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Volume 1: Looking Northwest, Shooting Sirius Chapter 67: Suolongguan Night Talk Part 2

"Uncle, green vitriol oil is very useful. We are not short of money. We must get Minghong out today!"

It was already evening when we returned to Tumubao. Early the next morning, Chai Tiannuo went straight to the blacksmith shop, banged Minghong onto the table, and said with unusual boldness.

"How come you got rich?"

"Well, look what this is, a serious Dahua bank note, a total of four thousand taels!"

Chaitino slapped the banknote on the table in a showy manner, and the old blacksmith took a breath:

"You are making money so fast. If it weren't for the age difference, I really want to marry my granddaughter to you!"

Hahaha, Chai Tiannuo laughed directly. Young Jin Duo was talking about himself, a perfect golden turtle son-in-law.

"How old is your granddaughter? How about meeting her?"

"But pull it off, she's not even a month old yet. When she grows up, you'll already be a loofah!"


This old stubborn man is just playing tricks on himself!

The old blacksmith took out a porcelain bottle and poured green vitriol oil along the curve of the blade. With a hissing sound, a large thick fog rose, and the surrounding area was filled with a burning smell.

Chai Tiannuo bought a pair of sesame cakes and looked excited as he saw more and more of the blade exposed.

At noon, the old blacksmith gently took Minghong out of the residual liquid stains and scrubbed it in clean water. The moment he lifted the knife, a dazzling light exploded, like a golden crow falling to the ground. Everyone in the market covered their eyes.

"Boy, you really made an amazing treasure!"

When the light disappeared, the old blacksmith looked at Minghong, who was like a clear spring, and sighed with emotion.

The sword is five feet long, its sharp edge is like light and its body is like a clear spring. The two red marks are like lotus flowers in a pond. There are gold dragons and silver phoenixes engraved on both sides of the tip. The technique is delicate and does not look vulgar.

"Take it, it's such an important treasure, it must be treated as a second life. Things have spirits, and only then can they be connected to the gods."

Chai Tiannuo nodded and took Minghong, his face beaming with joy.

Minghong's style is similar to that of Daheng, but it is longer and the sword style is very concise.

But the blade is so finely crafted that it doesn't feel like a flesh-eating and blood-drinking blade in your hand, but rather like a handicraft.

"Thank you sir, I've really troubled you these days."

Chai Tiannuo thanked him and the old blacksmith waved:

"A good knife comes with a good scabbard. I have to say that you are lucky. I have a piece of dark ebony that has been sitting there for a long time. It is also long enough, so I can give you an advantage."

The old blacksmith rummaged around in the wooden box, and finally took out a black object nearly five feet long. It didn't look like wood, but had a jade-like feel.

"Is there a scent?"

Chaitino raised his eyebrows, and the old blacksmith said proudly:

"This wood is also called agarwood. It is safe from mosquitoes, snakes, and rats when worn on your body. It is definitely a treasure!"

As the sun was setting, Chai Tiannuo walked home with Minghong on his back and a newly made armor-breaking awl in his hand, with an expression on his face that showed both joy and heartache.

Grandma is a bitch, she thought that she would have more than half of her four thousand taels of silver left, but it turned out that she spent far more than she imagined, plus the scabbard of dark ebony and thirty-six standard armor-piercing awls, she spent all her money!

It is really difficult to make money and easy to spend money. Four thousand taels of silver were gone without even a splash. It makes my heartache when I think about it.

The old blacksmith tidied up the stall happily, and the vendor next to him asked curiously:

"Uncle, why are you so clean today?"

"I'm going to quit."

While packing his things, the old blacksmith said with a smile:

"The money I make these days will never be earned in ten lifetimes. I have sold all the old stuff at the bottom of the box. Mr. Chai is rich!"

"...Barbarian, do you think I have been deceived?"

Sitting at home, looking at the scabbard carved with dragons and phoenixes, Chai Tiannuo smiled bitterly, thinking that he had been deceived by the old blacksmith.

How can such a fancy scabbard be used in a battle formation?

"Fooling, absolutely fooling, so delicious!"

Chai Man'er lay on the bed, munching on the snacks Chai Tiannuo brought back, and nodded vigorously.

Although the variety of dim sum here in the frontier fortress is much inferior to that in the capital, the quantity is huge, and the two big boys’ big bag of baked noodles is so fragrant and crispy that it instantly won over the little girl’s heart.

On weekdays, the little mouths eat endlessly, and there is no time to pay attention to Chaitino's self-pity.

"...are you telling the truth or lies?"

"To be honest, to be honest!"

The little girl turned her head and smiled at Chai Tiannuo, spitting out a mouth full of crumbs.

After resting for a night, Chai Tiannuo gathered his four pawns early the next morning and prepared to patrol the border. As soon as he arrived at the city gate, he was stopped by Zhao Jiujin.

"Tiannuo, be careful when patrolling the border. If there is any movement, call the police immediately. Yesterday, two groups of people encountered the Tatars from the steppes not long after they left the fort."

"It's very different from the previous ones. The tattoos on his face are very wild. One or two of them dare to provoke the team."

Chaitino frowned slightly:

"It seems that the Tatar tribe following the Black River Guards arrived first. At the camp head, have all the necessary announcements been sent out?"

As soon as he returned from Shibali Fort, Chai Tiannuo reported the incident of Yinshan Guard and Heihe Guard to Zhao Jiujin. The notice from the border town also arrived the next day. From the content, it is not difficult to see that the entire northwest frontier army was concerned about this incident.

We attach great importance to defensive changes.

"Sent, each bridge and fort now reports twice a day. Although no royal soldiers have been found, there are many more ordinary grassland Tatars than before, and the situation is not optimistic."

Chai Tiannuo nodded slightly, cupped his hands with Zhao Jijin, and urged his horse to run out of the city.

"Don't tell me, it's weird that I haven't patrolled the border for half a month."

Ronaldinho dismounted his horse and kicked his legs while running. He was really suffocated in the fort.

"Mo Sahuan, make all the preparations you need so that if something happens, you won't be in a hurry."

The old immortal arranged the equipment on his body over and over again, including the spear on the victory hook, the horizontal knife on his waist, as well as the riding bow and arrows. He checked over and over again, fearing that anything was not done well.

"You're so old, you're not so nervous, are you?"

Big Luo, Xiao Luo and Xiao Yuanzi were all laughing. Chai Tiannuo couldn't stand it any longer, so he said with a smile.

I have never seen him behave like this when I encountered steppe Tatars before.

"Boss, you don't know, after serving in the army for twenty or thirty years, I can always smell something out of the ordinary."

The old immortal’s wry smile:

"Many of my colleagues who are about the same age as me have died. I can live longer than them because of this ability."

"I have experienced defense changes at Wang Tingwei Mansion before, but this time, I feel very unusual and feel uneasy."

Nodding, Chai Tiannuo also checked his equipment. Uncle Cao once said that if you walk in the field of life and death too much, you will develop indescribable intuition.

The reason veterans live long lives is because they always follow their instincts.

Not long after leaving Tumu Fort, Chaitino and the others encountered a logistics team from another battalion that was going to deliver supplies to Qiao Fort. Although the twenty-man Dash was not dead, everyone was injured. Mr. Bai said with a wry smile.


"The painted-faced Tatars are too wild. Five of them dared to attack us. The days ahead will be really difficult."

This chapter has been completed!
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