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Chapter 1,300 Chaos and Escape

Chapter 1171 Chaos and Escape

"Huhu - be careful, let's stay away."

Hans is not young anymore, so his physical strength is naturally not as good as that of young people.

What you do today can easily lead to ups and downs, and the ups and downs in your mood will naturally intensify your physical exertion.

Not to mention that right now he was helping someone climb several floors.

After reaching the top of the building, he took a few breaths and then reminded Zhang Pin and Theo not to get close to the hostages.

"Why don't you get closer? We have to hide among the hostages so that the commandos from the Investigation Bureau won't attack us."

After hearing what Hans said, Zhang Pin pretended not to know.

As he spoke, he deliberately took a few steps that way.

"Don't go, we are over there"

Seeing Zhang Pin walking that way, Theo immediately spoke nervously, as if preparing to remind him.

But before Theo could finish speaking, Hans gave him a hand.

"There are our people over there, but they don't know you. If you go over there without saying hello, they will shoot you."

Hans grabbed Theo and took the initiative to explain to Zhang Pin.

"Well, then why don't you just come over together and we can go over at the same time? Why do we have to hide away? If we are too far away and they can't see us clearly and shoot, it will be even more troublesome."

When Zhang Pin heard Hans' explanation, he waved his hand nonchalantly, as if he was greeting the hostages.

"No, no, no, our previous plan was for them to use hostages to hold back the people from the Investigation Bureau, while we took the opportunity to escape from the underground garage. In order to prevent the police and the Investigation Bureau from taking advantage of the opportunity, we deliberately

We have agreed that anyone who appears near them is an enemy."

When Hans heard Zhang Pin wanted to go over, he took a few steps back.

Of course, when he retreated, the reasons he gave were quite sufficient.

If someone was unaware, they would not doubt Hans's words.

So Sir Zhang also pretended to be understanding, then stopped and raised his hand to look at the watch on his wrist.

"There are still four minutes until the agreed time for the helicopter to arrive. Do you think they will send the helicopter over on time?"

As he spoke, he looked at Hans and the others.

"Of course, there are close to fifty hostages here. They cannot bear this responsibility, so they can only agree to our request, let alone helicopters. Maybe the detainees I asked them to release before have been released by now.


Regarding Zhang Pin's question, Hans was very confident.

"That's right, no, if we don't get close, how can we get on the plane? If we don't get on the plane, we have no other way to leave the building."

The reasons for what Hans said are quite good, but the problem is that there is a crucial flaw in what he said.

That is, if they cannot gather with the hostages and the gunmen guarding the hostages, then when the helicopter comes, not only will they not be able to leave, but they will become a living target for the helicopter.

They were hiding among the hostages, and the Bureau of Investigation may not have dared to shoot them because they were afraid of them.

But if they were far away from the hostages, even if the commandos had no intention of shooting at first, they would be tempted to shoot now.

Zhang Pin didn't believe that Hans didn't know about this situation, so he said it directly.

"Could it be that you are hiding something else from me?"

As Sir Zhang said, he looked at several people curiously.

"Of course not, it's entirely because you're overthinking it."

However, Hans directly denied Zhang Pin's question.

"Well, I believe you."

Sir Zhang didn't seem to have any doubts about Hans' words on the surface.

He also deliberately approached Hans and patted him on the shoulder.

"But don't worry, we are all our own people now."

As Sir Zhang said this, he took the initiative to walk towards the hostages.

Just at this time, the roar of engines came from the sky, and the people from the Investigation Bureau drove the helicopter over in advance.

Seeing Zhang Pin walking towards the crowd, Hans just stood there quietly and said nothing, but he did not take the opportunity to take out his pistol and shoot Zhang Pin from behind.

"There are explosives over there."

Theo, who was standing next to Hans, saw Zhang Pin walking further and further away, gradually approaching the hostage over there, and actually said something.

Although Zhang Ping kidnapped them in a sneak attack before and extorted 10 million US dollars.

But because Zhang Pin took the initiative to help the fainted gunman, Theo obviously had a great impression of him.

When he saw Zhang Pin taking the initiative to walk towards the dangerous area, he actually started to worry about him.

"Don't forget our position and identity, and I suspect he is probably also a policeman."

Hans had already regained his previous calmness by this time.

Seeing Zhang Pin standing under a water tower, he almost laughed out loud. He had personally inspected the explosive arrangement on the roof, so he naturally knew that the top of the water tower was covered with explosives.

Zhang Pin is hiding there. When the helicopter approaches and explodes, it will definitely blow Zhang Pin into pieces.

By then it is estimated that it will be very difficult to find the other party's body.

"He is a policeman, how is that possible?"

Theo was obviously a little surprised when he heard Hans' words.

"Have you forgotten that when Veron and Hunter were killed in the beginning, there were two people on the other side? Apart from John, the other person was naturally him."

Now everyone is waiting for the helicopter to approach and has nothing to do. Naturally, Hans doesn't mind explaining Theo's doubts.

"Yes, but does this have anything to do with him being a policeman?"

Theo still didn't understand why Hans thought Zhang Pin was a policeman.

Moreover, what Zhang Pin said when transferring money before was also correct.

"As a police officer, of course you would not dare to blatantly accept huge amounts of property of unknown origin, but when you transferred money before, were you sure that the receiving account number was his own?"

Hans also understood what Theo's doubts were.

He was actually frightened by Zhang Pin's behavior at first.

But the reason why Hans now believes that Zhang Pin is a policeman is that his previous occupation made him very familiar with the temperament of police officers.

Unknowingly, Zhang Pin has been a policeman for so many years. Although he often does not follow police rules, his temperament has been assimilated without him knowing it.

But this is not the key reason why Hans doubts Zhang Pin.

The most important reason is that Sir Zhang took the initiative to help the fainted gunman in order to avoid being photographed by surveillance cameras acting together with terrorists.

The situation was very urgent at that time. Hans and others were accomplices of the fainted gunman, but they did not think of taking them away.

But Zhang Pin thought of this and took action to help others.

Such actions prove one thing, that is, Zhang Pin is not a bad person, at least not a bad person by nature.

After proving this point, the rest is easy to deduce.

"No need to use your own account"

Theo didn't have any doubts this time.

Thinking about it, the timing of Zhang Pin's appearance is indeed very suspicious.

"What's his purpose for doing this?"

Theo recognized Zhang Pin's identity, and then became curious about the other party's identity.

"They must want the people from the Joint Investigation Bureau to catch us all."

Hans's face was full of confidence, and he asked himself that he had seen through Zhang Pin's plan.

"As soon as the helicopter approaches, I will detonate the bomb immediately and everyone will take advantage of the chaos to leave."

After Hans discovered that Zhang Pin was a police officer, it was certainly impossible for him to join forces with him to rob the helicopter as planned.

So he decided to implement another plan and first find a way to detonate the helicopter.

By then all the hostages on the roof will be dead.

After the explosion, the police and the investigation bureau must choose rescue.

When the fire fighters and medical personnel enter the building all at once, they will always find a way to blend in with the crowd and get out.

After all, Hans has quite a lot of energy.

Because the Zhongfu Group Building was controlled by terrorists, it immediately attracted the attention of most people in Luojishan.

But for ordinary people, when something happens to a big chaebol like Zhongfu Group, many people can't help but clap their hands and cheer.

Even for hostages captured by terrorists, ordinary people don't have much sympathy for them.

He deserved it. He was throwing a banquet so late at night. These upper-class guys like to be stylish. Now that they were all in trouble, many people thought they deserved it.

Most ordinary people in America may encounter threats such as guns on a daily basis. Many wealthy areas are even restricted areas that ordinary people cannot even get close to.

Because the patrol police or security forces in wealthy areas are very strong, they will also severely interrogate ordinary people who want to enter and do not match the identity of the wealthy areas.

This time the Zhongfu Group was kidnapped, it could be considered as giving them a taste of what ordinary people experience on a daily basis.

Of course, there are still a minority of people with this extreme mentality.

Most people still hope that the police will eliminate the terrorists as soon as possible.

Precisely because eliminating terrorists is what most people want to do, the pressure on law enforcement agencies such as the police and the Bureau of Investigation is naturally not small.

In order to ensure that the matter would not continue to escalate, the police deliberately mobilized enough police officers from other jurisdictions to come to support, or let them patrol their own jurisdictions.

The riots caused by terrorist attacks like this are often not isolated.

There is never a shortage of people in the world who are dissatisfied with society or have ulterior motives.

And these people, when stimulated by certain events or opportunities, will do some extreme things.

Especially when we encounter a terrorist attack like this tonight, it is inevitable that some people will take advantage of the situation.

The police will naturally try to prevent this situation as much as possible.

However, because a lot of manpower went to the Zhongfu Group Building to provide support, many police stations will inevitably have a shortage of police resources at this time.

In order to be able to respond to possible riots and at the same time have enough police force to deter potential criminals, the police turned to some places where the need for police force was not so large and urgent for temporary help.

For example, prison.

As many prison guards temporarily rushed to the local area to maintain order, the police force in the prison itself naturally decreased.

But it is already night now, and the prisoners in the prison have turned off the lights and are sleeping, so normally there is no need for much police force.

Even the vast majority of inmates don't even know that the prison lacks a lot of police personnel.

After all, there are far fewer police officers on duty in the prison at night than during the day, and prisoners are not allowed to move around at will. Naturally, it is not clear that there are fewer police officers in certain places.


Although the absolute majority of prisoners do not care or even notice the reduction in police force, there are still very few examples.

Dominic is one of those very few.

Because of his size and ability to fight, he did not experience any oppression after entering prison.

After Dominic was imprisoned for the first time, he swore that he would never be imprisoned again.

Now his vow has obviously failed to be fulfilled, but Dominic is also working hard to regain his freedom.

Because his charges have not yet been tried by a judge, he does not know that his sentence will not be long. Recently, he has been looking for opportunities to escape from prison.

Especially after meeting another inmate a few days ago, Dominic already has strong confidence that he can escape from prison.

The fact that the prison temporarily deployed a part of the police force tonight to provide support did not go unnoticed by him.

Dominic was lying in bed and found that the frequency of police patrols at night had become lower today, and the number of people had also become smaller.

Although he didn't know the specific reason, he was keenly aware of this opportunity.

So he immediately raised his hand and patted Frank who was sleeping next to him.


Dominic said softly, and Frank nodded with deep understanding.

The two have communicated before.

This time they found that there seemed to be fewer prison guards patrolling, so they began to take action.

The two got up directly and then came to a large dark-skinned man next to them.

This guy is one of the prison bullies in this prison. When Dominic and Frank first came in, they were targeted by each other.

"What are you doing!"

As a prison bully, Big Guy naturally bullies other people in the prison, especially newcomers. He always likes to teach others some rules in the prison.

Probably the big guy himself knows that he bullies a lot of people, so he is very alert when he goes to bed at night.

He deliberately arranged for three confidants to sleep with him.

But despite this, after Dominic and Frank approached, although several people reacted, they were no match for them.

The big man and his three henchmen were quickly beaten until they could not move, and many of them vomited a lot of blood.

Dominic and Frank pulled the vomited blood onto their bodies, then lay on the ground and pretended to cry.

"What's going on! No fighting!"

The movement inside the cell soon attracted the attention of the prison guards.

At first, they just issued a warning across the railing, but then they discovered that the situation inside seemed to be serious.

Then they specially summoned a few accomplices, and after carrying weapons, they carefully turned on the light in the cell, opened the door and walked in.

"These guys are fighting each other. It looks pretty serious. They should be sent to the hospital."

This chapter has been completed!
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