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Chapter 389

Kaiyuan year 4335 (1638 AD), mid-August.

Huang Songwen came to Songjiang County Wharf, and he was preparing to go to Beijing to take the exam.

It was already very late to arrive in Beijing at this time.

If the ship is delayed for a while, the imperial examination will be missed.

Huang Songwen had no choice. He had just won the title of Juren of the Dahua Dynasty.

He had to wait until the Ministry of Rites issued the imperial examination seal to him before he could go to the capital to take part in the imperial examination.

Huang Songwen chose a very punctual passenger ship, a ferry owned by Dahua Clipper Company.

This large passenger ship, which can carry two to three hundred people, docks at Songjiang Prefecture every week. It departs from Haikou Port and ends at Tumenjiang Port.

The biggest advantage of this passenger ship is its punctuality.

Huang Songwen was short of money and could only choose low-priced passenger ships.

He showed the ticket he purchased and boarded the passenger ship smoothly.

It only costs five taels of silver coins to travel from Songjiang to Tianjin, including food and accommodation.

Huang Songwen envied his cousin's era when he didn't have to spend a penny to go to Beijing to take the exam.

His cousin went to Beijing five years ago to take the exam and took a merchant ship without spending a penny.

In the former Ming Dynasty, when people went to Beijing to take the examination, the ships they took were tax-free.

Many businessmen rushed to bring candidates who were rushing to take the exam.

There is no such good thing in the new dynasty, so you can only buy your own tickets to go to Beijing.

Huang Songwen looked at the passenger ship. This kind of paddle-wheel passenger ship can go to sea anytime and anywhere because it can ignore the wind direction.

It has gradually replaced sailboats and become the most common ship on rivers and coasts.

Folks call this kind of ship a steamship.

Large paddle steamers on the sea are called large steamers, and small paddle steamers on inland rivers are called small steamers.

Huang Songwen heard the whistle and watched the smoke coming from the big steamer's chimney.

Ships do not require sails or manpower and can speed across the sea at extremely fast speeds.

When Huang Songwen saw this scene, he couldn't help but sigh.

He often reads newspapers and has a certain understanding of various things.

But this was his first time riding a large steamer, and newspapers couldn't describe his true feelings.

After the establishment of the new dynasty, all kinds of new things emerged one after another. You must have a big heart to adapt to this era.

The large steamer soon docked at the port of Suzhou, Jiangsu.

Passenger ships will berth at important ports along the way. At each port, many passengers get on and off the ship.

Huang Songwen was watching boredly on the deck when he suddenly saw an acquaintance.

"Brother Bogu, I am Songwen."

Huang Songwen met an acquaintance, Wei Dawei Bogu.

Before, they were both scholars from Nanzhili.

Wei Bogu looked a little haggard. He heard Huang Songwen's greeting and walked over immediately.

Huang Songwen was his only acquaintance on this ship.

Huang Songwen asked curiously: "Brother Bogu, I haven't heard from you for a long time.

When I wrote you a letter, it was all in vain. I thought your family had been damaged by the war.

I kept my filial piety for my father and did not take the imperial examination in the past few years.

Brother Bogu is also a great talent, why didn’t he participate in the previous Enke?

Enke admits more Jinshi students and has a greater chance of passing the exam.

Seeing how Brother Bogu is dressed, he is also going to the capital to take part in the imperial examination."

Wei Bogu said with a depressed look: "The family did not see the situation clearly at that time and sided with the Ming Dynasty.

Brother Wei was imprisoned before and was released some time ago.

If you miss the Enke examination, you can only obtain the imperial examination status first and then take the imperial examination."

After hearing this, Huang Songwen knew that Wei Bogu had also obtained imperial examination status and wanted to go to the capital to participate in the imperial examination.

It is difficult for traditional scholars like them to go to high school for the first time.

After experiencing the imperial examination once, you can study in a targeted manner and prepare for the imperial examination in the future.

Huang Songwen immediately consoled him: "Brother Bogu is very capable. South Zhili was divided into four, and he obtained more Jinshi places.

I believe we will definitely be on the gold list.”

Wei Bogu was not very interested and said reluctantly: "I hope so, what we have learned will be wasted.

It is really difficult to get a title on the gold list.

I came to the capital this time just to experience the atmosphere of the imperial examination."

Huang Songwen chatted with Wei Bogu for a while, and then he returned to his cabin.

Through the glass of the cabin, I looked at the vast sea outside.

This is a busy waterway with a large number of ships constantly coming and going.

Because there are too many paddle steamers, each ship is producing huge black smoke, and the sky above the route has become gray.

The largest number of ships are not passenger ships, but large cargo ships with large wooden boxes on them.


After sailing at sea for nearly a month, Huang Songwen once again set foot on solid land, and his body was shaking a little.

Huang Songwen followed the method taught by his cousin, and he and Wei Bogu came to Tianjin Railway Station.

From Tianjin Railway Station to Beijing Railway Station, this is the most convenient and cheapest way to reach Beijing.

After buying their tickets, they were preparing to enter the train station.

In the train station, a group of soldiers wearing khaki clothes and carrying rifles were greeted.

The stationmaster of the railway station quickly came to Huang Songwen and others.

"Gentlemen, I'm really sorry. The train you are traveling on has been temporarily requisitioned by the military.

We will transfer you to the next train. If you are in a hurry, you can take the train for free, but you only have a standing ticket."

Huang Songwen and Wei Bogu looked at each other, and both of them chose standing votes.

It was already late enough for them to arrive in Beijing. If they delayed any longer, they would have found an inn where they could stay.

Huang Songwen was even happier. Just by standing for a while, he could save a couple of silver coins. This was a great deal.

Basically all passengers choose standing tickets, and they are dispersed into various train cars.

The two entered the carriage, and the passengers in the carriage were discussing the matter.

"Why did this group of soldiers suddenly commandeer a carriage?"

"You look like a careless person at first glance. The armbands on the arms of these soldiers add some details.

They are obviously soldiers from the General Staff who are responsible for delivering important military information by mail."

"Looking at their smiles, this should be good news.

I remember delivering good news, it was not about riding a horse and rushing to Beijing for 800 miles."

"Idiot, if you run the horse to death, it won't be as fast as the train.

There is a train to Beijing quickly, which is convenient and safe. Who would be stupid enough to ride a horse into Beijing?"

"Anyone who is well-informed can guess where this is a good news?"

Huang Songwen heard their discussion, and many people were guessing where the good news came from.

He also analyzed: "Except for the core provinces of Dahua, the border areas are still not stable.

There were conflicts with Mongolian tribes in the north from time to time, and there were also chieftains in the southwest.

But these are small-scale conflicts, which do not require the local garrison to take action, and will not bring good news with great fanfare.

Recently, the imperial court has mainly launched attacks on Nanyang, and I guess it is the good news sent from Nanyang."

Huang Songwen's analysis was recognized by many people in the carriage.

"Brother, great talent, looking at your attire, you should be a scholar coming to Beijing to take the exam.

This position is given to you, and we can also share our talents."

Huang Songwen couldn't put it off, sitting in this human-like position.

He was complimented by others and began to show off his talents by analyzing the impact that the military would have on various places after conquering Nanyang.

When Huang Songwen was talking eloquently.

In the corner of the carriage, a scholar who was slightly older than him kept staring at Huang Songwen with his peripheral vision, as if he was seeing a rare treasure.

The train rushed quickly on the track and soon arrived in the capital.

Everyone on the train got off the train in an orderly manner under the guidance of the conductor.

The messengers from the Postal Department of the Staff Headquarters rode fast horses and delivered important news to the Governor's Mansion as quickly as possible.

Chief of General Staff Li Fengming saw this good news.

This is the good news sent by Lu Yuanshan, the commander of the Southern Expedition Fleet.

The Southern Expedition Fleet has eliminated the Portuguese and Dutch, occupied the Strait of Malacca and Java Island, and achieved an unprecedented victory.

The Southern Expedition Fleet has achieved the goal set before the war.

Li Fengming is reading the victory report, Deputy Governor Su Xiong of the Metropolitan Governor's Office and Navy Minister Li Qingmu.

The two of them rushed to Li Fengming one after another.

Su Xiong walked into the house and immediately asked in his thick voice: "Is this the military report sent by Lu Yuanshan and the others?

Your Majesty is very concerned about the situation of the Southern Expedition Fleet.

Whether you win or lose, it’s not pleasant at all.”

Just as Su Xiong finished speaking, Li Qingmu also walked into the room. He looked at Li Fengming expectantly.

Li Fengming looked at the nervous look of the two of them. He handed the good news to them and said at the same time: "This is the good news. Our army has won with few casualties."

Su Xiong simply helped read the good news, and he laughed and said: "The good news is good, I feel relieved now."

Li Qingmu took the good news from Su Xiong and carefully read the good news written by Lu Yuanshan.

The navy suffered few overall casualties, but it achieved an extremely brilliant victory.

He had been worried about whether the navy, which had just been established a few years ago, could cope with the challenges of Westerners.

As exchanges between Dahua and Spain increased, their generals also mastered a lot of Western knowledge.

No one regards Westerners as barbarians anymore. These people are very strong, especially the navy, which they are best at.

Li Qingmu was completely reassured by Lu Yuanshan's victory, which proved that the navy's development had always been on the right path.

The power of warships can make up for the lack of training levels of soldiers.

Li Fengming waited until Li Qingmu finished reading the good news, and then he suggested: "Let's go see your Majesty immediately and tell him the good news."

The three of them entered the palace together and asked to see Su He.

Su He heard the report from eunuch Zhou Fangzhi, and Su Xiong, Li Fengming, and Li Qingmu asked to see him.

He immediately knew that there was a big problem on the front line, and it was either a big victory or a big defeat.

Su He saw the three of them with smiles on their faces.

He understood that this time the frontline had achieved a great victory, and the three of them came to give him the good news.

After Su Xiong and the other three people saluted, they handed the good news to Su He through Eunuch Zhou.

Su He opened the good news, which was Lu Yuanshan's report on the victory of the Southern Expedition Fleet.

After reading it, he said excitedly: "Okay, this is really great."

The Great China Dynasty was a typical land power country.

But in the future, the opponents of the Great China Dynasty will be the rising maritime powers in the West.

Master the Straits of Malacca and islands in the Southeast Asia region.

China's mainland will not be harassed from the south.

There are Jinghaifu and the Japanese Kingdom in the east, and the Nanyang area in the south protects China from dangers from the ocean.

The strategic security of the Great China Dynasty will be fully guaranteed.

The local area can always be in a peaceful state, recuperate and develop stably.

The Nanyang region is also a treasure land.

A large number of lower-class people in the Dahua Dynasty are still struggling with hunger.

If the weather fluctuates even slightly, people will starve to death.

What the Great China Dynasty lacks most now is food and oil.

If people consume enough cooking oil every day, they can reduce a lot of food consumption.

Nowadays, there is a general shortage of oil, and strong laborers have to eat three or four bowls at every meal.

Without taking in so much food, they would not be able to satisfy the physical exertion of a day's work.

In Nanyang, rice is harvested three times a year, and there is also palm oil, a tropical specialty.

These two things can keep the people of Great China on the line of food and clothing.

The people are very easy to rule. As long as they have enough to eat and hope for life, no one will choose to rebel.

Su He handed down the good news and ordered: "The Southern Expedition Fleet fought very well. They drove away the colonists from the west.

For the great Chinese dynasty to expand its territory thousands of miles, these places are not barren mountains and rivers, they are fertile fields.

Such a great achievement cannot be ignored.

All officers are promoted to one level, and those with outstanding merits are promoted according to their merits.

Lu Yunshan, the governor of the First Fleet of the Royal Navy, was granted the title of Marquis of Zhenhai."

The generals of the Royal Navy's First Fleet and Third Fleet are rewarded.

Suhe was granted the title of one marquis and three earls.

He looked at Li Qingmu and ordered: "The Nanyang War is completely over, and the navy has compiled the list of meritorious personnel.

I will reward the soldiers according to their merits."

Minister of the Navy Li Qingmu stood up. After bowing and saluting, he said: "Your Majesty, please rest assured that the Navy Department will count the merits carefully."

After Li Fengming finished his instructions in Suhe, he asked for instructions: "Your Majesty, all the main force of our navy is placed in the Nanyang region.

The First Fleet and the Third Fleet formed the Southern Expedition Fleet to destroy the Dutch and Portuguese.

The Second Fleet was near Luzon to contain the Spanish.

As the imperial court opened the sea, a large number of ships went to sea.

This has also made pirates very rampant. The Coast Guard can only destroy pirates in coastal waters, but they are powerless against pirates in distant seas.

The war is over, if His Majesty has no idea of ​​expanding the war.

Wei Chen suggested that the naval fleet return.

There was also the Army's Ninth Army, which followed the navy's operations. They did not achieve much results in this southern expedition.

The Guangdong and Guangxi regions are relatively stable, while Vietnam is in war and has no ability to invade the north.

But after all, it is a border area and there are no troops on duty, so it is also more dangerous."

Su He walked to the wall of Qianqing Palace and looked at the map of Nanyang.

After thinking for a while, he gave the order:

"There is really no need to leave three major fleets in the Nanyang region.

The Dutch and Portuguese had been wiped out.

The Spaniards on Luzon Island alone were unable to shake any of the three fleets.

The Second Fleet and the Third Fleet ordered them to return.

At the same time, elite officers from the Second Fleet and the Third Fleet were transferred to form the Fourth Fleet, which was responsible for the defense area of ​​the original First Fleet.

The First Fleet remains in Nanyang, with its home ports at Damascus and Batavia."

Li Fengming and Li Qingmu, after hearing Su He's instructions, they both wrote quickly on paper, recording the key points of Su He's instructions.

Li Qingmu smiled while writing. His Majesty has always been very supportive of the development of the navy.

The Navy has added a fourth fleet, which has tens of thousands of naval quotas and dozens of warships.

As long as the navy expands a few more times, it will be able to match the size of the army. Their navy and army are equally powerful.

Su He continued to give instructions: "My dear friends and I have reached an agreement before.

Conquer Nanyang and not take it as homeland for the time being.

There are a large number of indigenous and mixed-race people in the Nanyang region, so it is not appropriate to directly adopt them as natives.

There will be no exceptions in the local area and relevant laws must be strictly enforced.

This is not conducive to our continued control of the Nanyang region.

The Nanyang region is not the mainland, and it is not suitable for the deployment of troops under the local system.

The Nanyang Army was established and Mo Yunbao was appointed commander.

The Ninth Army was transferred from Nanyang and re-guarded the Guangdong and Guangxi areas."

Li Fengming's eyes lit up when he heard His Majesty's arrangement.

The Reclamation Corps under Mo Yunbao made great achievements in the early days of His Majesty's rise.

At that time, His Majesty controlled the southwest and northwest regions, and many chieftains only obeyed in name.

The Reclamation Corps was responsible for suppressing the rebellion of the chieftains. It was similar to the combination of the militia and the government.

With the improvement of the Dahua Dynasty system, the three-tier system of the Royal Army, Royal Guards and Militia was established.

The Great Hua Dynasty recovered various chieftains and tribes and sent floating officials to manage the local areas.

The status of the Reclamation Corps has become increasingly embarrassing, and its power has been continuously eroded by local officials and militia.

Li Fengming believes that the Reclamation Corps will disappear within a few years.

His Majesty must have also noticed this problem, and he directly sent the reclamation corps to the Nanyang region.

The nature of the Reclamation Corps is perfect for cooperating with the Nanyang Governor-General's Office to manage the Nanyang region.

Su He calmed down his excitement and ordered: "Zhou Fangzhi, ask the General Affairs Department to inform the cabinet and other relevant officials that I will convene an imperial meeting."

The soldiers at the front fought hard to capture the Nanyang region.

As the emperor of the Great China Dynasty, Su He had the responsibility to formulate sound policies and protect Nanyang.

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