that he was willing to leave with these unconscious people at least shows that he is not the kind of bad guy who takes people's lives easily.

Human nature is like this, they always don't want to become that kind-hearted good person, but everyone also hopes to have a kind-hearted friend.

From the perspective of Hans and others, at this important juncture, if Zhang Pin did not give up on these people, then the other party would definitely not think of harming him.

As a result, Hans, who was originally hesitant to find an opportunity to shoot and attack Zhang Pin, temporarily chose to give up the idea.

Thanks to the fierceness of Sir Zhang and John, the number of gunmen brought by Hans was severely reduced. Now, apart from the three people who were awake and the three who were unconscious, there were only a few terminally ill people left who were used to mix in the crowd.

How many people set off the bomb?

It is foreseeable that the number of commandos from the Investigation Bureau will definitely not be small.

Even if they have the advantage over the hostages, if the commando team ignores the casualties of the hostages, the battle ahead will be very difficult.

At this time, having a helper with a seemingly good ability would be a good deal for their escape plan.

The group of people walked towards the roof with their own thoughts, and the atmosphere was very harmonious for a while.

"No, Agai, I always feel uneasy. I want to go to the top of the building to see. If Hans doesn't really want to escape by helicopter, why did he put forward this condition?"

In the underground garage, John forced himself to stand up from the ground.

"Be careful, you are in a bad state right now. These cowardly policemen told them that there is no danger, but they haven't come in yet."

The black boy Agai quickly stretched out his hand to support John.

Next to the two of them, one gunman was shot several times and fell to the ground, while the other gunman was even worse, being directly hit by the elongated Lincoln.

Thanks to the black man Agai who rushed out to help in his car, otherwise John would have been in danger.

After he discovered that Hans had arranged an ambulance in the underground garage, he immediately alerted the police through the walkie-talkie.

But John apparently forgot one thing, that is, in addition to the police, people in Hans can also listen to news from this channel.

Therefore, the two gunmen who were originally responsible for driving the response also knew that they had been discovered.

They also quickly discovered John, so the two immediately chose to shoot John.

Because John was too excited at the beginning, and because his feet stepped on a lot of glass fragments, his movement slowed down, and he was accidentally shot.

Seeing that he was about to be surrounded and killed by two gunmen, Agai suddenly drove his magic weapon from the sky and directly knocked one of the gunmen into the wall.

He was hiding in the car alone and enjoying himself, not paying attention to the situation outside, and even fell asleep in the middle of the trip.

When the ambulance came out of the box car, there was a lot of movement, which woke up Agai, but he didn't know what the situation was at the time, so he didn't worry about it.

When John came out later, he didn't recognize him at first because John was in such a mess.

But there was a radio in the Lincoln's car. Because of the time of the terrorist attack, all the radios at the moment were talking about the Zhongfu Group Building being controlled by terrorists.

At the same time, the reporter also announced the channel for negotiations between the police and terrorists.

Agai happened to have just switched the channel to the general police channel.

Then he heard John's words and knew that the ambulance was an escape tool prepared by terrorists.

With Agai's divine intervention, John seized the opportunity and while the other gunman was in a daze, he decisively pulled the trigger and sent the other gunman to see God.

It wasn't until the two of them cooperated to kill the two gunmen that Agai recognized John.

Originally, Agai informed the police outside about the situation in the underground garage through the intercom, and John also said that he had killed all the gunmen in the hall downstairs.

But what made them angry was that the people from the Investigation Bureau were obviously very confident in their attack plan. Not only did they not believe John's words and sent people in from the first floor of the building, they actually suspected that John and Agai were actually terrorists.

I suspect that the reason why John and the others said this was to lure the investigation bureau and the police in and then catch them all.

"Humph, do you think we are stupid? I heard you tell me before that there are a lot of explosives in the building."

Agent Johnson, the head of the investigation bureau, even replied to John proudly.

I have to say that when the Investigation Bureau was in action, although the tutorials were very rigid, they were indeed very detailed.

Before, John only mentioned that the terrorists carried a large amount of explosives, and the Bureau of Investigation recorded this information on the record based on the recording.

But although they recorded the information, they failed to understand Hans' plan.

The people in the investigation bureau did not cooperate, making John's hard work look like a joke.

Even because the investigation bureau suspected that he was a terrorist, John did not dare to go out. He was also a member of the law enforcement personnel, so he naturally knew one thing. Never challenge the nerves of the law enforcement officials when the atmosphere is tense.

If he dared to go out at this time, John was 100% sure that the police officers outside would shoot him without hesitation.

And because of the investigation bureau's lack of cooperation, John suddenly panicked.

From the beginning, he did not believe the terms Hans had negotiated with the Bureau of Investigation.

But now he wants to go to the roof, but it's not that easy.

Not to mention that the elevator was no longer running due to the power outage in the building. More importantly, there was a lot of glass on the soles of his feet. It was very difficult to walk now. It was impossible to climb up to more than 40 floors.

impossible things.

"You have to trust the Investigation Bureau. Besides, since Hans and others already know what you discovered about their arrangement downstairs, they will definitely not come downstairs, and the police outside will definitely be more alert. They have no way to escape.


Agai saw that John was still trying to climb to the top of the building, so he quickly stopped him.

In this situation, let alone whether John could climb up, even if he did climb to the top of the building, it would actually have no effect.

And what Agai said was right. John killed the gunman downstairs and discovered Hans's retreat in advance. Hans actually had no other choice at this moment.

No matter whether he had other purposes for asking the Investigation Bureau to arrange the helicopter before, the helicopter on the roof is now the only way for Hans and others to retreat.

Although the police suspected that John was a terrorist and they were deceiving themselves by letting them attack from downstairs of the building now, they were really nervous at the moment. Even if Hans and others came down again, they probably wouldn't be able to escape in an ambulance.

"Yes, yes, they have no way to escape, but my Holly"

John wanted to struggle away, but the pain from his feet made it difficult for him to move.

Agai's words made him feel a lot better. At least his efforts now prevented Hans's back-up plan.

"Then what other plans do they have now? They have no trump card and no escape route. They have explosives. No, there must be explosives on the roof of the building. Holly is in danger!"

John couldn't walk, so he simply sat on the ground and thought about whether Hans had any other options after he discovered his retreat route.

Then he reviewed the information he had learned about Hans and others.

After thinking about it, John came up with a key question.

That was the large bag of C4 explosives he had seen prepared by Hans and others.

Normally, it is not surprising that terrorists carry explosives. After all, a big reason why they are called terrorists is because of their attacks.

Compared with bullets and the like, explosives are indeed a more eye-catching and more destructive thing.

But what puzzled John was that although Hans and others carried a large amount of explosives, they did not see them arranging explosives in other places except for some on the first floor of the building.

And they didn't kidnap hostages or tie explosives to their bodies.

This kind of situation made John suspect that Hans had other purposes for coming to the building. They were probably not real terrorists.

But if they are not terrorists, why do they prepare so many explosives?

John's first reaction was whether the other party wanted to use explosives to destroy the building.

However, considering that the Zhongfu Group Building has more than 40 floors, the explosives carried by the opponent can be said to be a very difficult task to destroy even one floor, let alone destroy the entire building.

What's great is that it only destroyed a few load-bearing walls.

The Zhongfu Group Building is a building under construction. Although it is very high, it is foreseeable that it will become a nearby landmark building once it is completed.

But the problem is that this building actually only completes the main building, most of the floors are still rough, and the decoration has not been started.

So even if it is destroyed now, the actual loss is only some building materials.

You know, although America's economy has taken off now, the mechanization of the construction industry is very advanced.

So for a large building like this, the most expensive labor is nothing.

Especially basic building materials are extremely cheap.

Not to mention destroying a few load-bearing walls, even if the entire building is really blown up, rebuilding a building is actually not a huge cost.

And from explosions like this, construction materials can even be recycled.

No matter how you think about what Hans and others think, it is not rational behavior.

Although the terrorists' behavior itself was not rational, this still made John instinctively doubt their motives.

Judging from the communication between John and Hans through the walkie-talkie, the other party is not the kind of brainless person.

That's why he suspected that Hans came here for other purposes.

John's suspicion was not wrong, but because he didn't have enough information, he couldn't guess Hans' real purpose.

However, as a veteran policeman for more than ten years, he naturally has his own way of thinking about things.

After taking the initiative to rule out some of Hans' irrational actions, and based on the clues he could now grasp, he unexpectedly guessed Hans's plan on how to deal with the explosives.

Since Hans had prepared an escape route in the garage on the first floor, it must have been a cover-up when he asked the Investigation Bureau to arrange a helicopter.

If it was a simple cover-up, it would only make the people of the Investigation Bureau work in vain. For Hans, it was a completely thankless task.

Then he glanced at the car Hans was preparing to evacuate. It was an ambulance.

But if it were the current situation, even if the car driving out was an ambulance, the police would definitely stop it and check it.

Logically speaking, it is still impossible for Hans to escape.

So John inferred based on the existing conditions, put himself into Hans's perspective, and thought that if he wanted people not to notice an ambulance driving out of the building, then there must first be more ambulances.

Drive into the building.

But under what circumstances would many ambulances drive into the building?

Thinking about it this way, the result must be huge casualties in the building.

It is naturally impossible for huge casualties to occur inside the building for no reason, especially now that the police are not attacking, this situation is even less likely to happen.

The only position prepared for attack was on the roof of the building where the Bureau of Investigation had dispatched a plane.

Naturally, John could easily guess that Hans's purpose was to cause huge casualties on the roof of the building.

As a result, because the top of the building is far away, the ambulance can only drive to the underground garage and rescue the injured through the elevator.

After thinking clearly about Hans's layout, naturally we only need to think about how Hans will cause casualties.

At this point, the use of C4 explosive is self-evident.

John quickly picked up the walkie-talkie, pressed the talk button, and shouted at the walkie-talkie: "Everyone, be careful, there are explosives on the roof!" ()

This chapter has been completed!
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