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Chapter 379 Battle Plan

June 17, 4335 (1638 AD).

Lu Yuanshan, commander of the Southern Expedition Fleet, summoned the navy alone to discuss the battle plan for the attack on Batavia.

Lu Yuanshan looked at Chief of Staff Zhou You and asked: "Director Yuan of the Nanyang Division of the Military Intelligence Bureau, brought us detailed information about the Dutch.

Fortunately, Director Yuan has information, otherwise our combat direction would have deviated.

Who knew that the Dutch who occupied Java Island were actually an armed force formed by a group of businessmen.

There must be different plans to deal with soldiers, politicians, and businessmen.

This is also excellent news for our army.

The soldiers under the merchants are mercenaries.

Everyone knows the temperament of mercenaries. These people are just selling their lives for money.

Once the situation collapses, they will never fight to the end."

Lu Yuanshan said this to boost the morale of other naval officers and let them continue to maintain strong morale.

The naval officer looks confidently, which can affect all the generals of the Navy and let them play a better strength. The start update@

Chief of Staff Zhou You saw Governor Lu Yuanshan asking him about his battle plan.

He immediately moved three small blackboards with battle plans marked on them.

"Our staff officers used the collected intelligence to speculate on the combat effectiveness of the two armies.

Our army has powerful artillery, the Dutch fleet has the advantageous location, and they are more familiar with the waters near Java Island.

Excluding the Third Fleet warships remaining in Malacca, the number of warships on both sides is roughly the same.

Because the two armies were evenly matched, the staff officers made a total of three battle plans: A, B, and C."

Zhou You held a small flag and kept putting it on the small blackboard.

He first introduced battle plan A, which was the battle plan most respected by the staff.

He emphasized an uprightness, which was to use his irrefutable strength to push back the Dutch fleet.

Make full use of the craftsmen and steam engines at Danmaxi Shipyard.

Taking advantage of the closer distance between Guangzhou and Batavia, the forces of the Great China Dynasty can quickly support.

The First Fleet of the Royal Navy of China fought a war of attrition with the Dutch.

The Dutch had a warship sunk and damaged, and they were unable to return to the battlefield, at least for a short time.

The Royal Navy warship of Dahua was sunk and damaged and can be quickly replenished.

The speed of warship replenishment is important, but not the most important.

The most important thing is naval soldiers who can operate warships.

The Royal Navy of Dahua has a naval training base in Qiongzhou, and they can quickly replenish troops.

The crew members of the Dutch East India Company were all employees, and it was difficult to replace them after losses.

When Lu Yuanshan heard this combat plan, he rejected it directly.

"Isn't this just a stupid war? You can fight a good war even if you send a pig.

We have delayed a war that could have ended neatly into a war that lasted for years or even decades.

What do the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty think of our navy? What does Your Majesty think of our navy?

At that time, the best outcome for us is to be transferred."

Lu Yuanshan shook his head helplessly. The combat plan proposed by Zhou You was indeed the one with the lowest loss and the highest success rate.

But he did not consider the hidden costs, especially the cost of time.

Do your Majesty and the court have enough patience to give them such a long time to grind slowly?

Lu Yuanshan is not optimistic about this plan because it takes too long.

If the time is too long, many changes will occur.

Perhaps the Spaniards could not bear it anymore and chose to intervene in this war, making the situation more complicated.

Zhou You saw Lu Yuanshan strongly objecting, and some naval officers also shook their heads slowly.

He began to introduce battle plan B.

This combat plan highlights the strengths of the Royal Navy of China.

They used the powerful artillery of the Royal Navy of China to attack the Dutch fleet from a long distance.

The battle plan is very complicated, and traveling around simply simplifies the core of the battle plan.

A part of the fleet was sent to entangle the Dutch warships, the battleship Qin Shihuang and the battleship Guangwu Emperor, and used powerful naval guns to launch a saturation strike against the Dutch warships.

The main thing is to use it. (This chapter is not finished yet!)

Chapter 379 Combat Plan

Tian Ji's thoughts on horse racing, they competed with Dutch warships.

By sacrificing some cruisers and other warships in exchange for victory in the war.

After Lu Yuanshan heard this battle plan, he frowned and said angrily: "Who came up with this bullshit battle plan.

By sacrificing cruisers, we create fighters for us.

Whoever sacrifices can sacrifice.

Our Royal Navy has come from a weak state to this point. How could we achieve victory by sacrificing our comrades?"

Lu Yuanshan stepped forward and opened combat plan C directly.

After he read it, he handed the battle plan to Li Yuanqi, the captain of the battleship Guangwu Emperor.

"Xiao Li, the combat plan chosen by the staff this time is still feasible to a certain extent.

The heavy burden is on you, do you have the confidence to complete this battle plan?"

Li Yuanqi looked over the battle plan, sweat dripping from his forehead.

He looked at everyone's expectant eyes.

Li Yuanqi took heart and said decisively: "The battleship Guangwu Emperor guarantees to complete its mission."

After Lu Yuanshan heard Li Yuanqi's assurance, he patted Li Yuanqi on the shoulder and encouraged: "Everyone in the First Fleet is watching your performance, and I hope you will not disappoint our expectations."

Lu Yuanshan is learning this. He was encouraged by His Majesty back then.

He looked at Li Yuanqi's firm eyes and knew that the matter was basically done.

Lu Yuanshan immediately started arranging the preliminary preparations for this combat plan.


June 18, 4335 (1638 AD).

Lu Yuanshan led some warships of the First Fleet and the Third Fleet of the Royal Navy of Great China to set sail from Danmasi Port and launch an attack on Batavia.

The entire fleet is centered on the battleship Qin Shihuang, the flagship of the First Fleet.

Three second-class battleships, Zhuge Liang, Wen Tianxiang, and Zheng He flank the battleship Qin Shihuang.

The Third Fleet has the battleship Wei Qing as its core, and they are responsible for guarding the periphery of the First Fleet.

The main mission of the Third Fleet is to detect the enemy's situation and ensure the safety of the sides and rear of the First Fleet during war.

The Chief of Staff of the First Fleet looked around at Lu Yuanshan and said, "Governor Lu, I acted with you yesterday, which would have been a disgrace to you.

The battle plan we discussed was clearly only C.

But you let the staff come up with two more useless pieces, A and B."

Lu Yuanshan said with a smile: "We can't implement this combat plan without putting on a show.

Not to mention other main forces, just assigning this task will cause a huge commotion in the army.

I value Li Yuanqi's ability more, but Zhan Tie can also accomplish this kind of obviously meritorious task.

Those three second-level battleships also have a chance to complete their mission.

In order to achieve our goal as quickly as possible, we can only put on a show and scare others through the first two combat plans."

The Royal Navy of China obtained detailed information about the Dutch and found that the Dutch were not what they imagined.

The main body of the Netherlands in Batavia was not the state, but the Dutch East India Company, which was formed by merchants.

A company composed of businessmen, they control a huge navy with more than 40 warships.

The Dutch East India Company could also declare war with other countries and sign treaties with other countries in the name of the company.

The rights that the Dutch East India Company had were exactly what a country should have.

But at their core, they are a company, a company that mainly pursues profits.

When they learned about this situation, they immediately discussed the combat plan. After being screened by senior military officials, there was only one combat plan that could achieve all goals.

Other combat plans are difficult to achieve their goals because they are in the wrong direction.

Zhou You said with emotion: "I hope this combat plan can be implemented smoothly. We have done everything, but we are afraid that the Dutch will not be fooled."

The core of this combat plan is that the Royal Navy of China disguised its most powerful battleship Guangwu Emperor as a transport ship to attract the Dutch.

Governor Lu Yuanshan said confidently: "There is no cat that doesn't steal fish.

.(This chapter is not finished yet!)

Chapter 379 Combat Plan

The enemy we are dealing with is the Dutch East India Company.

They are businessmen, so they must grasp their weaknesses as businessmen.

Your Majesty said that businessmen dare to sell the noose that strangles them for huge profits.

We have made arrangements as long as we can withstand it on the frontal battlefield.

In order to achieve victory and master our artillery technology, the Dutch will definitely attack the logistics fleet.

We asked the battleship Guangwu Emperor to take some warships and disguise them as transport ships.

The Dutch were fooled, and the battleship Kwangmu Emperor and the Third Fleet besieged the fooled Dutch fleet.

As long as some Dutch warships are destroyed, I will be confident that I can defeat the Dutch fleet."

Chief of Staff Zhou You said worriedly: "Governor Lu, the battleship Guangwu Emperor left, and our army lost important strength.

Now I just hope that the Dutch don’t have reinforcements and we can block the first wave of Dutch attacks.”

Lu Yuanshan looked at Zhou You's worried eyes, patted Zhou You on the shoulder, and said with a smile: "Chief of Staff Zhou, don't worry.

Batavia and Malacca are different.

The sea area near Java Island is extremely open, so it is not easy for us to find enemy troops, and when the two armies meet, they will not fight immediately.

Our army also has the advantage of artillery. Even if it cannot stop the Dutch fleet, there will be no problem in retreating safely.

If I find unexpected reinforcements from the Netherlands, I will not hesitate and retreat immediately."

Lu Yuanshan and others chose this combat plan.

Even if they consider it comprehensively, if this combat plan is successful, the benefits will be huge, and if it fails, there won't be much loss.

Even if the Dutch could not resist being fooled, this combat plan did not achieve the desired effect.

Lu Yuanshan can also adjust the plan at any time and let the First Fleet launch a strong attack, and they will have a happy battle with the Dutch at sea.

Looking at Lu Yuanshan's confident words, Zhou You also hoped that this operation would go smoothly.

This battle plan requires risks, but they can afford the price.

The biggest price was that the battleship Guangwu Emperor was destroyed by the Dutch.

Once this battle plan succeeds, they will destroy the entire Dutch fleet.


In the Governor's Palace of Batavia, Governor Anthony Van Diemen is listening to the report of his subordinates.

"My Lord Governor, the clipper we sent to watch Malacca has returned.

The navy of the Great China Dynasty has set off from Malacca, and its target is Batavia.

The navy of the Great China Dynasty has three more days to reach the waters near Batavia.

The strength of the naval fleet of the Great China Dynasty is based on the intelligence of the Spanish and Portuguese.

Coupled with the observation we sent out a reconnaissance ship.

They have a total of five battleships, more than 20 cruisers, and 20 to 30 destroyers.

The size of the navy of the Great China Dynasty is not as powerful as ours.

But the strength displayed by the Chinese navy in the Malacca naval battle deserves our vigilance."

Governor Anthony van Diemen took a sip of tea and placed the tea cup heavily on the table.

He stood up, put on his military uniform, and ordered: "Notify all warships to follow me on the expedition immediately."

Anthony van Diemen watched as his men ran out to make the announcement.

He said confidently: "My reputation as an admiral is not in vain."

Governor Anthony van Diemen was extremely confident.

Some time ago, he learned about the power of the Great China Dynasty's navy, and he was indeed a little worried.

Anthony van Diemen reviewed his knowledge of the Battle of Malacca many times.

More details of the Battle of Malacca also reached Batavia.

Governor Anthony van Diemen discovered a fatal flaw in the Chinese navy.

Their cannons with extremely long ranges have very few shells.

Governor Anthony van Diemen had not yet been able to determine the matter.

But the Chinese navy was very close to Batavia.

They have taken control of the Malacca area, but have yet to take action.

Not long after the transport ship from the Dahua Dynasty docked at Danmaxi Port, the navy of the Dahua Dynasty immediately dispatched.

.(This chapter is not finished yet!)

Chapter 379 Combat Plan

Governor Anthony van Diemen based this detail on.

He can tell what the Great China Navy is waiting for.

It goes without saying that this thing is an ultra-long-range artillery and its shells that can affect the victory of naval battles.

Governor Anthony Van Diemen, after confirming the news.

The battle plan that he had been thinking about for a long time immediately took shape in his mind. ​​​​​o_m

The Dutch moved very quickly, and the East India Company's fleet quickly assembled at the port.

Three battleships and their fleet supported by the Kingdom of the Netherlands.

They are also ready in port, ready to go to war.

The outcome of this war would be a life-or-death battle for the Dutch East India Company.

Governor Anthony Van Diemen personally led the expedition to command the naval battle.

He immediately called his confidant, Admiral Andrew of the Dutch East India Company.

Andrew is a middle-aged man with blue eyes and red hair. He commanded another battleship of the Dutch East India Company, the Tulip.

After receiving the order, Andrew immediately came to Governor Anthony van Diemen.

He asked respectfully: "Mr. Governor, do you have anything to tell Andrew?"

Governor Anthony Van Diemen looked at his most capable subordinate.

He ordered: "You will command the flagship Amsterdam, and I will command your ship Tulip.

The flagship is at the center of the fleet, but the Dahua Dynasty naval artillery has a long range and is somewhat dangerous.

Your purpose is to attract the attention of the Chinese navy and make them waste precious cannonballs.

You can consider whether to accept this task."

Andrew did not hesitate at all, he immediately said: "Don't worry, Lord Governor, I will definitely command the flagship and attract the attention of the Chinese Navy.

It’s just that I’m afraid that I’m not capable enough and won’t be able to do it.”

Governor Anthony Van Diemen nodded with a smile and said: "Don't worry, I will teach you how to do it."

He also met with their naval commander, Admiral Megroen, who was sent by the Kingdom of the Netherlands to support him.

"Mr. Magron, the navy of the Great China Dynasty is extremely powerful. We must not underestimate the enemy."

Governor Anthony Van Diemen opened the chart and said: "Mr. Magron, we have discussed many battle plans before.

Based on the intelligence collected so far, I decided to adopt Operation Plan No. 9.

This sea area is densely covered with islands, which is conducive to hiding the army.

You are hiding on this unknown island, which happens to have a crescent bay, which is convenient for warships to hide.

At this time of year, the wind direction near the island is favorable to us.

I will lead the Great China Navy to the vicinity of the unknown island.

Our two armies encircled the Royal Navy of China."

Admiral Magron looked at the chart and said: "We are actually preparing to activate combat plan No. 9.

The navy of the Great China Dynasty was so powerful.

I already know Operation Plan No. 9, as long as your East India Company can lead the enemy to the designated location.

My fleet can engage the enemy in close combat.

The naval artillery of the Great China Dynasty has a long range, which is a great threat.

We hid and launched a surprise attack on the Chinese navy.

With the results of our naval training, we are not afraid of any enemy within the range of artillery.

I hope Mr. Anthony Van Diemen can achieve your goal and lead the enemy to the designated location."

Governor Anthony Van Diemen said confidently: "We have won this naval battle, so of course we don't need to continue to ambush.

We have failed in this naval battle, and I have a way to lure the Great China Navy to the vicinity of the unknown island."

Governor Anthony van Diemen arranged everything.

He commanded the battleship Tulip and followed the battleship Amsterdam.

All the warships of the Dutch East India Company left the port, preparing to face the navy of the Chinese Dynasty.

Chapter 379 Combat Plan
This chapter has been completed!
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