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Chapter 775: The Zhang brothers who were ganged up on

Unexpectedly, before he could finish his joy, Zhang Pin drove up and chased him.

Isn't this cheating? No matter how much people can run, how can they outrun a car?

Chen Zilong decisively raised his hand and stopped.

"Cuff yourself, or you can try to run again. This time I won't drive to chase you."

Zhang Pin threw the handcuffs on Chen Zilong and spoke.

When Chen Zilong heard Zhang Pin's words, he was immediately ready to take action.

If Zhang Pin really didn't drive to chase him...

He really thought he might be able to escape.

"...This time I will chase you with bullets to see if you can outrun the bullets."

As soon as Zhang Pin said the rest of his words, he waved the pistol that appeared in his hand at some point.


Without saying a word, Chen Zilong directly cuffed his hands together, and then he raised his hands on his own initiative.

"Surrender, surrender!"

A moment later, Ma Jun arrived with people. He and Chen Zilong stared at each other for a long time, but in the end they looked at each other in silence.

Tsim Sha Tsui Police Station.

"Tou, the matter is almost clear."

Ma Jun took two confessions and reported to Zhang Pin the information he had just obtained through the transcripts.

"Chen Zilong, male, 30 years old, former police officer of the West Kowloon Heavy Duty Unit, has a hot temper and is impulsive.

He killed someone in an operation and finally chose to retire.

Currently living in the Yau Tsim Mong area, he is a thug belonging to a new gang.

This time I went to Kaguya Building to handle the divorce lawsuit with my wife.

As for why he wanted to be with Zhang Wenhui, according to him, Zhang Wenhui wronged him.

His original intention was to explain things to the police with the other party, but when they returned to Zhang Wenhui's residence last night.

It happened that Zhang Wenhui's good friend Peihua was murdered.

Officers from the Central District Police Station were at the scene and identified the two men and a motorcycle as the murderer and accomplice.

When the police arrested the two men, Chen Zilong chose to resist arrest and run away. After the two wandered for a night, they met you."

"Zhang Wenhui, female, 26 years old, a new lawyer in the law firm, the lawyer responsible for the divorce mediation of Chen Zilong's wife."

"Yesterday, there was a shooting at Kaguya Building, and a total of three people were killed.

Two of them are New Territories Police Superintendent Zhang Wenyao, Chief Inspector Zhang Lai, and a Chinese-American Liu Jie.

Among them, the deceased Liu Jie got into Zhang Wenhui's car and suspected that the two knew each other. However, Zhang Wenhui refused to admit this and only said it was a coincidence.

As for the reason why Zhang Wenhui and Chen Zilong are together.

Mainly Zhang Wenhui said that she saw Chen Zilong and the deceased come out of the elevator together.

The deceased Li Jie confirmed based on the confession of police officer Chen Jiaju that they were gangsters disguised as police officers.

The police are still in the investigation stage as to the purpose of their appearance.

However, Zhang Wenhui also confirmed that Chen Zilong should have nothing to do with the killing of his good friend.

Because after the two of them came out of Kaguya Building, they were basically together and had no time for sex.

However, according to the evidence obtained by the officers at the Central District Police Station, only one person's fingerprints were actually recovered from the handle of the knife that killed Pei Hua.

That person is Zhang Wenhui."

After Ma Jun finished telling the news seriously, he couldn't hold it back and spoke again.

"Tou, based on the confessions of the two people, I found that there are several doubtful points.

First, although the law firm where the shootout occurred was not the firm where Zhang Wenhui worked, the bosses of the two firms were lovers.

Second, Pei Hua, a senior lawyer who died at home last night, happened to be the boss of Zhang Wenhui's firm.

Third, the two people who pretended to be fake police officers yesterday should actually have gone to Weisheng Law Firm to find the boss, Zhou Weisheng.

It just happened that there was a conflict with Officer Chen Jiaju and Officer Yuan Haoyun.

So I have reason to suspect that a shooting and a murder that happened last night should be related."

Zhang Pin nodded understandingly after listening to Ma Jun's words.

He glanced at Ma Jun and found that the other person had been scratching his head and head since he finished speaking. It seemed that he wanted to take over the case personally.

"You want to do this, are you sure?"

Zhang Pin looked at the other party, but did not refuse directly.

Chen Jin is currently dealing with a man who was born to raise several mercenaries. Although the opponent is dead, the man is not finished yet.

Because the stolen money of 100 million has not been found yet.

So if Ma Jun wants to do this, it's not impossible.

It's just that Zhang Pin is still quite doubtful about Ma Jun's ability to handle the eucalyptus independently.

"Promise to complete the mission, sir!"

As soon as Ma Jun heard that he had the opportunity to take over Yuzi, he immediately stood up and saluted him.

He was indeed very interested in this case, not only because it involved the Central District Police Station and the Central Police Station, but more importantly, the person Chen Zilong.

Not long after Ma Jun left, Chen Jin knocked on the door and entered.

"Tou, I want to take over that guy in Kaguya Building."

The other party got straight to the point, and Zhang Pin couldn't help but glance at the other party curiously.

"Well, the main thing is that this synonym is actually the same syllable as robbery.

Superintendent Zhang Wenyao and Chief Inspector Zhang Lai, who died in the law firm, should be the masterminds behind the US dollar robbery."

Zhang Pin did not appear surprised at Chen Jin's words.

Because after receiving a call from Chen Daqiao to himself, he learned that Weisheng Law Firm was a money laundering company.

Zhang Pin had already guessed this.

After he came back after arresting Chen Zilong, he retrieved the records of Chen Jiaju and Yuan Haoyun from the Central District Police Station.

According to the two men, the reason why they went to this place was because they heard the conversation between Zhang Lai and He Yongqiang.

It was learned that the two men were behind the robbery.

But since there is no evidence, we can only choose to follow.

After arriving at Kaguya Building, they guessed that the other party might be running away, so they rushed in to stop him.

A firefight ensued with the other party.

Eventually one person was injured.

Yes, according to their confessions, they exchanged fire with the Zhang Wenyao brothers and two people disguised as police officers.

In the end, only Chen Jiaju had an accident because his gun went off, and Liu Jie, one of the deceased, was injured.

Later, because the other party escaped, Chen Jiaju was attacked by other gunmen while pursuing him.

He was outmatched by Yuan Haoyun, and in the end he had no choice but to escape. He managed to escape thanks to the support of people from the Central District Police Station.

However, Zhou Weisheng, the boss of Weisheng Law Firm, has different opinions on this.

He said that while he was at work, the Zhang brothers suddenly came to inquire about compensation for the sacrifice of public officials.

As a result, Chen Jiaju and Yuan Haoyun came to the door with two police officers.

He only questioned the identity of the other police officer, but Yuan Haoyun became angry and falsely accused him of assaulting the police officer.

For his own safety, he hid in the office in advance.

In the end, the Zhang brothers died tragically from each other's guns.

As for the gunmen who appeared later, he also expressed suspicion that they were brought by Chen Jiaju and others.

Regarding the conflicting confessions between the two parties, the Central District Police did not comment.

They asked other people at Wilson Law Firm to inquire.

Most of them can't remember the specific details of yesterday.

I just knew that Yuan Haoyun falsely accused his boss of assaulting the police.

And I also heard that Chen Jiaju and the two police officers in police uniforms said that they were their own people.

According to other people's confessions, it seems to be evidence that Chen Jiaju and Yuan Haoyun are indeed two guys pretending to be police officers and working together.

Apart from this point of dispute, there is another point in the confessions of both parties.

That was what Chen Jiaju and Yuan Haoyun swore that they saw with their own eyes the Zhang brothers carrying several bags into the Wilson Law Firm.

I suspect that what was inside was the 100 million stolen money in the escort vehicle.

But Zhou Weisheng also swore that the two of them came to the house empty-handed.

In this matter, because the control room of Huiye Building has long been damaged, and Wei Sheng Law Firm does not have monitoring equipment, it is impossible to determine which party is telling the truth.

But this time the police believed more in the confessions of Chen Jiaju and Yuan Haoyun.

However, after searching the Wilson Law Firm, the US$100 million was not found.

"Since this eucalyptus didn't belong to us before, let's stop here."

Zhang Pin did not agree to Chen Jin's request this time, but waved his hand to stop the other party from continuing to pursue.

Chen Jin smiled bitterly at this, but didn't say much.

He had already guessed Zhang Pin's thoughts.

I also understand the other person’s concerns.

This eucalyptus is too big, one hundred million US dollars.

And for it to be snatched away so smoothly, just thinking about it, you can guess that there must be someone inside.

Therefore, whether it is a benefit or an obstacle, this situation is very great.


Chen Jin actually doesn't have much desire for further tracking.

The reason why he clenched his teeth on the eucalyptus and refused to let go was because of his merits.

Mainly because he was beaten by Tian Yangsheng before and was unable to fight back, so he felt aggrieved personally.

Now that Tian Yangsheng is dying, he is not too interested in the following eucalyptus.

I originally thought that if I could start and end well, it wouldn't mean that I couldn't finish the story.

Now since Zhang Pin is not going to arrange for him to handle it, he will not force it.

"Then I'll talk to Ma Jun and tell him some information."


Zhang Pin nodded and agreed.

After Chen Jin left, Zhang Pin looked at the information in the computer with a sneer on his face.

"Good guy, you are so brave, you dare to hack my money."

If yesterday Zhang Pin thought that the money might have disappeared because of something going on at the law firm.

But after reading the confessions of Chen Jiaju and Yuan Haoyun.

I also learned about what happened to Chen Zilong and Zhang Wenhui.

Zhang Pin didn't know that this was a company that deliberately made illegal money.

The reason why he arranged for Ma Jun to do things was actually because the other party had always been careless in doing things, which just gave him some room to perform.

Because it involves his own money laundering, Zhang Pin naturally cannot let them investigate at will.

That night, he came to Kaguya Building alone.

Zhang Pin read the confessions of Chen Jiaju and Yuan Haoyun, and got confirmation from Chen Zilong and Zhang Wenhui.

Taking into account Zhou Weisheng's own confession, he discovered something rather strange.

That was the death of the Zhang brothers.

They were shot to death randomly.

But there are only two people, Chen Jiaju and Yuan Haoyun.

In other words, there is only Yuan Haoyun.

Even though this guy has a pistol, he can also act like a submachine gun.

But a pistol is a pistol, like and are two concepts.

In particular, the Zhang brothers are high-ranking members of the police force, and both of them have rich front-line work experience in their resumes.

If Yuan Haoyun really killed them, the situation at the scene would definitely be worse.

Therefore, Zhang Pin is inclined to believe Yuan Haoyun's words that he did not kill the Zhang brothers.

The money should and was indeed brought into the building by the two brothers.

And the other two people pretending to be police officers are also very suspicious.

Zhang Pin guessed that the Zhang brothers were arranged by Zhou Weisheng of Weisheng Law Firm.

As for the reason, of course it was for 100 million US dollars.

So he planned to go to Kaguya Building tonight. It would be better if he could find money.

There are police officers guarding the building downstairs.

After all, this is a big deal involving 100 million U.S. dollars, so this level of vigilance is naturally necessary.

But Zhang Pin still found a loophole and entered the building.

The police officers guarding the building were mainly on guard against anyone taking the money away, but they did not have too much trouble with those who entered the building.

Law Firm.

Zhang Pin is not the only one who has infiltrated.

"Dawei, where have you gone? Do you know that Ajie is dead?"

Zhou Weisheng was processing documents when he suddenly saw Li Dawei entering. He frowned unconsciously and then immediately questioned the other person first.

If Chen Jiaju were here, he would recognize that Li Dawei is the man who pretended to be a policeman yesterday.

And the Ajie they were talking about was naturally the one who died.

"Of course I know. I also know that Ajie's death was not simple. The note hit him in the arm, but when he died, he was shot seven or eight times in the body."

Li Dawei looked at Zhou Weisheng with an uncertain face, as if he was observing his expression.

Zhou Weisheng frowned even deeper when the other party looked at him so unabashedly.

"What's your expression? Do you know that the police are searching everywhere? Are you suspicious of me?"

"That's right, you are the most suspect in this matter. Hong Kong Island is your territory, and when Ajie and I came here, you suddenly asked me and Ajie to pretend to be policemen and cooperate with you in a scene. As a result, the fake policemen met

What a bad old man, hum——"

Li Dawei is obviously not stupid.

He, Ajie and Zhou Weisheng are actually Chinese Americans.

They work together for a gang boss named Uncle Chao.

The other party made a lot of illegal money there, and then used his identity as a Chinese to come to Hong Kong Island regularly to save money.

Because Hong Kong Island is a free economic and trade port, there are no restrictions on the circulation of various currencies.

In this way, Zhou Weisheng used the law firm to deposit money into his account, and then purchased Uncle Chao's property in the United States.

In this way, the money is laundered into legitimate income from the other party's normal business operations.

Originally, this business was only exclusive to Uncle Chao.

But after Zhou Weisheng stayed in Hong Kong Island for a long time, the sky was high and the emperor was far away, so his ambitions became bigger.

At the beginning, he just did this for some acquaintances and took a small commission.

He kept doing it, because he made a friend with a senior female lawyer. After his connections in Hong Kong expanded, other people with this need also came to him.

Zhou Weisheng took more and more commissions and began to train his subordinates.

As he earned more and more money, he began to be dissatisfied with being a subordinate of Uncle Chao.

This chapter has been completed!
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