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Chapter 30 Good rules for mountain running

The woman in the family does have a serious small-farmer mentality. But that’s because she doesn’t have enough money. If the money is available, any problem will no longer be a problem.

Seeing the surprised expressions of Zhang Zhen and Gu Yuqin, Li Yuan secretly smiled. This is actually the huge power of channels and platforms.

In order to keep the secret, my parents spent a lot of time and energy picking herbs. On the surface, it seemed that they controlled every link and made every penny. But in fact, it contained a lot of inefficiency.

Or inefficient labor.

In Li Yuan's Internet thinking, channels and platforms are the core competitiveness, and everything else is unimportant. So what if other people make money? Anyway, in the end, it is the channels, and the platform earns the lion's share.

So in Li Yuan's eyes, what does it mean to earn more than 1,000 yuan a month? The only thing that can limit development is roads and transportation, that is, logistics. Otherwise, it is not unusual to earn more than 1,000 yuan a month.

Therefore, differences in thinking lead to completely different choices.

Back then, my parents just hid it and wanted to eat alone. There is actually nothing wrong with this, because most ordinary people think so.

Li Yuan wants to bring more people in. If there are no people, what platform will we talk about? Is it a one-man show? So we need better sharing and better division of labor. The requirements in all aspects must be higher, but the interests

Also bigger.

In a certain respect, the two sides are not actually standing on the same dimension.

However, after the excitement, Zhang Zhen became worried about this "huge sum of money": "Baby, isn't the 30% difference too much? Will it sound bad if word spreads about it?"

Li Yuan smiled disapprovingly: "Mom, the price difference between the county and the township is 50%. We only need 30%, which is already very conscientious. Besides, don't we have to sort, clean, and wash? If not,

People who know how to do it can’t fathom the moisture inside.”

There is a reason why there is such a high price difference between the township purchase station and the county purchase station. The township purchase station can collect raw materials, but the county purchase station only accepts pre-processed semi-finished herbal medicines.

Everyone should know that some herbs are better when they are fresher, and some are better when they are older; some need to be kept fresh, and some need to be dried; there are even some herbs, and their various parts have different medicinal effects.

, need to be sorted and cut. Of course, removing dirt and other impurities and cleaning them are the most basic requirements.

It can be seen from this that how much water is in freshly picked herbs and dried herbs, and how much is the price difference? A layman can't figure it out at all.

In fact, a large part of the more than 300 yuan from my parents was the added value brought by the pretreatment of herbal medicines.

"Then... let's give away so many at once? Will the county accept them all? Will the price be lowered?"

Li Yuan couldn't help but burst into laughter: "Mom, don't worry about this. Even if we make ten trips a month, it's nothing more than tens of thousands of dollars. It's almost negligible to the entire market."

Li Yuan vaguely knew that in a few decades, finished Chinese medicines would be exported every year worth billions of dollars, and the exported Chinese herbal medicine extracts and extractants would be several times more. And the domestic market would be at least ten times that of exports.

Don’t be misled by some public accounts of Chinese and Western medicine. That is, some pharmaceutical companies are secretly stirring up trouble and adding fuel to the flames for the sake of commercial interests.

There are more than 7 billion people in the world, of which 3.5 billion to 4 billion will use traditional Chinese medicine and traditional Chinese medicine. A considerable part of Western medicine also uses extracts and extractants of Chinese herbal medicine, and the scope of use is even wider.

In a big market that would later reach at least hundreds of billions, does it care about a mere tens of thousands of dollars?

Furthermore, Li Yuan never thought of becoming a Chinese herbal medicine giant, he only wanted to sell some mountain products with the villagers.

"Then... what should we do if others follow suit? What if the market goes bad? You should be able to learn this quickly, right?" Zhang Zhen is still worried about the old problem.

"Then bring them in. You will have a share of our family."

In fact, the biggest enemy is not following the trend, but what is mentioned above - the industrialization of the Chinese herbal medicine market.

After all, the supply of wild herbal medicines will not be stable, so large-scale specialized medicine fields, as well as Chinese herbal medicine distribution centers and Chinese herbal medicine industrial parks have emerged.

As soon as the output of niche cash crops like this explodes, the market will be quickly saturated. Yutou'ao Village will immediately encounter the old problem-the transportation cost is too high and it cannot compete.

But that will be a few years later. It is nothing more than making a quick buck.

Li Yuan continued to persuade: "Mom, from now on our family will mainly focus on vegetables in the greenhouse. And there are twenty acres of land. It's good to be able to add one share of herbs. After all, our family doesn't care about it at all. The other thing is that it's spread out.

It has a good reputation. If you point out a way to make money to the people in the village, who won't talk about our family's good reputation?"

"That's right!" Zhang Zhen suddenly understood. She is not a greedy person. Although money is important, maintaining Li Guodong's status in the village during his lifetime is even more important.

After all, my mother is a good-looking person.

"Son, what should we do?"

"That's easy, just get people's heads to join forces."

"Okay. It's such a good thing. Xiumei next door must have smelled it and came running."

"Haha. How about asking Aunt Qi?"

Li Yuan didn't care about the romantic relationship between the plastic sisters of the previous generation. He turned to Li Lanlan and told Li Lanlan: "Third brother, go call the lame uncle."

Li Lanlan rolled her eyes. But she didn't dare to be a monster in such a serious matter. She turned around and walked out of the house quickly.

Li Yuan climbed up the wall again, and happened to see Qi Xiumei in the yard. Qi Xiumei looked up and saw Li Yuan, and greeted her affectionately: "Yuanzi, are you looking for Yong Ping? He is in the house."

"No, no, my mother is looking for you to discuss something."

"Discuss something?" Qi Xiumei was confused.

"Who doesn't know that Aunt Qi is the head of your Wu family? Haha."

"That's true." Qi Xiumei covered her mouth and smiled happily.

The head of the Wu family, Wu Mufang, was not happy. He murmured in a low voice: "Who is afraid of his wife? There are too many women in the village who talk nonsense."

Qi Xiumei immediately glanced sideways and used talent level suppression: "What's wrong? You're not happy?"

Wu Mufang was so frightened that he trembled all over: "Who wouldn't be happy? They are just spreading rumors. I'm just hurting you."

"Hmph. You know what I mean. I'll come as soon as I go."


Ten minutes later, Chen Daxing and Li Xiumei gathered at Li Yuan's home. After hearing Li Yuan's detailed introduction, Qi Xiumei could no longer contain her joy and couldn't wait to agree.

On the contrary, Chen Daxing still hesitated: "Sister-in-law, Yuanzi, your family is willing to take care of me. There is no reason not to agree to this matter. But how should we divide it? Can't you suffer a loss?"

Li Yuan had already made up his mind: "Uncle Lame and Aunt Qi will be divided according to the rules of mountain running."

Chen Daxing frowned: "Okay! Good rules for mountain running!"

This chapter has been completed!
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