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Chapter 707 Testing

Song Zijie sighed, he knew more about this guy than Zhang Pin and others.

So after hearing the news Zhang Pin told him, he had roughly guessed the truth of the matter.

"Fourth Uncle, in fact, this matter was arranged by Gao Peiying. He deliberately sold his shares to Director Huang, then asked the other party to come forward to negotiate with you, and then deliberately drew a gun. The purpose was to get rid of Director Huang and frame you at the same time.

So that we can directly occupy the entire shipyard."

"What! Peiying, it can't be Peiying. He has been following me for decades, and the shipyard also has his shares and is actually run by him. Why did he do this?"

When Long Si heard Song Zijie's words, he suddenly came out of his daze.

But his originally dull expression turned into disbelief. He obviously didn't believe that the man who had been with him for so many years would harm him.

"And he drew his gun to help me drive away Director Huang. He has already said that he fell into Director Huang's trap just to help me..."

As Long Si spoke, he directly raised his head, looked at Song Zijie, and then at the detention room.

"Ajie, you...you can enter here, are you an undercover police officer?"

Long Si could guess this, and Song Zijie was not surprised. After all, he had no intention of hiding his identity.

"Fourth uncle, you said it yourself, Gao Peiying has been with you for so long, and he is actually running the business, but you are the big boss of the shipyard, and the shipyard's business has been getting worse and worse in recent years."

Having said this, Song Zijie thought for a while and then simply told another thing.

"Recently, a batch of counterfeit banknotes has appeared internationally, and the source is Hong Kong Island. If Gao Peiying returns to his old business, that would be enough reason for him to plan all this."

When Long Si heard Song Zijie's words, he immediately raised his head in shock and looked at him in disbelief.

The reason for this is that he did not expect that Song Zijie actually knew his previous identity.

"You, you didn't know me because of Xiaoxiao, but you came here for me?"

Seeing Long Si's shocked expression, Song Zijie finally confessed his purpose.

"Yes, I came here specifically to fall in love with your daughter just to have a better reason to get close to you. But although I lied to you before, I will never lie to you.

These days of contact have shown me that you are very loyal.

My eldest brother is Song Zihao, you are his mentor, and he has always respected you.

Even if you don’t believe me, you should believe him!”

Sure enough, after hearing Song Zijie mention Song Zihao, Long Si's eyes suddenly became brighter.

"Are you Ah Hao's brother?"

Song Zijie nodded and admitted his identity.

"You just said that a batch of counterfeit banknotes appeared internationally, and the source was Hong Kong Island. But I have retired for so many years, why do you think it was me?"

Long Si obviously trusted Song Zihao very much, so he loved Wujiwu, and he also calmly accepted Song Zijie's identity.

"Ahao told me about you at the beginning and wanted to introduce you to me. Unfortunately, something happened to him soon. Alas, something like this has happened to me now. I am really in a world where I can't help myself!


Seeing that Long Si finally calmed down, Song Zijie breathed a sigh of relief.

Hearing Long Si's question, Song Zijie only hesitated for a second, and then decided to tell everything he knew.

Anyway, everything that should be said and shouldn't be said has been said, so it doesn't matter whether the rest should be said or not.

"We first discovered that part of this batch of counterfeit banknotes was shipped through your Sihai fleet, and then we discovered that there was a problem with your shipyard's funds, so we suspected that you were returning to your old business because of lack of money."

After hearing Song Zijie's words, Long Si was not excited.

"You said that counterfeit banknotes were circulated from our fleet, so you suspect that Peiying is behind this matter?"

Long Si is an old man in the world. To be able to achieve great success when he was young and wash his hands in a stable way, he certainly has a lot of wisdom.

He had been very busy recently because the shipyard was short of money, and something like this happened again today, so he couldn't accept it for a while.

But now that he heard Song Zijie say this, he also came to his senses.

Whether it was Gao Peiying's enthusiastic contact with Director Huang some time ago, or the other party's sudden action of pulling out a gun tonight, it was really weird.

When he was in the world, he had quite a few younger brothers.

Such as Song Zihao, such as Xiao Ma.

But in the end he chose to take Gao Peiying with him, naturally because Gao Peiying was not willing to hang out on the road.

He arranged for Gao Peiying to run the shipyard and gave him shares. Isn't it because Gao Peiying has a calm personality and is a talented person in business?

But this time, whether it was selling shares to Director Huang, or suddenly pulling out a gun to threaten Director Huang.

These things are completely inconsistent with the other person's character.

If it looks like this.

Song Zijie's words are not entirely groundless.

"Yes, do you think that if you did not make the counterfeit money, if Gao Peiying did it, can you come forward to prove him?"

"Provide evidence! We haven't determined whether Peiying did it or not!"

When Song Zijie asked him to stand up and testify against Gao Peiying, Long Si was obviously reluctant.

After all, Gao Peiying has been with him for so many years, and his right hand is a loyal person.

Song Zijie didn't know what to say about this.

"Since you are not sure, let's design it and test it so that we can know whether he did it or not!"

Just when Long Si was hesitating, Zhang Pin appeared at the door without knowing when.


Hearing Zhang Pin's words, Long Si's heart moved.

A person who can be the boss, no matter how loyal he is, will definitely not tolerate traitors.

"Yes, test him."

Zhang Pin nodded and asked Song Zijie to come out.

He was not specifically here to eavesdrop on the conversation between the two. In fact, the police custody room had audio and video equipment. He could check the conversation of the people inside at any time if he wanted.

He came here only because Ma Jun had already searched the shipyard and brought Gao Peiying back to the police station.

The search at the shipyard did not go too smoothly.

First of all, the shipyard is too big. I went around various workshops, large and small, and found nothing related to counterfeit banknotes.

However, after seeing the entire shipyard, Zhang Pin believed Song Zijie's guess that it was such a big shipyard.

If the other party really intends to acquire a set of equipment for making counterfeit banknotes, even if it is searched, it is really impossible to discover it for a while.

Especially since the shipyard is close to the sea and the other party has its own fleet, it can really provide production and transportation services all the way to the sea.

After searching the shipyard, Ma Jun took Gao Peiying back to the police station.

The other party did not know that Long Si was also at the Tsim Sha Tsui Police Station, and thought that the other party had escaped, so he did not disguise himself at this time. He was holding a cigar carelessly and did not put it out even in the police station.

Then he became even more arrogant and said nothing, letting his lawyer answer all questions.

It was precisely because Zhang Pin saw the other party's arrogance that he thought of asking Long Si to take a look with his own eyes so that the other party could cooperate with his subsequent investigation.

After all, with Long Si, an acquaintance of Gao Peiying, there was no need for him to investigate Gao Peiying again.

Seeing Gao Peiying's performance at this time, I then thought about the other party's attitude in front of me all those years ago.

Long Si still didn't know that Gao Peiying, who used to be submissive in front of him in the past, was actually just a disguise and not his true face at all.

At the same time, he believed Song Zijie's words even more, fearing that he was set up by Gao Peiying.

After letting Long Si see Gao Peiying's arrogant attitude, Zhang Pin didn't stay long.

At present, the evidence they have cannot convict Gao Peiying, and the gunman who actually killed Huang Dong has not yet been found.

So he asked the police to arrange for Gao Peiying to leave after paying the bail.

Soon, Gao Peiying continued to walk out of the police station door arrogantly, and the cigar in the other party's mouth was not finished yet.

When he saw the vast sky outside, he even felt emotional.

"I thought that if such a big thing happened, I would have to stay at the police station for at least 24 hours, but I didn't expect that I wouldn't even have half an hour. It seems that these guys are really wasting taxpayers like us.


"Mr. Gao, the reason why you were able to come out so quickly is entirely because you chose the right lawyer."

Hearing Gao Peiying's proud words, the lawyer who was following the other party with his briefcase under his arm couldn't help but speak out.

Gao Peiying turned his head and glanced at the other party, but did not deny it.

In fact, he was still a little worried just now, but this four-eyed guy spoke very forcefully to the note. He asked several questions in response, which made the note-taker speechless. It seemed that he still had some ability.

"Wait and get money from my company. I will give you the benefits I promised you."

After Gao Peiying finished speaking, he walked towards the car parked on the side of the road.

"Thank you, Mr. Gao, for being so helpful!"

As soon as Siyanzi heard that he would get the final payment, he immediately ran over and opened the door for the other party like a dog.

Seeing Gao Peiying get into the car and disappear, Long Si's eyes immediately darkened.

Then he looked at Song Zijie and nodded reluctantly.

"Hey, fourth brother, are you okay? I'm worried about you. The police came to the shipyard and I was just called for questioning."

Gao Peiying was lying on a chair, with two women in bikinis kneeling in front of him working for him.

Although his expression was obviously very comfortable, his tone pretended to be very anxious.

"I'm hiding with a friend now and preparing to sneak to Los Angeles. Peiying, the shipyard may need your help to look after it for a while. By the way, how is Xiaoxiao's situation now?"

Long Si's tone was a little dull, and only when he talked about his daughter did he have a slight mood swing.

"Fourth brother, are you leaving Hong Kong Island? You left in a hurry and you don't have any money with you. I still have a little money here. Where are you now? I'll have someone send you some money for your expenses when you are away.

A lot of.

You don't need to worry about the shipyard, I will definitely take care of it.

The same goes for Xiaoxiao. When the opportunity is right, I will send her to see you."

Gao Peiying pretended to be upright and solemn, but when she talked about Long Si's daughter, she reached out to a bodyguard and made a phone call gesture.

"I'm at Uncle Kin's Auto Repair Shop in Tsim Sha Tsui. This is an old friend of mine. I'll leave the shipyard and Xiaoxiao under your care."

After Long Si finished speaking, he hung up the phone and put down the telescope blankly.

At this time, he was standing on the top of the mountain not far from Gao Peiying's villa, followed by Song Zijie and Chen Jin, as well as Song Zihao and Uncle Jian who had arrived in a hurry.

When Song Zijie saw the other party hang up the phone, he immediately looked at his elder brother.

Song Zihao understood. He stepped forward and patted Long Si on the shoulder to comfort him.

"Fourth brother, it's okay. Only by giving it a try will you know who is trustworthy at the critical moment."

Long Si did not respond, but stared blankly into the villa below. After Gao Peiying found out where he was hiding, he immediately pushed away the two women and attracted two people he didn't know.

"Two things. First, find Long Si's daughter immediately and kill her!

Second, go to Tsim Sha Tsui's Uncle Kin's car repair shop and be sure to kill Long Si!

Only if Long Si dies can our business continue to operate stably!"

"Of course, you can wait for our good news!"

These guys whom Long Si didn't know were naturally Gao Peiying's partners in the counterfeit banknote business.

In the past, when they wanted to ship a batch of goods, they needed Gao Peiying to cover up. In order not to be discovered by an old fox like Long Si, they didn't dare to ship too much every time.

Now that I have finally found an opportunity to deal with this annoying guy Long Si, I will certainly not hesitate.

"I would like to see if a killer will come to my store to cause trouble. If he really dares to come, sir, why don't I take action when the time comes? Locking up this kind of guy is definitely a waste of resources. Why don't you let me send them all away?

Go and be reincarnated."

It was Uncle Jian who spoke.

"I was sent to be reincarnated. I don't want to live a good life. Is it because I haven't saved enough money for retirement? I want to go to Stanley for retirement."

"You all know how to fight and kill all day long, and you can live to your current age. You should burn more incense and thank God for blessing, otherwise I might take you away one day."

"If a killer does come by then, let our police handle it, and you don't need to intervene!"

The person who spoke this time was Chen Jin. After hearing what a few people said, he didn't know that it was hard to tell the current identities of these guys, and their previous background was definitely not clean.

It's not that he looks down on these people, he just doesn't want them to go astray again for this kind of thing.

"Fourth brother, don't worry. It hasn't been completely proven yet. If Gao Peiying really didn't let you down, then there will be no problem in making this call. On the contrary, it will further prove his affection for you."

Song Zihao didn't care about other people's comments.

He just patted Long Si on the shoulder, deceiving himself or saying words that he didn't mean to comfort Long Si.

Although they couldn't hear clearly what Gao Peiying and the men in black were talking about, they couldn't see any worry about Long Si based on their current appearance.

More importantly, if it weren't for the police investigation, Long Si wouldn't even know where Gao Peiying got the money to buy such a large villa.

This chapter has been completed!
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