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Chapter 1126 Tianma Holy Ruins

Ximen Changqing generously put hundreds of thousands of low-grade spiritual crystals into the storage ring, then turned and left the auction house.

"Sure enough, it's him, the guest in Box 136!" A ninth-level Tianma clan member said coldly.

Next to him is the third elder of the Tianma clan, a ninth-level high-ranking expert.

"The death of my nephew may be related to this person, and the previous nine-day thunderstorm was probably caused by this guy.

He is a proud son of heaven that the human race will rarely encounter in millions of years. Now that he has come to the Tianma Continent, we cannot let him leave alive." The third elder of the Tianma tribe said coldly.

"Third Elder, when will we take action?" the ninth-level tribesman beside him asked eagerly.

"Don't worry, this is Tianma City. Once you act rashly, the entire city will be destroyed. The loss will be too great. Keep an eye on him first.

By the way, temporarily close all the teleportation arrays in Tianma City. We cannot let this guy leave in the teleportation array. He must die!" the third elder of the Tianma clan said coldly.

"Third Elder, don't worry, I will handle this matter myself!" After finishing speaking, the ninth-level tribesman beside him quietly followed Ximen Changqing.

At this time, Ximen Changqing, who walked out of the auction house, was stared at by a group of strong men. Whether it was the Pegasus clan, the four major immortal clans, or strong men from other clans, they all coveted him.

The eyes of the two weak Pegasus tribesmen were burning with anger, and we also became greedy.

"Hmph, a big boy who has just been promoted to the Tribulation Stage will definitely be able to escape. You must catch me that time, otherwise, you will be doing bad things to the immortal world!" replied Nuerer, a member of the Tribulation Tribulation clan of the Sima family.

A group of fourth-level weaklings followed to the north gate. Seeing Ximen Changqing running away slowly, they immediately pursued them with all their strength.

With his current strength, even if these guys attack together, it is impossible to stop him, so there is no need to worry about safety.

"Why don't you just wait and go back and explore!"

"You must be able to make me escape, even if you kill me directly!"

"Dad, stop!"

At this time, Ximen Changqing's escape speed was not as slow as usual. I had to ensure that the group of weak people in front of him could not follow him.

A group of weaklings released the realm and blocked Ximen Changqing's path.

"Wait a minute, get ready to take action!"

Ximen Changqing turned around and made a sneak attack, colliding with the bald snow eagle.

Before destroying a bald snow eagle, Ximen Changqing continued to run away.

A weak fourth-level member of the Green Ghost Clan led two clansmen of the same level and slowly retreated into the Pegasus Holy Ruins.

Tianma Holy Ruins is expected to be comparable, but that is just to say that since ancient times, not many weak people have died in Tianma Holy Ruins.

"It's because we're afraid that as long as we remove the weak from the immortal world, we will dare to act arrogantly." A member of the Eastern Immortal Tribulation Tribulation Clan said Nuanre.

On the first day, eight fourth-level weaklings fell. Among them, none of them were killed by the seventh clone. The remaining seven were all killed by the people in the Tianma Holy Ruins.

"What about those guys who take advantage of the situation? Just catch the big guy and cooperate with the Tianma clan."

"Starry Realm!"

"Pfft... that blow has not surpassed the perfect strength of the Tribulation Tribulation, it is really terrifying!"

"You have just been promoted to the stage of transcending tribulation, and you are unable to defeat the weak ones who have reached the stage of transcending tribulation. You have no choice but to hand over your treasure to the fairy world."

"Haha! Fellow Taoist, why should you wait? Wait!"

Article 7: A total of eleven weak people died in the depths of Tianma Holy Ruins. They all encountered safety. Was there a ten times seventh clone who killed them?

Ximen Changqing smiled warmly and was ready to fight at any time.

"Two fellow Taoists from the Tianma tribe will help you take action later!"

"If you dare to kill the weakling of the Blood Mastiff clan, the eldest son of the human clan, he must die!"

The members of the Xiahou family's Dujie clan looked at the hundreds of fourth-level weaklings and frowned.

"Slow down, don't let that big guy escape."

We have cold eyes and are very curious about the treasures of the immortal world. If we can get them, after giving them to the immortal world, we can also get some secrets of the immortal world's skills.

"Pfft...how is that possible! I have just been promoted to the Tribulation Stage, and I don't have such strength!"

"That eldest son actually left from the north gate. He is really asking for his own death. Worry, eight weaklings from your Zhuge family are lying in ambush in the north. I escaped, so you should follow me!" A member of the Zhuge family's Dujie clan, Hot

Hot opening.

After the auction started, the support forces of the seven immortal clans had not yet retreated into Tianma City, and had a serious exchange with the leader of the Tianma clan.

He only needs to leave Tianma City and lead those weak people into Tianma Holy Ruins.

At that moment, a huge and small bald snow eagle quickly approached Ximen Changqing.

"Golden Knife Field!"

"What's the situation? Should we catch this big guy? Let them heal his wounds quickly!" The ancestor of the Zhuge family looked at the eight members of his clan and asked with a frown.

"It's been a day and a night, but I can still find it! Let's go back for now! Report the situation!"

"That guy is trying to escape! Chase slowly!"

Very slowly, fewer and fewer fourth-level weaklings rushed into the Tianma Holy Ruins, tracking the escaped Ximen Changqing.

"The realm of stars! This is a top realm that only weak people in the fairy world can't comprehend. How can I own it?"

We have the map of Tianma Holy Ruins, and we are confident that we cannot avoid the safety of a small number of people.

"Clan leader, are you willing to go to the Tianma Holy Ruins later?"

"The entrance to Tianma Holy Ruins is the only one. All you need to do is block the entrance and the big guy will escape."

If Ximen Changqing is robbed by those guys, it will be very difficult for us.

And Ximen Changqing will also waste time with us. Before seriously injuring eight weak people, he quickly drinks a drop of earth spirit milk and escapes quickly.

"If a big bird dares to stop you, you will die!"

Yes, our conspiracy is destined to succeed.

Moreover, the true immortal is about to come to the mortal world. If we can find the most precious treasure in the immortal world after that, it will undoubtedly be Tianxiao's contribution.

"Void, rely on him, return immediately!"

In the end, the weak ones supported by the seven immortal clans separated and went to ambush the city.

The huge force completely destroyed one of the wings of the bald snow eagle.

If Ximen Changqing wants to leave smoothly and quietly, he must move slowly and leave after the entrance is completely blocked.

The only way to fight is to hide on the ground. That move is very ineffective and leaves very few weak people at level 4 with nothing to do.

Those fourth-level weaklings are very weak, but as long as their number is too small, they are the opponents of the seventh clone.

Next, there were no weaklings to catch up with them, but they were defeated by Ximen Changqing every time, and eight unlucky ones lost their lives.

The ambush forces in the other eight directions are stronger than those in the north gate direction. In order to capture Ximen Evergreen, we have not even used the minimum strength. Even the old antiques who are asking about world affairs have left.

At this time, Ximen Changqing has not quietly released the seventh clone, turning it into cannon fodder to attract the enemy.

"Fellow Taoist Zhuge, it's like you have eight people from each of your seven families, forming a group of seventeen people to retreat for an adventure!"

Very slowly, a group of weaklings who were so happy to be tortured had no choice but to return to the entrance of Tianma Holy Ruins.

"There is no treasure. Of course, the weak will know about it, so you should step back and take a look!"

Very slowly, seventeen weak people from the seven immortal clans formed an expedition team and retreated into the Tianma Holy Ruins to track Ximen Changqing's traces.

"Let them see what power is!"

"That's wrong. Tianma Holy Ruins is the most dangerous place for your clan. There is only one entrance. You just need to guard the entrance."

Very slowly, two fourth-level blood mastiff clan members also retreated into the Tianma Holy Ruins!

"It seems that I have calculated correctly that you are going to leave. I guess there are no ambush in other directions either!"

"Tianyuan Realm!"

At this moment, inside the Tianma Holy Ruins, the seventh avatar was attacked by a fourth-level weakling for a few times. Yes, even if it was just a clone, its strength was very weak.

Even though there were any traces of an ambush, Ximen Changqing's spiritual perception would be wrong, and there was indeed no safety in the rear.

Very slowly, the void doll turned into nothingness and successfully left the entrance of Tianma Holy Ruins without attracting the attention of a group of fourth-level weaklings.

"Pegasus Domain!"

Of course, Ximen Changqing's injury was minor. At most, from the outside, it looked like he was seriously injured.

One hundred thousand miles away, it was not very far away. Looking at the Pegasus Holy Ruins behind him, Ximen Changqing wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and jumped up with determination.

"Hey! There's no ambush behind!"

"Ten Thousand Swords Domain!"

"You lost one person, but you still managed to catch me, cute!"

"Pfft... they want to die!"

"It seems that there is no small chance this time. I must have obtained the most precious treasure in the fairy world!"

"Tianma Holy Ruins is relatively safe. If you retreat there to explore, there is no small chance of death. Whoever wants to go can go!"

"Clan leader, the eldest son is here."

Ximen Changqing went straight to the north gate of Tianma City. Before leaving the city, he immediately launched his phantom shuttle and headed straight to the Tianma Holy Ruins, which was a hundred thousand miles away.

"I hope they are going to follow me!"

When Ximen Changqing passed by where we were ambush, eight members of the Zhuge family and two weak fourth-level men from the Tianma clan attacked together and headed straight for Ximen Changqing.

"As a blood mastiff clan, what you fear most is not safety, but death, haha!"

Of course, the number of fourth-level weaklings remaining at the entrance was also very small, and they began to build a small blockade formation.

Even if the attack is successful, it is still scary. The seventh clone does not have 10% of the strength of the main body, so naturally it cannot escape.

Several members of the Ximen family in the early stages of the Tribulation looked at the surrounded Ximen Changqing.

"Clan leader, you are also willing to go back!"

The treasure of the fairy world is of little importance, and it is up to us to choose. In order to complete the mission of the weak in the fairy world, we must retreat even if we die.

"A ground-shattering blow will kill you!"

In the depths of that holy ruins, there are even thousands of true immortal-level weaklings sleeping, which shows how safe they are.

Ximen Changqing smiled warmly, accelerated suddenly, dodged several enemies, and then faced the few weak Zhuge family members who were in the early stages of the Tribulation.

If those guys lose track of me, my work will be in vain.

"It's just a matter of delay. If the big guy has discovered you, we will attack together later. At worst, we will hit him hard in one fell swoop!"

As long as I retreat to Tianma Holy Ruins, I will look for an opportunity to leave.

This is exactly what Ximen Changqing hopes to see, which shows that his plan was not in vain.

After all, all fourth-level weaklings have the magical power to escape. If we have the magical power to escape, we will naturally be able to pursue the seventh clone that escaped to the ground.

Ximen Changqing smiled warmly and used Dantian's Sky-Breaking Hammer.

Ximen Changqing's sky-shattering strike shattered the realms of the eight weaklings on the opposite side.

"You think it's feasible. The rest will be blocked at the entrance and a small blockade will be deployed to give me a way to escape!"

"Dad, surrender! He escaped or escaped."

However, the Ximen Changqing we are looking for has already returned to the Chaoyang tribe, and the one who is still in the Tianma Holy Ruins is just a clone.

Next, the seven immortal clans re-selected seventeen clansmen and once again retreated to the Tianma Holy Ruins together.

"Wanmu Domain!"

Tianma Holy Ruins is relatively safe, but for their own benefit and to gain huge opportunities, those weak people keep going back and forth like crazy.

Ximen Changqing burned all the spiritual energy in his Dantian and used the lowest magical power of the Sky-breaking Hammer to bombard the opponent's field with all his strength.

"Finding wealth and honor in danger, fight hard!"

In addition to the eight Tribulation Tribulation members of the Zhuge family, the other four Tribulation Tribulation tribesmen also escaped the cuts of the space cracks. The seventeen Tribulation Weak people were all seriously injured.

"Kacha kacha..."

Obviously, we didn't expect that beforehand. We didn't expect that there would be so few weak fourth-level people targeting Ximen Changqing.

Ximen Changqing also got used to us and immediately used the Star Domain to fight against those weaklings.

The ones lying in ambush due north were the eight weak people from the Zhuge family and two fourth-level Tianma clan members, a total of four weak people.

No matter what happens outside, we must stop and retreat.

"A strike that breaks the sky! I'll break it for you!"

"What kind of field is that? Why is it not so powerful? If you try together, it will be destroyed!"

"If you die, if this big guy dares to retreat, you will be intimidated!"

"If you dare to kill the weaklings of your clan, you must kill them with your hands!"

Although the opponent had the upper hand in terms of numbers and fewer domains, Ximen Changqing's star domain was even weaker and he managed to hold on, leaving himself unharmed.

Anyway, it's just a clone. I'm afraid of losing it. It's time to refine another one. The most important thing is for me to escape.

"I really think highly of you!"

"Pfft...how is that possible!"

"Eighth brother, he is worried. You will definitely avenge him. That human eldest son, you must kill him!"

A crisp sound announced the end of each field.

The field was destroyed by a weak force, which directly caused eight weak people to be injured, which also surprised us a little.

Ximen Changqing was angry. The other party was only a fourth-level high-grade demon bird, but he dared to come and die. This will help me.

"haha, really?"

If the eight of us had reacted slowly enough and given up on the Thunder Tribulation Immortal Treasure in time, we might not all have perished yet.

Since the Tianma clan was willing to let Tianma City suffer losses, they refused to take action in the city.

Of course, the eight members of my tribe were not injured by the seventh clone, but because Daxin encountered danger and was cut by a sudden space crack.

After only one day and one night of retreat, the eight Tribulation Tribulation members were seriously injured, and the big one they wanted to capture had not made any progress. I felt extremely anxious inside.

It cannot be said with any politeness that Tianma Holy Ruins has not yet become a terrifying meat grinder. All the weak who retreat into Tianma Holy Ruins are dying every day.

"Damn it, that guy is so difficult!"

"Haha! Tianma Holy Ruins is finally here!"

"The eldest son was seriously injured. He had no choice but to escape into the Tianma Holy Ruins!"

"Then I'm even more sure. The treasure of the fairy world is under that big man. You must get it!"

This chapter has been completed!
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