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Chapter 10 Amazing Power

Su Ergou was driving the big fat pig while chatting with Su Zhuang.

"Zhuangzi, what are these iron boxes that Commander Su asked us to transport for?

There is also this hammer with a wooden handle. It is too light. It only weighs more than half a kilogram. It can kill someone.

If you hit someone with a hammer, it's not as convenient as cutting them with a knife."

"What does Commander Su ask you to do? Let's do it! We have three meals a day and we still can't shut your mouth."

Su Zhuang replied impatiently, he looked down on people like Su Ergou who relied on flattery to get to the top.

"You are so boring."

Su Ergou found that Su Zhuang didn't like to talk to him, so he turned around to chat with his subordinates.

Su He saw Su Ergou driving the pigs over. They were carrying mines and grenades that were urgently produced by the arsenal.

He prepared his troops to adapt to the power of firearms and become proficient in the use of mines and grenades.

"Su Ergou, tie the pig to the tree on the hillside ahead."

Su He asked Su Ergou to tie the pig to a tree three hundred meters ahead.

When Su Ergou came back, Su He began to introduce landmines and grenades to the army.

Detailed introduction to several classic uses of mines and grenades.

After hearing this, Su Ergou asked in disbelief: "Commander Su, how can such a gadget be so powerful?"

"This is the age of firearms. If we want to succeed in our rebellion, we must create more advanced firearms and unleash their power.

Let the facts speak for themselves. Whether landmines and grenades are powerful or not, you will know after you try them."

Su He first led the army to dig a trench.

They stood three hundred meters away, but Su He couldn't tell the power of three kilograms of granular gunpowder.

If they don't take precautions, it will be bad if the fragments from the mine explosion injure them.

The trench was dug very quickly, with a depth of one meter, and people could bend down and hide in the trench.

Su He took all the company and platoon commanders to lay mines.

The mine arsenal has been manufactured. All you need to do is insert the match rope into the fire hole. There are clips outside the fire hole to prevent the match rope from falling.

The mines were buried directly beneath the pigs.

Long lengths of match rope were tied together, and the match rope was extended to the trench.

"Don't stick your head out. Everyone, get down and get ready to report it to me."

"Ready all the time."

"Second Company is ready."

"Three companies are ready."

"Reconnaissance platoon ready."

"Grenadier platoon ready."

When Su He heard that everyone was getting ready, he took out the fire rope and lit the match.

Match ropes are made of granules of gunpowder wrapped in silk, and burn very quickly after being ignited.

The match rope burns and makes a subtle hissing sound.


There was a loud noise, and the people lying in the trench felt the earth shaking.

The loess lifted up above their heads fell down, leaving everyone covered with loess.

"You can get up now, let's go see the explosion effect."

Su He shook off the dirt from his body and led the team to the explosion site.

A small crater was blasted directly on the ground, the fat pig had been blown into pieces, and even the small trees next to it were blown away.

Su Ergou's eyes widened and he said tremblingly: "The landmine is so powerful. If anyone is on it, it won't be blown up directly."

Su Xiong's eyes lit up and he said in surprise: "The mine is so powerful, so place it where the enemy must pass.

If a mine is suddenly detonated, the enemy will be in chaos. If you rush over at that time, you will definitely win."

When Su He heard what Su Xiong said, he immediately praised: "Su Xiong is right. Nowadays, landmines are very effective in ambushing enemies.

After the pressure fuse was developed, mines were placed around the camp, which would explode as soon as someone stepped on them.

As long as we lay out a minefield, we won't be afraid of enemy raids."

Su He looked at the people who were shocked by the power of the landmine and gradually recovered.

"Let's try a grenade. Now the grenade is too heavy, weighing half a kilogram.

Others mainly use grenades for defense, such as standing on city walls to blow up enemies, or standing in trenches to blow up enemies.

The average person's arm strength cannot throw a grenade very far, and it is very easy to injure oneself.

The soldiers of the grenadier platoon have amazing arm strength, and they mainly attack with grenades."

Su He introduced the function of grenades to everyone.

After Su Zhuang heard this, he understood the position of their platoon.

The people in their row are all those who rank at the top in stone ball throwing training.

He himself is the first, and can throw half a pound of stone balls to eighty meters.

Ordinary soldiers in their platoon can generally throw half a kilogram of stone balls to more than 40 meters.

Su He began to train soldiers according to the grenade training method for new recruits recorded in the "Militia Military Training Manual".

They first dug a trench with partitions.

There are no trenches in front of the soldier. There are trenches behind him and to his left and right.

Soldiers throw grenades forward. Even if the grenades fall under their feet due to nervousness, they can still jump into the trench to avoid danger.

Su He planned to teach the company platoon leader first, and then let them lead the squad leader, who would then lead the soldiers.

Don't ignite the grenade yet, everyone should be familiar with how to operate the grenade.

Wait until everyone is accustomed to it and then start the actual operation.

Su He gave everyone a demonstration first, lighting the matchstick leaking from the grenade.

There is a match rope inside the wooden handle of the grenade. The burning speed of the match rope has been calculated in detail and is expected to be completed in 6 to 8 seconds.

The grenade was thrown out by Su He. It was thrown more than fifty meters and exploded when it hit the ground.

When the grenade exploded, shrapnel flew ten meters away. People in this area were either killed or maimed.

After Su He's demonstration, he began to ask the platoon commanders of each company to drop bombs, while he taught on the side to prevent accidents.

The first few people completed the bomb release smoothly. Su He saw that the third company commander Li Qingmu was a little nervous, and he tensed up his muscles and prepared for rescue.

Third company commander Li Qingmu held a grenade in his hand and was very nervous.

He lit the match according to the steps, but because he was too nervous and his arms were weak, he threw the grenade directly more than five meters away from him.

Li Qingmu seemed to be frightened and just stood there without moving.

Su He immediately pounced on him. He and Li Qingmu rolled into the trench nearby, and then the grenade exploded.

Li Qingmu got up and said with a look of shame on his face: "Commander Su, I was wrong. I didn't react just now and my mind went blank."

Su He patted the dirt off his body and encouraged: "It's okay, you are all new recruits, you will master it as long as you train more.

No one is born with it, I will teach you now, and you will have to teach your soldiers later."

Su He led the army to train for three days. Everyone in the army was familiar with the use of landmines and grenades.

The army was standing in military posture, and a harsh whistle sounded.

Su He raised his head and looked towards the village, only to see bursts of black smoke coming from the north of the village.

This was the signal that Sujiacun was under attack, and the enemy's situation was conveyed through whistles and fireworks.

After the rebellion was successful, Su He sent a platoon of troops to blockade Sujia Village.

Now it seems that the subordinate in Sujia Village who has been out of contact for many days has not returned, so the county finally sent someone to check.

This time was a full seven days later than Su He expected, giving him an opportunity to train his troops.

Now that I have mines and grenades in my hands, I am not afraid of the county officers and soldiers at all.

"Assemble and support the north of the village."

The troops were quickly assembled and ran in order to the north of the village.

This chapter has been completed!
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