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Chapter 11 Su San donkey informs

Su He just arrived at the entrance of the village and saw that the battle was over.

Su Yan interrogated the two people who were tied up, and there were more than a dozen people with missing limbs lying around.

Seeing Su He leading the troops, Su Yan walked over quickly with her eyebrows dancing.

"Report to Commander Su that I have won a victory.

Someone wants to enter the village to search, but I refuse directly.

These people drew their swords and threw two grenades at them, but only the two who were left behind survived."

"I'll give you a credit for interrogating them. Where are these people from?"

Su He was very satisfied when he saw that Su Yan was confident. People are not afraid of failure, but they are afraid of being devastated after failure.

"Reporting to Commander Su, these two people have been frightened to death. They will tell me whatever I ask.

They are from the Inspection Department of Baoji County, and on the orders of the county magistrate Chen Chengren, they came to look for Li Erming, a subordinate official who collects grain."

Su Yan reported in detail what he asked about.

"As expected, we are going to have a head-on confrontation with the Ming army."

Su He had already prepared in his heart, it was time to show his banner and develop and strengthen himself.

"Su Ergou, you lead the reconnaissance team to conduct reconnaissance out of the village. The main reconnaissance direction is the movement of the guardsmen, and the second is to focus on the direction of the county seat."


Su Ergou received the order and led the reconnaissance out of the village.

"Su Xiong, prepare the entire army for war and reduce corresponding training plans so that soldiers can maintain sufficient physical strength and be ready for combat at any time."


Su Xiong received Su He's order and began to adjust the training plan.

Zhou Kai hesitated for a long time, then walked up to Su He: "Commander Su, when I was fighting just now, I seemed to see a woman running out of the village."

Su He saw that his hesitation was because he was afraid that telling the incident would affect his class's rewards.

But he still said it, which showed that this person valued collective interests more, and Su He remembered him in his heart.

"You're doing the right thing. You can't be distracted while fighting. This incident will not affect your class's rewards."

After Su He encouraged Zhou Kai, he immediately arranged for people to conduct an investigation throughout the village to see who was missing.

There were only a few unstable elements in the village, and they quickly found out who had escaped.

Su Que came to report the results.

"Commander Su, it was Su Sanlu who ran away. He changed his hair into his wife's clothes and pretended to be a woman to deceive the guard's child.

He ran out of the village during the chaos and will probably go to the county to file a complaint."

"It's okay. I was worried when I ran out a few days ago. I just ran out today and it won't have much impact on us.

Those who guard Su Sanlu are all children who care about us.

They are inexperienced, so tell people not to blame them." Su He specifically warned.

When his son Su Baili was executed for violating military discipline, it was not surprising that Su Sanlu would run away and avenge his son by filing a complaint.

Outside the county government office in Baoji County, Su Sanlu looked miserable and rushed towards the red drum standing next to the county government office gate.

When the officer standing guard at the county government office saw it, he immediately rushed over, raised his killing stick and hit Su Sanlu directly on the knee.

With a click, Su Sanlu's knees were smashed.

"Where are you from? You can beat this drum. You want to affect the old man's rest. I think you have bad intentions. If you do it again, I will kill you."

Su Sanlu's knees were smashed and he screamed in pain.

When he saw the yamen officer raising his killing stick again, he endured the pain and shouted quickly: "Someone rebelled and killed the whole family of Su Ju in our village.

He also killed adults who came to the village to collect grain."

After hearing this, the yamen servant was stunned for a moment and asked, "Are you from Suju, not far from the Qingjiang River in the south of the county?"

"I don't know which one is Qingjiang River. Our place is not far from Guanyin Hall. I have also been to Guanyin Hall to attend the market."

Su Sanlu didn't know the name of the river, so he told him the only place he could remember.

"That's right, this is really a big deal."

The Yamen officials knew the influence of Su Ju people in the county.

He is the only Jinshi in the county and the son-in-law of Mr. Wang.

Mr. Wang is a person that even county magistrates treat with courtesy.

Information was reported layer by layer, and County Magistrate Chen Chengren got the news.

He was so frightened that he threw away the tea cup in his hand and jumped up from the chair: "The rebels are coming, please clean up the things quickly."

Master Du Fang hurriedly stopped him and said, "Sir, we don't know the scale of the rebels yet, so we don't need to rush to escape yet."

"Yes, yes, yes. Don't worry about the little rebels, the Inspection Department can kill them.

The rebel thieves cannot be controlled. It will not be too late for us to run away.

Many county magistrates in northern Shaanxi ran away, and the court did not deal with them.

The rebels cannot occupy the county seat for a long time. I will come back after they leave.

As long as you take good care of Shangguan, nothing will happen."

Chen Chengren poured another cup of tea, drank the tea to calm down his shock, and at the same time told him his plan.

"Sir, you are so smart. We are not that group of stinky soldiers. There is no need to confront the rebels head-on.

There were a few idiot county magistrates in northern Shaanxi who actually wanted to write a report on the local situation to the emperor.

Fortunately, the question book was stopped. I heard that the adults were very angry, and the local officials have reached an agreement to let these people take the blame."

Master Du Fang agreed with his master's idea and at the same time told the gossip he had obtained.

"Sir, we should call the person who reported the crime to come up and question him," Du Fang suggested.

"You're right, bring him to the lobby quickly, and we'll go over and interrogate him."

After Chen Chengren finished speaking, he walked to the lobby.

The yamen servant immediately dragged Su Sanlu to the lobby, and he screamed in pain.

When Su Sanlu saw the county magistrate, he found his backbone and immediately wailed: "Sir, you make the decision for the villain.

The rebels who were killed that day not only killed Su Ju’s entire family, they also killed my son.

I gave birth to five sons, and I am the only one who survives, and I plan to marry him a wife this year."

As Su Sanlu talked, he couldn't help but cry bitterly.

The county magistrate Chen Chengren was impatient when he heard this. He was shocked and shouted loudly: "To tell the important point, who is the rebel? How many troops does he have?"

Su Sanlu told him everything he knew, even what kind of person Grandpa Su He was.

Master Du Fang whispered a few words in Chen Chengren's ear.

"Give me a severe punishment. How do you know so clearly? What is your relationship with the rebels?"

When the government officials came up, they beat Su Sanlu indiscriminately until he was almost dying.

"I say, sir, I am the cousin of the rebel Su He."

"It turns out that you are also a rebel, but the rebel is just causing internal strife. Suppress him."

Chen Chengren smiled, Su Sanlu was now the rebel leader.

The rebels are really causing trouble. If you hand him over, you can get some credit.

In this way, the county seat is really lost, and the cost of keeping Wu Sha Mao can be reduced.

"Come, please invite Zhao Qianhu and Dianshi Wang Kong."

The Qianhu under the command of Zhao Qing and the Inspection Department under the control of Dianshi Wang Kong were the only troops in the county.

Classical historian Wang Kong was a fat man who arrived first.

Chen Chengren first introduced him to the Suhe rebellion.

When Wang Kong heard that Su Juren's family had been killed, he gritted his teeth and said, "I will definitely avenge my sister.

My sister is such a good person. She usually eats fast and chants Buddha's name.

My brother-in-law is also a well-known rural sage. He usually builds bridges and repairs roads. He also pays for scholars from poor families to go to the capital to take the imperial examination.

They were actually killed by vicious rebels, sir, please rest assured that I will do my best to wipe out this group of rebels."

Zhao Qing learned in advance the reason why the county magistrate was looking for him. When he walked into the room, he cried and said: "The imperial court has not paid the full salary for a long time.

The hardships I live in now are so miserable that I don’t even have a piece of armor to protect my body.”

"Zhao Qianhu, don't cry about being poor. Who doesn't know that out of your Qianhu residence of 3,000 people, there are only more than 1,000 people left, and you have less than 500 servants who can fight.

The rest is all your money.

The rebels are developing very quickly, we cannot let them gain momentum, otherwise we will all end badly.

This time I will contact the gentry in the county to provide money, and all you have to do is send troops."

After Zhao Qing heard this, he laughed and said: "Mr. Chen, please be happy. I will gather my subordinates right now and wipe out the rebels in a few days.

These rebels didn't even have a piece of qualified armor. When my archers fired a volley and my sword and shield soldiers charged, they scattered in all directions."

This chapter has been completed!
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