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Chapter 136 The Year of the Yellow Emperor, Preparation Ceremony

Su He was in Lingyun Hall, discussing with officials some preparations before the king-proclaiming ceremony.

He has decided that the King's Ceremony will be held on September 9th, which is not many days away from now.

He summoned all officials and people's representatives to discuss various matters before becoming king.

Su He sat in the main seat and said to the people in front:

"I have decided to hold a proclaiming ceremony on September 9th to officially proclaim ourselves king and set up our banner.

If the name is not correct, the words will not be correct.

Once we establish our name, we will officially compete with the Ming Dynasty for the world."

After Su He said this, everyone stood up and applauded enthusiastically.

By officially proclaiming himself king and occupying one province and two prefectures, everyone present will be able to get rid of the title of rebel.

The psychological impact on people and the appeal of the imperial examination to scholars are much stronger than before becoming king.

Just a name change has such a big impact.

Su He will of course comply with public opinion and officially choose to become king.

In the past, the territory was too small, so becoming the king was just a matter of taking the crown.

Other forces only regard them as petty thieves, and being crowned king is not shocking.

Now that the territory is sufficient, he has become a prince and can officially compete in the Central Plains.

"Let's all discuss what kind of king I should choose."

Su He consulted everyone, and he already had several options in mind.

Zhang Youfeng, the Minister of Education, stood up and said: "Commander Su, since ancient times, the title of king has always been based on the name of the place or the name of the enfeoffed king.

We occupy Hanzhong, in the Han River Basin.

I suggest that he should be called the King of Han. All dynasties have been weak and perished, but the Han Dynasty perished due to strength.

The name Han people has been passed down to this day.

It is very appropriate for you to call me King of Han."

Song Kangnian, Minister of Taichang Temple, after Zhang Youfeng finished speaking, he stood up and said: "About us.

It is said in Zuo Zhuan that "China has great etiquette, so it is called Xia; it has the beauty of Zhangfu, so it is called Hua."

Our land is also called China.

The dynasty began with the Xia Dynasty and should also end with the Hua Dynasty.

I think you should be called King of China."

Wang Zhongce stood up and expressed his opinion.

"Commander Su, we must carefully consider the name of the dynasty.

What kind of king should you choose? You need to choose a king who is familiar to you and suitable for your personality.

We use the land of the Three Qins to compete with the Central Plains, so I think it is appropriate to call him the King of Qin."

Others felt that other options were not as good as these three choices, so they did not put forward any opinions and discuss these three king names.

Su He felt that all three were suitable. What to call the king now? When the world is truly unified, it does not mean that the name of the dynasty is the same as the name of the king.

Zhu Yuanzhang occupied the land of Wu and called himself King Wu to unify the world and establish the Ming Dynasty.

Su He himself was more inclined to the King of Qin, and he admired Qin Shihuang very much.

Without Qin Shihuang to unify the world, there would be no China.

There is no such thing as the world will be united if it is divided for a long time, or it will be divided if it is united for a long time.

The land of China will be filled with several small countries joining forces and fighting endlessly.

In Europe, there has never been a single emperor like Qin Shihuang, and now there are multiple countries.

Each country has formed its own unique culture and language, and it is impossible to form a unified country.

Qin Shihuang's policy of writing in the same language allowed all of China to use one script.

Shaanxi and Cantonese people basically cannot communicate normally using language, but they can communicate with each other using words.

No matter how many dialects there are, it does not affect mutual communication, so it is possible to divide and combine.

When other officials and people discussed these royal names, King Qin always dominated the discussion.

When Su He saw this result, he smiled and said: "Then I will listen to everyone's opinions and officially call him King of Qin."

There was a sudden silence in Lingyun Palace. Everyone bowed and saluted Su He and said, "Greetings to His Highness King Qin."

"My dear friends, do you have any other suggestions?"

Zhang Youfeng, the minister of education, said: "His Royal Highness King Qin, I think we should determine the reign name first.

After you become king, you must use your own reign name.

The reign name is usually the power exercised by the emperor, but our situation is special.

After you became king, you still used the Chongzhen reign title, which is somewhat inappropriate.

When others asked about the current date, they said it was the fourth year of Chongzhen.

It’s as if we were still under the Ming Dynasty and using the reign title of Chongzhen.”

Zhang Dezhi, Minister of the Ministry of Industry, stood up and agreed: "I think what Minister Zhang Youfeng said is very good. His Highness the King of Qin has not yet proclaimed himself emperor, but he should also prepare a reign name.

Even if you don't prepare an era name, you cannot use Chongzhen's era name.

This year's calendar is the year of King Qin, which belongs to the etiquette system of the pre-Qin period.

At that time, the princes and kings did not have reign titles. King Qin Huiwen and King Qin Zhaoxiang were all posthumous titles, which were granted after their death.

It was the king of Qin for a few years at that time, and now His Highness the king of Qin can use it in this way."

Su He heard them discussing the year name and he laughed.

"As for the chronology, I have already prepared it, and even made some changes in time."

"Tian Jiapeng, come here and explain to everyone the Yellow Emperor's chronology and time changes."

Before Su He was ready to claim the title of king, he thought about keeping track of time.

He thinks it is too confusing to use era names to mark years now.

In the era of small farmers, social change was very slow.

During the Hongwu and Chongzhen years of the Ming Dynasty, almost no large-scale changes occurred in the entire society.

It is still a small-scale peasant economy. If the economic structure does not change, society will not change much.

But Su He knew that once industrialization started.

Industry has led to social changes that are beyond people's imagination now.

It is very inappropriate to use the year number to mark the year.

Suhe plans to adopt a unified dating method.

Between the two choices of the Yellow Emperor's year and the First Emperor's year, he chose the Yellow Emperor's year.

The ancestral temple promotes Yan and Huang beliefs, and the Yellow Emperor is the ancestor of all people in China.

The Yellow Emperor officially became the co-owner of China, which also represents the origin of Chinese civilization. People must not forget their roots.

Tian Jiapeng opened a piece of information and explained it to everyone.

"According to the arrangements of His Highness the King of Qin, I began to calculate the time until the Yellow Emperor became the co-lord of China.

Now is the year 4328 of the Yellow Emperor's calendar, to make it easier for everyone to remember.

The year 4328 of the Yellow Emperor's reign is referred to as Kaiyuan 4328.

Serious historical documents and major occasions use Kaiyuan 4328.

Under normal circumstances, it will be directly called 4328.

Our Chinese civilization has a history of more than 4,000 years."

After Tian Jiapeng's introduction, all officials and people's representatives had no objection.

They could accept the Yellow Emperor's chronology, and this unified arrangement also made it easier to record time.

There is no need to change a monarch and recalculate time.

Tian Jiapeng continued: "In order to make the time more accurate, His Highness King Qin decided to divide each hour into two hours.

Each hour is sixty minutes, and each minute is sixty seconds.

We will introduce new coronas and hourglasses."

Suhe determined a more precise time mainly for the sake of industrial development.

Ironmaking and chemical reactions both require precise reaction time recording.

In the past, there was no fixed time for talking about a few sticks of incense and a few breaths, and it was all based on experience and the feeling of winning.

This resulted in the craftsman's experience being only taught to his apprentices in person, and there was no way to promote it through written records.

Su He is preparing middle school textbooks, and some unavoidable units in his past life knowledge will gradually be transferred.

Ask Su He to modify the units and deduce the formulas and theorems of each subject again. He does not have this ability.

No clocks have been developed yet, and relying on hourglasses to keep time is not accurate enough for continuous timekeeping.

But short-term timing is much more accurate than estimated experience.

The subdivision of time has no impact on most people's lives. It is not their focus.

Qian Mingyi, Director of the Secretariat, stood up and suggested: "Commander Su, nobles have medals to show their rank.

I think troops and officials should also indicate their rank in certain places.

People can recognize at a glance what grade this official is and which yamen he belongs to.

I have several sets of drawings here for your Royal Highness the King of Qin and other officials to refer to."

This is when Su He asked Qian Mingyi to prepare unified official and military uniforms for officials and military officers.

The requirement is that anyone can clearly identify the person's grade and general position at a glance.

Nobles have medals pinned to the left chest. The material of the medal can indicate the person's title.

There are no mandatory requirements for the level of title and official rank.

Before Su He, in order to prevent local conflicts between titles and official levels, there were no regulations on the clothing of different titles, and only medals were used to indicate grades.

Many officials and people's representatives voted for several pictures in Qian Mingyi's hands.

They chose the most obvious solution.

A plan for selecting official uniforms.

There are patterns embroidered on the right arm, representing the positions of these officials.

The Ministry of Personnel is the writing brush, the Ministry of Revenue is the abacus, the Ministry of Industry is the ruler, the Ministry of Punishment is the sword and shield, the Ministry of Health is the red gourd, and the Ministry of Education is the book.

The Metropolitan Procuratorate is the mirror, the Dali Temple is the scale, the bank is the silver coin, and the Secretariat is the bridge.

The colors of official uniforms are random and can be chosen according to the preferences of each department.

For example, the patrolman's clothes remain unchanged, they are blue with red stripes.

The official uniform has a piece of cotton on the right chest, which shows the department to which the official belongs, and the color of the embroidery thread represents the rank.

The first grade is gold, the second grade is silver, the third grade is purple, the fourth grade is red, the fifth grade is yellow, the sixth grade is cyan, the seventh grade is blue, the eighth grade is dark green, and the ninth grade is light green.

The color of the military uniforms is uniform, and it is still the original color of linen that has not been dyed.

The right arm is also embroidered with military patterns, and the rank display is the same as the official uniform.

The main force of the army is the musket, the cavalry is the horse, the navy is the ship, the artillery is the cannon, the logistics force is the wheel, and the guard regiment is the shield.

For the second-line troops, the settlement corps is the shovel, the garrison is the beacon tower, and the new barracks is the military flag.

The military officers, staff officers and commanders all have their positions embroidered with silk threads of different colors on their right chests, so that the soldiers can distinguish them at a glance.

After the selection of official and military uniforms is completed, today's main meeting is basically over.

They began to discuss the preparations for the King Ceremony.

The Lingyun Palace meeting ended quickly, and Su He asked Wang Zhongce, Song Kangnian, and Wu Donglin to stay.

"Zhong Ce, Wang Ziyong has promised us that he will bring some of the rebel officers to Hanzhong City to attend my king-proclaiming ceremony.

You are responsible for receiving them. If these people show any abnormality, take them down directly.

I will ask Wen Jingming to send Zhu Division and the Sixth Division to act together to recruit Wang Ziyong's army."

Wang Zhongce replied: "Your Highness the King of Qin, I will arrange for the King to use them himself.

We will never let these people have the opportunity to cause chaos in Hanzhong City."

Su He turned to Song Kangnian and explained:

"Song Aiqing, you are responsible for preparing for the king's ceremony.

Keep everything in the ceremony simple and avoid extravagance and waste.

The king-proclaiming ceremony will be held in the ancestral temple, there is no need to choose another location."

"Your Highness King Qin, I have thought of many plans. The ceremony will be solemn, but not extravagant and wasteful.

His Highness has been living in Prince Rui’s Mansion, so there is no need to choose a location in Hanzhong to build a new Prince’s Mansion.”

Song Kangnian needed to find out about this matter so that he could prepare for the ceremony of becoming king.

"There is no need to carry out large-scale construction. The palace still chooses Prince Rui's Palace, just change it to Prince Qin's Palace.

I have had some dilapidated buildings renovated into reinforced concrete buildings.

The palace doesn’t need to be repaired, it’s just fine now.”

Su He stopped other people from thinking about building large-scale construction projects.

With this money, it is better to invest in weapons manufacturing. The house does not need to be too grand.

He proved his strength to others by relying on muskets and cannons.

Su He finally said to Wu Donglin, the minister of Dali Temple:

"From the beginning of the uprising, I asked you to write the law.

At first we had to make do with the "Da Ming Law".

It has been nearly two years now, how is the new law being drafted?

Can we issue a new law on the day of the King's Ceremony?"

Wu Donglin assured: "His Royal Highness King Qin, we, the Three Law Departments, will write new laws according to your requirements.

Avoid the Daming County Taiye Chunqiu writing style and human feelings in handling cases.

We strive to provide detailed legal provisions for every crime.

Each legal provision is guaranteed to have an upper and lower limit that are not much different.

Officials of Dali Temple can only choose the judgment standard in the legal regulations.

There will never be a situation where the sentencing results for the same case are extremely different.

The law has now been compiled and is ready for publication.

Our Dali Temple is already training officials so that after the law is promulgated, they will be able to use the new law to resolve cases."

When Su He heard Wu Donglin's introduction, he was quite satisfied.

"The new law was named "Laws of the King of Qin" and was issued during the King's Ceremony.

You will hand over the new law later and I will take a look at the main provisions of this law."

Su He wants to review this new law personally.


Qi Gangyi summoned the officers of the guard regiment, and he ordered: "The ceremony for His Royal Highness the King of Qin to become king will be held on the ninth day of September.

During this period of time, you must be serious and responsible and keep your eyes open.

Throughout the entire process of the King Ceremony, our security group is responsible for protecting His Highness the King of Qin and those participating in the ceremony.

There must be no problems during the entire ceremony, and you must nip any signs of danger in the bud."

"Guaranteed to complete the task."

When the officers of the guard regiment heard Qi Gangyi's order, they saluted with a military salute and responded in a loud voice.

Qi Gangyi smiled and assigned all officers areas for their patrols.

When Qin Shanshui went out, he happened to meet Ding Degui.

"Master Ding Zhu, thank you for recommending the house to me. That house is really nice and the price is very suitable."

Qin Shanshui took his mother-in-law to find a house and planned to buy a house in Hanzhong City.

If you can't afford a house in the city, the villages around Hanzhong can accept it.

During the process of buying a house, he met Ding Degui and his wife while shopping.

Ding Degui recommended a house to him. The owner of this house was planning to invest in some minerals in Sichuan.

He has less money and wants to sell his vacant property. He is looking for a willing buyer.

Ding Degui helped them connect the dots, and Qin Shanshui successfully bought a suitable house.

"We are all comrades-in-arms, and we should help each other.

Our security group needs to be more energetic this time for patrolling.

The surrounding area of ​​His Highness King Qin is heavily guarded, but it is also our dereliction of duty to allow the Ming Dynasty Jinyi Guards to cause sabotage in Hanzhong City."

Ding Degui said with a serious expression.

His Highness the King of Qin officially proclaimed himself king, which had a greater impact than the conquest of Sichuan.

Ding Degui would not be surprised if the Ming Dynasty made any crazy move.

Qin Shanshui said with a serious expression: "As long as our security group exists, no one will be allowed to cause damage.

We are all elite soldiers who have experienced hundreds of battles, and those uniformed guards can still compare with our guard regiment."

Qin Shanshui is very confident. With the gun in his hand, he is confident to stop any enemy.

He quickly arrived at the camp and led his men to patrol the assigned area.

Familiarize yourself with the area and be alert to any possible risks.


Zhang Dezhi called his eldest disciple Wei Shiming and gave emphatically: "His Royal Highness the King of Qin needs to make some ritual vessels to hold the King's Ceremony.

Our Ministry of Works manages all craftsmen, so I took on this job.

You go find those ninth-level craftsmen in person and make these ritual objects, and there must be no mistakes."

After Zhang Dezhi finished speaking, he handed the two design drawings to Wei Shiming.

"Don't worry, master.

You know my ability to do things. I will definitely not make any mistakes on such an important occasion."

Wei Shiming took the design drawing and rushed to the arsenal.

These two design drawings have two weapons drawn on them, a golden cannon and a golden musket.

Arsenal and other companies are now managed by the Secretariat.

The craftsmen in the factory are still under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Works.

Wei Shiming was not only the minister of the Ministry of Works, he was also an eighth-level worker.

One of the few nobles among the craftsmen who has received a title, he has a very high reputation among the craftsmen.

After Wei Shiming registered, he walked into the arsenal.

He came to the arsenal and found the firearms master, ninth-level engineer Du Kangjie.

Du Kangjie no longer processes firearms himself.

He is mainly responsible for studying the technology of processing firearms and has more time than other craftsmen.

Wei Shiming took out two design drawings and unfolded them for Du Kangjie to see.

"Du Gong, can you make these two weapons quickly?"

Du Kangjie looked at these two design drawings repeatedly.

He frowned and said: "Gold is too soft to make guns and cannons.

There are requirements on the design drawings and they can be used normally.

I recommend using brass, which is similar in color to gold and does not tarnish easily.

Bronze is also golden when it comes out of the furnace. It develops patina very easily and changes color quickly."

Wei Shiming thought for a moment and agreed with this approach.

"Du Gong, then you have to make them yourself. These ritual vessels will be used for the King Ceremony, so there can be no mistakes."

Du Kangjie took two drawings and walked to the processing workshop.

He wants to bring out the best in himself.


Ma Qiankun carefully prepared a potion in an empty cement room.

The waterwheel outside drives a huge blower, blowing air into the room at random.

The fast flowing wind blows in the pipes made of wooden planks, blowing away all odors.

Ma Qiankun wore a cotton coat without exposing any skin, and wore thick cotton gloves on his hands.

Wear as many pairs of gloves as possible without affecting the movement of his fingers.

There is also a mask made of crystal on his face.

He dressed up like this to find a relatively safe method at the cost of several lives.

"His Royal Highness the King of Qin and I have talked about glass, but I don't know how long it will take to produce glass. These containers are expensive and difficult to use."

He stared at the sky-blue solution ahead.

His disciple Ma Hu once again used sulfur to prepare concentrated sulfuric acid.

Because the sulfuric acid concentration was not enough, he accidentally dropped a copper coin into the sulfuric acid solution while preparing to move it aside.

The sulfuric acid solution turns sky blue.

In order not to be punished by him, Ma Hu secretly poured the solution into the nearby ditch.

Ma Qiankun suddenly discovered that the annoying green moss in the surrounding water channels was gone.

This kind of thing is scattered in the rice fields, which greatly affects the growth of rice.

They compete with rice for fertilizer and sunlight, covering paddy fields and affecting rice yields.

Farmers usually use their hands to catch these things, but they cannot catch them cleanly.

As long as there is a small spot, it is invisible to the human eye, and it quickly spreads to the entire rice field.

Ma Qiankun discovered that the green moss had disappeared in just one day, and he thought something serious was going on.

He immediately called all his disciples and finally found out the reason why the green moss was missing.

After many experiments, Ma Qiankun found that this sky-blue liquid has a strong bactericidal effect.

According to the naming rules in elementary school books, Ma Qiankun named this thing copper sulfate.

After many experiments, he discovered that copper sulfate and slaked lime were mixed with water.

The bactericidal effect is extremely powerful and can control many diseases and insect pests in fields.

Copper sulfate cannot be patented.

A sterilizing solution composed of copper sulfate and slaked lime or other things can be patented.

He enjoys 100% patent rights.

The anesthetic ether was discovered through elementary school books.

After he registers the patent, he needs to give 40% of the interest to the Ministry of Education.

He was very heartbroken to see a large amount of money being transferred away every month.

Ma Qiankun shook the sky blue liquid in his hand and said happily: "This medicine that can treat crop diseases is named Qiankun Liquid. I hope it will make me famous.

I took this medicine as a gift and presented it to His Highness the King of Qin at the King's Ceremony.

I will definitely steal the show, and the Qiankun Liquid will be purchased in large quantities by the palace."

Ma Hu said from the side: "Master, a Taoist priest came to seek refuge with us some time ago and said that he would give the secret recipe to His Highness the King of Qin.

Let's report it directly to the officials and arrest him.

Do you still resent those Taoist priests?

We did something wrong at that time. Now that the money has been cleared, there should be no more hatred."

Ma Qiankun slapped Ma Hu on the head.

"What are you thinking about? Your master, I am not someone who cares about everything."

He shook the bright yellow Tai Chi Bagua belt around his waist.

"Those Taoist priests are in trouble, and now even pilgrims rarely go to Taoist temples.

Some Taoist priests directly returned to secular life and became the ordained masters of their ancestral temples in a blink of an eye.

The person who came here didn't even have a Taoist certificate, so he was not a serious Taoist priest.

He came to see his master and took out some mercury, saying that this kind of thing could ward off evil spirits and eliminate poisonous insects, snakes and ants around the room.

Is that killing poisonous insects? That is killing people.

Your master and I started to engage in chemistry and dealt with mercury.

Your three senior brothers.

He took over the task of mercury fulminate and died due to an experimental accident.

I know mercury better than he does, but he is just trying to do what he wants in front of me.

If you want to drag your master into trouble, his ethics are not enough."

After Ma Qiankun finished speaking, he took the Qiankun liquid to find Song Kangnian.

This kind of sudden appearance must go through multiple reviews before it can be included in the king's ceremony.

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