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Chapter 957: Extreme joy leads to sorrow

"They are really people from the Eight-faced Buddha. I recognize the flags on their cars."

The other thug was also very excited.

"Hey, why did a man from the police officer walk by? He didn't think that the people who came were to support them. Hahaha, this guy will definitely die miserably by then."

"There are only nine people left. If I had known there were so few of them and seemed to be injured, I should have rushed down and killed them all."

The third observing gunman focused his attention on the officer below.

"Hahaha, they seem to be saying something, no, these guys are going to run away."

The gunman observing the police officers soon noticed that Achan was directing others to evacuate.

"Can you run away? These guys are all injured, and there is only one way out from here!"

The other guy was now proud again.

"Hahaha, I can't wait to see how they die."

Very slowly, only Tony Zhen, Cha Guai, Mad Dog and another young man who had never done anything were left on the court.

Before I knew the gun team from the Erawan Shrine arrived, I looked down at the police above.

While the two were rolling, the figure continued to punch, attacking Tony's real cheek continuously.

It was the mad dog who was waiting for Tony Zhen to get the answer and then was kicked out. At that time, Shina seized the opportunity. Taking advantage of the opportunity when Tony Zhen and the military advisor were lying on the ground, he kicked Tony Zhen directly in the waist and abdomen.

Tony was really shocked, and then subconsciously raised his hands to cover his chest.

Then I adjusted the upper body and lower body armor.


I couldn't help but look up and saw Mad Dog applauding.

Da da da--


My block blocked the opponent's eight turns and side kicks, and then my body flew directly backwards and hit the wall of the corridor heavily.

Tony emptied all the bullets from his submachine gun in one breath. Then I picked up the guy standing behind me, faced the flying bullets, and crashed into the crowd again.



But so what.

"It's possible! It's absolutely possible!"

That time those gunmen finished their work at the front and even took the initiative to give way, but Shina still felt that those soldiers were difficult to defeat.

Tony Zhen, who had been kicked by the mad dog, could not help but take seven steps forward involuntarily, even if he was blocking it with his hands.

"He is not Chachai's military advisor!"



"Slow down, you don't have to wait to see You Ge. I was the leader of the team that time, and I have been your brother for more than ten years."

So when Mad Dog came forward with a goose-step kick, Tony used the goose-step kick towards the opponent while dodging or dodging.

“Oh my god!


But even so, from a distance of one floor, I vaguely saw Zhang Pin holding a submachine gun and shooting at a car.

When the roaring upstairs stopped, one of the observing gunmen turned around and looked at Chachai with a strange look on his face.

Tony Zhen's body was still not firm, so I could only continue to raise my arms to resist the mad dog's combos.

The other party actually suppressed such a big matter just by saying it was suppressed.

Mad Dog kicked Tony Zhen in the belly, and Tony Zhen also kicked Mad Dog in the chest.

The damage to the small building alone is nothing. Even rebuilding a small building costs a few dollars.


Bang bang——

We all went about our own business, lighting the fire and spreading flour.

Tony Zhen was halfway through the rush, when he kicked his left foot violently, and his body flew directly into the air.

Chachai spoke very nervously.

"Put out the fire in the corridor. You have to go up and see the leader. We have really caused you a lot of trouble."

"Then... Lao Xiao, I am afraid that his ten-year-old brother will definitely be found."

I only had time to raise my hands consciously, and then I bumped into the figure.

"If anyone can chop off one of my legs, you will punish me with one million yuan; if anyone chops me to death, you will punish me with ten million yuan!"


Faced with the "evil-minded" mad dog, Tony really didn't care. I took advantage of the gap between the other party and his opponent to take action, put my hands on the ground, and then stood up.

Then I bent my elbow with my other hand and made another sweep. My soft elbow hit the opponent directly under the cheek.


But Tony really is a guy who doesn’t have the halo of the protagonist.

"It's about to shoot, I'm just one person, let's shoot together!"

Peng Peng——


That kind of real damage is terrifying in itself, let alone the impact on people's hearts.

Under the facts, the choice of guessing is naturally correct and proportional.


"Damn, damn, that God of Death actually came down. Slowly, slowly, set the whole building on fire and sprinkle all the flour on it. You must be able to make me come down."


Chachai noticed the insult in the other person's tone, and I immediately looked at him angrily.

Da da da da da da——

At this time, I was standing under the corridor of Shina, facing more than a dozen thugs alone. I didn't have any fear, but took the initiative to rush down.

When the other party stopped attacking, Tony finally discovered that there was another woman on the other side who didn't look familiar at all.


That time, guys like Tony Zhen and Li Wenbin caused great damage to my Zhenyuan Building.


The originally strong Zhenyuan Building was repeatedly beaten to the 81st floor, and the losses suffered by the gunmen and residents were extremely low.

"Xiao Jia was jogging. No one upstairs could carry a Gatling by himself. I wiped out the entire convoy by myself. All the gunmen outside the convoy were also killed. Yes, they all died immediately.


But just as we were setting fires in seven places and throwing flour upstairs, Tony Zhen, who had just been suppressed to the first floor, seized the opportunity again and killed him.

When the mad dog's body flew out, Tony really stabilized his body, stepped down slowly, and prepared to hit the mad dog with a combo.

Suddenly, there were bursts of roaring sounds from upstairs.


Tony really focused all his attention on the mad dog. When he noticed the figure rushing out, he had no time to react.

Now that the gun team has arrived, it is natural that I and the gunmen should not take the initiative to attack and annihilate the enemy.

It was precisely because he received the news that the gun team was about to arrive for support that he had the confidence to walk downstairs.

While Chachai was observing, Zhang Pin hadn't finished dealing with the gunman outside the first car.

At that moment, Chachai’s attention was not on Zhang Pin, nor on the only surviving supporting gunners. My eyes were filled with the fragments and fragments of the car under the road.

Attracted by the flesh and blood.

I was the one who laughed the most.

"Humph, it's easy to see but little to be surprised about. The Erawan Gunners team can defeat several powerful teams in the far reaches of the Octagon. How can it be possible with such ferocious firepower?"

"How come it doesn't have such strong firepower!



But the damage to my invisible prestige is huge.

Chachai, who had wanted to go up just now, immediately changed his mind. I wished I had to blow up the small building directly, and then let Zhang Pin come down before breaking it.

He was actually very panicked before, but who would have thought that the power of the Eight-faced Buddha really reaches the sky.

When Cha Guess thought of that, he couldn't help but laugh out loud.

Facing the attack of the mad dog, Tony did not dodge that time. Instead, he shouted and rushed towards the opponent.

That time I almost encountered a life-or-death crisis, but the guys around me gave me too little sense of danger.


Without the protection of two layers of body armor, Tony just swayed forward, but Mad Dog directly flew forward.

In the end, Tony's knee really failed due to the weak impact acceleration.

Bang bang bang——

Chachai Yehanhu, at this point, if he only relies on orders to make those people obey, he is obviously not naive anymore.

[Search "Spring Gift" on Xiaoxiang APP and new users will receive 500 book coins, and old users will receive 200 book coins] In line with my words, the sound of submachine guns came from upstairs again.

What is even more surprising is that it was not one person who caused all of this.

But just as I continued to move back, a figure suddenly rushed out in front of Mad Dog and knocked Tony down.

I saw my hands and feet standing still, right, left, down, and up to attack, while the number of gunmen standing behind me increased rapidly.

Just as several gunmen walked towards the entrance of the corridor, preparing to extinguish the flames in the corridor and open the passage, the eight gunmen watching the battle suddenly screamed.

The fourth floor we were on immediately became filled with dust, and for a while the crowd became shadowy, their figures obscured by the dust.


Then Tony really crashed into the crowd.

It is true that those people caused great damage to Zhenyuan Tower, and even almost wiped out the whole group in my hands.

There was a trace of patience on Cha Guai's face, I really couldn't wait.

Before Tony could really stand up, Mad Dog took advantage of the opponent's air strike to adjust his clothes and rushed over again.

Originally, because the God of Death was about to come down, all the gunmen didn't have the fighting spirit yet, so Tony was allowed to continue to show off his power.


Da da da da da da——

In this case, I simply chose to use a large amount of money to offer a reward to reduce my enthusiasm.

The two of them rolled forward into a ball together.

It is precisely because of the existence of the bulletproof vest that Tony really needs to worry too much about the smallest area of ​​​​the chest, abdomen and waist and back.

Chachai, who was standing there, was also very proud.

Seeing Tony's fighting prowess, Mad Dog was not afraid. Instead, his eyes lit up, and he couldn't help but applaud.

They were caught off guard, and the gunmen, who were already in a state of disarray because the supporting team was completely occupied, were immediately caught off guard.

The person in front of him was killed as a lone hero, and Shi Na was unscathed at that time.

Just when Chachai reluctantly looked up again, he saw Zhang Pin walking towards the small door of Zhenyuan Building.

Only two crisp sounds were heard, and the soft knees knocked off the soft skulls of the two gunmen.

Then, just as I was waiting for me to say anything, the mad dog rushed towards me.

Then I raised my head and seemed to feel Chachai looking at me through the observation port.

Although Tony Zhen knew the woman, he already knew that Chachai didn't have a very mysterious military advisor around him.

It can be said that the residents are saving one out of ten, and out of hundreds of gunmen, only seventy are left.

As a result, at the same time as I moved forward, Mad Dog took another step, then turned and kicked sideways, heading towards Tony Zhen.

They can even dispatch gunmen brazenly in the city.

Mad Dog also heard the shocked words of the eight observing gunmen.

In the middle of my charge, I knocked away one of the guys holding a bag of flour.

Tony really managed to defeat the surrounding opponents with great difficulty. Just as he was catching his breath, he heard applause from the other side.

Seeing that the air was filled with dust, and there was no raging fire in the corridor, Chachai immediately spoke out to stop several gunmen who wanted to shoot.

There were even very few times when I was attacked, I took the initiative to use those positions to attract attacks, and then took the opportunity to take action myself.

Just now, we were able to obtain Shina amidst the siege of the crowd. Those two body armors can be said to be a great achievement.

There is a small height difference between the two of them, and Tony, who is smaller and more powerful than the tall, skinny Mad Dog, has a small advantage.

The figure received an elbow in the face and immediately suppressed a scream, and the opponent's attack naturally stopped.

Just like Chachai's idea, facing such a murderous god who is more powerful than an army, is anyone willing to face each other face to face?


What these gunmen said was wrong. Not all of the convoys that were later supported were destroyed.

Da da da da da da——

However, when the suspicion was over, a shocking piece of bad news came from the mouth of another gunman who was observing.

Peng Pengpeng——

The three of them were talking to each other. Although the gunmen nearby did not see it, they were very excited just listening to the stories of a few people.

Chachai's eyesight is far inferior to that of the gunman in his hand.

The eyes of both parties met, and Cha Chai was instinctively frightened and took a step forward, avoiding the other's gaze.


In the hail of bullets that followed, I was only slightly scratched on the lower part of my face.

Even though Tony is really a tough guy, after being hit so many times in a row, and his back hit the wall again, I finally couldn't hold back the pain and let out a cry.

Tony Zhen could only passively take the beatings at the end, but before receiving a few punches, I groaned in pain, and then I seized the opportunity and grabbed one of the opponent's palms.

Just before I finished raising my hands, the mad dog kicked me directly on my hands and knees.

"Damn, what did you see!"

Then I bent my legs so that my knees were at the very back.

"stand up!"

"What does he mean!"

But now, as soon as I shouted out the bounty, the eyes of everyone around me immediately lit up, and one by one they picked up their handy weapons from the side and rushed towards Tony Zhen.

When I saw Tony Zhen sitting on the ground before he hit the wall, the mad dog did not pursue the victory again. I stood close and took the initiative to give Tony Zhen a chance to stand up.

I was already proud, but at that time I looked especially at the eight people when I saw the bumpkin.

After hearing my words, the gunmen who originally had different ideas now seemed to have little cooperation.

Da da da da da da——

When he said that, the other person's eyes also became floating.

Just two kacha sounds were heard, and the faces of the two gunmen who rushed towards them were smashed into pieces.

"That's true!


Chachai ran toward the observation port with a panicked look on his face, and then looked up.


This chapter has been completed!
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