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Chapter 417 Influence

The Dragon Award has ended for a week, and teachers from Huaxia University have returned to school early.

The imperial court has made arrangements for teachers from Huaxia University to incorporate the theories related to winning the Longteng Prize into the Huaxia University textbooks.

Teachers at Huaxia University have just finished compiling textbooks and they are reading recent newspapers.

Detailed reports in the newspaper include information about the winners of the Dragon Award.

Qi Zhengming, a teacher at Huaxia University, reads a newspaper in his office.

He said with excitement: "These scholars won the Dragon Award, I thought they just received some honors and bonuses.

The prize money for the Dragon Award was extremely high, but compared with what they would receive later, it was completely different.

Academician Du Kangjie suddenly became a third-rank official, which is really enviable."

Qi Zhengming said in a sour tone.

When he was at home for the holidays, he saw the Dragon Award Award reported in the newspaper. He had heard about these winners, and was only slightly envious.

He came to the school to write textbooks and was exhausted. When he just relaxed, he read the follow-up reports about these award-winning scholars in the newspaper, and his heart was filled with jealousy.

Wang Wenhai, a teacher at Huaxia University, said confidently: "The book has its own Yan Ruyi, and the book has its own golden house.

The only way for literati in the old era was to study and become an official.

If you fail to pass the imperial examination, you are a waste.

This is also the reason why some elderly people often go crazy after winning the exam.

The literati of our new era no longer rely solely on the imperial examination to become an official.

After Academician Du Kangjie Du won the Longteng Award.

He wants to leave the front line and continue to contribute to the court.

He was immediately promoted by the emperor to the right minister of the Ministry of Industry, in charge of the country's industry.

It doesn’t matter whether the emperor values ​​natural science or whether he pays a lot of money for horse bones.

This all shows that knowledge is priceless, but as long as knowledge reaches a certain level, it can knock on the door of officialdom."

Wang Wenhai knew where Qi Zhengming's sour tone came from.

This colleague of mine is a fan of officials.

I usually like to flatter others, and I want to use the platform of Huaxia University to jump into officialdom.

When Qi Zhengming heard his colleague say this, he felt extremely sad.

Teachers at Huaxia University are not very talented and cannot enter the officialdom unless they are promoted by noble people.

The most noble person in Dahua is Emperor Su He.

As a university teacher, how could he forget the allusion that the King of Chu had such a slim waist that many people died of starvation in the palace?

At that time, the King of Chu liked slim ministers.

Many ministers rushed to go on a diet, many ministers starved to death, and the national fortune of Chu State also went downhill.

Emperor Su He liked natural science, but he worked in other directions, which was completely opposite.

Qi Zhengming made up his mind to devote most of his energy to the field of natural science.

Many scholars in China only have some superficial understanding of natural science.

Most scientific theories are not clear yet.

Now that the foundation of natural science has been laid, he can achieve better results by standing on the shoulders of giants.

Qi Zhengming takes advantage of his youth and makes some achievements, if he can really win the Dragon Award.

When the time comes, he can retire like Academician Du Kangjie and become a third-rank official in the Ministry of Industry.

Wang Wenhai saw his colleague Qi Zhengming falling into fantasy.

However, he did not disturb his colleagues. At Qi Zhengming's current age, he wanted to devote himself to scientific research.

Except for God's favor, it is extremely difficult to achieve significant results.

Wang Wenhai is down-to-earth and only wants to teach a few students who have won the Dragon Award.

As a teacher at Huaxia University, he has great confidence in this matter.

Newspapers vigorously publicized the Longteng Award and the winners received generous treatment.

Wang Wenhai believes that with so many benefits, those young people who have just entered school will definitely study hard and devote all their energy to scientific research.


At that time, Wu Shengqiang was sitting in a wheelchair in the Yongfang family area. He said out of breath:

"Your father, I only have a few years to live. I have gone from being a stinky craftsman who was spurned by the upper class to becoming a noble.

I have never forgotten my roots.

Some of you have forgotten the word "duty."

Wu Shengqiang slowly raised his hand and pointed at his unsatisfactory sons.

He coughed twice violently, and his third daughter-in-law, Gan Qingqing, immediately came over and helped him up.

"Dad, don't get excited. Don't get excited now.

The doctors at Tai Hospital have made it clear that you must rest now so that you can live longer."

Wu Sheng suppressed the anger in his heart, coughed twice and said: "In my own mind, I have always been a craftsman.

The water-powered spinning machine is the greatest honor of my life.

Even in the age of steam engines, its overall structure did not deviate from the structure I designed.

Look at you now, going in and out of romantic places and communicating with some foxy friends.

Completely forget where your roots are.

Some people even boasted that our family would become a scholarly family.

Can we compare with that kind of family that has been passed down for hundreds of years?

Compared with our background and the real scholarly family background, the gap is really huge.

In the field of imperial examination, it is impossible to compete with these people.

We must find a new track and cannot use our own shortcomings to attack the enemy's strong points.

I can tell from the Dragon Award that the emperor will always support craftsmen.

We craftsmen are no longer the last rank among scholars, peasants, industrialists and merchants.

Your generation is already useless and there is no need to cultivate it.

In addition to those who are talented in reading, the next generation must be trained to be craftsmen.

Like Mr. Du Kangjie, an excellent craftsman can also become a high official in the imperial court."

Wu Shengqiang often suffered from cold and hunger when he was young. His body had collapsed and he felt that he did not have many years to live.

He had been worried before that he would earn a noble status for the Wu family.

Can the Wu family pass on this noble family?

According to his previous observations, this situation is extremely difficult.

It is very likely that after three or five generations, they will become ordinary people again, and even live worse than ordinary people.

After Wu Shengqiang saw the Dragon Award, he discovered that the Wu family had another choice.

That is to learn from a scholarly family and become a scientific family.

There is no need for scholars to emerge in every generation who can win the Dragon Award.

Just like a scholarly family, they will not compete for the top prize.

As long as the Wu family's energy continues to flow, some more moderate scholars will be produced.

Form a family tradition of advocating science and pass it on from generation to generation.

Sooner or later, someone from the Wu family will appear who will win the Dragon Award.

As long as one person appears, the Wu family can be brought to a higher level.

Wu Shengqiang reprimanded his incompetent son and gave the task of perfecting the family rules to his third daughter-in-law, Gan Qingqing.

This woman who inherited his skills is very steady in her work.

Wu Shengqiang took half of the money he received from the spinning machine patent and made it a public family property.

No one is allowed to use this money for other purposes, it can only be used to educate promising children.

Even the tribesmen who are already in poverty are not allowed to use this money to support them.

But they will support their children to complete their studies.

Wu Shengqiang's level was limited. He read a lot of history books before he came up with this method.


The Bishop of Bria approached the Kingdom of Spain and established an embassy in the Chinese Empire.

He looked at the streets in front of the embassy. There were many Chinese soldiers standing guard with guns in hand.

He always felt that the Spanish Embassy was like a prison.

As the Spanish Embassy takes frequent actions, it wants to steal Dahua’s key technologies.

The Great China Dynasty's restrictions on embassies became increasingly strict.

Bishop Bria approached the embassy with a stack of newspapers.

He saw Ambassador Sides sighing.

"Mr. Sides, you are in a bad mood.

Look at these newspapers, they are a gift from the Lord.

You will definitely feel happy after reading these newspapers."

Seders stood up and politely invited Bishop Bria to sit down.

He pointed to the newspapers on the table and said in a sad tone: "I have already finished the drafts of these newspapers before they appear.

After reading the content in these newspapers, I felt extremely depressed.

None of the Spanish spies I carefully trained have uncovered any top-secret information.

Dahua actually announced it directly. We have paid so much gold and silver in the past few years, and many people have sacrificed in vain. I feel that it is not worth it for them.

The Kingdom of Spain will never forget hatred, and sooner or later, it will avenge the warriors."

There are many mixed-race people in Manila, and some of them have Asian ancestry and look very similar to the Chinese.

Sides specially trained them and used these people as the backbone to win over the Chinese people.

Mainly to steal steam engines and related technologies.

There is also a small group of people who form an intelligence network to gather important information about the Great China court.

They put in a lot of effort and great hardships.

Only then did we get a steam engine that could only pump water.

By Dahua standards, this kind of steam engine has extremely low power and cannot drive large machinery at all.

Not to mention driving ships on the river and trains on the tracks.

In order to obtain technology, Sides urged the espionage personnel to take action.

This alarmed the relevant departments of the Dahua Dynasty, resulting in the exposure of many backbones.

They were all killed by the Dahua Xuanwu Guards, and many of them died in the line of duty.

The reason why Sides is so anxious is because he has received the news that he has been officially transferred back to Spain.

When the new ambassador arrived in Dahua, it was time for him to return to Spain.

Sides was pleasantly surprised when he received the news.

The war between the Great China Dynasty and the Kingdom of Spain will not break out on his watch.

Sides took advantage of the opportunity to return to China. If he wanted to achieve greater benefits, he must find the key to the rise of Dahua.

He brought back steam engines and powerful guns. These real samples were the merits of his promotion.

Sides didn't expect that he would do this, but he would be like a clown, doing completely useless work.

The steam engine technology that he was obsessed with was published directly in the newspaper by the Dahua Dynasty.

The newspaper introduces the principles of several steam engines in detail.

He just needs to bring these newspapers back to Europe's outstanding scholars.

They lead the craftsmen and can reproduce the steam engine based on this information.

In order to prevent the Great China Dynasty from strict inspection, they could not even bring newspapers related to steam engines back into the country.

Sides knew the contents of the newspaper by heart.

He asked the embassy attendants to memorize the contents of the newspaper.

As long as one of them can return to the country, the Kingdom of Spain will obtain the most important steam engine technology.

Bishop Bria put the newspaper on the table, he sighed and said: "The Great China Dynasty is so terrible. They previously strictly guarded against steam engine technology.

Although I feel that the history of the Dahua Dynasty is terrible, I still believe that we have a chance to surpass it.

The Dahua Dynasty now directly announces steam engine technology.

This means that they are confident enough to maintain a strong technical advantage.

It is even possible that they have developed a new generation of technology."

When Sides heard Bishop Bria say this, he nodded seriously.

"It is indeed the case. Many people in the country regard the Dahua Dynasty as a larger feudal dynasty and do not regard it as the most important opponent.

The hateful heresy, the blasphemy of the Lord's glory, and the war started are not over yet.

Most of the kingdom's combat power is tied up in the mainland.

We do not have the strength to send troops to attack the Great China Dynasty.

Dahua's strength has developed rapidly and its ambitions have expanded dramatically.

Sooner or later, they will target our colony."

When Bishop Bria heard what Ambassador Sides said, he also looked sad.

After so many years in the Dahua Dynasty, he discovered that the people of the Dahua Dynasty had a characteristic, that is, they were happy to hear the war.

Every foreign war of the Great China Dynasty ended in victory.

They have made huge profits overseas, and used the overseas profits to bribe the people at home.

When the Great China Dynasty was first established, many people in the country did not have enough to eat due to continuous poor harvests.

In order to limit food, the government adopted a rationing system. Each person could only eat one meal of gruel a day, and many weak people starved to death.

But with the expansion of Dahua, it defeated Nanyang in one fell swoop.

The navy of the Great China Dynasty deterred other countries in Southeast Asia and used cannons to force these countries to sell food.

These countries are afraid of Dahua's strength and can only sell grain to Dahua at very low prices.

Dahua obtained a large amount of food and solved domestic hunger.

Looking back at Europe today, many people are on the verge of starvation due to wars that have lasted for many years.

They took their families and went to the colonies to seek life. The main place of immigration was America.

When Sides heard what Bishop Bria said, he frowned and said: "The Great China Dynasty is eyeing us, and one day it will take action against us.

This is already something that has a high probability of happening.

We will not discuss these things today, only the Dragon Award.

In addition to steam engine technology, I read the Longteng Award carefully, and there are two things in it that I must get before returning to China.

That's cowpox vaccine and penicillin."

Sides was also interested in new theories of chemistry and the ability of humans to control lightning, two new technologies.

But these are all theories, and it is very convenient to bring these theories back home.

The specific impact of these theories depends on whether European scholars can understand Dahua's theory.

The technologies that Sides focused most on were the vaccinia vaccine and penicillin, both of which were vital drugs.

Even if the relevant technology cannot be obtained, a batch of drugs must be obtained.

He had heard of the cowpox vaccine before and thought it was something like a witch doctor.

Sides read in the newspaper that there had been no smallpox outbreaks since he had been vaccinated against cowpox.

He also confirmed through the already very broken intelligence network that there was indeed no large-scale smallpox plague in the Dahua Dynasty.

There is no way to hide something like the plague.

By combining relevant information, Sides finally understood the role of the cowpox vaccine.

He must get this magic medicine.

Penicillin, a miracle drug, had already entered his field of vision.

Sides has long heard rumors that Dahua has a magic medicine that can treat infections.

Those who were injured had their limbs amputated, and the mortality rate was extremely low.

He had tried his best to collect penicillin before, but only collected a little bit to save his life.

Sides will leave Dahua in the near future, and he is planning to make some big moves when he leaves.

In order to keep it secret, he did not discuss this plan with Bishop Bria.

Sides just sighed and said: "Dahua has too many good things, and this Dragon Award only reveals some of the top things.

I will leave Dahua and leave the remaining skills to Bishop Bria for further understanding.

Bishop Bria does not need to obtain relevant technology and tries to collect public information."

Bria nodded solemnly and collected some newspaper information. He still had no questions.

This chapter has been completed!
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