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Volume 1: Looking Northwest, Shooting Sirius Chapter 67: Suolongguan Night Talk Part 1

Chai Tiannuo took the silver, took out two exotic fruits and handed them over. After thinking about it, another person gave him one.

"What do you mean, Chai Dacai's fan has discovered his conscience?"

Batulu looked at the fruit in his hand and said in surprise.

"Just take it as such."

Chaitino nodded and said with a smile:

"I can still talk to you two, but I don't want you to die early."

"As I said last time, I don't want to take over the royal palace on the grassland, and you don't want to go south to herd horses and cattle."

"Now we have no choice but to fight each other."

"I hope that one day, when you and I can control the overall situation, this annoying conflict will be eliminated and the frontier will be clean!"

"Everyone is up. Mr. Chai Dameng has taken enough spindles today and has no intention of cutting off people's heads."

Batulu yelled, and the pawns who had been lying on the ground for a long time got up hesitantly. That guy was addicted to cutting his head. Even though his captain had said something, he still felt a little weak.

"When the Yinshan Guards leave, the life of the northwest frontier army will not be easy."


Chaitino frowned and looked at Temur.

"The Eight Guards of the Royal Court and the Yinshan Guards do not like random battles, so during their stay there, except for the orders given by the Royal Court and the Shaman Cult, they are rarely harassed by the border troops."

"And General Temutu and the border army generals are familiar with each other. If something big happens, they will always be able to talk about it."

"The Heihe Guards who took over the defense this time are different. They were formerly incorporated into the Wilderness tribe. Unlike the Yinshan Guards who have also received the inheritance of the Great Chinese civilization, the Heihe Guards are true barbarians!"

Temur glanced at Chaitino meaningfully, and then continued:

"Heihewei has believed in Yule Tian since ancient times and is the most loyal believer in Shamanism. If they are asked to choose between a sect and the royal court, they will definitely choose the sect!"

"Temur is right. Those guys are real barbarians. Killing people, setting fires, knocking on the ground, and harvesting grass and grains are commonplace for them. Moreover, this time when the royal court goes south, in addition to the Black River Guards, there are other guards accompanying them."

"As far as the northwest is concerned, there will definitely be a war!"

Batulu said solemnly, Chaitino nodded, but laughed:

"Very good. It's always a bit difficult to chop off the heads of people like you. If you chop off the heads of barbarians, you will definitely feel comfortable!"

Batu Lutmul grinned. When the Black River Guards met this handsome barbarian in front of them, I really don’t know who is more barbaric!

The Yinshan Guards withdrew, and Chai Tiannuo strolled back to Shibali Fort, riding a Rouge Rabbit and carrying several large and small packages, and left slowly.

"Da Lang, are you coming back?"

A guard shouted loudly, but Chaitino didn't look back, waved his hand and left.

With four thousand taels of silver in hand, I have no worries about getting rid of my sword. After working hard for many days, it's time to take a rest.

The night is heavy, there are dense clouds, the stars are hidden and the moon is hidden, and the earth is pitch black.

For the arid northwest, such weather is very rare.

Temutu was sitting on the city wall in civilian clothes, with a table in front of him with some side dishes and a jar of strong wine, waiting for his old friend.

The wind blew the fur and made a whistling sound, and a figure suddenly flew up from the city, looking like a bird of prey under the light of the torch.

Lifting up his fur coat, Zhong Xingxin fell to the side like feathers. He sat down, picked up the strong wine in the coarse porcelain bowl and drank it all in one gulp!

"Why is this wine so bland? It's a strong drink!"

Frowning, Zhong Xingxin put down the porcelain bowl dissatisfied, and Temutu shook his head helplessly:

"This is the Dahua Gaofu that a certain flower bought from the exchange market for fifty taels. I tasted it for its mellow aroma. It would be a waste to drink it with you, a guy who only knows how to drink spicy food."

"Wine is like a throat-slitting knife. If it is not pungent, how can it be called wine?"

Zhong Xingxin picked up the wine jar and filled it with wine, and Chaanhuan filled another large bowl. Looking at Temutu made his heart ache.

"Stay some with me. When we return to Yinshan, I can only drink mare's milk to satisfy my cravings."

Temutu grabbed the wine jar, poured himself a bowl, took a sip, swished it between his lips and teeth, and swallowed it with enjoyment on his face.

"...Every time I see you like this, I always get goosebumps."

Zhong Xingxin shook his head, took his chopsticks to eat the mutton, frowned and asked:

"Are we really going to switch defenses?"

"Of course it's true. The royal tent is a hundred miles away, the Black River Guards have set up camp thirty miles away, and the Yinshan Guards will leave the day after tomorrow. It's a lot of trivial matters, which makes people upset."

"Is Shilong Chanyu here in person?"

"That's not true. The person here is Shi Tianlang, the seventh son of Shan Yu."

"...It's this guy who's causing peace at the border."

Zhong Xingxin frowned and shook his head, while Temutu said with a serious face:

"Even if he doesn't come, there won't be peace in the border fortress. I heard that many black shamans from the shamanistic sect have come with the Black River Guards. You must be careful. Those guys have bad magic skills and are even great masters. If you don't pay attention, you may be in danger of losing your life.


"What exactly does Shilong Chanyu think? Due to the expansion of shamanism, if this continues, the royal court will be completely ignored."

Zhong Xingxin frowned and Temutu sighed:

"Even his own son has believed in Yule Tian, ​​what can the Chanyu do?"

"After all, disaster is approaching, and the existences in the sky are constantly coming to earth. It is really difficult to break the situation."

"No matter how difficult it is, we must break the situation. This is not a matter of one family or one country. Daxia and Dawei have been completely accused. If the Royal Court of Dahua falls, the people of the world will really become livestock for them to slaughter!"

Zhong Xingxin couldn't help but hammer his face a few times, while Temutu nodded lightly and shook his head:

"Have you ever met the old god? What does he think of the situation in front of him?"

"I met him a few days ago. He is still as calm and calm as ever. He said that everything should be allowed to take its course, and that life and death will not be affected by it."

Zhong Xingxin shook his head helplessly, and Temutu smiled bitterly:

"If this old man takes action, the world will be immediately settled. I really don't understand his thoughts."

"...the two husbands have some guesses about this."

"Oh, tell me?"

"The old god is like a door. If it doesn't move, pawns will fall from the sky through the cracks in the door. If it moves, there may be terrifying beings entering the world."

"Just like the old god said before, the changing world is like a hanging garden to him. It doesn't matter if he picks flowers and plants occasionally."

"If the foundation is shaken, disaster is imminent."

After saying that, both of them were silent at the same time. Finally, Zhong Xingxin spoke first:

"How far is it from the land gods?"

"It's not far away. When we get back to the foot of Yinshan Mountain, we'll have a drink from the clear spring and eat a leg of lamb."

Temutu said with a smile, Zhong Xingxin sighed:

"We ordinary people are really incomparable to you, the proud son of heaven. I think back then, beating you was like beating a mangy dog, but now it's completely the other way around."

"You sound like you deserve a beating!"

Temutu stared, then sighed:

"When I was young, I always had the desire to expand my territory."

"After I learned some of the secrets of the world, I found that it was extremely ridiculous. Killing in this world would only benefit God. We are just like those stupid dogs. Heaven and earth are unkind."

After the words fell, the two stopped talking about heavy topics and chatted about trivial matters from the past. They were filled with emotion for a while.

The sky turned white in the distance, Zhong Xingxin stood up and clasped his fists:

"Brother Mutu, the future is bumpy, I wish you smooth sailing!"

"With your good words, I hope this world will be smooth sailing."

This chapter has been completed!
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