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Chapter 390 Immigration Policy

Su He, Li Fengming and others finished discussing the arrangements for the Nanyang region.

They discussed the future war arrangements of the Great China Dynasty in the Qianqing Palace.

There will not be much war in the Nanyang region.

The Great China Dynasty and Spain will still maintain their current status.

In order to compete for the hegemony of Southeast Asia, the Great China Dynasty and Spain will meet each other in war sooner or later, but it will not be now.

The power of the Dahua Dynasty did not expand.

The most critical Maritime and Land Silk Road has not yet been opened.

The foreign trade of the Great China Dynasty is still monopolized by Spanish merchants.

The Dahua Dynasty lacked markets and raw material suppliers, and needed to do business with the West through Spain.

The Spanish were also caught in the war caused by the German princes, and they would not send their main forces near China.

A small expedition fleet will not affect the security of the Nanyang region.

The Spaniards also control the exclusive business, and they earn huge profits, but they will not take the initiative to attack the Great China Dynasty and give up this profit.

The military can focus its attention on the vicinity of the Great China Dynasty.

Li Fengming suggested: "Your Majesty, for the Mongols in the north, we mainly divide and disintegrate them, and continue to push our power into the hinterland of Mongolia.

The grasslands and deserts in the north are really too big and need to be gradually encroached. This kind of thing cannot be rushed."

Su He nodded and agreed: "There is no strong tribe in the Mongolian grasslands now, they are all scattered Mongolian tribes.

The Mongolian tribes themselves fought very lively.

We only need to support some Mongolian tribes and recruit some to fight, and we can achieve our stated goal.

We don't need to be too anxious, we just need to advance steadily. Sooner or later these Mongolian tribes will be conquered by us.

I think the main goal now is to open up the overland Silk Road.

Maritime Silk Road, after we conquer Nanyang, it is only a matter of time before we open it up.

There is no hope of opening up the overland Silk Road now.

The Governor's Office must put this matter on the agenda."

As the industrialization process of the Great China Dynasty accelerated, a huge number of industrial products were produced.

Find markets for these industrial products and obtain a large amount of raw materials to maintain industrial operations.

Only then can the industrial system circulate and gradually develop and grow.

In order to obtain markets and sources of raw materials, the Maritime Silk Road and the Overland Silk Road must be opened up.

Su He also agreed to grant overseas titles to his old brothers who conquered the world with him.

He wanted to establish a series of client states around China to ensure the security of China's hinterland.

East China is a sea, so it is not suitable for a fiefdom.

Western China, especially on both sides of the Silk Road, has land rich in resources.

The resources are very rich and Suhe is prepared to treat it as a local operation.

The resources are slightly poor, so they are given to the brothers as feudal states, allowing them to become a barrier to China.

This era is the best time to capture these places.

In this era, various means can be used to eliminate the local indigenous people and complete the work of vacating the cage and replacing the birds.

There was a knock on the door of Qianqing Palace, and Eunuch Zhou walked in respectfully.

"Your Majesty, several ministers from the cabinet have come to wait outside Qianqing Palace."

Su He ordered: "Quickly tell them to come in."

Eunuch Zhou went out respectfully, and the cabinet members quickly entered the Qianqing Palace and came to their seats.

Prime Minister Wang Zhongce bowed first and said: "Weak minister Wang Zhongce, I pay my respects to Your Majesty."

The other three cabinet ministers followed suit and saluted.

"The humble minister Li Zhisheng pays homage to His Majesty."

"The humble minister Qian Mingyi would like to pay my respects to His Majesty."

"Wei Shiming, a humble minister, pays homage to His Majesty."

Su He looked at the four cabinet members and promoted two more governors to the cabinet.

His ideal number of cabinet members is around five to seven.

Su He would rather lack than overwhelm, there is no suitable candidate.

He would rather have vacancies in the cabinet than promote unqualified officials.

The main reason is that the Dahua Dynasty has just been established, and some people have just come to local governments to govern and have not yet demonstrated their talents.

The number of cabinet members has increased, and their duties have also been adjusted to some extent.

Li Zhisheng was in charge of agriculture, Qian Mingyi was in charge of water conservancy and finance, and Wei Shiming was in charge of industry.

Su He asked Eunuch Zhou to pass the good news sent by Lu Yuanshan to the cabinet ministers for viewing.

Wang Zhongce and other cabinet members quickly finished reading the contents of the victory report.

As the Prime Minister of the Cabinet, Wang Zhongce was the first to speak: "Your Majesty, this is good news.

The Nanyang War ended this year and did not last for several years.

This can greatly reduce the financial pressure on the court.

The Southern Expedition Fleet can obtain a large amount of food by capturing the Nanyang region, which will help alleviate domestic food shortages.

The Nanyang region is also rich in rubber, providing sufficient rubber for the country.

Steam engines have developed rapidly and entered every field, and can also promote the development of national industry.

We will make a lot of money by taking over the Nanyang region."

Su He listened to Wang Zhongce's statement. Prime Minister Wang saw it very clearly and knew that conquering the Nanyang region would bring many benefits to the country.

The most elite talents in these countries see problems very thoroughly.

It's just that sometimes, because it involves one's own interests, one is pretending to be stupid.

The previous Ming Dynasty was directly ruined and brought down by a group of officials who pretended to be ignorant.

Su He slammed the table and said excitedly: "Prime Minister Wang, your cabinet has seen it very clearly.

The Nanyang region has great potential, but it is only potential.

It will take our efforts to turn it into a big granary."

After Li Zhisheng heard Su He's statement, he immediately spoke up and said: "Your Majesty, I have also read the memoirs written in newspapers by many people from Southeast Asia who fled to China.

I found that the indigenous people in Nanyang have a very distinctive characteristic, that is, they are lazy.

Agriculture is an industry that requires hard work.

At that time, we withdrew the army from fighting and the agricultural population was insufficient, which led to a large reduction in food production.

Only hard-working farmers can continue to increase food production.

The Nanyang region is where God provides food. This region has the potential to become a big granary, but it has not become a big granary.

The local people are lazy and lack advanced agricultural technology, which are important reasons.

If lazy people use extensive planting methods, they will not be able to take good care of the farmland.

If we want to turn Nanyang into a big granary, the human problem must be solved.

Without hard-working farmers, Nanyang Granary would be just a castle in the air.

Wanting to reform those lazy people in Nanyang, Weichen thought that the gain would outweigh the losses.

Weichen suggested emigrating from the country to the Nanyang region.

This can also solve the domestic problem of too many people and too little land."

When Su He heard Li Zhisheng's speech, he said with satisfaction: "Li Aiqing is right.

I am planning to immigrate people from poor areas in the country to Nanyang.

The policy I want to discuss with you at this imperial meeting is the immigration policy."

Several ministers in the cabinet heard that immigration policy was being discussed, and they all expressed their opinions.

Qian Mingyi said: "Your Majesty, we Han people attach great importance to never leaving our homeland unless there is another major disaster.

They are unwilling to leave their hometown, especially to go to a strange area like Nanyang.

I suggest compulsory immigration, giving priority to people in disaster-stricken and poor-environment areas.

Under the leadership of the government, all of them immigrated to the Nanyang region.

There are a lot of epidemic diseases in Nanyang, but it is also a good place for disaster victims.

There are many fertile fields in Nanyang, and as long as they work hard, they will never starve to death."

Wei Shiming suggested: "Your Majesty, it is easy to immigrate. There are a large number of people in the country. It is not difficult to find a group of immigrants.

When the new dynasty was founded, there would be large-scale immigration.

I have observed immigrants from all dynasties, and many immigrants died on the road.

When they arrive in a new place, it is more difficult for them to survive.

Weichen suggested strengthening the management of the immigration process.

And let the receiving officials in the Nanyang region be prepared.

It is best for us to set a quota for immigrants. How many immigrants can be received by the local area, and how many immigrants can we organize to go there.

When immigrants arrived in Southeast Asia, their main enemy was not disease, but the local indigenous people.

Wei Chen suggested that every village should form a militia and let the military conduct simple training for immigrants.

Let them deal with small-scale indigenous harassment."

Su He listened to Wei Shiming's suggestion, and his suggestion was on point.

They want to cultivate a group of immigrants who can pick up guns.

Relying on these immigrants, we can expand outwards, and at least we have to defend our territory.

A large number of immigrants with strong martial arts will also help assimilate the local indigenous people.

Prime Minister Wang Zhongce suggested: "Your Majesty, the first batch of immigrants have the highest death rate.

Wei Chen suggested that the prisoners should be exiled and people from Bohai and Jinghai Prefectures should be the main ones.

We have just occupied Bohai Prefecture and Jinghai Prefecture.

It has been implementing immigration policies to immigrate people here to the Northeast and Northwest regions.

In this way, some people still miss their homeland, which leads to some violent conflicts between the two governments from time to time.

Weichen suggested increasing immigration efforts.

Before Bohai Prefecture and Jinghai Prefecture, they had always belonged to the Chinese cultural circle.

Although they have their own language, they only need to mix it with the exiled prisoners.

The local area is also managed by Chinese-speaking officials.

The next generation of these people also attend local primary schools.

Their unique language will soon become a local dialect and gradually disappear after a few generations.

In these countries that we captured, their people are united and have their own unique culture.

This will be a very terrible thing. As long as our strength weakens, they will want to restore their motherland.

We directly separated the people from these places, preventing them from staying in their home countries and immigrating to other places.

They are not an absolute majority anywhere.

By doing this, it only takes one or two generations to become a docile citizen.

This approach kills two birds with one stone.”

Su He listened to Wang Zhongce's suggestion, which was indeed a very good suggestion.

Nanyang is a tropical area with very active microorganisms.

The external manifestation is that there are many plagues in Nanyang.

Especially mosquitoes in the rainforest can spread many diseases.

With Dahua's current medical level, only artemisinin can be used to control malaria.

For other diseases, there is absolutely nothing we can do.

The epidemic of plague is closely related to the environment.

Those who immigrated to Nanyang early had a very high mortality rate.

The good news provided by Lu Yuanshan is also reflected.

The number of deaths in the Southern Expedition Fleet was as high as 2,000 due to various diseases.

The Southern Expedition Fleet fought with the Dutch and Portuguese, and the total number of deaths was only more than 3,000.

Su He discussed with the cabinet and finally formed the policy of immigrating to Southeast Asia, which was implemented by the cabinet.

In the early days of the Great China Dynasty, it was planned to immigrate two million people to Southeast Asia.

Allocate 20 million taels of silver coins as immigration expenses.

For every immigrant, the Great China Dynasty will pay a price of ten taels of silver coins.

Among them, 600,000 people immigrated from Bohai Prefecture and Jinghai Prefecture each, and 400,000 were disaster victims from various places.

There are also 400,000 people, composed of exiled prisoners.

Su He immediately issued an imperial edict and handed it over to various yamen to implement this policy.

When the five-member cabinet team walked out of the Qianqing Palace, Qian Mingyi said with a depressed look: "It's easy to gather the other personnel.

How can we get together half a million exiled prisoners?

This is 500,000 people, not 50,000 people.

In jails across the country, there are exiled prisoners awaiting sentencing, and they can't even raise half a million."

After Wang Zhongce heard this, he smiled calmly and said: "This matter is very easy to handle.

We used to punish prisoners, and in order to take advantage of them, we sentenced them to labor camps.

Prisoners must perform corresponding labor while in prison.

There is no such clause in the "Dahua Law". It is just a way for the Ministry of Punishment to make money.

In the past, the threshold for the crime of exile was high, and only specially designated officials and some serious criminals could think of this treatment.

Install the latest version.]

I will discuss it with the Ministry of Punishment and Dali Temple and report it to Your Majesty to lower the threshold for exile.

We also give prisoners a choice."

When others heard Wang Zhongce's suggestion, they all thought it was a good suggestion.


In the Qinhuangdao cell, Wang Liutiao, the cell leader from the eighth rank, was walking in the cell without glancing at these prisoners.

These prisoners are now treated very well and live in clean rooms.

The patrols he led were not as majestic as before, and killing these prisoners would require their lives.

The boiled cabbage and boiled radish in the prison can also keep these prisoners fed.

In Wang Liutiao's eyes, this is the prisoner's great happiness.

He had just received an order from his immediate superior, the Director of the Criminal Bureau.

The prison he managed had to mobilize a hundred prisoners to be exiled to Nanyang.

Prisoners who have not been sentenced can be directly sentenced to exile by Dali Temple.

There are only two circumstances in which prisoners who have been sentenced can have their sentences commuted to exile.

When new evidence of crime is discovered, Dali Temple changes the sentence again, or the prisoner applies for it on his own initiative.

Wang Liutiao led his men, who walked into a cell nervously holding revolvers.

This was a serious criminal who committed the murder of his entire family, so he couldn't help but feel nervous.

Lu Guangming saw the cell leader coming in nervously.

"You don't have to be afraid of me. We have no grudges. I won't do anything to you?"

Wang Liutiao was still a little nervous and said: "Lu Ying has such a bright future, why are you so impulsive?

If your mother-in-law cheats on you, the "Dahua Law" will provide you with justice.

Why bother getting yourself involved?"

Lu Guangming didn't even look at the prison boss. He committed such a serious crime and was not shot. This was because he was justified.

Wang Liutiao wanted to slap himself in the face, why did he talk so much?

He could only bite the bullet and said: "Captain Lu, the imperial court has a new policy.

Heavy criminals like you have to work in places with harsh environments.

Now you have a new choice, just choose to be exiled to Nanyang.

You just can't go out of the local area, you can move around freely in the local area, just like normal people."

As a battalion commander in the army, Lu Guangming can read newspapers and learn some common sense.

The environment in Nanyang is harsh, but if you choose to go to this place, you can gain relative freedom.

"Old man Wang, I choose to go to Nanyang."

Wang Liutiao was very happy that Battalion Commander Lu chose to go to Nanyang. He not only got rid of the big trouble in prison, but also completed a mission.

When he walked out of the room, he heard the new prisoners sent outside shouting.

"It's not fair, it's not fair.

I just stole a few taels of silver coins, why should I be exiled thousands of miles away?

I really only stole a few taels of silver coins, but I didn’t commit any other serious crimes."

Wang Liutiao glanced at the prisoner and walked directly past him.

This man caught up with the good time and went to Nanyang to serve the country. I hope he can come back.

This thief should really regret being able to return to China again.

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