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Chapter 123: Natural and Man-made Disasters Part 1

"Master Chai, this green peach is much stronger than those fairy peaches you had before. It's not an exaggeration to say it's a magical medicine!"

Waiter Jia sighed while eating peaches.

Chaitino grinned:

"I transplanted the big peach, and the green peach was from the blessed land before..."

Chai Tiannuo told about the blessed land, and several people looked at the three-petal peach blossom on his forehead and sighed and nodded. This guy is truly blessed.

"You really prepared a lot of these things. Let's take it for lunch."

As Emperor Tianqi spoke, he lifted the basket to his side. The other two did not dare to say anything, but the general and the elder did not want to:

"Your Majesty, you are too much. This is a shame. I haven't had enough!"

"Why, Mr. Chai has been feeding you all the time, but he has never made an offering to you. What's wrong with you being so ignorant?"

Emperor Tianqi glared, and the general choked. Chai Tiannuo hurriedly brought out another basket full of fruits and exchanged most of the basket for the fruit, thus settling the quarrel.

"The matter regarding Zhongshu Sheren must be thoroughly investigated, even if the third child is implicated, we must get to the bottom of it!"

"Dahua's revolution is coming, and no one can be greater than the law."

Emperor Tianqi grabbed a piece of animal meat and said while tearing it.

Chaitino nodded, frowned and said:

"Your Majesty, I'm afraid this matter involves more than just the third prince. Cangtian Dao is definitely involved in it!"

After saying that, Chai Tiannuo handed him the jade gourd and talked about the incident in detail. Even the experienced general and Zhao Shilang were shocked.

Using children to make elixirs and slaughtering thousands of them is absolutely inhumane!

"This Yang-Returning Pill, is it really that effective?"

Emperor Tianqi looked at the jade gourd in his hand and asked doubtfully.

Chaitino nodded:

"The child's innate spiritual energy has not been lost. If three people gather one elixir, it will naturally be of great use."

"...Humph, if you take the life-killing pill, you won't be afraid of karma?"

Emperor Tianqi sneered, Chai Tiannuo's eyes immediately lit up, he cupped his hands and said in admiration:

"Your Majesty, you are still sober before the temptation, and you can see through the essence of the matter. I am amazed!"

"Stop flattering this useless person, and bring me a few more baskets of fruit. There are so many people in this lonely family, and one basket won't be enough!"

Yes, wait here and there!

After extorting a few baskets of fruits from Chai Tiannuo, Emperor Tianqi nodded with satisfaction and said with a smile:

"If you want to replenish your spiritual energy, it is far better to cultivate the fruit that is naturally independent of cause and effect than to gather it by force. That Zhang Chenglu didn't see through it at all."

"It may seem like you are getting an advantage, but when the consequences fall, everything will be in vain!"

"It's his cause and effect that ends up like this!"

The three ministers lamented that His Majesty sat on the throne for a reason. He could see all the big and small things clearly. This was one of the reasons.

"What kind of meat is this? It tastes really unique."

Emperor Tianqi became more and more addicted to it and couldn't help but ask curiously.

Chai Tiannuo smiled and talked about what happened in the Enlightenment Canyon, and the three of them nodded. There are really all kinds of weird things in the world.

"Yu Gubei bought fifty kilograms. With such a good thing, my family must try it!"


The case of Zhang Sheren in Zhongshu Province caused a sensation in the capital area. With the support of Emperor Tianqi, the Ministry of Punishment handled the case vigorously, and things became clearer and clearer.

The big shots involved were arrested one after another, and the final finger slowly pointed at the third prince.

There was an uproar in Luoyang City, but Chai Tiannuo spent a few days leisurely and leisurely. The reply from Shaoyin County finally arrived. His adoptive father and mother-in-law praised him so much that Chai Tiannuo couldn't close his mouth with joy.

However, they haven't been able to come these days, saying that they have some matters at home. In two or three months, when things are settled, they will enter the country together.

"There is something going on at home, what can happen?"

Chai Tiannuo couldn't help scratching his head, but it would be nice to have a reply. Just wait and see. The mansion in Luoyang City is being renovated. Two or three months later, his foster father Yu Zhen'er will arrive.

, just in time to check in.

In the morning of this day, Chaitino was practicing martial arts with the students in the university grounds. The military messenger with red pheasant feathers behind him broke in and immediately startled everyone.

It's actually the red color among the three-color pheasant feathers. There couldn't be a serious rebellion happening somewhere, right?

"General Chai, the Ministry of War is urgently calling for a meeting at the General's Mansion!"

Chai Tiannuo frowned. He used the title General instead of Doctor Guanglu. I'm afraid there was a rebellion, and it must be very serious, otherwise he would not have recruited himself, the most idle person in the army.

After the messengers left, Chai Tiannuo got on his horse and rushed to the General's Mansion. On the way, he met the General and other generals of the Guard's Mansion galloping on their horses, and they rushed to the imperial city together.

"General, why did you go to the imperial city again?"

"The matter has become complicated. The originally planned assistance in defense is no longer possible. Let's listen to your Majesty's decision!"

Li Chenglan said with a solemn expression, Chai Tiannuo turned around and looked at it, and asked curiously:.c

"Shilang Zhao, why is he not here for such a big event?"

"Ten days ago, he rushed to Dongshan for reinforcements. Yesterday, he got the news that this guy was attacked by Cangtian Dao bandits and was seriously injured. He is retreating. The situation is getting more serious!"

The general's words made no sense. Chai Tiannuo couldn't understand what he said, but one thing was certain. Something big seemed to have happened in Dongshan Province!

A group of generals entered the imperial city without taking off their uniforms and rushed towards the Jianzhang Hall.

Since Emperor Tianqi ascended the throne, Jinluan Hall has been specially used to hold court meetings. If there are important military matters, meetings will be held in Jianzhang Hall.

There is a huge Dahua Jiangshan sand table there, which was built by Qin Tianjian to survey the country's topography. It is very accurate and is conducive to situation deduction.

Entering the Jianzhang Hall, a group of people were about to salute when they were interrupted by Emperor Tianqi's wave:

"Take care of those useless things, come here and take a look!"

Everyone didn't waste any time and all rushed to the sand table. Emperor Tianqi held a long stick in his hand, pointed at Dongshan Province, and said with a stern expression:

"Please tell me the matter in detail, and you can think about how to deal with it!"


Emperor Tianqi explained in detail, Chai Tiannuo, who was a little confused at first, finally understood what happened.

More than 20 Tianjian Mountain Gates in the upper reaches of the Huanglong River collapsed, and then the sea tide surged downstream. Not only did the Bohai Kingdom suffer a disaster, but the Dongshan Province bordering it also suffered a major disaster!

The Huanglong River burst its banks and flooded millions of acres of farmland on both sides. Nearly one-third of the province's population was affected. Due to ineffective rescue efforts, Cangtian Taoism expanded rapidly in Dongshan Province, and its number of believers soon exceeded one million!

The believers gathered in one place were like a wave of ants sweeping across Dongshan. The soldiers stationed there suffered heavy losses and were almost wiped out except for the provincial capital.

Seven of the captains of Zhechong died, one of the generals who went to reinforce them died, and Zhao Shilang of the Ministry of War was also seriously injured.

Nowadays, except for the provincial capital, the entire Dongshan Province is almost entirely the territory of Cangtian Dao. Countless believers are spreading like other provinces, with the number approaching ten million. If you are not careful, it will be an unimaginable disaster!

"Your Majesty, why don't you mobilize a large amount of food to supply the people?"

"As long as they can fill their bellies, the vast majority of people will not believe in the Way of Heaven!"

Chai Tiannuo frowned and said, and Emperor Tianqi sighed heavily:

"Natural disasters are the foundation, man-made disasters are the cause!"

The Minister of the Ministry of Finance on the side cupped his hands and sighed:

"Disaster relief grain and grass were distributed early in the morning. They account for half of the Taiping warehouse's reserves. There should be enough."

This chapter has been completed!
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