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Chapter 196 Tobacco, Tobacco and Alcohol Law

Su He informed the guard group to prepare for the trip.

He immediately asked his secretary to find information and look through historical records.

Fushou ointment was introduced to China very early. It was recorded in the Han Dynasty and imported in the Tang Dynasty. It was called afurong at that time.

It has always been used as a traditional Chinese medicine, mainly for antitussive and analgesic purposes, and other uses have not yet been discovered.

Its current name is not yet Nancao.

Su He discovered that this thing is widely found in the countryside, as a herbal medicine or a common plant.

He immediately ordered the removal of this plant from all areas governed by the township government.

Several farms are divided specifically for cultivation, and all output is strictly recorded and exclusively supplied to the hospital.

Except when doctors use it in hospitals in accordance with regulations, anyone who uses Fushou ointment in other places will be punished with severe penalties.

Anyone who sells longevity ointment will be punished by death for more than one tael.

Anyone who takes fushou ointment will be immediately imprisoned and sentenced to more than two years of hard labor.

We need to prepare for a rainy day now, at this time.

Tobacco smokers in the West have added fushou ointment to tobacco.

If it is not stopped, this thing will soon spread across the land of China, and the speed of spread will exceed everyone's imagination.

As soon as Su He walked out of Prince Qin's Mansion, Su Yan ran over sweating profusely.

He received the secretariat secretary's oral instructions from the King of Qin.

The secretary also specifically told him that King Qin Su He was very angry now.

Su Yan didn't dare to waste any time. After receiving the news, she immediately rode a horse from the Criminal Department to Prince Qin's Mansion.

On the way here, he kept thinking, what happened?

It's definitely not a rebellion by officials. This would involve dispatching the Metropolitan Procuratorate and the Guards, as well as the Criminal Department to clean up the mess.

When major and important cases arise, the three legal divisions will also be called, not just one.

Su Yan guessed that there should be a big problem with his subordinates or relatives, and Qin King Su He asked him for his opinion.

If this situation really happens, the only thing he can do is not to cover up, say what he has to say, make the matter clear, and handle it as he should.

Su Yan came to Su He and was about to salute.

He heard Su He ask in a cold tone: "Su Yan, have you ever heard of Nancao?"

When Su Yan heard this question, his heart immediately dropped.

Su He asked him about Nancao, which had nothing to do with their criminal department or his family.

"Your Highness King Qin, I have heard of Nancao, and many of my subordinates smoke it.

I don’t know why they like that kind of choking stuff so much.”

Su He's expression became a bit colder again, this kind of thing had spread to the Criminal Department.

"Someone in your Criminal Department smokes southern grass, so let's go to the Criminal Department together to take a look."

After Su He finished speaking, he took the carriage and went straight to the Criminal Department.

Su Yan followed immediately. He felt as if he had said the wrong thing just now.

The group of them quickly arrived at the Criminal Department.

"Su Yan, call me those people from the Criminal Department who like to smoke Nancao, and I'll take a look at what Nancao is."

Su He walked into the lobby of the Criminal Department and waited for Su Yan to call someone in.

Su Yan quickly brought three people. The people he brought were all the smartest people in the Criminal Department.

I will never hit King Qin Su He because of my words.

Su He looked at these three people, his face was very rosy and not thin at all.

It's not like the kind of thing they smoke and think about.

It may also be that the smoking time is too short and the effects have not yet appeared.

"You like to smoke the southern grass, take out the southern grass and smoke it, and let me take a look."

The three men immediately took out a large pipe.

He also took out a small cloth bag with dark leaves inside.

They poured the leaves into their pipes, lit them with fire and smoked them.

When Su He saw what they took out, he was completely relieved.

This is not the longevity ointment he thought of. There is no developed organic chemical industry now.

Fushou ointment is extracted from plants. It is a white slurry that turns into a black paste after boiling.

People who take Fushou Ointment will appear in a state of ecstasy and their nerves will be confused.

The state of these three people is very normal.

What they are taking out now looks very much like tobacco leaves.

Tobacco leaves, Su He had a flash of inspiration.

He immediately realized that these things were tobacco leaves.

The tools they use and the way they smoke are basically the same as smoking.

The performance of these people is that they use pipes to smoke loose tobacco leaves.

Su He asked the guards to bring over their tobacco leaves and pipes.

He found that it was pure tobacco leaves, with no other things added to it, such as the longevity ointment that he was most concerned about.

Su He asked these people carefully and found out that the people who smoked Nancao in Hanzhong City only smoked this kind of stuff and did not add anything else.

It was just smoking, Su He was completely relieved.

Smoking has no social harm, but individual smokers will suffer certain physical harm.

Even if a person is extremely dependent on tobacco.

As long as he is a normal person, he will not take a knife to rob other people's money just because he wants to smoke and has no money in his pocket.

Tobacco has certain addictive properties, but it is not very addictive.

Even if it is a deep addiction, people can still completely control themselves.

Su He's tone became calmer, and he asked these people: "Where can you buy the things in your hands?"

"Your Highness King Qin, these southern grasses we have in our hands were planted in the south by Viscount Wang Bonuo.

After the harvest of Nancao, he immediately brought it to Hanzhong to sell it, but in less than half a month, Nancao became popular all over Hanzhong City."

"There's nothing for you to do now. You can go back and do your own thing."

Su He found the culprit and took a carriage directly to Wang's house.

He approached Wang's house from the back door of Wang's Medical Center.

I happened to meet Wang Bonuo's children coming back from school.

The little girl's crisp voice sounded.

"Uncle is here."

The elder brother immediately held his sister's hand and ordered sternly: "You are not allowed to call me uncle. You have forgotten what dad said. You must call him His Highness King Qin."

Su He smiled and said: "There is no need to do this, just call me uncle, I will be your uncle.

Is your dad at home?"

Wang Bonuo noticed that many people entered their home.

He immediately walked out of the house and was about to salute when he saw Su He arriving.

Wang Bonuo saw Su He wave his hand towards him, indicating that he had something to come into the room to discuss in detail.

When they came to the study, Su He sat down and asked directly: "I heard that you grow southern grass in the south. Can you introduce this plant to me in detail?"

Su He had already remembered on the way that Wang Bonuo went to Macau to buy seeds, and he also bought some seeds from Westerners.

He specifically requested him to allocate some mountainous land in Yunnan and Guizhou and other places to try to plant these seeds.

Unexpectedly, what he grew was tobacco.

Wang Bonuo didn't know why the King of Qin wanted to know about Nancao, so he recounted his experience of growing Nancao.

“I went to Macau to buy seeds and met a Spaniard who went to Taiyuan Island to supply supplies here in Macau.

The captain of this ship is extremely greedy for money, and is a typical mother-in-law.

I spent a lot of silver coins to buy corn seeds, rubber saplings and other crops from him.

He sold me a plant that could produce a very pleasant feeling if he lit it with fire and smoked his cigarette.

We have this kind of plant here. It came from the south and is called southern grass.

The Spanish captain told me that smoking this plant alone is not enough and that other things can be added to it.

It's just that that thing is too precious. He has no goods now, only a little inventory, and he has to use it himself.

The seeds of this plant are not expensive. In order to stabilize the Spaniards, I can only buy some southern grass seeds.

This kind of seed is also relatively expensive. I bought it on my own initiative and there was no reimbursement.

The Spaniards said that this crop likes heat, so I tried to grow it in Yunnan and Guizhou and other places.

The planting was so successful that even the natives who farmed it stole the southern grass and drank it.

I feel that this kind of crop will be a great success.

After harvesting a batch, I immediately returned to Hanzhong with this crop.

I sold Nancao at the price, but I didn’t expect it to be very popular in the market.”

When Su He heard Wang Bonuo's narration, he felt a little lucky that these Westerners had indeed added longevity ointment to tobacco leaves as recorded in history.

He has prepared to increase training for patrol officers and key officials of the Criminal Department to make them aware of the dangers of drugs.

Sooner or later, they will come into contact with Westerners. Things like Fushou Ointment cannot be banned by blocking information.

It depends on the government's enforcement capabilities and strict punishments.

Su He asked Wang Bonuo to take him directly to the warehouse where the southern grass was stacked.

He immediately recognized that this crop was flue-cured tobacco, the raw material for cigarettes in later generations.

On the way here, Su He had already consulted the secretary about Nan Cao.

Nancao should also be a type of tobacco. It is unknown when it was introduced to the Ming Dynasty.

At first people just chewed the juice of this tobacco.

Later I discovered that after being burned with fire, the smoke smell was very charming.

Flue-cured tobacco is the king of tobaccos. Its taste is more mellow and the smoke produced is not too spicy.

No wonder it is so popular in Hanzhong City.

Su He asked Wang Bonuo to try smoking the tobacco over an open flame until it was brown, and then smoking it in a pipe.

After Wang Bonuo finished handling it, he started smoking.

"Your Highness, King Qin, this method of yours is truly amazing.

Even if you don't burn it, this southern herb doesn't have much spicy taste, but has a mellow aroma.

If the southern grass treated in this way is promoted, it will definitely be very popular."

Su He looked at Wang Bonuo's surprised look.

Wang Bonuo skillfully holds a pipe and smokes, he is an old smoker.

Su He also knew that Wang Bonuo was not good at medical skills, but he was still a man with good medical knowledge.

"Wang Bonuo, what do you think of tobacco, that is, this kind of southern grass? I think it is more appropriate to call it tobacco.

The smoke produced by fires can directly kill people, and the smoke produced by this kind of tobacco should also cause some harm to people."

When Wang Bonuo heard Qin Wang Su He's question, he was very surprised why Qin Wang Su He asked such a question?

"Your Highness King Qin, based on my own experience, smoking tobacco will indeed cause certain damage to the body.

But the damage it caused was not as bad as a wind chill.

If you smoke as an adult, I expect that the damage to your body will not show up until your forties or fifties.

The life span of most of us now is only more than 40 years old and less than 50 years old.

The process of smoking can bring me pleasure and relieve my mood.

I think it’s very worth it to exchange some physical damage for my happy mood.”

When Su He came into contact with tobacco, he was always hesitant.

Should we ban tobacco? Smoking will significantly shorten people's life span.

After listening to Wang Bonuo's words, he had already figured it out.

Tobacco and alcohol will cause certain harm to the human body, but this harm can be controlled.

This should be left to the people to choose, and Su He should not make the decision for them.

Only things like Fushou Ointment, which affects social stability, require the government to step in and completely ban such things.

Tobacco can also bring huge profits.

Su He had the experience of later generations, and he knew that the tax collected through tobacco was dozens of times that of salt tax.

This is a huge financial income. If Su He chooses to give up this income, he will be very heartbroken.

People in Yunnan, Guizhou and other places cannot grow food on these lands because they are located in mountainous areas.

Tobacco is a very effective cash crop in these areas.

It can lead millions of local farmers in Yunnan and Guizhou to become rich.

Just relying on the role of tobacco, Su He had no way to give up tobacco.

Su He remembered that tobacco wanted to make a lot of profits like later generations.

Tobacco needs to be treated as a monopoly by the government and implement a tobacco monopoly system just like salt.

Su He immediately asked the young master to purchase a large amount of tobacco leaves from Wang Bonuo.

The technology of cigarette rolling machines is very simple, and there is currently no technology to produce cigarette filter materials.

The filtering effect of cigarettes can only be replaced by cotton.

Shaofu established a tobacco company to be responsible for the production and sale of cigarettes.

A total of two types of cigarettes are launched. The cigarettes are packed in boxes, and each carton contains twenty cigarettes.

There are only two kinds of cigarettes for the moment, civilian cigarettes with forty copper coins per box, and expensive cigarettes with one tael silver coins per box.

As soon as cigarettes appeared on the market, they were snapped up by people.

The six big words "smoking is harmful to health" are printed on cigarette packages, but many people are indifferent.

Tobacco and alcohol have certain harm to people, so Su He asked Wu Donglin to write the "Tobacco and Alcohol Law", a law related to tobacco and alcohol.

Cigarettes are subject to a monopoly system, and only one tobacco company is allowed to sell rolled cigarettes.

Others are free to sell loose smoke.

Liquor is subject to a license authorization system. To sell all kinds of alcohol, you must obtain a license from the State Administration for Industry and Commerce.

All places that sell tobacco and alcohol are not allowed to sell tobacco or alcohol to people under the age of sixteen.

Each time it is discovered, the store will be punished with a month's turnover.


Lok Fu House.

Many businessmen were puffing away their smoke.

“Tobacco companies don’t make money even if they have money, they only sell cigarettes in white boxes and red boxes.

A red box of cigarettes with one or two silver coins cannot express our dignity."

"They are also looking at market feedback, and cigarettes will definitely be branded in the future.

We are all engaged in branding now, but those people in the Shaofu will not understand."

"Cigarettes are a good thing. Every time I am anxious about settling accounts, I smoke one."

Li Gong watched these people chatting, and they were talking about the same thing.

"With the emergence of the Tobacco Law, tobacco has nothing to do with us.

This industry has been monopolized by the Shaofu, leaving only the tobacco growing industry and the sale of loose cigarettes.

In these two industries, the Wang family has already been making arrangements.

No matter what we consider from all aspects, we cannot compete with the Wang family.

In the tobacco industry, none of the major chambers of commerce are involved.

Now that the Alcohol and Tobacco Law has been promulgated, the alcohol market has officially come to a moment of reshuffle.

The requirements for obtaining a license are extremely difficult, and the most important one is alcohol safety.

Anyone who drinks to death will have their license revoked immediately.

This is not about drinking too much, but that the wine contains toxic substances that poison people to death.

This kind of thing often happens in small workshops.

The Prince of Qin's government promulgated this law, and it should be those small workshops that are messing around and causing us trouble.

This requires us to improve the technology of the winery to ensure that the wine produced at least cannot kill people.

Now the brand is gradually gaining popularity among the people.

Considering all aspects, we Sichuan merchants must have our own well-known winery.

I am calling everyone together today because I am preparing to unite everyone.

Let’s build a winery together and build our reputation as Sichuan merchants.”

Businessmen from the Sichuan Chamber of Commerce immediately decided to invest in building a large winery to make wine famous in Sichuan.

Businessmen from chambers of commerce in other regions also began to join forces to launch their own alcohol brands.

This chapter has been completed!
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