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Chapter 1009 Heading to America

Jin Kuohai, Prime Minister of the Song Dynasty, boarded the battleship Qihang and slowly sailed away from the port of the Song Dynasty.

There is a larger battleship next to the battleship "Sail".

It is temporarily named Battleship No. 1 and has no official name yet.

But looking at the size of this battleship, it will be the main battleship of the Song Navy in the future.

This is a brand new battleship that has just been launched and has not yet been delivered to the navy.

It was originally planned to be installed and used by the navy this year.

European countries are already preparing to recuperate, and all countries have reduced their military expenditures.

The strategy of the Song Dynasty also changed. The whole country tightened their belts and lived a life of poverty, just to produce this behemoth as soon as possible.

Song State is an island country and does not have powerful warships to defend Song State.

Neither the Song court nor the people felt safe.

Especially during the period of the European arms race.

The Song State also had conflicts with the Chu State across the strait.

The Song Dynasty must maintain a navy of sufficient size to prevent the Imperial Royal Navy from blockading England and subjugating the country.

The Song Dynasty is an island country. Once it is blocked, it will enter a countdown to destruction.

Now all European countries understand the empire's attitude and will not easily launch wars with foreign countries.

The Song Dynasty could not plunder external resources and lost the way to issue war bonds.

With its current national strength, the Song Dynasty could not afford so many warships.

Jin Kuohai had previously suggested to the King of Song that the surplus warships in the country should be taken action immediately.

The buyer has been identified, and that is the tense America.

The Song Navy strongly opposed the sale of warships, but their opposition was just noise.

The Song Dynasty also wanted to retain these warships that were painstakingly built, but the Song Dynasty did not have the ability to do so.

As long as the surplus warships of the Song Dynasty can be sold, the crisis that the Song Dynasty is currently facing can be alleviated.

Prime Minister Jin Kuohai left the Song Dynasty this time to visit various countries in America.

He believed in his analysis that the situation in the American countries was tense and they must now lack enough warships.

Prime Minister Jin Kuohai glanced at the battleship captain Shi Tianyou who had extremely strict requirements for soldiers.

Captain Shi caused heavy casualties to the Song Navy due to his superior situation.

The Song Navy failed to use its naval superiority to intercept the Chu Army's mission to the colonies.

The future strategic direction of the Song Dynasty went directly to different forks.

This caused Shi Tianyou's status to plummet in the Song Dynasty.

He went from being a strong competitor for the Song Dynasty's naval commander to directly becoming the captain of a battleship.

This is why many people in the army begged for mercy and talked about Shi Tianyou's war, which was a non-war crime.

Except for the empire, no navy of any country had thought that advances in torpedo technology would pose such a big threat to battleships.

The Song Dynasty's navy had few talents, let alone those who could command large fleets in combat.

Shi Tianyou has such talent, he cannot be reduced to a mere soldier in the navy.

Prime Minister Jin Kuohai must bring with him talents who understand the navy during this trip.

If he wanted to find a good buyer for Song's warships, he must understand the needs of the country's navy.

Prime Minister Jin Kuohai looked towards the shore. The steam engine was moving very fast. In such a short time, they were already far away from the shore.

He locked himself in the cabin and kept thinking about how the Song Dynasty could defeat the situation in America.

Prime Minister Jin Kuohai sent his thoughts to Song Wang Zhantie via telegram.

After he asked King Song Zhan Tie, he could determine what Song should do?

Whether the Song State will form an alliance with the American countries, and what kind of agreement the Song State will reach with the American countries, all require Song Wang Zhantie to draw the bottom line and set the rules.

Prime Minister Jin Kuohai set the tone for this exchange with the vassal states in America.

He pushed open the door that had been closed for many days, walked to the deck, and looked at the undulating sea.

Prime Minister Jin Kuohai discovered a detail: there were too few merchant ships on the Atlantic route.

Exchanges between Europe and the empire were so close that ships traveling to and from the Suez Canal had to queue up.

Except for a small amount of grain, ore, and cotton trade between Europe and the Americas, the commercial trade between the two regions is not active at all.

Prime Minister Jin Kuohai can figure it out if he thinks about it for a moment.

The vassal states in the Americas were in the primary stage of industrialization.

The industrial products they produce are of high price and of inferior quality.

The most critical point is that when a merchant ship goes to the Americas for trade, there is a high probability that it will be an empty ship.

Complementary resources can promote trade. Once an empty ship appears, the ship owner will inevitably suffer losses.

Some people do the business of beheading, but no one does the business of losing money.

Businessmen are very smart, and they will never make a losing business.

Most of the products available in the Americas can be produced in most European countries.

Even if the quality of products produced in European countries is inferior, because of regional protection and transportation costs, European regions will tend to purchase industrial products from their own regions.

As for higher-tech industrial products, such as machine tools for processing machinery, steam turbines, propellers, and watch movements.

These products must all use Imperial products.

The products of the empire are of high quality and low price, and no vassal country can compete with them.

Prime Minister Jin Kuohai knew that only if the economic ties were close and the two countries had common interests could the two parties form an alliance.

Fortunately, his diplomatic actions this time were not focused on forming alliances.

Prime Minister Jin Kuohai had a clear goal: to sell the accumulated warships of the Song Dynasty.

If you can explore the attitude of the major vassal states in America towards the Song Dynasty, you will have exceeded your mission.

Prime Minister Jin Kuohai was sleeping soundly when he was woken up by a siren warning sound.

He rolled over and looked at the time on the bedside clock. It was now 3:05 in the morning.

He saw the warning sound sounding, and the navy soldiers who were already asleep running in an orderly manner in the narrow passage towards their work positions.

After Prime Minister Jin Kuohai heard the siren, he knew that the battleship "Sail" had encountered a problem.

He immediately came to the ship island and found Shi Tianyou, the captain of the Qihang.

Prime Minister Jin Kuohai asked with some concern: "Count Shi Tianyou, what happened now."

He did not call Shi Tianyou by his name directly, but by his title.

Calling him by name directly would probably arouse Shi Tianyou's resentment.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! Although Prime Minister Jin Kuohai is not afraid of this matter, he does not want to frequently make enemies for himself over small things.

Captain Shi Tianyou replied: “The destroyer on alert ahead discovered that a naval fleet was approaching us.

Having already revealed our identity, the unknown fleet continues to approach.

This is already a sign of hostility.

When our ship encounters this situation, it officially enters the first level of combat readiness.

If the unfamiliar fleet shows hostility to our fleet, I will immediately order a counterattack."

Prime Minister Jin Kuohai praised: "Count Shi Tianyou is really a good man among our Song army.

When encountering unfamiliar troops that are hostile to our army, we must fight back without mercy."

Prime Minister Jin Kuohai also supports the military and maintains a tough attitude under such circumstances.

A country must not be weak externally, as that will send a signal to other countries.

This country is honest and can be bullied, and it will inevitably be besieged by a pack of wolves.

After Prime Minister Jin Kuohai expressed his attitude, he will no longer interfere with the military. How to deal with this issue?

The system of the Song Dynasty also imitated the system of the empire.

For any monarch, the separation of civil and military affairs is an important system that can ensure the continuation of the monarch's rights.

As Jin Kuohai is the Prime Minister of the Cabinet, he is not suitable to give his opinions on specific battles.

He stood on the island of the battleship Sailing, observing the development of the situation.

The sailing ship turned on the high-power searchlight on the ship.

The high-power searchlight driven by the diesel generator directly illuminates the surrounding sea area as bright as day.

The searchlight broke through the darkness, and they saw a huge light source also appearing five miles to the west.

The distance of five miles is already the distance at which the battleship's main gun can destroy the opponent's warship at any time.

The main gun of the USS Origin battleship is ready to fire. Once it detects a problem with the opposing warship, it will fire it without hesitation.

At such a close distance, both fleets sent destroyers to learn the identity of the other party through shouting.

Captain Shi Tianyou simply explained: "Unless they encounter large-scale pirates, normal warships patrol this area and as long as they introduce their identities to each other, there will be no gunfire."

Prime Minister Jin Kuohai nodded to express his understanding.

Unless it was a premeditated action, a naval battle between two unfamiliar fleets would not easily occur.

The Song fleet revealed its identity, and they soon learned the identity of the navy on the opposite side. They were the Zhao fleet specifically responsible for patrolling this sea area.

The Zhao army knew that the fleet on the opposite side was on a visit.

They immediately sent a report to their superiors to confirm the authenticity of the matter.

After the other party determined the identity of Song's fleet, they revealed their identity as Zhao's Atlantic Army, responsible for patrolling the waters surrounding Zhao.

Zhao's warships were leading the way, leading Song's warships to dock at Zhao's port.

Prime Minister Jin Kuohai was not surprised at all by this situation.

This time he came to major vassal states in America for an official visit on behalf of the Song Dynasty.

The two countries were at war without killing their envoys.

The Song State had no enmity with any country in the Americas, and his safety could be guaranteed when he went to any of its vassal states.

The sky gradually became brighter, and the group of them also arrived at Zhao's port.

This is a place called Friendship Port, to commemorate the joint seizure of the English colonies by Zhao and Wei.

Prime Minister Jin Kuohai stood on the deck. He looked at Zhao Guo's five battleships docked at Friendship Port.

This is just a port of Zhao State on the Atlantic Ocean.

The real main force of Zhao's navy is on the Pacific front line.

When Prime Minister Jin Kuohai saw the strength of Zhao's navy, he knew that Song's warships could not be sold here in Zhao.

The battleships owned by Zhao State are basically the same in appearance. At first glance, they are warships produced in a unified manner.

These uniform models of warships require simpler steps for servicemen to maintain.

In order to facilitate the replacement of parts, Zhao State will not purchase Song State's warships.

Prime Minister Jin Kuohai knows that countries with battleship production capabilities will not purchase battleships manufactured by other countries.

Not talking about the need for soldiers to adapt to a new type of battleship.

Even if it is just to protect their own industries, all capable countries will not outsource battleships.

The navy's fleet stayed at Friendship Port, and Jin Kuohai took his entourage to the Friendship Hotel on the shore.

In accordance with the principle of diplomatic reciprocity, he wanted to meet Zhao Prime Minister Cheng Deyou at Friendship Harbor.

Jin Kuohai walked on both sides of the road and saw the people of Zhao State working in a hurry.

He knew that a large part of the people of Zhao State were Chinese people.

Their ability to love their work is no different from the people of the empire.

Jin Kuohai doesn't need to look at the data, he just looks at the information on Zhao Guo Street.

He had already been able to confirm that Zhao's ability to assimilate the local indigenous people was indeed beyond his imagination.

They, the Song Dynasty, now want to assimilate the indigenous people of their country.

The State of Zhao is powerful in this area, so Jin Kuohai must find a way to introduce the rules and regulations of the State of Zhao.

The experience of Zhao State may not be suitable for Song State, but the essence of the development of things is similar.

Scholars in the Song Dynasty will definitely be inspired by studying the materials of the Zhao Kingdom.

Jin Kuohai sat in the car and observed as he rushed from the port to the city.

He saw farmland on both sides of the road.

The farmland of Zhao State is very neatly planned.

The farmland is covered with vegetable greenhouses, an expensive novelty.

Jin Kuohai could tell at a glance that these were vegetable greenhouses, designed to provide the city with an adequate supply of vegetables.

This kind of huge investment plan must be led by the state and provide guarantees to farmers.

It seems like a simple thing, but if you really want to do it well, it is extremely difficult.

Jin Kuohai shook his head. He wrote down the situation in his notebook and continued to observe Zhao Guo's situation.

The State of Zhao indeed established a vassal state early, and its development far exceeded that of the State of Song.

Jin Kuohai felt a little envious, but he didn't feel frustrated.

Zhao Guo only ruled for a few more years.

If the Song State continues to govern according to the established situation for a few more years, the country's strength may not be worse than that of the Zhao State.

The car he was riding in was speeding towards the Friendship Hotel.

Jin Kuohai also recorded many situations in Zhao State along the way.

They soon arrived at the entrance of the Friendship Hotel.

Jin Kuohai had seen a photo of Cheng Deyou, the new Prime Minister of Zhao State, and he recognized the identity of this uncle at a glance.

He immediately raised his hand and said, "Meet Prime Minister Cheng."

Zhao State Prime Minister Cheng Deyou was a little surprised before. Why do people from Europe come to America?

There were frequent trade exchanges between America and the empire.

However, commerce and trade in the Americas and Europe have not been able to develop. It will be much more difficult for countries in these two regions to rise.

Prime Minister Cheng Deyou wants to contact Prime Minister Song.

Zhao State is an industrialized country. With its huge land and raw materials, Zhao State can supply its factories.

However, products produced in factories are backlogged in warehouses for a long time, which will inevitably lead to social crises.

Industrial countries need a certain market to promote the development of national industry.

Zhao Guo has always wanted to open up the European market.

He has always been very envious of Cao's weapons opening up the European market.

Cheng Deyou learned that Song Prime Minister Jin Kuohai wanted to come to Zhao.

He immediately took the initiative to invite and prepare to meet with Prime Minister Song.

The two prime ministers shook hands and approached the Friendship Hotel to discuss the specific details of cooperation between the two countries.

Many media reporters from Zhao State, after receiving the news, immediately rushed to collect the first-hand information.

They felt that the voices in the hotel were sometimes cheerful, sometimes passionate, and sometimes quarrelsome.

The quarrel in the room gradually subsided, and the reporters present all speculated.

What kind of secret agreement did the two prime ministers reach?

This chapter has been completed!
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