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Chapter 418

The New Year's Day holiday is over, and the Dahua court has become busy again.

Su He put on his dragon robe and headed from Qianqing Palace to Jinluan Palace.

This is the third court meeting after the Lantern Festival.

The first imperial meeting was mainly to review and approve the budgets of various yamen.

The emperor and the parliament pass the budget of the cabinet, and the central government offices compete for the budget at the court meeting.

This time, Su He was only an audience member.

He saw that the civil servants were about to engage in martial arts and start a fight in the Jinluan Palace for a little money.

At that time, just filling in the budget, these people almost got into a fight.

Now is the competition for real money, and the cabinet cannot suppress the officials below.

These officials must stand up for the interests of their own yamen, otherwise they will be unable to move forward in their own departments.

Su He was also happy to see this scene. Civil officials had some minor and minor conflicts, which was conducive to the emperor's rule.

The civil servants are all in unison, or the cabinet's control is too high.

Su He would have to worry about his overall control over the court.

The first court meeting was rarely extended, and the quarrel lasted until the evening before all the payments were arranged.

During the second imperial meeting, Su He made adjustments to important official positions in the imperial court.

He also issued an imperial edict, and the Great China Dynasty officially declared war on the two Mongolian tribes of Eastern Chagatai and Erut.

The northwest governor's office will send heavy troops out of Yumen Pass.

Su He was not worried at all about the strategy of advancing westward. Cai Marquis Wu Jie was not a general who would advance rashly.

Dahua has an absolute advantage. As long as it fights steadily, it will definitely win military victory.

Su He is more concerned about the future governance of the two northwest provinces.

After the Tang Dynasty, the northwest region officially separated from the Central Plains region.

This area has been completely transformed into barbarians, with no trace of Chinese culture.

Su He hoped that Song Xiance and Yang Zhengfeng could cooperate well and sinicize these places again.

Du Kangjie became the right minister of the Ministry of Industry, adding another hot topic to the already hot topic of Longteng Award.

Many officials who came from the imperial examination system excluded officials who did not come from the imperial examination system.

Su He was not prepared to let all the officials in the officialdom come from the imperial examination, forming a huge civil service force.

After the recruitment hall unified the country, it was basically in a state of disuse.

Suhe is also not allowed to recruit some people from three religions and nine schools into the officialdom.

When conquering the world, you can use any talented person.

When you are in charge of the world, you must consider the reactions of all parties when hiring people.

Su He set his sights on the nobles and promoted some nobles without causing violent turmoil in the officialdom.

The winners of the Dragon Award are all nobles, so promoting them is justifiable.

Officials who came from the imperial examination cannot serve as technical officials.

Some highly professional positions are inseparable from technical officials.

Du Kangjie jumped from a white man with only aristocratic status to a third-rank official.

This also makes many older scholars envious.

Su He was also happy to see this situation.

Su He's doing this will also help improve the status of scholars.

No one in the world can escape fame and power, Su He gave them both fame and money.

There will definitely be a large number of talented intellectuals who will devote themselves to scientific research.

Su He walked to the Jinluan Hall, took the hand towel handed by Zhou Fangzhi, and wiped the sweat on his face.

He was in the palace, heading to a place that wasn't too far away, and he wasn't in a hurry, so he always walked there.

The main purpose is to exercise and live longer.

Xuanwu Guard commander Su Changsheng ran after him.

"Your Majesty, I have an important report."

Su He didn't hear the big bell above the parliament ringing, and there was still plenty of time to go to court.

He looked at Su Changsheng and asked, "Er Gou, you came here so eagerly, do you have anything urgent to report?"

Su Changsheng said concisely and concisely: "Your Majesty, we are keeping an eye on Spanish Ambassador Sedes and have an emergency report.

His men did a lot of work, not just to get news about the steam engine.

They also targeted cowpox vaccine and penicillin.

Send a large number of personnel to collect these two technologies.

Both technologies are protected by dedicated personnel.

These people have no way to obtain technology, they just secretly collect some finished products.

Especially for the cowpox vaccine, Sides bought a lot of live cattle.

Our people learned the news that Sides was about to return home.

I feel that this man is very hostile to Dahua, and he also knows something about our country.

He is Hua Guotong, do we need to get rid of this person?"

Su He once again heard Su Changsheng's report about Sides.

He knows Dahua very well, and knows Dahua better than many Dahua people.

Once such a person reaches a high position and there is a conflict between Dahua and Spain, it will cause great harm to Dahua.

Such people must not be allowed to stay. Competition between countries cannot tolerate the kindness of women.

Sides was under Dahua's nose before, and Suhe could tolerate some small tricks from him.

Sides learned so many secrets, and if he wanted to evacuate Dahua safely, he must not give him this chance.

Su He ordered: "Find an opportunity to get rid of this person.

There is no need for us to completely break with the Kingdom of Spain now.

The Spanish ambassador cannot get into trouble in Dahua, and Sides cannot die in China.

The risk for passenger ships sailing on the sea is really too great."

Su Changsheng immediately stood up straight and responded respectfully: "Your Majesty, I understand what was done.

I will definitely send Thades to meet the God he believes in."

Su He arranged this matter at will, and he continued to the Jinluan Palace.

He arrived relatively late.

The officials have all arrived at the Jinluan Hall.

The morning court in Dahua is held relatively late, so officials can have breakfast in peace before attending the morning court.

Some people still choose to come early and wait nearby.

The political situation in the court is stable, and interest groups have now been formed.

Before these people meet in court, they will discuss various matters in advance and make progress and retreat together.

Su He came to the Jinluan Hall, sat on the dragon chair, and accepted the salutes of the civil and military officials.

Eunuch Zhou Fangzhi announced that the imperial meeting had officially begun.

Prime Minister Wang Zhongce was the first to stand up.

"Your Majesty, the country has entered a period of stability. There are no large-scale wars in the country, which has caused many officials to slack off.

Many officials form cliques for personal gain and collude with each other.

His Majesty previously asked Wei Chen how to rectify the administration of officials, and Wei Chen suggested implementing the examination method.

At home, Wei Chen compiled the examination methods of the famous former dynasty official Zhang Juzheng, and made some modifications to the examination methods based on the current situation.

Every position in Dahua has corresponding assessment standards.

The small test every quarter is assessed internally by the yamen, and the major test every year is assessed by the superior department.

The assessment results are divided into three grades: excellent, good and bad. Those who have been excellent three times in a row will be promoted, and those who have been poor three times in a row will be demoted.

Only if an official obtains three distinctions within five years of serving, he will have the opportunity to be promoted.

Being an official cannot become an iron rice bowl, and officials cannot be free from a sense of crisis.

Many low-level officials have no room for advancement and no urgency.

Whether their respective positions are performed well or not will not affect their continued service as officials.

They use the power in their hands to do whatever they want.

Weichen used the examination method to remove these officials from the officialdom."

Su He listened to Wang Zhongce's explanation of the examination method.

This examination method suitable for the Dahua system is already in its fifth edition.

In the previous four versions, Su He pointed out the problem and asked Wang Zhongce to revise it again.

The current examination method is a version that Su He is quite satisfied with.

The assessment standards for passing the law should not be set too high.

The assessment standards are set too high and most people will not be able to complete them.

When the time comes, the law will be universally violated and enforcement will be selective.

If the law is passed, it will lose credibility. Central officials will take the lead in breaking the law. If the law is passed, it will become a piece of paper.

With the current examination method, 70% of people work hard and can complete relevant assessment tasks.

There are still 15% of officials who work hard to complete the job and occasionally get a good result.

The remaining 15% of officials are the officials who need to be eliminated.

There are still some wars around Dahua, but the core area has gradually stabilized, and there will be no major changes in the officialdom.

Every year, one hundred and fifty Jinshi enter the officialdom.

Officials in Dahua were generally young, and the court could not wait for these people to grow old before new people could take their places.

Dahua must implement a last-place elimination system to allow unqualified seniors to make way for newcomers.

Dahua has entered a period of rapid expansion, and border areas also require a large number of officials to govern.

Even if promotions are faster in border areas, many officials are not willing to go to those bitter cold areas.

Officials who pass the examination and are eliminated can govern border areas.

Su He ordered: "General Affairs Minister Zheng Ziliang, please read out the detailed terms of the examination in the court.

Today at the Great Court Meeting, I will discuss the method of passing the examination with everyone who loves you."

General Affairs Minister Zheng Ziliang took over the examination method from Prime Minister Wang Zhongce.

He had a loud voice and read out every clause in detail.

The examination method is divided into two parts: local and central.

The central examination method is relatively complete, while the local examination method only has a general framework.

From now on, the local governor's yamen will compile relevant examination methods for each local yamen based on local conditions.

Most officials listened to the terms of the test and became the law.

They think they can complete the exam, but they feel very uncomfortable.

They could have followed suit, rushing to do the things that were profitable, and refusing to do the things that were not profitable.

With the official promulgation of the Entrance Examination Law, this dawdling situation is gone forever.

The law of passing the examination is a yoke that restricts officials. If they fail to complete the assessment tasks, they will be demoted.

Many officials are dissatisfied because they don't like to be forced to do something.

But they looked at Emperor Su He sitting on the dragon throne, and Prime Minister Wang Zhongce standing at the head of the civil service.

The emperor and the cabinet reached an agreement, and it was a foregone conclusion that the test would be passed.

Cabinet officials and six ministers participated in the imperial meeting and already understood Emperor Su He's attitude.

Emperor Su He was extremely resolute in rectifying officialdom.

If people like them resolutely oppose the Entrance Examination Law, they will not be able to prevent its implementation.

They have to be sent to local officials as officials, which is equivalent to being demoted from the central government.

Some lower-status officials, after several years of working together, already knew Emperor Su He's temper.

They can make relevant suggestions when they find areas where the examination method is immature.

Being unable to make effective suggestions and objecting just for the sake of opposing would offend Emperor Su He.

Officials have been unable to change some policies before, and they have their own means of resistance.

The method they often used was to create resistance to Emperor Su He through non-cooperation.

With the advent of the examination law, even this uncooperative method was prohibited.

Li Fengming and other military personnel looked at the performance of the civilian officials with smiles on their faces.

The examination method is specifically aimed at civilian officials and has little impact on them, soldiers.

The army has more detailed military regulations, and there is no need to test the law at all.

Su He saw that Zheng Ziliang had finished reading the Kao Cheng Fa.

He asked: "My dear friends, what do you think of the examination method?"

Cabinet Minister Li Zhisheng stood up and said: "Your Majesty, I support the Kao Cheng Law. The Kao Cheng Law can effectively solve the problem of official governance."

Du Yuan, the Minister of the Ministry of Personnel, immediately stood up and praised: "Your Majesty, the Ministry of Personnel supports the examination method. Officials who have passed the examination are the officials who are useful to the country."

Cabinet ministers and six ministers have all expressed their support for the imperial examination.

Officials at the middle and lower levels have no chance to speak out at all. They are the officials who have passed the examination and are mainly restricted by the law.

Su He saw that all the officials in the court supported the imperial examination, and no official raised objections.

He said with satisfaction: "I will decree now that the law will be officially implemented from today.

The central government appoints officials from the cabinet to conduct assessments on each yamen.

Local officials are selected by the governor's yamen to conduct assessments on each governor's yamen and the prefectures and counties under their jurisdiction.

Among them, the status of prefects and county magistrates is more important, and they are assessed jointly by the cabinet and local governments."

The Examination Law has been officially implemented in Dahua. Su He hopes that this law can effectively screen officials.

Let Dahua have more capable officials in its officialdom.

Unlike the previous Ming Dynasty, officials who could do things were squeezed out, and most officials in the officialdom were mediocre.

The examination method mainly eliminates mediocre officials in the officialdom.

For corrupt officials who break the law and commit crimes, the role of passing the legal examination is much smaller.

However, Su He was more confident that this test would lead to rectification of officialdom.

The Metropolitan Procuratorate is also within the scope of the examination, and the relevant assessment tasks are completed by Su He personally guiding Wang Zhongce.

Different censors in the Metropolitan Procuratorate have different assessment tasks.

Censors must complete assessment tasks every year. If they fail to complete the assessment tasks, they will be demoted.

For the sake of their own future, the Censor of the Metropolitan Procuratorate also wanted to get involved.

This can effectively break some unspoken rules of officialdom.

Eunuch Zhou Fangzhi announced that he would go to the dynasty, and the meeting of the dynasty officially ended.

Officials left the palace one after another, but Prime Minister Wang Zhongce did not leave.

Seeing that there was no one else around him, he said what others did not dare to say.

"Your Majesty, the examination method was adopted in the previous Ming Dynasty. When Zhang Ju was the chief assistant, he could still implement it reluctantly.

After Zhang Juzheng's death, all the policies he had implemented were abolished, including the examination law.

Among them are the personal grievances of Ming Shenzong, and there is also great opposition from the Ming officialdom."

When Su He heard what Wang Zhongce said, he waved his hand and said: "Zhang Juzheng's reform will inevitably fail.

From ancient times to the present, there has never been an example of a successful reform when a dynasty was in decline.

Wang Anshi's reform failed and Zhang Juzheng's reform failed. These are inevitable results.

When a dynasty goes into decline, it means that interest groups have taken too much and have hollowed out the court.

If you want to reform, you must take away some of the benefits from interest groups and distribute them to others.

Doing so will inevitably lead to too strong a conservative force and the reform will quickly fail.

Our current situation is completely different. Dahua has just been founded.

The examination method can definitely be implemented, even if there are some problems in its implementation, the problems that arise only need to be adjusted."

When Wang Zhongce heard Emperor Su He's firm tone, he was completely relieved.

He proposed the Examination Method, and he himself has been deeply bound to it.

The first year of implementation will be the biggest test for the law.

Only Emperor Su He has a firm attitude and will not revoke the examination method no matter what kind of resistance he encounters.

Only by passing the examination, which is good for the country but not good for civil servants, can it be implemented for a long time.

This chapter has been completed!
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