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Chapter 1010 Trade First

Song Prime Minister Jin Kuohai and Zhao Prime Minister Cheng Deyou were watched by reporters.

They smiled and walked out of the room together.

The two prime ministers publicly expressed to reporters the good-neighborly and friendly relations between Zhao and Song.

The State of Zhao and the State of Song reached various large-scale transactions in cotton, flour, oil, etc., and the two countries were mutually beneficial countries on tariffs.

The reporters were extremely excited about this big news and picked up their cameras to take pictures.

This photo will be quickly sent to the world through the cable telegraph network.

Wireless telegraphy was convenient and fast, allowing words to be transmitted around the world at the speed of light.

Cable telegraphy has not stood still in recent years.

Through a special machine, black and white photos can be printed and quickly delivered to any corner of the world.

Now that you can transfer photos, you no longer need to carry the negatives around the world.

Jin Kuohai, Prime Minister of the Song Dynasty, visited many scenic spots in Friendship City at the warm invitation of Cheng Deyou, Prime Minister of the Zhao Kingdom.

During the tour, Jin Kuohai humbly asked Cheng Deyou, Prime Minister of Zhao State, how Zhao State could assimilate the local indigenous people.

When Cheng Deyou heard this question, he was elated and told Song Prime Minister Jin Kuohai about Zhao's implementation methods and the difficulties encountered during the implementation of the policy.

It was because of his outstanding assimilation policy that he stood out among the officials and was recognized by King Zhao Su Xiong.

The relevant policies implemented by the State of Zhao were not concealed at all, and were all published in previous issues of the "Zhao State Daily" newspaper.

These policies are all made public and there is no need to hide them at all.

Song Prime Minister Jin Kuohai listened patiently to these experiences. From time to time, he took out his notes and wrote down the policies he thought were excellent.

He stayed in Friendship City for two days and reached various details of the trade between Song and Zhao.

During this period, Jin Kuohai also made some insinuations and learned about Zhao's ability to manufacture warships.

When he heard that Cheng Deyou wanted to sell warships to the Song Dynasty, he immediately kept silent about the warship deal between the two countries.

Jin Kuohai signed a trade treaty between Song and Zhao.

He stepped aboard the battleship Departure again.

The fleet continued south along the coast of America.

When Jin Kuohai set off, he had already decided on the order of his visit.

There are now three powerful states in the Americas: Zhao State, Wei State, and Cao State.

He mainly visits these three countries, even if he is unable to conduct warship transactions with these three countries.

His bottom line is to reach trade treaties with these three countries.

The Song Dynasty is an island country with limited domestically produced resources, so it must obtain resources from the outside world.

Countries along the Mediterranean Sea, they are influenced by countries in continental Europe.

The Song Dynasty's transactions with these countries are likely to be severed due to certain emergencies.

Countries on the American continent will not be affected by certain events on the European continent and can trade normally.

Song's current shipbuilding and navigation industries are both good. Song's merchant ships can cross the Atlantic Ocean as easily as they can cross the Mediterranean.

The time for the Song Kingdom to trade with the American continent was already ripe.

More than a hundred years ago, the Kingdom of England and the Kingdom of Spain were able to cross the Atlantic Ocean to trade with the Americas.

The Song Dynasty's merchant ships equipped with steam engines and internal combustion engines would make it easier to trade across the Atlantic.

Captain Shi Tianyou commanded the fleet to walk to the normal channel.

He couldn't help but walked over and asked: "Prime Minister Kim, have our warships been sold?"

The money spent on building warships is all naval expenditure.

The Navy also understands the difficulties the country is encountering now.

The Metropolitan Government and the Cabinet have reached an agreement on the distribution of profits from the sale of warships, with the two departments splitting the profits 50-50.

The navy knew that doing this would severely harm their interests.

But if the Song Dynasty does not develop, even if the navy is strong, it will be a castle in the air.

Prime Minister Jin Kuohai shook his head helplessly and asked: "Count Shi Tianyou, what do you think of the strength of the Zhao Navy?"

After Shi Tianyou thought about it carefully, he said: "Zhao's navy has a relatively traditional combat method, and it still relies on the idea that big ships and big guns can solve everything.

But when I observed the warships in Friendship Port, I found that their size and gun caliber were not much different from those of our country's battleships.

This is also a military port on the east coast of Zhao State and in the non-core area of ​​Zhao State.

I communicated with the Zhao Navy and found that 70% of Zhao’s warships were built by the country, and the remaining three layers were purchased from the empire."

Prime Minister Jin Kuohai spread his hands and said helplessly: "What Count Shi Tianyou said just now has already given the answer.

These old vassal states have been developing industry for a longer time.

The warships that our Song Dynasty can manufacture can also be manufactured by these countries themselves.

If they purchase warships from outside, they will definitely choose to buy better warships from the empire.

The warships purchased by European countries are all second-hand warships eliminated by the Imperial Navy.

Warships currently in service in the Imperial Navy need to be ordered and queued up for purchase, and the manufacturing cycle takes two to three years.

The warships imitated by our country are worse than the second-hand imperial warships we purchased.

The situation of Zhao State is definitely not as good as the warships owned by our country.

I think Wei and Cao also look down upon these warships.

Our targets are mainly focused on other vassal states with harsh surrounding environments."

Shi Tianyou nodded as if he understood. He knew nothing about the sale of warships.

He asked: "Prime Minister Kim, the fleet should follow the established plan or change its destination."

Prime Minister Jin Kuohai glared and said, "We have informed Wei and Cao of the relevant itinerary.

During a diplomatic trip, keeping time is a very serious matter.

The fleet will continue to visit Wei and Cao according to its schedule."

It is impossible for Jin Kuohai to break the promise. Once he breaks the promise, it means that Song State does not respect Wei State and Cao State.

This small matter will provoke two powerful enemies for the Song Dynasty.

When he visits these two countries, the prime ministers of the two countries must make arrangements in advance to welcome his arrival.

He changed the destination temporarily, which is also disrespectful to the prime ministers of the two countries.

Jin Kuohai himself was the Prime Minister of the Song Dynasty. He certainly knew how powerful a Prime Minister's power was.

The fleet continued southward, and Jin Kuohai saw that the number of merchant ships on the west coast of America was far more than he imagined.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! The closer you get to the Benniu Road Canal, the more merchant ships there are.

When he saw this situation, he felt very uncomfortable.

Most of these merchant ships go to neighboring countries for trade.

But among them there must be merchant ships heading to the empire for trade.

Merchants would rather go to Europe, which is closer, than to go to Europe, but to cross the Pacific to trade with the Empire.

This shows that the European region has not developed and can bring too few benefits to businessmen.

The fleet arrived near the Bull Run Canal.

Jin Kuo was still standing on the deck, looking at the fleet of ships queuing through his binoculars.

He saw two huge battleships patrolling the waters around the canal.

This is the Imperial Royal Navy Emperor-class battleship.

This kind of battleship using steam turbines uses fuel that is more convenient to transport, and its speed and endurance are far superior to the battleships of the Song Dynasty.

The battleships of the Song Dynasty and the battleships of the Imperial Navy were put together, and they were completely unable to gain confidence in combat.

This is also the reason why European countries have always been afraid of empires.

The strength of the empire is simply too powerful.

Not to mention facing it alone, even if all countries unite, they are no match for the empire.

The battleship Departure sent greetings via radio, just like the Imperial warships.

They quickly crossed the Benniu Road Canal, and in front of them was the territory of Cao State.

However, the Song fleet did not go to Cao State, but went directly to Wei State Daliang.

Jin Kuohai came to represent the interests of the Song Dynasty.

Zhao and Wei are both relatives of the Su family, but they will not form national relatives with any prince.

The empire has decided on the candidate for the crown prince, but who knows what the future will hold.

If the prince's status can be smooth and the throne can be passed down in an orderly manner, everything will be fine.

Once something happens to the prince before the emperor dies, no one can tell which prince the throne of the empire will fall to.

Whether a situation like what happened in the Ming Dynasty will happen, no one can predict.

In order to show that they would not participate in the fight for the crown prince, the Su clan would never fight with Rui, Tang, Qi or Liang.

The countries established by these princes established too close relations.

Song State's cooperation with them will not cause the cooperation to end suddenly due to reasons from a third country.

The Cao Kingdom is different. King Cao Li Dazhuang is the uncle of King Su Lei of Rui.

The thoughts of Cao Wang Li Dazhuang, a relative of the family, were completely different from those of the Su clan.

At the beginning of the founding of Rui State, Cao State and Rui State reached a very close cooperation.

When Song State cooperated with Cao State, no matter what price it paid, he could not achieve the same conditions as Rui State.

This is why Jin Kuohai placed Cao Guo in the last position of the Three Kingdoms.

What he hoped in his heart was that Song and Cao would reach limited trade cooperation.

The Song fleet had experience in long-distance voyages. When they arrived at Wei this time, it was no longer night but day.

The Wei navy came out of the harbor to greet him, and the Song navy anchored in the Wei port under the watchful eyes of many Wei citizens.

Very few navies from other countries visited Wei.

When the people of Wei State saw this situation, they were all very surprised.

Jin Kuohai was warmly welcomed by Wei Prime Minister Qu Xiaolong at the port.

Shi Tianyou went to observe Wei's navy.

He found that the strength of Wei's navy was no worse than that of Song's navy.

Especially the guns of the Wei Navy, with their sharp-edged turrets and ferocious muzzles, he, an old navy man, could see at a glance how powerful the guns of the Wei Navy were.

Wei is a big country in the Americas with strong industrial strength. They have the ability to manufacture warships.

He agreed with Prime Minister Jin Kuohai's statement that major countries in the Americas do not need to purchase warships at all.

Prime Minister Jin Kuohai and Prime Minister Qu Xiaolong shook hands warmly.

After Prime Minister Jin Kuohai exchanged a few pleasantries, he made a request.

"Prime Minister Qu, can I meet with King Wei?"

He was in the Kingdom of Zhao and wanted to see King Su Xiong of Zhao.

But the capital of Zhao State, Golden City, is on the west coast of America.

He needed to take trains and other means of transportation, and changed to other means of transportation many times along the way. It took him more than a month to reach the Golden City.

Three or four months passed before he returned to the east coast of America again.

Prime Minister Jin Kuohai’s travel time was not so generous.

He gave up meeting Zhao Wang Su Xiong.

But Daliang City, where King Su Hu of Wei was located, was not far from the port.

Prime Minister Qu Xiaolong said with a smile: "King Wei heard that Prime Minister Jin Kuohai came from afar and was already waiting for Prime Minister Jin's arrival at the palace."

Jin Kuohai took a vehicle to the Wei Palace.

He looked at the scenery on both sides of the road. This was an industrial area, with black smoke billowing from the factory and the sound of air hammers hitting from time to time.

From time to time, he saw huge gears weighing three or four tons being dragged out of the factory by trucks.

This huge gear with a diameter of three to four meters requires extremely high industrial capabilities.

Similar parts from the Song Dynasty had to be shipped from the empire by ship, and the freight was comparable to the price of the parts.

The fact that Wei State can manufacture such parts shows that Wei State's economic strength is extremely strong.

Prime Minister Jin Kuohai also saw a large amount of materials running on the railway tracks through open freight trains.

He also saw a train loaded with a large number of artillery shells.

Prime Minister Jin Kuohai asked seemingly unintentionally: "Is Wei preparing for war?"

Qu Xiaolong just smiled slightly but did not answer the question.

Jin Kuohai didn't delve into it. He just gave the answer without answering the question.

It seems that his deduction is correct. These powerful vassal states in America have determined the bottom line of the empire and will definitely take action.

As the car entered Daliang City, Prime Minister Jin Kuohai looked at the neat and orderly Daliang City. He was very envious.

The first impression people get from Daliang City is that there are a lot of people riding bicycles.

He never looked down on these cyclists.

Bicycles are expensive and large items. If you can afford a bicycle, it means that the person has a lot of spare money.

The fact that Wei State can provide so many bicycles shows the strength of Wei State's industry.

Prime Minister Jin Kuohai soon arrived at the Wei Palace. Under the guidance of a somewhat awkward eunuch, he went into the palace to meet Wei Wang Su Hu after completing the relevant etiquette.

This eunuch should be the local dirt road eunuch.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! After all, Emperor Su He is not recruiting new Han eunuchs.

A vassal king like King Su Hu of Wei would never leave a reason to be criticized.

Prime Minister Jin Kuohai met with King Su Hu of Wei. He immediately bowed and handed over the credentials of the Song Dynasty.

King Su Hu of Wei took the letter of credence from the eunuch and said with a smile: "Song King Zhan Tie is a rising star in the imperial army. It is a pity that I have no chance to work with him.

The king agreed to Song’s trade request.

Qu Aiqing is specifically responsible for the details of the trade negotiations between the two countries.

Wei should strengthen exchanges with European countries."

Prime Minister Jin Kuohai got the promise he wanted and visited Wei King Su Hu again.

With the promise made by Wei King Su Hu, the trade negotiations between Song and Wei will be much easier.

After Prime Minister Jin Kuohai paid a visit to Wei King Su Hu, he and Wei Prime Minister Qu Xiaolong started detailed negotiations on the trade process between the two countries.

Jin Kuohai had already reached negotiations with Zhao State. He negotiated with Wei State again and was able to seize the needs of these American countries.

Both Zhao and Wei hoped to export bulk commodities such as flour and cotton, and they hoped to import industrial products.

Both Zhao and Wei were countries with huge land areas.

The output of wheat and cotton is very high, but there are not enough factories in the country to process them into finished products.

The industrial products produced by domestic factories in these two countries cannot meet the consumption of the people.

Compared with Zhao, Wei's exports contained less oil but more cold meat.

After careful negotiations between Song Prime Minister Jin Kuohai and Wei Prime Minister Qu Xiaolong, they signed a trade treaty between the two countries.

After testing by Prime Minister Jin Kuohai, Wei did not need Song's warships.

But he was very happy to reach a trade treaty.

The most critical point is that Song State has established normal diplomatic relations with Zhao State and Wei State.

Diplomacy breaks the ice and trade comes first. This strategy of Prime Minister Jin Kuohai is very successful.

This chapter has been completed!
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