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Chapter 68 Drinking again and again

At this moment, Li Yuan suddenly realized that he had a misunderstanding.

Li Yuan has always considered Yutou'ao Village based on its economic value. It is true that due to limited objective conditions, no matter what he does here, there is almost no development prospect.

But what about another angle?

Simply treat this as a real-life farm construction game? Don’t consider profitability, economic value, or even how much money should be spent.

It's nothing more than building a small villa from scratch. Do you enjoy that sense of accomplishment and satisfaction?

And you can build it step by step as you like. Slowly build it into a small holiday villa? You usually work outside and come here to rest during holidays. In the future, it will still be a small villa in a 5A scenic spot? A good place that even money can't buy?

Haha, this is possible. But this matter is not urgent, you can think about it slowly...

After returning home, an unexpected guest came to the house. He was the village party secretary and village chief Liu Kuan.

"Secretary, why are you here?"

"Yuanzi, I have something to ask you. I'll leave after I finish speaking."

To be honest, Liu Kuan's position as a village cadre is not interesting. Whenever he enters Yutou'ao Village, it feels like he is in enemy-occupied territory.

"No! I just brought back two bottles of wine. I'll have a few glasses tonight. Let's not talk while drinking. Qinqin, tell mom to kill a chicken."

"You're welcome, you're welcome."

"Why are you so polite? Aren't the chickens raised at home just for food?"

"Ha ha."

As for the grievances between the two villages, Li Yuan always believed that they were just full. After a few decades, all the people here have disappeared. How many people will remember it?

"Hey, Xifeng, good wine. Yuanzi, don't have too many, just open one bottle."

"Uncle Kuan, I know you have a lot of energy. Since you drink, you should drink to your heart's content."

When he returned home this time, Li Yuan bought a total of five bottles of Xifeng wine and ten cartons of cigarettes. He didn't have much of a hobby for tobacco or alcohol. Therefore, the part he set aside was enough to give to his father-in-law and for use at home.

Seeing guests coming to the house, Zhang Zhen and Gu Yuqin started working together and quickly prepared several dishes: stir-fried chicken with wild vegetables, bacon with garlic moss, sausage and eggs, wild mushroom chicken soup... Basically, they were all hard vegetables, and they were enough.

It saved Liu Kuan’s face.

Liu Kuan drank a cup happily: "Yuanzi, I have something to ask you. Didn't you just buy a car and sell it directly to the factory in Baisha City? After all, Lujiaoao, fish

Touao is a family. Can you bring the folks there?"

"It's a small matter!" Li Yuan snickered secretly. He thought it was a big deal. Whose things are they selling?

Liu Kuan waited for a while, but when he saw that Li Yuan didn't say anything, he became a little uneasy. What's going on? Why didn't he put forward any conditions? Could it be that Li Yuan was too young and very naive?

After waiting for a while, Liu Kuan finally couldn't help but said: "Yuanzi, tell me everything, is there no problem with this matter?"

"What's the problem? Haha." Li Yuan had roughly guessed what Liu Kuan was thinking, "Uncle Kuan, there's something I've always wanted to say. Even for a junior like me, sometimes it's not appropriate to say this.


"Well, you say."

"Uncle Kuan, in fact, the problem between our two villages is caused by 'idle'. If everyone has something to do, who will be noisy every day?"

Liu Kuan slapped his thigh: "This is reasonable. But Yuanzi, our village committee has also thought of many ways. But we don't know what to do? You have read a lot and have seen things outside. I will give it to you today.

Uncle, General Staff, what should we do?"

To be fair, the cadres in the village are not just idlers, especially Liu Kuan, the leader, who still wants to do some practical things for the village. In the previous life, because the objective conditions did not allow it, no matter how hard they tried, it was useless.

Li Yuan said with a smile: "Then let's join forces and do it together? Originally our innate conditions were not good, and there was no future if we were scattered. Now we have a car in Yutou Ao, and your Lujiao Ao has convenient transportation, and it is not far from several other mountain passes.

.You can go to Uncle Cripple, and you can discuss a charter. We can all work together as a joint stock. It doesn’t need to be limited to herbs or agricultural products, anything else that can be sold can be sold.”

Li Kuan narrowed his eyes slightly, and he was already excited: "That's the truth. When I go back, we will add it all up..."


Since Li Kuan was going back to Lujiaoao Village, the dinner started early and ended early. By the time he left, smoke had just begun to rise from many houses in the village.

As for the joint venture, Li Yuan was happy to see it come to fruition. Anyway, it was the idea of ​​grabbing traffic.

Moreover, since the family needs to carry out weight-reducing activities, Li Yuan personally does not need to carry out weight-reducing activities? Li Yuan will slowly retire from such trivial things as those in the cooperative. Just be a small shareholder who only gets dividends!

"Yuanzi, I just heard you came home."

"I heard that you brought glory to our village."

"We brothers have made an appointment to have a drink at your house."


Not long after we sat at home, we saw Chen Gang, Sun Hao, and Zhang Xi entering the courtyard, laughing and joking.

Nothing to say, just keep going.

"Mom, Qinqin, get another bottle of wine and cook some dishes. Xiaosi, go to the canteen and buy some cooked food and beer..."

"...Brother, there are only two bottles of beer left in the canteen. They haven't restocked it recently."

"Yuanzi, you forgot, don't you still have a few jars of wine at home?"

"Hey. That's right! I brewed mountain wine. Let's try it together."


These people didn't have anything serious to do, they just came here to keep in touch with each other. They had another round of drinking and spanking, which lasted until late at night. In the end, they drank up a whole jar of mountain wine...

It's quiet at night.

"Yuanzi, the wine you made is very delicious. It's so sweet that Yunyun and I both secretly took a sip. Hehe... I'll bring a jar to my dad when the time comes. He and his eldest brother and second brother

They are all drunkards... I never thought that adding sugar would make the drink taste better. We must keep it a secret. Hum..."

In a daze, Gu Yuqin was wiping Li Yuan's face and washing his feet.

But suddenly, a flash of lightning flashed across Li Yuan's mind, as if Ren and Du's two channels were opened instantly, and he suddenly became enlightened.

"Haha, Qinqin, thank you! Thank you for having you! Hahaha..."

Li Yuan held Gu Yuqin's pretty face and clicked his tongue. After a while, Gu Yuqin struggled away with a blushing face: "Yuanzi, you bullied me again!"


"I want to tell mom that you have been bullying me——!"

"Ha ha ha ha……"

The reason why Li Yuan suddenly became so excited was because he finally figured everything out and connected everything together.

At this moment, Li Yuan finally solved a major problem...

This chapter has been completed!
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