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Chapter 505 First Arrival in France

Chapter 505 First arrival in France

November 22, 4337 (1640 AD).

Wang Sen took Yang Tenghu and walked on the streets of Paris.

Behind him were several carriages transporting the goods they carried.

Yang Tenghu covered his nose and looked at the somewhat dilapidated Paris.

The streets of Paris are full of animal excrement, and no one is cleaning it up.

In front of the houses on both sides of the street is a stinking ditch, which exudes a smoky smell.

Some of the swill was poured onto the road, and they could only sit in the carriage.

Otherwise, you will be splashed with smelly swill.

Yang Tenghu was used to the cleanliness of cities in Dahua. He was not used to such a dirty city.

He saw Gesai elegantly cutting off a piece of meat and invited him to taste it.

Do you know how much impact doing this will have on the Yang family?

They disappeared first, and I went to look for them, and then I met Brianna.

This was his mismanagement, not my fault."

Wang Sen is not very good at using tableware and can only observe how others use tableware.

The crew members ate dumplings, drank sweet potato dumplings, and missed their hometown.

During his time in France, he also learned a lot of news and had enough confidence to make a big fortune again.

Yang Tenghu retorted: "How many times have I said that those people are not me because of Briana's disappearance.

Wang Sen could only bite the bullet and eat these half-cooked beef.

Wang Sen frowned slightly. Don't these Europeans understand parasites?

If they eat meat without cooking it, these people will probably have a short life.

I want to buy some French specialties.

After discussion, our chamber of commerce went to different countries in Europe, except Spain, Portugal, and the Netherlands, which are three countries that have enmity with us.

These Englishmen push themselves to the limit.

The price of each item had to be debated repeatedly between the two before it was finally determined. Even if the difference was a few dollars, they had to fight to the end.

He decided to join the large army and return to the country together.

He was immediately confident that even if there were ten times more goods, France could still afford them.

He is not stupid, he really trades in Paris and transports a large amount of materials within France.

Even if the transaction is successful, he will walk out of Paris with tens of millions of taels of silver.

They quickly arrived at the dining table, with dishes, knives and forks in front of them.

Mass commodities and arms are the opportunities to make big money.

When they returned, they also carried boxes of gold and silver into the cabin of the ship.

The housekeeper quickly returned to the courtyard from the room.

Yang Tenghu didn't know why? He always felt that Wang Sen was targeting him.

The war not only caused the population to continue to decrease, but also destroyed the industries of these countries.

When trading with European commodities, they must show their strength.

The goods they brought could easily be sold in Europe, so there was no need to suffer the indignity of the English.

Even if the technology cannot be found, the culture of a foreign country can still attract the attention of domestic people.

Chu Shengren immediately followed King Charles of England and became the ambassador of Great China to Britain.

"Your Majesty the Marquis has agreed to your request.

He looked at the beef on the dinner table, which was still stained with blood.

The crew on the ship carries the goods to the dock.

Most of the people were eating dumplings, except Yang Tenghu, the young master of the Yang family.

Wang Sen recalled his experiences during this period, which were also very tortuous, but there was no need to explain them in detail to Yang Tenghu.

If you only eat one or two meals, you should be less unlucky and suffer from parasitic diseases.

I also envy the French culture and hope to buy some books back home."

The transaction goes smoothly, and they don't have to worry about transporting the goods and payment back to the ship.

They also carried many plant seeds and drove away the roaring pigs, cows, sheep, chickens, ducks and other livestock.

Wang Sen agreed to Seger's request, and he briefly introduced the situation of the Dahua Dynasty.

He muttered to the side: "Brother-in-law, why do we come to France instead of staying in London with Mr. Chu Sheng?"

Breanna and I fell in love at first sight, but how could I bear to see her marry an old man in his fifties, so I could only take him and escape on the ship."

Especially during the Chinese New Year, they miss their relatives in their hometown even more.

The two countries formally signed a treaty, allowing merchants to do business freely.

The body odor on their bodies is extremely strong.

They hired veterans and well-trained escorts, but suffered a lot of casualties.

When English merchants see that there are too many goods, they will inevitably lower the price.

Wang Sen saw the French businessmen beside the dock, looking at the fleet with eager eyes.

Silk, tea, and porcelain shipped from the Great China Dynasty were constantly being shipped off the ships.

"Mr. Wang, I am a little curious about the mysterious Eastern country.

When Wang Sen made this request, Gesai thought it was very simple and agreed immediately.

This country must be very wealthy, and our goods will definitely be very popular when shipped to this country.

January 1, 4338 (AD 1641), English Channel.

Our family was lucky enough to meet a French businessman. While selling him some goods, we also learned about the situation in his home country.

He was a little uncomfortable with the bread in this place, but he could still swallow it.

Why did these sailors disappear?

The ship was approaching London quickly, and Wang Sen couldn't figure it out.

No one knows whether the goods will be lost.

The specialties of France also include the unique flora and fauna here.

Once something can open up the market, they won't have to worry about returning empty ships if they take the European route in the future.

This is goods worth tens of millions of silver coins, and it is already worth buying for many people.

Wang Sen thought about the scene when they first arrived in London.

"Mr. Wang, please tell me, we are very good partners.

They will make a lot of money on this trip.

There are several strange ships that want to get close to their fleet.

The current situation is not what I expected. We only came to France for a few days, and our reputation immediately spread, and we came into contact with the Marquis of Brissac.

Yang Tenghu choked his neck and said dissatisfied: "I'm not wrong, why should I give in?

The two major powers here in Europe have been at war for decades.


When the housekeeper saw Yang Tenghu, he was so greedy that his mouth watered.

Most of the commodities carried by their fleet are basically sold out.

He also felt sorry for the young master, and advised him from the side: "Young master, please show mercy to the great shopkeeper Wang Sen.

When Yang Tenghu heard what Wang Sen said, he yelled: "Don't mention that old guy to me. He has always valued my elder brother and never valued me.

Wang Sen personally lit a firecracker on the bow of the boat to celebrate the New Year.

"Guests from afar from the mysterious country in the East, welcome you to the great France.

It is very likely that if we come to France to do business again, we will encounter unforeseen difficulties."

The method Wang Sen chose was to trade at the dock.

Including some handicraft supplies and France's unique flora and fauna.

Seeing that Sage was not satisfied with Yang Tenghu's performance, Wang Sen immediately apologized and explained that the cultural customs of the two countries were different.

When you introduce these products, can you tell me about the situation in your motherland?"

The two of them communicated simply through a translator.

It’s Chinese New Year, so don’t go hungry.”

Wang Sen was not polite and directly ordered the armed merchant ships to open fire and expel these people.

It's just that these countries need us to take the initiative to contact them.

This family is ready to eat all the remaining goods we have."

Wang Sen was very satisfied with the price and said politely: "We must trade at the dock."

As the quantity of goods increases, the price difference of a few dollars is also very high.

If the transaction does not go smoothly, with the support of armed merchant ships, he is confident to protect himself.

Wang Sen saw a middle-aged man with blond hair and blue eyes in the living room.

France's specialties are also very important. He doesn't know which specialty will be popular in the country.

The Buryat family alone can swallow up these commodities from the fleet.

I really don't know how these people can adapt to such a dirty environment.

However, matchlock guns with high technical content are not on the list of prohibited exports.

If no usable plants and animals are found, these can be sold to domestic plantations.

The walls of the castle are very thick, probably to support this strange building.

Wang Sen's expression did not change, but he was overjoyed in his heart.

Little did he know that the missing sailors in the fleet had been divided among the French nobles.

The matchlock was still the most sophisticated weapon in European warfare.

Saige accepted this reason, and they chatted. After getting to know each other, he made his request.


When he saw Yang Tenghu, he directly pushed away the beef handed to him.

Wang Sen reprimanded dissatisfiedly: "Xiaohu, for being a woman, you caused the disappearance of more than a dozen sailors.

Wang Sen simply said: "We Chinese businessmen carry so many goods, and they are all high-priced and valuable goods.

Anyway, I am not a business person, and I have always been ignored at home.

The strength must be strong enough to intimidate Xiao Xiao.

The two of them were chatting very happily during the dinner.

I will never regret the path I chose.

During this period of trading, he realized a truth.

As long as your price is right, our family can do many things in France."

After they learned about the vastness of Europe, various representatives saw this situation and left England to sell their goods to other European countries.

I tasted a little bit of the other dishes on the table and only ate the ones I liked.

Once an economic plant like rubber tree or a unique animal here is discovered, it can be hybridized with domestic animals to produce superior varieties.

I also searched for these sailors later, but couldn't find any trace of them.

Wang Sen began to discuss the price of the goods with the housekeeper.

The convoy soon approached a castle. Wang Sen, accompanied by a translator, stepped forward to explain his purpose, and the housekeeper of the Buryat Marquis' family came out.

The most popular products are still glass mirrors and perfume.

Not only do they charge high tariffs, businessmen also join forces to lower prices.

This matter was already outrageous, but you and that woman in Europe did something even more outrageous.

Wang Sen estimated that these Europeans also have the habit of talking about things at the dinner table.

On the Yang family's fleet, the chef served hot pork dumplings.

The thing that Wang Sen pays most attention to is the boxes of books.

Only nobles could afford tea, porcelain, silk and other commodities.

Wang Sen saw Yang Tenghu's firm tone, and he was also a little confused.

The samples on the carriage were moved into the courtyard of the castle.

It’s noon now, you must be hungry too, please accept the Buryat family’s hospitality.”

These Europeans don't have the habit of taking a bath.

My brother-in-law cannot blame me for everything.

The maid of the castle began to serve rich dishes and sliced ​​butter bread.

England needs the help of France to fight its wars on the European continent.

As long as they can effectively utilize these technologies, they do not need to pay patent fees.

The export of domestic rifles is definitely prohibited.

In this war-torn era in Europe, how can it be so easy to do business here?

Lord Gesai, the prince of the marquis, heard the news of your arrival and invited you to the castle as guests."

How can those blood-streaked beef be eaten by normal people?

During this period, he was banned and punished more severely for some minor things.

"I can't make the decision on this matter. I need to ask the Marquis for instructions."

Even beautiful ornamental plants can be sold for huge prices.

The cultural books here in Europe may very well hide certain technologies.

They are all from the north. It is so happy to be able to eat hot dumplings in a foreign country.

He did not accept the raw beef from the barbarians that day and was punished by his brother-in-law when he returned home.

It's not like I abandoned those sailors, so how do I know why they ran away?

Wang Sen commanded the fleet to return to London. The goods of their fleet had been sold out.

As long as a shipload of matchlock guns can be shipped, it will be more profitable than tea and porcelain.

He looked at the ship full of gold and silver with a smile on his face.

It's better to stand far away, but the smell is really unpleasant if you get closer.

"It is fate that our two families can reach a deal. Thank you for your warm hospitality."

Only when Wang Sen came into contact with these Europeans did he understand why perfume was so popular.

But those sailors really didn’t disappear because of me.”

The head of the family may not allow you to marry a European woman."

Caviar, foie gras, beef, and many other dishes that Wang Sen could not recognize.

He also brought a lot of soap, which was completely unsaleable.

"Lord Gesai, I have shipped a large amount of goods, and I cannot run back to the country empty.

Only then did he have time to see the magnificent scene inside the castle. The buildings here were very strange and had many arched structures.

That's just a child holding gold to cause trouble. With such a large amount, many forces will be tempted.

"Of course, I also have something I need to ask Mr. Gesay for help."

You have made a big mistake this time, and I will tell the owner the truth.

Wang Sen asked the waiter to stay in the yard and wait. He took Yang Tenghu to the castle for the banquet.

While I wasn't paying attention, a noble girl was kidnapped.

Their armed merchant ships had dozens of cannons.

At the dock where the Yang family's fleet docked, a large number of carriages arrived.

They each brought an English translator and had a brief communication in English.

These books are not precious, but they are the most precious things.

He also learned about the situation in Europe from Gesai's mouth.

Wang Sen stood at the bow of the ship, thinking about his departure from the port.

When Wang Sen heard what Yang Tenghu said, he said angrily: "Xiaohu, you caused more than ten sailors to disappear because of a woman in Europe, why don't you admit your mistake?

Wang Sen deeply detested the European habit of not bathing.

The French nobles secretly grabbed sailors, and they bribed these sailors with money and women. Under the threat of death, almost no one could resist.

After they won over the sailors, they controlled the route from Europe to China.

France's navigation technology is poor, but seeing the popularity of Chinese goods, it can earn a lot of money.

These nobles simply couldn't sit still, and they tried their best to participate in this golden route.

(End of chapter)

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