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Chapter 195 Grassland Strategy

Wei Shiming, the governor of Hetao, came to the Northern Governor's Mansion.

They are both in Baotou City, but they have not had much communication before.

"Captain Su, excuse me."

"Governor Wei is here. May I ask what I can do for you?"

Su Hu was very curious, what was Wei Shiming doing here?

The civil and military divisions of the Prince of Qin's Mansion were very clear, and each yamen had its own work to do.

Even if it is military control, there is also a dedicated security force responsible for it.

The governor of a province does not manage military affairs. If he wants the military to cooperate with him on matters, he also has a special yamen to contact the military.

Under normal circumstances, the governor of a province will not come to the local governor's office.

They all want to avoid suspicion and get too close to military and local leaders, which greatly affects their career.

Wei Shiming came up with the will of Qin King Su He.

"Captain Su, I'm going to the post office to open important documents.

His Highness the King of Qin personally issued an edict to me. The content of the edict requires both the military and local parties to work together to complete it.

I followed the post office vehicle and came to the Governor's Mansion together."

As soon as Wei Shiming finished speaking, Lu Bo, Zhu Shi of the Third Army, came here with Qin Xiangkun holding a stack of official documents.

Lu Bo said in a solemn tone: "The King of Qin has issued the relevant decree, and the three of us will open it together."

The three of them walked into the small room, took out the code book, opened the seal of Qin King Su He's decree, and used the code book to translate the relevant content.

Wei Shiming had been waiting outside, and he saw Su Hu and others coming out.

"Captain Su, His Highness the King of Qin asked me to cooperate with the military to implement the grassland strategy and assimilate the Mongols.

If there is anything that needs to be done by the Hetao Governor's Yamen, we will discuss it together and try our best to fulfill the will of His Highness King Qin."

Su Hu nodded. The decree given to him by King Su He of Qin included content related to grassland strategy.

They would not discuss some military details with Wei Shiming, but they could still discuss the general direction of the entire grassland strategy with Wei Shiming.

Many aspects of grassland strategy require cooperation between the military and the local government.

After the marriage between King Suhe of Qin and Mongolia, the focus on the Mongols on the grasslands has been from annihilation to subjugation and surrender.

Transformed into a focus on containment and control, supplemented by elimination of active elements.

The ultimate goal of the grassland strategy is to assimilate the Mongolian people.

Machine guns and artillery alone can intimidate the grassland for a while, but there is no way to achieve long-term peace and stability.

The Mongols were weak in force and could not cause much harm to them, but their constant harassment would also make them extremely annoyed.

The Han people's assimilation of foreign races relies on strong cultural inferiority.

As long as the Mongols accept Chinese culture, they will no longer be nomadic, but will settle in certain areas.

Some Mongolians settled in the city and worked in factories.

Then they got rid of the habits of the grassland tribes and became a rough-looking Han people.

The Han nation embraces hundreds of rivers. The Xiongnu, Xianbei, and Khitan ethnic groups in history have all disappeared, and they have become part of the Han nation.

Wei Shiming, Su Hu and others discussed the grassland strategy proposed by King Su He of Qin.

Wei Shiming said excitedly: "His Royal Highness the King of Qin has arranged a grassland strategy to assimilate the Mongolian people in all aspects.

Our factories and mines here absorb a large number of Mongolian cheap labor.

They can earn a very high income from their work, and no one will take up arms and fight to the death.

Our Qin Army's soldiers are mainly from rural areas, and the wealthy classes in the cities rarely join the army.

After two or three generations, these Mongolians became industrial workers, and they no longer knew how to ride horses and hold swords.

Regarding the Mongolian tribes, His Highness the King of Qin proposed an excellent solution.

We will divide the pastures for these tribes.

For example, Renfei's Chahar tribe occupies the original grassland of the Ordos tribe.

These two tribes will become feuding over these pastures.

Under our arbitration, these two tribes cannot engage in large-scale war.

They will stare at each other, and the two tribes will pull each other away, and neither one will be able to develop and grow.

These tribes cross the pastures to graze their cattle, and it is up to us to bring justice to these tribes.

Ban large tribes and annex small tribes.

The Mongolian tribes had no way to annex other tribes and grow stronger, and they had no way to form a unified force.

Every small tribe has its own plans.

Many tribes have conflicts of interest due to pasture and other interests, and they will never unite to resist us.

Take the grassland allocated to Chahar by the King of Qin as an example.

Most of their grasslands belong to the Urad tribe.

We only need to simply arm the Chahar tribe, and they will be able to expand our territory for us and capture the Urad tribe.

Even the Urad tribe could not withstand the attack, so they surrendered directly to the Qin army and asked for asylum from the Qin army.

If we want to achieve these goals, we must rely on the strong strength of the military.

Without the strong strength of the Qin army to deter us, these tribes would not understand our words."

Su Hu listened to Wei Shiming's long speech.

The content of what he said was roughly the same as the decree issued by His Highness the King of Qin to the Northern Governor's Mansion.

A pasture allocation plan has so many twists and turns.

If King Qin had not issued this decree, he would certainly not have distributed the pastures in this way.

In order to save trouble, these Mongolian tribes were given a portion of their original pasture.

Then there won't be this feeling of going into battle.

Qin Xiangkun, the chief of staff of the Third Army, smiled and said politely: "His Royal Highness the King of Qin's grassland strategy combines kindness and power.

In addition to showing our strength in this way.

Mongolians and other grassland peoples have a strong mentality of admiring the strong.

As long as our strength remains strong, these people will not rebel.

Not only do we show power, we also need to show kindness to them.

Through this method, the Mongolian people are firmly bound to us.

His Royal Highness the King of Qin’s grassland strategy proposed several methods to address this problem.

The first one is to increase the purchase of wool, cattle and sheep.”

Zhu Shi Lu Bo of the Third Army, who was sitting next to him, asked: "The war horses on the grassland are the most important. Why do the Mongolians raise cattle and sheep?"

Qin Xiangkun replied with a smile: "The war horses on the grassland are extremely important.

It is because of the importance of war horses that we guide these Mongolian tribes to put more energy into raising cattle and sheep.

The grassland on the grassland and the population of the Mongolian tribes are both fixed, and the number of livestock they raise is about the same.

Raising war horses is not as cost-effective as raising cattle and sheep. These Mongolian tribes will definitely raise cattle and sheep.

The Mongolian tribes lacked their war horses, and they also lost their fighting spirit."

When Lu Bo heard this, he immediately applauded.

"His Royal Highness, this strategy is really good, simple and effective.

Let all the warlike Mongols join the Qin army, and those Mongolian tribes should honestly raise cattle and sheep."

Su Hu looked at Wei Shiming and said: "Governor Wei, His Highness the King of Qin's grassland strategy.

It is divided into two parts: granting favors and granting threats. Your local area is mainly responsible for granting favors, and our military is mainly responsible for granting favors."

Su Hu looked at Lu Bo again and said: "Master Lu Zhu is responsible for contacting the local governor's office. We, the military and local parties, will work together to perfectly implement His Highness the King of Qin's grassland strategy."

Their northern governor's office not only has contact with the governor's office in Hetao, but also with surrounding Gansu and Shaanxi.

Only the combined efforts of the three provinces can control the economic lifeline of the Mongols.


Ezhe took a letter and happily approached his father's tent.

"Father, there is a letter from sister Naren."

Lindan Batur is discussing the pasture with Utor.

Now their tribe is occupying the grassland of the Utor tribe, and many people in the Utor tribe have complaints.

Many people in their tribe also complained.

Such a small amount of pasture is simply not enough for tens of thousands of people in the tribe.

At that time, those who were being chased just wanted to escape, and no one in the tribe was thinking about other things.

Now that it has stabilized, the people of the tribe are making a lot of money every day looking at the Utor tribe.

Use cattle, sheep and wool in exchange for a large number of good things from the Han people.

The pastures owned by the tribe are very small, and no nobles can get a piece of pasture, let alone ordinary herdsmen.

Some herdsmen cross the border to graze on the grasslands of the Utor tribe. Both tribes belong to the Chahar tribe, but they have become strangers after being separated for too long.

Now the two tribes are in conflict.

Lindan Batur and Utor tried their best to maintain the friendly relations between the two tribes, so that the conflict did not expand.

Lindan Batur wants to win over Utor's tribe and strengthen the Chahar tribe.

Utor saw Naren going to Hanzhong to marry the King of Qin.

He is waiting for the results. If Lin Dan Batur can really catch up with the Han people, he can also gain a lot of benefits by following him.

Lindan Batur and Utor were shocked when they heard the news.

"Ezhe, tell me the contents of the letter quickly."

Lindan Batur asked anxiously.

He hoped that the news Naren brought could solve the problems faced by the tribe.

Ezhe said in surprise: "My sister has successfully married the King of Qin.

Our tribe will enjoy many preferential treatment.

The King of Qin gave us a large piece of grassland in Monan."

While Ezhe was speaking, he took out a map from the envelope.

This extends from Ordos across Baotou to the north, all the way to the south of the Urad tribe.

Utor's eyes shone when he looked at this pasture. This was one of the most fertile pastures in western Monan.

“Brother Lindan Batur, your piece of grassland occupies a large amount of grassland owned by the Ordos tribe and the Urad tribe.

Can they agree to this? They will definitely fight us desperately."

Lindan Batur slapped his hand hard on the table.

"Never mind, from now on, this grassland belongs to our Chahar tribe.

With the support of King Qin, the warriors in our tribe can also wear armor and hold sharp steel swords.

With our own abilities, we can capture this pasture.

What's more, with the help of the Qin army, I don't see which tribe dares to resist.

If we can receive this letter, the Qin army should also receive the King of Qin's order.

Now that we have successfully married the King of Qin, we are no longer outsiders.

Ezhe, you are responsible for contacting the Qin army about this matter and helping us divide the pasture.

If the Qin army agrees, we will immediately launch an attack to the north."

After Ezhe heard this, he was very happy.

After this war, there were only three adult sons left, and he was the most outstanding.

Now that Father Khan has given him such an important job, he is training him.

Ezhe continued: "Father, sister Naren also introduced a few things in her letter.

Our tribe buys goods and sells cattle and sheep, and does not go to places where there is mutual trading.

Go directly to the big cities within the Great Wall Pass, where the price of cattle and sheep is very high, and Han people's things are also very cheap.

My sister Naren has persuaded the King of Qin to vaccinate the people of our tribe with cowpox vaccine.

As long as you get this vaccine, you won't get smallpox.

The King of Qin sent doctors to vaccinate us against cowpox, and also sent some people to the grasslands to control locusts and plant trees.

Our tribe needs to send manpower to protect the safety of these people."

After hearing this, Lindan Batur waved his hand happily and said: "Ezhe, I will leave these matters to you. The most important thing now is to determine the allocation of pasture.

When allocating pasture, bring all the warriors in the tribe with you.

If the original tribe cannot be driven away, we will take action directly and we cannot let these people invade our pasture."

Lindan Batur once again emphasized the allocation of pasture.

"Father, please don't worry, I will definitely be able to handle all this." Ezhe strongly assured.

For Mongolian tribes, grassland is the lifeblood of a tribe, and it is worth fighting for with their lives.


Su He received a joint report from Wei Shiming, the governor of Hetao, and Su Hu, the governor of the Northern Governor's Office.

They have already allocated pasture in the Monan area.

They have now occupied the Hetao area and their power is basically stable.

The area north of the Hetao was controlled by the tribes they conquered.

When the pastures were redistributed, many tribes clashed.

The Qin army stood aside, and the tribes with better relations with the Han people were allocated better pastures.

To put pressure on these tribes, pastures are redistributed every ten years.

The Mongolian tribe led by Lindan Batur, armed by them, directly had a large-scale conflict with the Urad tribe.

The Chahar tribe easily defeated the Urad tribe.

The Urad tribe could not stand it any longer and began to contact them, preparing to surrender to them.

Suhe's grassland strategy has initially achieved results.

He made corresponding instructions on the issues raised in this official document.

After Su He finished his work, he came to the back hall of Prince Qin's palace.

Suhe came to Naren's bedroom. Naren was pregnant now and had a very violent reaction.

She has been in a bad mood these days.

Su He knew that he had been worried about the situation of his tribe.

"His Royal Highness King Qin, you are here."

With the help of the palace maid, Na Ren wanted to salute Su He.

Su He immediately stopped and said: "We are all a family, and we don't need such heavy etiquette in our own home.

I have done what I promised you, and allocated a large pasture to the Chahar tribe.

Now the Chahar tribe is living a normal life on the allocated pasture.

As long as the Chahar tribe raises sheep seriously, it will soon become prosperous.

You will receive a letter from your father Khan soon."

Naren said happily: "Thank you, King Qin."

Suhe chatted with Naren for a while, and then left Naren's bedroom.

When he passed by Qu Qingyi's bedroom, he heard voices inside.

"Sister Li, tell me how I should persuade my father.

He has recently become obsessed with smoking Nanyan and often gathers with many people to smoke Nanyan."

When Su He heard this conversation, he frowned and asked the palace maid to enter Qu Qingyi's bedroom to give a notice.

He then walked into the palace and looked at Liu Shujing chatting with Li Huixin.

Through Li Huixin's matchmaking, she married his brother Li Dazhuang and is now pregnant.

Su He asked in a calm tone: "Miss Liu, why does your father smoke?"

Liu Shujing gestured with her hands and said: "My father and the others used a long tobacco pole to put the black stuff into a groove and lit it with fire.

There is a cigarette holder on the cigarette stick, and they smoke this cigarette with their mouth.

While sucking, I also showed a very comfortable expression."

Su He comforted them with a few words and walked out of the palace.

He had just come out, with strong murderous intent in his eyes.

"Don't be lucky ointment or devil's flower.

If anyone really dares to smoke this kind of thing, I won’t keep anyone who gets his hands on it.”

Su He directed his secretary and said, "Call Su Yan, the Secretary of the Ministry of Punishments, to me."

This chapter has been completed!
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