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Chapter 378 Governor Anthony Van Diemen

Sides led the fleet and stayed outside the Strait of Malacca.

They followed the Great China Navy fleet and watched the Great China Navy rush directly into the Strait of Malacca.

Three battleships of the Great China Navy led the fleet and directly blocked the eastern section of the Malacca Strait.

Sides looked at the legation attaché, Mr. Phil Reed.

As an outstanding nobleman, Sides' understanding of the navy was far inferior to that of an officer with a naval background like Phil Reed.

"Mr. Phil Reed, what do you think is the purpose of the Chinese navy rushing into the Strait of Malacca?"

Phil Reed looked up at Sides and replied briefly: "Lord Count Sides.

I think the navy of the Great China Dynasty did this for only one purpose.

That is, they are preparing to occupy the Strait of Malacca.

As you can see from the nautical chart, the location of the Strait of Malacca is very important.

If you want to save time when coming to Dahua from Europe, you must pass through the Strait of Malacca.

If you don't go through the Strait of Malacca and pass through Java Island, the risk is extremely high.

The sea conditions there are bad and there is no good port to anchor, so it is not a suitable route.

All forces are preparing to seize the Strait of Malacca.

The Portuguese power has declined, and we and the Dutch are preparing to seize the Strait of Malacca.

The Dutch were more prepared, but for the sudden rise of the Great China Dynasty, which changed the situation in the Far East.

I guess the Dutch have already taken action against the Strait of Malacca.

The navy of the Great China Dynasty captured the Strait of Malacca, and the Nanyang region became the back garden of the navy of the Great China Dynasty.

The naval strength of the Great China Dynasty has risen rapidly, and we have all witnessed it.

As the naval strength of the Great China Dynasty grew, they would inevitably expand their influence outwards.

I don’t think any far-sighted force can ignore the importance of the Malacca Strait.

I personally think that the reason why the Chinese Dynasty sent out its navy to attack the Dutch for revenge was just incidental.

The main purpose of the Great China Dynasty was to occupy the Straits of Malacca."

Sides listened to Phil Reed's analysis, and he also recognized Phil Reed's analysis.

Only the Strait of Malacca has enough benefits for the Chinese Dynasty to send a naval expedition. ​​Updated without error@

China used to be closed to the outside world, and they had no way to open the borders of China and do business with the Han people.

At that time, they tried to find a way to let the Han people open the border.

The Dutch East India Company even did not hesitate to send fleets to attack Penghu and other places.

Now China is taking the initiative to open its borders, and at the same time it is also opening their horizons.

China sent its navy to Nanyang for the first time.

However, Sides felt that the pressure was extremely great.

Only now did he realize that they had always wanted a China that was open to the country and weak.

They want to do business with this country and gain huge benefits, but they do not want this country to threaten their interests.

The current approach of the Great China Dynasty is obviously not in their interests.

But the trade volume between the Kingdom of Spain and the Great China Dynasty was very high.

Spanish merchants can earn at least 80 million taels of silver coins a year by transporting goods from the Great China Dynasty to Europe.

Spain does not want to get involved in this war until the two countries are irreconcilable.

Dahua Dynasty is not a soft persimmon, they are very strong.

The Great China Dynasty had a total of three fleets, the First Fleet and the Third Fleet, which came to the Strait of Malacca. After attacking the Portuguese, they would also attack the Dutch.

The Second Fleet of the Great China Dynasty is currently patrolling outside Manila Port.

The Spanish fleet stationed in Manila Harbor did not dare to act rashly.

All of them could see what Dahua Dynasty meant.

The Spanish fleet is stationary, and the Second Fleet of the Great China Dynasty is patrolling normally.

Spain dared to send warships to help the Dutch.

The Second Fleet of the Great China Dynasty will launch an attack on the Spanish Fleet.

Sides lamented in his heart that Spain's strength had declined.

The Spanish fleet did not take action because the Second Fleet of the Great China Dynasty was very large.

The Spanish fleet is not sure of victory, they. (This chapter is not finished yet!)

Chapter 378 Governor Anthony Van Diemen

Don't dare to act rashly.

Sides thought of the current situation and looked at the blocked Strait of Malacca ahead.

"Phil Reed, who do you think will win between the Chinese Dynasty and the Portuguese?"

Phil Reed pondered for a moment and said: "I think the biggest possibility is that both sides will suffer losses.

I have passed through the Strait of Malacca many times.

The Strait of Malacca is long and narrow, and it is difficult for a large battleship to give up its best maneuverability and exert its full strength.

The Portuguese built a large number of coastal defense forts in Malacca.

Warships at sea give up their mobility and engage in firepower duels with coastal defense batteries, putting them at a disadvantage in every aspect.

If the Great China Dynasty dares to rush directly into the Strait of Malacca, they should be prepared.

I predict that both the Chinese Dynasty and the Portuguese will suffer heavy losses.

I have no way of predicting whether the Dahua Dynasty will win or lose.

There are too many factors that affect war, and it is impossible to judge based on just one or two details."

Seides sat on the boat and used a telescope from time to time to observe the movements of the Chinese navy.

He suddenly discovered that the troops of the Great China Navy blocking the Strait of Malacca were switching defenses with the Great China Navy warships coming out of the Strait of Malacca.

When Sides saw this situation, his expression became solemn.

The emergence of this situation indicates that the Chinese Dynasty and the Portuguese have decided the winner.

From the actions of the Dahua Dynasty warships, they achieved the final victory.

The navy of the Great China Dynasty is in decline, and these warships blocking the strait will inevitably go to support it.

The navy of the Great China Dynasty was defeated, and these warships would help them cut off the rear and evacuate the injured warships, at least the naval officers and soldiers.

Neither of these situations happened, which proves a point.

The navy of the Great China Dynasty won the victory and won beautifully.

When Phil Reid saw this situation, he looked lost and kept mumbling.

"This is impossible, how could this happen?

The Portuguese were already very powerful in the Strait of Malacca.

After considering all parties, we did not choose to compete with the Portuguese for the Strait of Malacca.

If the Portuguese were too weak, the Strait of Malacca would have been within our grasp."

Sides sighed and ordered: "We must find a way to find out the details of this war.

Confirming the extent of the damage to the Royal Navy will determine our next step."

Sides asked the fleet to split up and use various camouflage methods to try to explore the situation in the Strait of Malacca.

They disguised themselves as Spanish merchants and tried to pass through the Strait of Malacca, but were directly stopped by the navy of the Chinese Dynasty.

Sides even asked Phil Reed to return to Spain through the Strait of Malacca in an official capacity.

Phil Reed was directly rejected by the Dahua Dynasty Navy.

But through a brief exchange, they were able to confirm that the Chinese navy completely controlled the Strait of Malacca and the Portuguese were completely defeated.

Sides had no choice but to turn directly to Batavia.

The navy of the Chinese Dynasty does not have the strength to completely block the Strait of Malacca.

In addition to fleeing to their strongholds in India, some of the Portuguese also fled to Batavia.

Spain and the Netherlands were not on good terms, but Sides had to go to Batavia.

The attitude of the Dutch will determine what they do next.


At the Governor's Palace in Batavia, the Governor of the Dutch East India Company and Admiral Antoni van Diemen of the Kingdom of the Netherlands met with Thaddeus von Habsburg.

Sides exchanged a few words with Anthony van Diemen.

Anthony van Diemen was also surprised when he saw Sides arriving.

The relationship between the Netherlands and Spain was extremely bad, and hundreds of people died every day on the European battlefields.

Because of the division of the German princes, Britain, France, Russia, the Netherlands and other countries were at war with the Habsburg family.

The war has been going on for more than twenty years.

Seldes sat down, took a sip of tea and said: "Mr. Anthony Van Diemen.

I took the liberty of coming to Ba. (This chapter is not finished yet!)

Chapter 378 Governor Anthony Van Diemen

Davia, I just want to bring you some news.

The Chinese navy has captured Malacca.

They can capture Malacca and are very powerful, so don’t underestimate them."

Sides briefed Anthony van Diemen on his observations of the strength and size of the Chinese navy.

Sides did this to prevent the Dutch from underestimating their enemy.

They were also defeated by the Chinese navy.

The two countries are now in a state of war. If Sides can destroy Batavia, he will not hesitate to do it.

But in the current situation, the Dutch can block the navy of the Chinese Dynasty, which is more beneficial to the Spaniards.

The Portuguese and Dutch were all expelled by the Chinese navy.

The Spaniards will definitely not be spared, and Manila will not be able to survive.

The Chinese Dynasty could defeat the Dutch and Portuguese, but their strength in Manila could not be resisted.

Sides knew that a conflict between Spain and Dahua would happen sooner or later.

This situation was inevitable when the Chinese navy defeated the Portuguese.

But Sides hopes that the sooner this day comes, the better.

At the very least, he should be promoted to a higher position by virtue of his position as minister to China, and this hot job should be handed over to others.

Conflicts between the two countries cannot occur during his term of office.

Governor Anthony Van Diemen listened to Sides' story, but he did not show any surprise at all.

He took a sip of tea and said: "The Great China Dynasty is a difficult opponent and we cannot treat them as an indigenous country.

All the details of the Great China Dynasty have been sent to the city of Batavia.

He kidnapped one of my officers and assassinated one of my confidants.

With this method alone, we can see that the Great Imperial Dynasty is definitely not those arrogant natives."

Governor Anthony Van Diemen recounted some details of the Chinese Dynasty and what they did in the city of Batavia.

After this incident appeared, all Dutch people in Batavia no longer trusted mixed-race people.

In their eyes, these mixed-race people will do anything for gold and have become an unstable factor.

Governor Anthony van Diemen related this to Sides.

He also gave Sides a reminder to gain Sides' friendship and facilitate subsequent talks.

The Dutch don't have many mixed-race children, but the Spanish have a lot of mixed-race children.

Sides heard Governor Anthony van Diemen say this.

He also wrote down this incident and told it to the Governor of Manila after he returned to seriously investigate those mixed-race children.

Governor Anthony Van Diemen and Sides talked a lot about the situation of the Great China Dynasty.

Sides has stayed in the Great China Dynasty for such a long time, and some basic information can give some inspiration to Governor Anthony Van Diemen.

Governor Anthony Van Diemen had already tested out Sides' attitude through chatting.

He said directly: "We underestimated the strength of Dahua Dynasty before.

This newly emerged Chinese dynasty expanded rapidly in strength.

They had defeated the Portuguese and driven them out of the Far East.

The navy of the Great China Dynasty is coming fiercely, and we, the Dutch, may not be able to stop it just by relying on our strength in the Far East.

We were driven out of the Far East by the Chinese navy, and you Spaniards may not be able to hold Manila.

The disputes between our two countries here can be put aside.

I suggest that our two families unite to resist the navy of the Great China Dynasty."

Sides heard the advice of Governor Anthony van Diemen.

He frowned and said: "Governor Anthony Van Diemen, I am just the minister sent by the Kingdom of Spain to the Great China Dynasty.

I have no control over this major issue.

If Governor Antony van Diemen can convince the upper echelons of the Kingdom of the Netherlands.

The Kingdom of the Netherlands no longer supports the German princes who believe in Protestantism.

Only when the two countries truly unite can we deal with the current crisis."

Seders said these words just to politely refuse Governor Anthony van Diemen.

The Kingdom of Spain and the King of the Netherlands. (This chapter is not finished yet!)

Chapter 378 Governor Anthony Van Diemen

The country is now in a feud.

If he really dares to unite with the Dutch, the Habsburg family will directly expel him.

It is simply impossible for the two of them to unite.

Sides would not dare to reach an agreement in private on this kind of matter.

If he really signed this kind of agreement, he would be betraying the Kingdom of Spain and the Habsburg family.

Once leaked, everything he has achieved will be taken away.

Sides would not do such a thing where the risks and benefits are not equal.

Governor Anthony Van Diemen was not surprised when he heard Sides declined.

It was impossible for the Netherlands to withdraw from the alliance formed by Britain and France.

In addition to their faith, their conflicts with the Spanish in various places also made them firmly side with Britain and France.

Governor Anthony Van Diemen's purpose was not to get that agreement.

These agreements are completely useless. When the interests of two parties conflict, they are just a piece of waste paper.

The main purpose of Governor Anthony Van Diemen was to bring the Dutch and Spanish here in Nanyang to reach some tacit understanding.

"Mr. Sides joked, your influence on Manila is also very great.

If we can't unite, then we have to retreat and reach some tacit understanding.

The two parties temporarily put aside all disputes and jointly dealt with the navy of the Great China Dynasty.

We don't have to act jointly, but we have a common goal."

Sides heard the suggestion from Governor Anthony van Diemen.

He was also a little moved. As long as he did not join forces with the Dutch and just formed some tacit understanding, this request would not be difficult to meet.

But Sides still had some doubts.

Governor Anthony van Diemen saw Sides hesitate.

He immediately said to the outside: "Let Mr. Shanier come in."

A middle-aged man dressed as an aristocrat walked into the room.

He immediately introduced himself: "My name is Chanier, I am the Portuguese Governor in Malacca and a confidant of Mr. Antonio."

After Shanir introduced his origins, he detailed the story of the Great China Navy's attack on Malacca.

For the first time, Sides learned about the powerful strength of the Great China Navy.

Especially the naval guns of the Great China Navy, their range and power are disappointing.

He silently compared in his mind that the Spanish fleet in Manila did not have the strength to block the attack of the Great China Dynasty.

Sides said with a worried look: "I really didn't expect that the navy of the Great China Dynasty would be so strong.

Our two families will give up some disputes, and we in Spain will help the Dutch to contain the Second Fleet of the Chinese Navy."

Sides thought about it for a long time, and finally decided not to participate in this war, but he could not let the Great China Navy win too happily.

The Spaniards are responsible for holding back part of the navy of the Great China Dynasty.

Governor Anthony Van Diemen smiled when he heard what Sides said.

The fleet belonging to the Dutch East India Company was unable to open the door of the Great China Dynasty.

Anthony van Diemen used his connections to persuade the eighteen-member board of directors of the Dutch East India Company and the top brass of the Kingdom of the Netherlands' navy.

The Dutch East India Company hired the Dutch navy to fight.

These people saw the Spanish profits, and they all agreed to Governor Anthony Van Diemen's request.

The battleships supported by the Kingdom of the Netherlands originally wanted to knock on the door of the Great China Dynasty.

Now it becomes the force that defends the navy of the Great China Dynasty.

Governor Anthony Van Diemen knew the strength of the Chinese navy and he was confident that he could stop the Chinese navy.

But Batavia was too close to the Chinese Dynasty and too far from the Kingdom of the Netherlands.

Governor-General Anthony van Diemen was worried about the increase in naval forces of the Chinese Dynasty.

Now the Spaniards are holding back the Second Fleet of the Chinese Navy.

Anthony Fan Dimen Governor is more confident. Update without mistakes@

As long as he defeats the navy of the Great China Dynasty, he can obtain the secret of the Great China Dynasty's artillery.

If the Dutch master this secret, they will definitely dominate Europe and win the final victory in the war that has been going on for more than 20 years.

By then, Governor Anthony Van Diemen will definitely thank the Spanish...

Chapter 378 Governor Anthony Van Diemen
This chapter has been completed!
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