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Chapter 776 Recharge 100 million US dollars

Especially this time, the Zhang brothers came here to ask for his help in laundering a total of 100 million US dollars.

Chen Daqiao also has tens of millions of Hong Kong dollars to deal with.

It just so happened that Uncle Chao received another message that there was a sum of money that needed to be processed through Hong Kong.

Zhou Weisheng's little mind immediately started to move.

Then he thought of a strategy to drive away the wolf and the tiger.

He deliberately asked Li Dawei and Liu Jie, his good friends for many years, to do a favor and come to the company pretending to be police officers.

Then he wanted to take advantage of this to steal the Zhang brothers' money.

He has arranged gunmen in the building.

Make sure that as long as they get in the elevator, they won't be able to escape.

As a result, who knew that before his operation had even started, Chen Jiaju and Yuan Haoyun came to the door.

In this way, Zhou Weisheng only had time to trick the Zhang brothers into leaving through the secret door, and got into a specific elevator before being killed by the gunmen.

When he arranged for gunmen to hunt down Li Dawei and Liu Jie, he discovered that Li Dawei had already escaped first.

And more importantly, because Chen Jiaju and Yuan Haoyun swore that they saw the Zhang brothers entering the building with 100 million US dollars.

It was difficult to transfer this US$100 million for a while.

Especially because something went wrong. Although he killed the Zhang brothers as planned, Li Dawei managed to escape.

Seeing that Zhou Weisheng didn't speak, Li Dawei, who was just trying to deceive the other party, felt his heart skip a beat, and then he pretended to be angry and spoke.

"I have already told Uncle Chao about what happened here. He heard that eight million US dollars was lost and has arranged for people to come to Hong Kong Island to investigate."

After Li Dawei finished speaking, he turned and walked towards the door.

It's just that although he concealed it well, he never thought that Zhou Weisheng had decided to kill him. This time he came to the door himself, which was simply asking for death.


Zhou Weisheng looked at Li Dawei's back and couldn't help shouting.

Li Dawei pretended that he didn't hear Zhou Weisheng's shouting, but instead quickened his pace and walked out.

In fact, he didn't really doubt Zhou Weisheng at first.

Otherwise, I wouldn't have come to him alone, but I didn't know that I deceived him on a whim and found out the truth.

Seeing that the door was in front of him, but there was no other movement from Zhou Weisheng behind him, Li Dawei breathed a sigh of relief, and then opened the door.


Behind him, Zhou Weisheng's faint sigh came.

Li Dawei opened the door and stared at the four gunmen holding pistols standing at the door.

"Aren't you asking why Ajie was only hit by one shot, but there were so many gunshots in the end?"

Zhou Weisheng's words came belatedly. Just as Li Dawei was about to close the door, the four gunmen opened fire first.

Bang bang bang bang bang bang——

Facts have proven that the speed of bullets is much faster than human skill.

Li Dawei's beaten body is a bloody proof.

"There's gunshots!"

Zhang Pin ran to the 18th floor in one breath. Before he could take a breath, he heard intensive gunshots.

With a thought in his mind, he took off his coat, revealing a pair of night clothes, and then walked out of the fire escape with a pistol in each hand.

"You go somewhere to hide for a while first."

He just walked out and saw a guy in a suit talking to four gunmen.

The eyes of both sides intertwined, and the gunmen were stunned for a second.

Zhang Pin, however, did not hesitate, directly raised the pistol and pulled the trigger.

Bang bang bang bang bang bang——

Except for Zhou Weisheng, who was blocked by four gunmen, he reacted quickly and ran into the company first to escape the disaster. All four gunmen died at the gunpoint of Zhang Pin.

After killing the gunman, Zhang Pin did not rush to chase Zhou Weisheng, but ran quickly to the elevator.

According to Zhang Wenhui's confession, the man who died in her car had nothing on him when he got into her car.

But Chen Zilong said that he saw the guy carrying a box full of US dollars in the elevator.

So Zhang Pin guessed that there was probably a sum of money hidden somewhere in the elevator.

Originally, he wanted to investigate when he was leaving. After all, there were so many people coming and going in the elevator that it might be a bit unsafe.

But he didn't expect that before he had time to explore Zhou Weisheng's company, he encountered gunshots from the other party.

There were gunshots in the building. Needless to say, the police will definitely come to investigate later and may even increase the security level of the building.

In order not to delay things, Zhang Pin naturally had to find the money and take it away as soon as possible.

As for why he shot and killed the four gunmen, it was just that he didn't like these people.

In addition, since there were gunshots, it meant that someone must have had a conflict with Zhou Weisheng.

At present, Zhou Weisheng is a big villain, so he naturally doesn't mind helping his opponent's enemies.

Before Zhang Pin entered the elevator, he took a look and found that the camera had long been broken.

So he directly pressed the brake button, then stood up and pushed open the vent on the roof of the elevator.

Just as he expected, the vents of the old-fashioned elevator opened as soon as he pushed them.

Then he climbed to the top of the elevator and saw from a distance that there were several money bags piled up in a ventilated space not far from the first floor.

Since Zhou Weisheng opened his company in Huiye Building, he naturally bribed the security personnel in the building.

He initially planned to keep the money in the office.

But later, when he learned that Li Dawei had brought a suitcase of money into the building but did not take it out, he immediately arranged for his men to search for the money bag.

Based on the existing clues, he quickly found the elevator shaft and found the bag of money.

After finding the money, Zhou Weisheng had an idea and simply stored all the money brought by the Zhang brothers here.

He believed that Tiaozi would not have thought that so much money would be hidden here.

And as long as they can't find the money, the blockade on the building will be lifted sooner or later.

Then he can take the money out openly.

This is also the reason why Zhou Weisheng chose to directly kill Li Dawei.

He was afraid that Li Dawei would know where Liu Jie hid the money and expose his $100 million in cash.

After Zhang Pin determined the location of the money, he pressed the elevator to let it descend slowly, and then pressed the brake button again when he was approaching the third floor.

Then he climbed down the rope from the top to the elevator shaft.

[Ding, 108 million US dollars has been detected. Do you want to recharge? 】

Zhang Pin's face lit up, he hadn't recharged such a large amount for a long time.


This money is 100% black money, and it is impossible for him to take it away.

Get rich! Get rich!

Zhang Pin's body couldn't help but tremble.

One hundred and eight million US dollars.

You should know that Hong Kong Island has implemented a linked exchange rate system since 1983.

Hong Kong banknotes are pegged to the U.S. dollar at an exchange rate of 7.8 Hong Kong dollars to 1 U.S. dollar, and are implemented through a strict and stable currency board uniform.

This means that after recharging, this 108 million U.S. dollars can be converted into more than 842 million Hong Kong dollars.

Eight hundred million!

A smile appeared on Zhang Pin's face, and he looked towards the system mall.

Attribute points: 1 point/100 million.

Yes, after the four-dimensional attributes are points above 90, the purchase condition of attribute points also becomes 100 million Hong Kong dollars.

[Ding, it is detected that the effective amount of the first recharge reaches 100 million US dollars, which can unlock an extraordinary feature! 】

Zhang Pin was stunned, something new appeared.

He quickly opened it and found that it had extraordinary attributes.

The four-dimensional attributes of strength, endurance, speed and mental attributes have a theoretical limit of 100 points.

And this extraordinary characteristic is the existence that allows four-dimensional attributes to break through the limits.

Faced with his first limit, Zhang Pin did not hesitate and directly chose [Endurance].

Extraordinary level of endurance, but I don’t know how effective it will be.

The system was not introduced in detail, but Zhang Pin himself had some experience after selecting it.

First, he felt his heart beat slowing down a little.

Then in the dark environment of the elevator shaft, my eyes were able to see more clearly.

Then the five senses seemed to be strengthened, and I could actually hear the dense and chaotic footsteps on the first floor through the walls of the elevator shaft.

Zhang Pin even thought about the state of his girlfriends without clothes.

Then he felt that the younger brother immediately raised his head.


If nothing else, this is good.

Although he had pushed his endurance to a very high level before, it was still the limit of the human body after all. With so many girlfriends staying for a few nights, his body was a little overwhelmed.

Especially the existence of some pump levels.

Now Zhang Pin's confidence came back.

I believe that even with a top-notch juicer combination like Tong Keren and Ding Yao, he would not complain of back pain.

Of course, the time must be limited to one night.

Otherwise, if he plays like this every day, he is worried that even if he has extraordinary endurance, he may not be able to bear it.

Women are indeed tigers, bone-scraping tigers.

This harvest made Zhang Pin feel very good.

Although Chen Daqiao's money was not found, it didn't matter.

As long as you find someone, I believe that with their energy, you can definitely handle this matter.

After Zhang Pin got the money, he did not rush to leave the elevator shaft, but waited until midnight before sneaking out of the building secretly.

Not far from the building, he saw two timid and sneaky guys.

These two guys were dressed in night clothes, with stockings on their heads.

Zhang Pin saw a familiar big nose at a glance.

But he didn't say anything and chose to leave in the opposite direction to the other party.

"Be careful, is your news reliable?"

Chen Jiaju touched his big nose.

Wrapped in stockings, he had some difficulty breathing.

"Absolutely reliable. Didn't you also read the two confessions from Tsim Sha Tsui Police Station?"

"Chen Zilong saw with his own eyes the fake policeman carrying a large box of cash in the elevator.

But Zhang Wenhui saw that when the other party stepped out of the elevator, his hands were empty. Think about it.

Does this mean where the box of money went?"

Yuan Haoyun has a headache. He is already considered a uneducated guy.

On weekdays, we either rely on our feelings or our recklessness to get things done.

It turned out that Chen Jiaju was even more reckless than him. The other party was already a senior inspector, and he couldn't even understand the transcript.

"Hey, I'm not worried."

Chen Jiaju touched his big nose embarrassedly, feeling excited again.

Yesterday's encounter at Kaguya Building almost caused the two of them to be censored politically.

Fortunately, after it was confirmed that the Zhang brothers were dead, the headquarters arranged for people to investigate the information about the Zhang brothers.

Finally, evidence was found that they were colluding with the underworld. At the same time, after recovering Tian Yangsheng's mobile phone, it was determined that the person in contact with the other party was Zhang Lai.

With this evidence, the fact that the Zhang brothers were behind the $100 million robbery has been completely established.

It's just that the top brass of the police force have not yet fully decided whether to announce the news or cover it up.

After all, in addition to Zhang Wenyao being a police superintendent, there are also higher-level bosses behind them.

The police force will not reveal any more information about the Zhang brothers until the outcome of the game between the two parties is determined.

But at least the suspicions of Chen Jiaju and Yuan Haoyun have been cleared.

However, because they secretly followed the senior police officers and did not report them to the superiors, they were severely scolded and their work was suspended.

Chen Jiaju and Yuan Haoyun were naturally unwilling to accept this.

So they thought about it, and Chen Jiaju saw today's confession about Chen Zilong and Zhang Wenhui through Zhang Pin's relationship.

Then Yuan Haoyun obtained a very crucial piece of information from the confession.

He suspected that the $100 million that the Zhang brothers brought to Kaguya Building might be hidden somewhere in the elevator.

After these two guys discovered the secret, they still didn't learn their lesson and prepared to act alone again.

Originally, they arrived at Kaguya Building after get off work time.

But there were many people in the building at that time, and the elevator was always working, so it was naturally impossible for them to go in directly.

Waiting and waiting, finally waited until there were fewer people in the building.

As a result, gunshots were heard again inside, so the police quickly sealed off the scene and came in for support.

I don't know how it was resolved in the end.

Anyway, Chen Jiaju and Yuan Haoyun waited until the middle of the night before they finally saw the police force withdraw, leaving only a small number of security personnel.

So they immediately got ready and headed to the elevator to find out.

"Do you have a gun? I'm afraid there's danger inside."

Someone was so shady, taking advantage of the fact that it was late at night, when people were most sleepy, and because they were familiar with their guy, they actually sneaked in quietly.

After entering the door, Chen Jiaju seemed to have remembered something and quickly looked at Yuan Haoyun aside.

"Now, take it and use it, be sure to be careful. One hundred million US dollars, the Zhang brothers lost their lives for this."

Yuan Haoyun deeply agrees with Chen Jiaju's worries.

He took out two pistols directly from his coat and handed them to the other party.

"Do you have more bullets?"

Chen Jiaju was very envious of Yuan Haoyun's action of taking out a gun from his body.

He found that Yuan Haoyun and Zhang Pin were a bit similar. Both of them could take out weapons from their bodies, as if they had some kind of mobile arsenal on their bodies.

Even compared to Zhang Pin, he has to change magazines from time to time.

When Yuan Haoyun fights, except at critical moments, at other times, the opponent's gun seems to have endless bullets.

"The bullets are gone. When the shooting is over, you can ask me for the gun."

Yuan Haoyun lifted his coat, and his whole body and back were covered with guns of all sizes.

This chapter has been completed!
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