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Chapter 69 The reborn eldest sister

Nowadays, Li Yuan has a dream - to build a small villa located in a 5A-level scenic spot!

It should be said that the dream is good, but the dream is too far away. I don’t know how long it will take to wait until development.

From a short-term perspective, it's just a mess anyway, and Li Yuan doesn't have any long-term plans. Of course, having a plan is of no use.

For example, the current greenhouse vegetables, or the possible greenhouse mushrooms in the future. It is indeed possible to make money for a few years, but if you want to continue making money? You can only hope that God will open your eyes.

This is just like what was introduced before - the cultivation of niche cash crops, once promoted, can easily saturate the market and be easily imitated!

But there is one thing that is extremely difficult to imitate and has high economic value. That is - wine!

The aroma of wine is not afraid of deep alleys. Although this old saying has other meanings, it can illustrate that transportation costs are not very important in alcoholic products.

Another factor is the environment. Vitis vinifera is one of the most common and common wild fruits around Yutou Ao. This means that this place is very suitable for planting grapevines, at least suitable for certain types of hybrid grape vines.

Not to mention, there are many mountain springs with clear water quality and extremely high grade.

There is also the market. At present, the domestic wine market is almost negligible. However, with the development of social economy, this market will become increasingly large in the future. Even a lot of foreign wine will be imported every year. There are also many rich people going abroad.

Buying a winery?

That’s right! Finally, there’s the winery!

What if you can still own a private winery in a 5A-level scenic spot? Not only will this not damage the environment, but it will also provide multiple attractions. Isn’t this the best of both worlds?

A perfect plan - Lee's winery plan!

You can not only enjoy life, but also have financial benefits, and finally you can show off!

What's so strange about you buying a winery abroad? Brother, I already have a private winery in China!

Of course, this cannot be accomplished overnight and requires long-term investment.

Not only grape tree planting technology is required, but also suitable grape seedling varieties need to be selected. You can’t always rely on mountain grapes, right?

There is also the wine-making technology. To be honest, making high-quality wine is not as simple as sprinkling a few bags of sugar. And the few jars at home now are nothing more than local wine, which is not of a grade at all, and the taste is just like that.

But it doesn’t matter, it’s just a winery development game.

After having a new goal, Li Yuan immediately became full of motivation.

In the following days, he started patrolling the territory with a gun and a dog, hoping to find a few blind wild boars and kill them randomly to add to the fun. However, he had some bad luck and fired dozens of shots.

Not a single hare was caught. Only two pheasants were caught thanks to the hunting of tigers?

In a blink of an eye, the weekend has arrived...

"Yuanzi, this goose is too fierce. Help catch it." Gu Yuqin held up a kitchen knife and hid behind Li Yuan with a cry.

"Brother! Whether you can eat the goose or not depends on you." Li Yunyun held a broom and hid behind Li Yuan.

In fact, Li Yuan was also a little frightened when he saw the big male goose showing off his power and roaring at him from time to time. This beast often fights with tigers, and it has long since been left free in the wild.

Just when Li Yuan was riding a tiger and couldn't get off, he suddenly saw a few naughty children outside the door. So he was very happy: "Look at you two, aren't you just catching a goose? Baozhu, let's see if you are brave and dare to catch it."

This goose?”

"Brother Yuanzi, look at me. I'm rushing——!"

Sure enough, the naughty kid can cure any dissatisfaction. After a while, they happily dragged the big goose by the neck and dragged it to Li Yuan.

He touched the heads of several little bears and said, "Eight mistakes! Fourth child, each of them has a piece of chocolate."

"Thank you, Brother Yuanzi. Haha. Come to me when you catch geese from now on." Baozhu boasted vaguely.

"Brother Yuanzi, I can even catch a sheep." Another naughty boy shouted.

"I dare to catch wild boars when I see them..."

Ahem. If they continue, they will dare to challenge the Bull Demon King. The next one should be the prefix "王"?

"Yuanzi, are you also afraid of that big goose?" Gu Yuqin looked at Li Yuan doubtfully.

Li Yunyun couldn't help but let out a goose laugh: "Brother is not as good as Baozhu. Cluck..."

"Who is not as good as Baozhu? Is it brother? Huh, he is more courageous than an ant. Hahaha!"

"Third sister, are you back? Wow——! Big sister! You look good in your clothes. Mom! This is the eldest sister——!"

I saw that Li Susu was dressed completely different from before. She had wavy shawl hair, a full set of women's suits, and round-toe shoes. There was also some light makeup on her face. She was holding a small leather bag in her hand, talking to the city's agency girl.

Cadres are no different.

However, when she returned to the room, Li Susu took off her coat and lay on the kang in a very shameless manner: "Mom, I'm so tired. I have to carry it outside all the time, and my muscles are cramping. Uh--!"

Seeing Li Susu pretending to cry and act coquettishly, Zhang Zhen laughed and scolded: "Others can't ask for anything, but you are being pretentious. Don't run home if you have nothing to do, it will waste time. You just went to the unit, don't leave a bad impression on the leader."

"Hehehe." Li Susu laughed naively. This made Li Yuan breathe a sigh of relief. Finally, the eldest sister was not taken away by others.

"How is the unit? Are you still used to it?" Zhang Zhen continued to ask with a smile.

Unexpectedly, Li Susu suddenly poured out her bitterness: "It's about attracting investment. Each of us has a target. Other colleagues have connections, but I don't know anyone. I'm really worried..."

Li Yuan listened happily to Li Susu's cry. He discovered that the current investment promotion in the city's development zones was still at its most primitive stage.

The first thing you put in the basket is the food, regardless of whether it is suitable or not. There will only be vicious competition on land, taxation and other preferential conditions. Moreover, they do not understand the division of labor and cooperation. Everyone is a salesman, and everyone has to strive for performance...

Later, when various regions mature in attracting investment, they will create one or two main industrial clusters and rely on the siphon effect to attract upstream and downstream industries to invest.

And in addition to preferential conditions, the main thing is to provide services and do all the guarantee work. Of course, there are also some places that learn to kill fat sheep.

In addition, various departments cooperate in division of labor and one-stop window management to provide enterprises with convenience as much as possible...

Therefore, at this early stage, the personal abilities of business personnel are highly valued, and more importantly, social relationships. Because the preferential conditions are similar in various places, the competition is based on connections.

Therefore, he is very unfriendly to Li Susu.

But it doesn't matter. The two of them can talk alone later. Even if they don't talk about things that are too advanced, they can still give Li Susu some inspiration.

In any case, the eldest sister Li Susu has become a completely different person...

This chapter has been completed!
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