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Chapter 708 Ambush

When Gao Peiying was still very young, she followed Long Si into the world.

Later, when they were running a shipyard and making money, Long Si could only give Gao Peiying tens of thousands of yuan at most every month.

Not to mention that the shipyard's operations deteriorated in the following years, and Gao Peiying had already offered to waive his salary.

At that time, Long Si also lamented the loyalty of the other party and insisted on giving him several thousand Hong Kong dollars every month for living expenses.

As a result, the other party now owns a luxury car and a villa without saying anything, and it seems that he also has many younger brothers.

What made Long Si most angry was that many of the young men in the villas turned out to be employees he saw in the shipyard.

Several of them were the guys he discovered were derelict in their duties during working hours at the shipyard and were directly fired by him.

It turns out that after these guys were fired, they were responsible for guarding Gao Peiying's villa.

Then I thought about the fact that all the employees in the shipyard were recruited by Gao Peiying.

Long Si didn't know that he was still training Gao Peiying's subordinates after all these years.

In fact, the shipyard has been operating for so many years. It stands to reason that even without Song Zihao's support, not to mention making money, it should not be too difficult to survive.

But in fact, the shipyard's operations were deteriorating.

Now it seems that this must be Gao Peiying secretly causing trouble.

It's just that Long Si believed in the other party too much at first, so he didn't notice the fishy behavior of the other party at all.

Everyone came here just to let Long Si take a look at Gao Peiying's condition so that he would give up and cooperate with him in fishing Gao Peiying.

Now that it was determined that Gao Peiying had a problem, he naturally took him back to Uncle Jian's auto repair shop.

Since you want to fish, you must have bait.

If Long Si doesn't show up at the auto repair shop, what if the killer doesn't take action?

Facts have proved that Chen Jin's concerns were right.

Not long after the few people returned to the auto repair shop, two cars drove into the auto repair shop.

"Boss, wash the car and add water!"

The two of them looked like ordinary customers, but they had their hands in their pockets and their eyes were staring at the few rooms in the auto repair shop.

If you weren't careful, you would probably just be surprised that the two people behaved strangely.

But in the eyes of Chen Jin and Song Zijie, who were hiding in the room and watching, these actions didn't look weird at all.

"Fourth Uncle, now I have to trouble you to go out and show your face."

When Song Zijie saw the two people entering the auto repair shop, he didn't hesitate and knocked on the wall to remind Long Si next door to start.

"Let's go, Fourth Brother!"

The speaker was Song Zihao, who was sitting in the room with Long Si to rest.

Long Si didn't say anything, but stood up with Song Zihao, and then walked to Uncle Jian who was sitting at the cashier.

"What, you are leaving Hong Kong Island. I am an auto repair shop here. If others ask, I will of course tell you to buy a ferry ticket or an air ticket. But we are all acquaintances, and I am not afraid to tell you openly.

As long as you have money, leave everything to me."

Uncle Jian is also an actor.

He had also long ago discovered that something was wrong with the two guys who came to wash the car. When he saw Song Zihao accompanying Long Si out, he immediately started acting.

When the two car wash guys saw Long Si appear, they were already prepared. They unconsciously adjusted their hands in their pockets and aimed their bodies towards Long Si unconsciously.

But after hearing Uncle Jian speak, he immediately turned around, as if he was afraid of being discovered by them, but he opened his ears to listen to the chat of several people.

"The money issue is easy to talk about, but we are leaving Hong Kong Island tonight. Can you do it?"

Song Zihao's acting skills are average, but it depends on the situation. This kind of small temporary performance will naturally not be difficult for him.

"Don't worry, at ten o'clock tonight, you go in and have a seat first. There are many police officers patrolling here. I will take you away to take the boat in the evening."

Uncle Jian saw that the two customers were acting strangely. In order to prevent them from taking action in the store and causing damage to his own property, he could only bring out a note to scare them.

Sure enough, when Uncle Jian said that there were many policemen patrolling nearby, they immediately walked towards their car.

"Forget it, don't wash it. I suddenly remembered that there is still water. I'm in a hurry to use the car, so I'll leave first!"

One of the customers directly grabbed the keys taken away by the auto repair shop staff, and inadvertently looked at each other, got in the car and left the auto repair shop.

"Remember to clean my car and do some maintenance on the way. Oh, where is the rest room? I happen to be fine. Just sit down and wait."

Another customer was not ready to leave, but asked about the lounge. It seemed that he was going to wait here for the car maintenance to be completed.

"Over there, that's the lounge over there, just sit and wait."

Uncle Jian heard the other party's words, then stretched out his hand to point towards the lounge, then continued to lower his head and pulled with Song Zihao.

"It seems that guy went to inform Gao Peiying."

Song Zijie was hiding in the room and saw this scene, and suddenly became excited.

"Well, this guy should be staying here to monitor him. Do you want to control him first?"

Chen Jin also nodded.

Except for Uncle Jian and two staff members, all the other employees of Uncle Jian's auto repair shop were disguised as police officers. It would be easy to catch the guy who was doing the surveillance.

"It's not necessary. The other party hasn't done anything yet. There is no benefit at all in catching him except to alert him."

Song Zijie, however, disagreed with Chen Jin's immediate arrest.

So the two stopped talking and just asked the peripheral members to pay attention to the surrounding situation.

Several hours passed in a blink of an eye.

During this period, Uncle Jian deliberately had a bad taste and asked the employees to complete the maintenance and cleaning of the other party's car in just half an hour.

After learning that the car had been well maintained, the other party obviously didn't want to leave.

He first hid in the bathroom and made a phone call quietly.

After getting the instructions, I came out and drove the car away.

Less than ten minutes after this guy left the shop, three more cars drove in.

Maintenance is also required.

After the three people's car maintenance was completed, more cars started to drive in.

Not to mention, in just half a day, Uncle Jian actually earned tens of thousands in maintenance fees.

If he hadn't known the truth, he would have thought that his shop's business would turn around and he would become rich in old age.

Seeing that it was almost ten o'clock, Uncle Jian saw two cars parked in the shop waiting for maintenance.

He directly drove a broken car, let Song Zihao and Long Si sit in his car, and drove out of the store.

As soon as Uncle Jian's car drove out of the first intersection, four cars suddenly appeared behind him.

"Ah Hao, you probably haven't offended anyone recently, right?"

Seeing the car following him, Uncle Jian was not afraid at all, and was even in the mood to joke with Song Zihao in the back row.

"Uncle Jian, you are kidding me. I haven't been working in your store for more than a year. How could I offend people? I don't have any contact with my previous friends."

Song Zihao is obviously not a guy with a sense of humor.

After hearing Uncle Jian's inquiry, he even explained it seriously, obviously without any reaction.

On the contrary, Long Si, who was sitting next to him in a daze, suddenly changed his eyes.

He leaned out and looked back through the front rearview mirror.

Then I saw two more cars coming from the intersection.

At noon, he talked to Gao Peiying on the phone and told him that he was at Uncle Jian's auto repair shop.

As a result, not long after the call, people came to Uncle Jian's auto repair shop one after another.

It is naturally self-evident who sent these people here and what their purpose is.

"Go through the intersection from the left. There is a warehouse with an open door over there. The location is relatively remote. Our people have already been prepared."

Just when the three of them took out their weapons and prepared to defend themselves, Chen Jin's voice suddenly came from inside the car.

The three of them looked at each other and put down their weapons in relief.

Since they took the initiative to contact Gao Peiying, they were naturally ready to go to war with the other party.

However, it would be better if the police can handle this matter and they will not be affected.

The three of them have already chosen to withdraw from the world. If they shoot again tonight, they may be involuntarily again in the second half.

Uncle Jian put down his weapon, stepped on the accelerator, and let the car fly away with a whoosh.

The two cars that were approaching to double-team them suddenly lost their target and could only watch as the cars jumped forward.

But these guys didn't give up either.

"It seems they have discovered us, hurry up and catch up!"

"Don't be afraid, there are many of us, they are just three outdated old guys!"

The driver arranged by Gao Peiying in the car did not worry at all when he was discovered.

The gunman who was driving also stepped on the accelerator and chased after Uncle Jian's car.


When Uncle Jian came out of the intersection, he saw an abandoned factory with the door open but pitch dark inside.

He didn't hesitate and drove straight in.

"Get out of the car quickly and climb up!"

After entering the factory, a beam of electric light shone down.

The person standing on the top of the warehouse talking was of course Chen Jin.

After knowing that Gao Peiying sent someone here, he certainly didn't waste most of the day in Uncle Jian's auto repair shop.

Instead, he found an opportunity and came here to ambush in advance.

After hearing his words, the three people in the car did not hesitate. After getting out of the car, they pulled the ladder prepared by Chen Jin and climbed up to the top of the warehouse.

There was not only Chen Jin, but also many police officers from Tsim Sha Tsui Police Station.

They immediately exerted their strength and quickly pulled the three of them up, half pulling and half pulling.

At this time, the number of cars surrounding the three people had grown to eleven.

At this time, all these cars were parked outside the warehouse.

"What's going on? Aren't they trying to sneak out of Hong Kong Island? Why are they hiding in a warehouse now?"

"You are stupid. You must have discovered that we are behind you, so you want to hide here."

These gunmen were at a loss because Uncle Jian was hiding in the warehouse, so they did not pursue him immediately.

"There are only three of them, and there are more than a dozen of us here. Let's go in together and finish the work as soon as possible. The boss said that as long as Long Si is killed, each person present can get 100,000 yuan."

The gunmen discussed it for a while, but finally the money moved people's hearts.

In the face of a reward of 100,000 yuan, even if they knew there might be something weird in the warehouse, they were still reluctant to give up the benefits they had obtained.

"Everyone drive in together!"

The gunmen discussed for a while, then immediately started the car and drove into the warehouse two by two.

Buzz buzz——

The car quickly drove into the warehouse.

"The car is here, maybe it's hiding!"

The originally dark warehouse was instantly illuminated by car lights as if it were daytime as more than a dozen cars drove in.

Naturally, the gunmen also discovered the car abandoned by the three uncles.

So they got out of the car one after another to look for the three people.


Suddenly, the warehouse door behind him was suddenly closed, locking everyone inside.

"I am Inspector Chen Jin of the Anti-Gangster Division of Tsim Sha Tsui Police Station. I now order you to raise your hands and kneel on the ground..."

Seeing all the gunmen getting out of the car, Chen Jin directed the police at the door to close the door and immediately shouted through the loudspeaker below.

"No, it's a trap..."


"The doors are closed and we can't run away. Everyone, prepare to fight hard!"

Bang bang bang——

The gunmen were very surprised to be suddenly surrounded.

Then after realizing there was no way out, someone shouted loudly, then raised a gun and shot at the top of the warehouse.

"Fight back!"

I saw that the gunman not only refused to surrender, but instead shot his own men.

Chen Jin immediately gave the order with a dark face.

Da da da——

Da da da——

After receiving the order, the Tsim Sha Tsui police officer immediately pulled the bolt of his gun and opened fire at the gunman below.


"Why are they submachine guns? They are not police officers!"

The firepower of Chen Jin and others clearly exceeded the expectations of the gunmen below.

They had no idea that not only had Tiaozi set up an ambush, but the weapon in his hand was not a .38, but a micro-charge.

Many gunmen were shot and fell to the ground before they even had a chance to fire.

There were a few clever guys who even hid in cars.

As a result, the car's iron sheet and glass were completely unable to withstand submachine gun bullets.

As the police concentrated their fire, the gunmen below screamed and then became silent.

"This, has the firepower of the police become so powerful now?"

"I, I don't know. Fortunately, I quit the world!"

"It seems that I can't do side jobs anymore, so I'll just open an auto repair shop honestly!"

When Uncle Jian and the other three saw this scene, they were also so frightened that they swallowed their saliva and for a while they didn't even dare to move.

"How's it going? Are any of the guys injured?"

Chen Jin didn't have time to care about the three people's thoughts. He immediately asked the guys involved in the operation.

Although they only concentrated one round of fire, they defeated the gunmen below and were completely defeated.

But at the beginning, there were still gunmen shooting up there.

There are only some iron shelves at the top of the warehouse, and the effect of blocking bullets is not very strong. The reason why I chose this place is because it is the only place nearby that barely meets the requirements.

"I got shot!"

"I got shot too!"

"I was shot too!"

The news later sent back by the police officers confirmed Chen Jin's fears. Three police officers had been shot.

Following the police officers' answers, Chen Jin, who had been so proud just now, instantly cast a shadow over his heart.

This chapter has been completed!
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