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Chapter 122 Third Prince

"Master Chai, he is only eleven or twelve. No matter how wrong he is, he should still have a chance to repent. His sins will not lead to death!"

The two censors stood in front of the sword and said with trembling voices.

Chai Tiannuo looked at them without saying a word, but he felt some approval in his heart. He did not forget his true nature in the face of danger, and he was considered a good man, but he did not distinguish between good and evil!

With a wave of his hand, a strong wind suddenly rose, and the two of them were pushed aside.

Turning his wrist, Ming Hong's arc fell, and the child with a frightened face immediately split into two parts, and then turned into dust and drifted away in the wind.

Pointing to the dozen or so corpses taken out by the secret guards, Chai Tiannuo stared at the two supervisory censors and asked in a low voice:

"The mutilated corpses are here, do you dare to tell them that the person who mutilated your life, ripped out the heart, liver, and devoured the spiritual energy was too young to deserve death?"

"Could it be that in your eyes, after being poor, you deserve to die?!"

Several secret guards lifted the body and placed it in front of the two supervisory censors. A few pairs of dry eyes that had lost moisture stared directly at them.


The two supervisory censors suddenly shouted wildly, and in an instant, they actually saw a dozen disemboweled children rushing towards them crying.

Seeing the two men yelling and running away, several secret guards spit on the ground.

I hate people who think they are just. Where do you get the right to forgive the murderer for the deceased?

It was almost dawn, and the residents who had been tortured by the screams for half a night heard the sound of dense footsteps again. As residents of Luoyang City, they knew what was going on.

That's a large number of people being mobilized. Needless to say, something big must have happened to Zhang She's family!

The new Shangshu of the Ministry of Justice and the left and right ministers personally led the team. Nearly two thousand people were dispatched collectively. The car borrowed from the Ministry of Revenue was missing, and the three supervisors looked solemn.

If it is really as described by the secret guard, this matter is huge. It can be called the biggest case in the Gyeonggi region since the emperor ascended the throne!

Lu Jingzhang, the Secretary of the Ministry of Punishment, and his deputies dismounted and hurried into Zhang's house. When they arrived at the atrium, they saw Chai Tiannuo raising his knife to kill the slave who had finished the interrogation.

Then they saw the blade passing by, and the servant turned into dust before falling to the ground. The three of them couldn't help but gasped for air as their feet froze, and they thought in their hearts that the demon sword screamed. It was indeed worthy of the title of the number one evil soldier in Dahua!

"Hello, Mr. Chai!"

The new minister, Lu Jingzhang, gave the gift first. Although both of them were high-ranking ministers, Chai Tiannuo held many positions, and his overt and covert status was far beyond that of a newly promoted minister.

"Hello, Lord Shangshu."

Chai Tiannuo stopped his movements, held the knife behind his back, performed a warrior's knife salute, then pointed to the side and walked to the side with the three chief officers of the Criminal Department.

Seeing several secret guards raising their swords and preparing to kill the remaining people, Lu Jingzhang raised his hands and said sincerely:

"Master Chai, can you ask your men to suspend their operations and leave a few people behind so that we can handle the case more easily?"

Chaitino blinked, stopped the secret guard's movements, and said softly:

"Master Lu, this case involves the third prince. If I kill them, it will save you a lot of trouble."

The three chief officers of the Criminal Department gasped at the same time, never thinking that this case was actually involved with the royal family!

After thinking for a moment, the three of them looked at each other and nodded at the same time:

"The prince breaks the law and is as guilty as the common people!"

"When we take charge of the Criminal Department, we just want to bring justice to the world. If we are in trouble, we will retreat. Why not go home and sell sweet potatoes!"

Chai Tiannuo carefully observed the three people in front of him and smiled sincerely. The Criminal Department was reborn. The three chief officers were high-spirited and had righteous hearts. Good!

"We previously estimated that the number of children killed was in the thousands, but we have just made a rough count and found that it should exceed 3,000. It is really shocking."

"I have ordered people to widen the entrance of the tunnel. The three adults can send people down to carry it. As for the children being fed, they must have been given drugs, so they have been unconscious."

"I have sent someone to ask for the doctor. He will be here shortly."

"These are the remains brought by a certain subordinate. Please collect them together later."

Lu Jingzhang and the others looked at the mummies of children placed next to them, and then thought about the astonishing number in the tunnel, they couldn't help gritting their teeth and roaring:


As the officers from the Ministry of Justice continued to transport the corpses out, and the large trucks were filled, the onlookers kept screaming and feeling chills all over their bodies.

Unexpectedly, so many innocent lives were lost around me!

After handing the matter over to the Criminal Department, Chaitino led the secret guards to withdraw.

On the way, the secret guards who had their own professions turned into frightened birds and scattered in all directions. Chai Tiannuo rode a red rouge rabbit and went straight into the imperial city to meet Emperor Tianqi.

At that time, a court meeting was being held, and Chai Tiannuo did not join in the fun, so he took out his things and squatted outside the Jinluan Hall to eat breakfast.

"Chai, Mr. Chai, this is outside the Jinluan Palace. It's really inappropriate for you to eat here."

"There is a room waiting for me on the right, would you like to go there?"

The general on duty tried to persuade him with a grimace, but Chai Tiannuo waved him away:

"Go about your business and don't disturb me."

"The scenery here is unique and beautiful. How can your smelly check-in room compare to it? Go and don't bother me!"

Well, since I can’t say anything, I won’t say anything. Except for a few people, no one dares to take care of this.

If he was annoyed and beaten, I'm afraid the emperor would only say that he only had two dozen doctors to treat, and no one with good eyesight would dare to provoke him!

"...Chai boy, what are you doing?"

The court meeting ended, and the general and Zhao Shilang walked out together. By chance, they saw Chai Tiannuo eating hazelnuts on the side, and he couldn't help but his eyebrows twitched...

"Hello, General Zhao, Shilang. I'll work hard all night, and have something to eat to supplement my allowance. Can you two come, too?"

"The relationship is so good, I've been hungry most of the morning!"

The general immediately squatted down, picked up a piece of snack and stuffed it into his mouth. After chewing a little, his eyes immediately lit up:

"It's delicious. Which dessert shop made this? It's amazing!"

"It's not a dim sum shop, it's made by Xiuchunge. I like to eat it. Whenever they make something new, they always give me some."

When Zhao Shilang saw that all his generals were squatting down, he had no choice but to squat down as well and taste a piece of cake. It was indeed delicious.

"Try this again. If it weren't for you two, most people wouldn't take it out!"

Chai Tiannuo shook his hands and took out a basket with more than ten peaches in it. However, compared with the fresh, pink and tender peaches before, they looked small and green, so they did not look good.

However, the two of them knew Chaitino's temperament, so what he said must be justified. Each of them picked up one, bit into it, and their eyes widened after not even chewing twice.

"My dear, is this really the fruit of the world?"

Li Chenglan's eyes widened, and Zhao Shilang was also shocked and nodded repeatedly:

"It's so delicious, no other fruit in the world can compare to it!"

"...Is it as good as you say? Isn't it because I have too little experience?"

A hand reached out from the side and took out two fruits.

"Jia Gao, you should try it too and see if this delicate peach tastes good or not."

"Your Majesty, why are you here?"

Just as the three of them were about to get up, they were pushed down by Emperor Tianqi, and the five of them gathered in a group, muttering outside the Jinluan Hall.

"Can't you come? If someone eats in the court hall unconsciously, I, the master, must come and see him."

Emperor Tianqi glanced at Chai Tiannuo who was smiling awkwardly, took a bite of the fruit casually, and then his eyes widened:

"Hey, how can such a surging spiritual energy be grown in this world?!"

Seeing his master's reaction so strongly, Jia Gao blinked and immediately took a bite.

After chewing the pulp for two times, it turns into sweet water and enters the stomach. Immediately after, the spiritual energy is injected into the whole body, and the body is so comfortable that it can't help but shiver!

This chapter has been completed!
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