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Chapter 956: Happy guessing

The onlookers and gunmen were shocked by the thunderous sound of Gatling Bodhisattva, but Sir Zhang was not affected.

After emptying Gatling's bullets, he placed the weapon in the corner and continued walking towards the two surviving cars.

Halfway there, he had a submachine gun in his originally empty hands.

Da da da da da da——

By the time Zhang Pin walked to the two cars, the gunmen inside had not yet recovered from their previous shock.

Naturally, Sir Zhang does not have the so-called good character of not taking advantage of others' danger.

But he also has a kind heart.

The gunmen in front of him were obviously frightened by the death of their companions. In this case, it was a great meritorious deed for him to send them down to stay with their companions and soothe their frightened mood.

As for the method of sending them down, there is no need to pay too much attention to such details.

After Sir Zhang sent all the people in the first car away, the gunman in the only remaining car finally reacted.

Then I used the force of my left foot to lift it down, and my knee directly hit the eighth thug's chin.

It seemed that the news had not been delayed. When the seven gunmen saw Tony Zhen, they did not shoot directly. Instead, they picked up the machete from the side and rushed towards Tony Zhen.

Before landing, Tony took a few deep breaths, and then tore off a piece of clothing from under one of the guys who was still rolling on the ground. Then I tore the clothes into pieces of cloth, and then tied the cloth strips around myself.

Under the body.

At this time, when the mad dog fired, the first ones to be unlucky were naturally not the real thugs who besieged Tony.

Puff puff puff puff——

Before Tony could kill him all the way to the first floor, seeing my weak personal strength, the remaining gunmen took out their firearms without saying a word.

"What is he doing!"

Even with my bare hands and facing a group of enemies, I felt nervous and relaxed and knocked down the first floor in one breath.

The sparse bullets were very slow and caused the crowd to fall to a small extent.

To Tony's expectation, these gunmen did not take the opportunity to occupy the first floor, but continued back to the fourth floor.

"Get out of your way!"

[Search "Spring Gift" on Xiaoxiang APP and new users will receive 500 book coins, and old users will receive 200 book coins] Before reaching the first floor, Tony really encountered another problem.

The eighteenth floor where Chacai is located is even more refreshing, and all the dust that was originally scattered has not fallen down yet.

Tony really saw that scene. I endured a few attacks from the enemies around me with my hands and back, then I hugged a thug next to me and headed straight in.

Before changing the body armor, Tony really picked up another bulletproof shield. Unfortunately, the shield was not damaged in the explosion. However, Tony really did not throw it away, but put the shield on his body.


Boom boom boom boom boom——

"Kill me!"

I just kicked my legs and kicked away the two thugs who ran over first.

As bursts of explosions sounded, the two cars, which were already in tatters due to bullets, were blown to pieces.

Taking advantage of the fact that there were people around, Sir Zhang used his weak abilities wantonly and quickly sent away all the remaining gunmen in the car.

Bang bang bang——

I guess when I was throwing flour into the small building, I didn't even notice that I was about to shoot randomly.


After changing the bullet, Sir Zhang calmly raised the gun and pulled the trigger.

"He actually attacked one of his own people!"

Before the mad dog killed seven thugs, he turned to look at the other thugs.

The reason why we do that is naturally because we want to leave a way in for ourselves.

However, Zhang Sir not only did not dodge the attacks from these gunmen, but instead moved closer to them step by step.

"What a bad car! One, seven, eight...there are four cars in total! There are so many people down there, I'm afraid there are not more than seventy at most!"

That guy is indeed crazy.

When I saw Tony and I were fighting in front of the crowd, I just shouted low, and then I waited for them to get out of the way, then I raised the weapon in my hand and fired at the crowd.

Mad Dog's attack was so sudden that Tony really reacted, but it would have been more difficult for the thugs to react.

There was not much resistance from the gunmen to that decision.

Before I saw that so few thugs were really helpless against Tony, I immediately gave orders to the thugs around me.

Just when Tony was really retreating, Cha Guai arrived at the corridor leading to the fourth floor.

I stripped off the clothes of the two dead commandos, then put the body armor under me.

Especially when I saw that Tiaozi had not been defeated yet, but my own side suffered heavy losses and lost less than half of its personnel.

I also forgot another thing. This is not dust. In an environment like a secret room, it often falls upward.

Especially before they heard that the Erawan Shrine had sent a gunner team to support them, those people still knew that they had won again that time.

Tony yelled at the thugs who were charging towards him, and then he pushed hard with both hands, and he jumped out of the hole.

It was my decisiveness that allowed me to escape the seventh wave of attacks by the gunmen.

Sir Zhang was talking outside his mouth, then approached the two cars that were smashed by him, and then threw a few grenades outside.

Before I wore out my clothes, I raised my first shield and rushed down from the first floor again.


What I did was just a statement, but it wasn't actually the worst statement.

Boom boom boom——

At that time, except for the first thug who ran over, there were only two other lucky people occupying the position.

Regarding the mad dog's sudden move to kill one of his own people, and then scolding the other thugs in front of him, Chachai stood there and remained silent.

Therefore, the dust content on the 1st, 78th and 8th floors is in a situation where it is about to explode but not explode. Below the first floor, the dust is much thinner. Even if you fire a gun, you are not worried about explosion at all.

So I also allocated part of my attention to observation and guessing.

Bang bang bang bang bang bang——

Damage to weapons is of the utmost importance.

The mad dog looked at the other thugs with fierce eyes.

One of them had very bad eyesight. Even though he was four floors away, he could not even see many people outside the car. Puff puff puff puff——

And it was that observation that saved my life just in time.

As a result, we forget that a mad dog is very mad.

On the contrary, we are the same as Chachai. Those guys had seen Zhang Pin holding Gatling at close range and directly purified him, so they knew Shaoduo's accomplices.

After all, compared to firearms that can easily kill people, thermal weapons still do much more damage.

"Look, there are so many people here!"

But even with or without weapons, Tony was really satisfied.

So I turned around and walked to the eighth floor, where I ended up searching for the firearms that had been discarded by the gunmen in the underground.

Then when he landed, Tony bent his elbow with his left hand and knocked the first thug to the ground with one elbow.


Da da da da da da——

Seeing that scene, the thugs who hadn't thought too much at first suddenly became honest again.

Before hearing the question from my own people, I did not explain, but directly raised the muzzle of the gun and pulled the trigger again.

If there are many gunmen, they will end up choosing to protect themselves. If Tony really retreats, he will also choose to work hard.

Because the other side only needs one bullet to kill me.

"After the fight, it's a pity that we can just call it a day."

In this way, Tony really got a small advantage.

Especially the corpses of several commandos who were killed by bombs were just dumped there in such a grand manner, without any other gunmen collecting the corpses for us.

When the situation is good, those guys naturally still hope to save their lives.

On the contrary, Tony was really retreating into that kind of environment alone, and he was very comfortable in it, and he easily eliminated several bad gunmen.

All the rooms in Zhenyuan Tower have windows that do not open to the opposite side. As the owner, I guess it is natural to leave some observation holes.

The real gunmen who originally wanted to besiege Tony had no idea that they would be attacked from behind by their own people.


Before approaching the gunman, I waved my shield violently, and then knocked my whole body back into the crowd.

But even if he encountered such a difficult situation, Tony really had no intention of retreating.

Many of the thugs who originally wanted to get angry because of the mad dog killing one of their own people, immediately froze on the spot before hearing the mad dog's words. They were at a loss for what to do.

I wonder if the influence of the Erawan Buddha is the reason why he is able to dominate such a young man.

"Let's go together and kill me for you!"

After retreating into the crowd, the gunmen naturally dared to shoot at will. After all, they were surrounded by their own people, and the chance of accidental injury was too small.

Before Chachai gave the order, the first person to take action was Chachai's top general, Mad Dog.

Seven people, eight moves, easily defeated the enemy.

Before cleaning up the traces, Sir Zhang turned and walked towards Zhenyuan Tower.

I never thought that I was almost deceived by Chachai.

There were people down the corridor on the eighth floor, but before we heard the noise on the seventh floor, we knew that no one had climbed down.


Many people panicked and pointed their guns at Zhang Pin, then pulled the trigger.

But although I escaped the first wave of attacks, the subsequent retreat became easier.

"What are they still doing standing outside? There are so few people that they can't even deal with one person. It's better to just go and kill them. The gunmen of the Erawan Shrine will come to support you. Now I'll let you go up and kill them."

Kill all those notes for you, and you must let us know that Zhenyuan Tower is a place where we can run wild."

Tony Zhen said seven words, shook off the body he was holding, and rolled up on one side of his body without caring about others.

At that time, when they heard the sound of a car approaching, many people immediately cheered up and guessed that support from the Erawan Shrine had arrived.

All the bullets flying towards him disappeared in front of Sir Zhang.

Fortunately, before Tony reached the eighth floor, he discovered that the dust content in the air was not so thin that it was almost visible, so I had already paid attention.

"Huh! It's like trash, and living is a waste of resources."

Bang bang bang bang bang bang——

I tied up my elbows and knees, then looked at the guns and machetes underground, and walked out with my bare hands.

Puff puff puff puff——

So I never thought that the mad dog would shoot again.

When Tony saw that the shield could withstand bullets, he raised his shield and rushed towards the crowd.

When someone else heard the noise, he immediately ran excitedly towards a specially dug observation hole.

The two gunmen were punched in the stomach, their bodies curled up involuntarily, and their heads were raised.

So before we heard that we could use the gun, we actually started shooting.

Then I looked at the firearms underground.

Tony really retreated, his hands pushed back hard, and his fists hit the stomachs of the two gunmen who were ambushing at the door.

As soon as Tony stepped out of the room, two machetes struck behind me.

But Tony reacted in time, and with a human sandbag under his body, I reached the stairs quickly before using him to block a few flying bullets.

The seven or seven thugs who wanted to cause trouble never thought that the other party would attack one of their own in front of so few people.

After that search, Tony really found a lot of bad things.

The location of the observation hole is not small, and naturally it can accommodate too few people to watch.


To be honest, today because Tony Zhen, Li Wenbin and others fought so hard, it was indeed a weak shock to the many thugs present.

"Don't think you know what they are thinking. Guess the villain can be so young in Pattaya. They think they can shake my position with just a few big guys... If they want to do it,

No one wants to work for Chachai."

So Tony really raised his shield and continued to rush towards the fourth floor.

However, all the bullets were stopped by Tony's shield.

Seventy-seven of us angrily walked up to Mad Dog, ready to argue with him.


Although the body armor was not damaged by the subsequent explosion, its basic protective functions were still intact.

After all, how influential the Erawan Buddha is, only those of us who live next to the Octagon have a better understanding.

Bang bang——

It's a pity that the dead commando member was hit by two grenades almost head-on.

But we have thought that Cha Gui, who seems to have no choice but to wait for death, does not yet have such means.

In the corridor on the eighth floor, Tony had just climbed down when he encountered seven gunmen hiding outside the room.

It happened that at that moment, the roar of cars could be heard from the street upstairs.

When I raised my head, I happened to see Mad Dog, like a mad dog, lowering its muzzle towards the crowd.

Especially some of the thugs who had a scuffle with Tony. Before they were lucky enough to survive, we immediately blamed the mad dog.

"It's the convoy supported by the Erawan Buddha. The top is broken, and the man upstairs is definitely dead!"

It is precisely because of this that I was able to dodge the incoming bullets as soon as I saw the muzzle of the gun.

Tony Zhenyuan became excited before he heard Chacai's voice.

Da da da da da da——

Scattered bullets were fired, and Tony rolled directly up from the stairs.

Until the gunmen can't use their weapons arbitrarily, Tony's ability to fight will be of no use.

Da da da--

Seeing me rushing down, the gunman on the fourth floor immediately fired back again.


Da da da--

Da da da da da da——

Many of the surviving thugs heard Mad Dog's words and immediately went to take a look quietly.

Tony punched the gunman twice again on the head.

And Tony really has the courage to kill someone alone. My Muay Thai is at its peak.

This chapter has been completed!
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