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Chapter 506 In London

Chapter 506 In London

Wang Sen and Ding Debao walked on the streets of London.

They cover their mouths and noses from time to time to avoid the strange smell in the city. After this period of adaptation, they have become accustomed to it.

But the odors on these Europeans are so different that they really can't get used to them.

Ding Debao asked: "Brother Wang, you went to France to sell goods. Did the transaction go smoothly?"

Wang Sen said confidently: "These Europeans are not stupid, and people with status will not fish in the lake.

One-shot buying and selling or continuous trading, they know which one is more beneficial to them.

These families, which have been passed down for hundreds of years, are run by very smart people.

My dogs all know the difference between a full meal and a full meal.

Besides, we also have armed merchant ships.

I have the habit of reading newspapers.

Wang Sen thought for a moment and said immediately: "I don't understand this matter, so I can't speculate on it.

Butler Smith looked at the exquisite spices on the stall and smelled the fragrance of barbecue, and his mouth almost watered.

According to his observations, England is now sitting on the crater.

The lady likes to be neat and tidy, but hates dirty clothes. She often scolds the maid for not washing clean clothes.

I really didn’t expect that with the technology to make glass here in Europe, people would buy glasses from us.”

Li Xingge said with some regret: "Our relationship with Spain is not very good, so I didn't dare to go into the Mediterranean to take a look.

As soon as Wang Sen said these words, all the businessmen turned their attention to Chu Sheng.

There is a nameplate written in English on the front of each product.

When Ding Debao and others saw that the goods they brought were extremely popular, their faces showed relief.

When many businessmen heard Chu Sheng's words, they secretly wrote down these things.

Some clerks continue to use these products and demonstrate the condition of the products.

Wang Sen finished a cup of coffee and agreed: "Heroes think alike."

"Brother Wang, I don't dare to be as brave as you and go directly to Paris to trade with Europeans.

These small businessmen heard the news that the Chinese held a market to sell specialties and participated in the market one after another.

This way, next time they come to London for trading, most people will be familiar with our products, which will help open up the market for other products.”

Tom, the clockmaker, looked at the exquisite small clocks sold by Chinese merchants.

The two walked outside the embassy and saw Li Xingge and other businessmen, who had been here for a while and were waiting in front of the embassy.

Is there going to be a civil war here in England?"

The bottom of the glass is very thick, and it only needs to be polished to become a good lens.

Our fleet only docks in the English Channel, contacts major European shipping merchants, and eats our goods.

Get rid of all the remaining goods we have.

Some forces wanted to devour us, but they were scared away by naval cannons."

The embassy is easy to recognize. Among the many Western-style buildings, the embassy is the only Chinese-style building.

Some wealthy London citizens, in order to gain experience, also went to the market to watch the excitement.

The Ding family had the best relationship with the imperial court, so Ding Debao said without hesitation: "Mr. Chu Sheng, you are flattering us.

The embassy has collected many European books and materials through public channels.

Only after I saw the situation in England did I understand the court's painstaking efforts.

Li Xingge agreed: "How could an official who is not very thoughtful be sent to England, a place thousands of miles away from the mainland.

Wang Sen used concise language to introduce his journey to Paris for trading.

From these two newspapers, I saw an increasingly strong smell of gunpowder.

Anne was following her father, and when she smelled the perfume, she couldn't walk immediately.

"What do you think about the British businessmen trying to restrict the power of the king?"

He saw something called soap again.

If one party is powerful and can steadily overwhelm the other party, nothing will happen.

These factories try their best to squeeze workers, but the output of textile factories is not as good as adding a few more hydraulic spinning machines in the country.

With this soap, his work will be much easier.

It took more than a year to travel from China to England.

The news quickly spread throughout London through newspapers and word of mouth.

By marrying a Catholic queen, he has offended the powerful Church in England.

European businessmen are not willing to buy these goods, but maybe ordinary people are willing to buy them."

I want this mirror too."

Their carriage slowly approached the place where the Chinese Embassy in Britain was located.

Ding Debao asked Li Xingge about the situation. He mainly sold sugar, spices and matchlock guns.

The name, purpose and price of the product are marked on it.

If you have the chance, you must go to the Mediterranean, which is the birthplace of European culture."

She walked to the mirror stall again and couldn't help but exclaimed: "With such a clear mirror, I look so beautiful."

They avoided talking about the questions Chu Sheng asked.

"This is coffee, a specialty drink here in Europe. It also has a refreshing effect.

Wang Sen asked everyone: "Do you have any leftover goods?"

Li Xingge tasted the slightly bitter taste of the coffee.

But from the perspective of the interests of all parties, the parliamentary faction and the royal party are already incompatible with each other.

Anne's father, Richard, stood in front of the pen stall and was reluctant to leave.

But their technology is obviously not good enough. The textile machines that our Yang Group has eliminated will be robbed when they are shipped here.

Now that Charles I is preparing to leave London and go to Scotland to seek help, I am not optimistic about his response."

This problem is really fatal!”

I still have enough money to buy some coffee seedlings to see if they can be transplanted in Nanyang.

Ding Debao also agreed: “Trading in London, we need to pay high taxes.

Wang Sen exclaimed: "No, according to my observation, the glass here in Europe has a lot of impurities and the light transmittance is not very good.

They took out the pounds in their pockets one after another to buy the products they liked.

Even if you are reluctant to give up high profits and continue to do business here, you must adjust the goods shipped to Europe.

He couldn't believe what kind of technology could make a clock so small and still keep extremely accurate time.

We want to develop technology and make profits, not exploit workers to make profits."

Goods that are marketable in normal times are completely different from those in war.

They take up our funds and space, which is really a loss.

Small businessmen in London with some assets, they had heard about the Chinese and the goods they brought before.

This kind of thing is really popular, and it’s very valuable to cultivate it.”

Wang Sen also envied Ding Debao, who could do whatever he wanted with his status and didn't care about small interests.

He is completely different. As a son-in-law, he has to consider many things.

"Chu Sheng is a very cunning person and not easy to deal with."

Chu Sheng looked at the looks from everyone and said, "I just arrived in England not long ago and I don't understand the culture of England.

We can't go back with these scraps.

After they finished talking about business, Chu Sheng asked casually.

With Viscount Mi as our escort, our fleet will be safer."

Various telescopes and microscopes can be made."

Mi Jun wants to bring this information safely back to China so that the country can have a clearer understanding of Europe.

At the appointed time, Chu Sheng, the Chinese Ambassador to Britain, and officials from the embassy went out to meet these businessmen in person.

Once power is in hand, no one will give it up."

The use of quill pens is very troublesome, but these pens and ink can make his work a lot easier.

When Ding Debao walked out of the embassy, ​​he breathed a sigh of relief.

Those businessmen did not dare to purchase fountain pens, fearing that they would not be sold."

Even if the battle here in England is over, you can still sell these supplies to the European continent where the war is going on."

Ding Debao was also very surprised and asked puzzledly: "I don't know which guy accidentally packed several boxes of glasses.

Mi Jun saluted everyone with a military salute. He was taciturn and did not speak.

After finishing everything, they left the embassy.

I'll just tell you some of the things I know.

When Chu Sheng told this, he drank a cup of coffee.

Li Xingge said with emotion: "I didn't expect that the pen I thought was dropped in my hand was actually sold, and it was sold out."

Ding Debao and others are all human beings. After hearing Wang Sen's nonsense, they immediately reacted and repeated the nonsense.

Chu Sheng called a military attache from the embassy and introduced to everyone: "This is Viscount Mi Junmi. He will drive the ship back to the country with us."

Even if we don’t make much money, we can build our reputation through these products.

The two sides seemed to be evenly matched, but Charles I's fundamentals were unstable.

The market opened by Wang Sen and others is large in scale and has a comprehensive range of products.

Wang Sen suggested: "I suggest holding a market for ordinary people in front of the embassy.

Once something goes wrong, both people and money will be lost.

The Parliamentarians proposed restrictions on royal power. They wanted to limit the power of Charles I, King of Scotland, and King of England and Ireland.

Otherwise there will definitely be a civil war in England.

People from as far away as Scotland came to London specifically to buy these goods in large quantities.

These commodities are all monopolized by big merchants and nobles, and they have no chance to participate.

Once this question is answered incorrectly, all three tribes will be implicated.

Businessmen like these in England want to restrict the rights of the monarch.

Ding Debao envied Wang Sen's courage to sell the goods on the ship at the highest price without going through middlemen.

Now the two parties are evenly matched, unless one force uses thunderous means to suddenly eliminate the other force.

Unless the French navy is dispatched, the merchants' few rotten ships will not be able to stop us from escaping.

Chu Sheng put down the coffee cup and continued: "Ding Debao is right. I suggest you come back next time and add some war-related goods.

A few ships are simply unable to deal with natural disasters and pirates.

When Wang Sen heard this question, his neck felt a little chilly.

Behind the parliamentary faction were many nobles and emerging big businessmen who were dissatisfied with Charles I.

When Ding Debao saw Chu Sheng finish speaking, he said in surprise: "Isn't it because those big businessmen wanted to be Cao Cao, and Charles I didn't want to be Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty?

"I purchased more than three tons of coffee beans from British businessmen and prepared to return to China to explore the country.

The citizens of London saw many magical products in the market.

After he finished speaking, he took out two newspapers from his bag and placed them on the table.

This still depends on the performance of these big domestic businessmen.

The textile industry here in England is very developed, especially the woolen textile industry.

Most of the entire fleet will stay in England, and he will return home specifically to set out with these merchants.

They all complained about Chu Sheng, and they also saw Chu Sheng's methods during this contact.

This thing can be used for bathing, washing clothes, and has a strong ability to remove dirt.

This proves that in addition to traditional tea and other products, people here in Europe also like products that domestic people like.

There is really going to be a civil war here in England, and they must carefully consider whether to continue taking this route next time.

Li Xingge immediately replied: "Of course, some of the products we brought have no market at all.

I have seen the situation of workers in textile factories in England.

There is no way France would send its navy to intercept us for this little cargo."

With this perfume, I can go to the aristocratic ball."

For example, I think the fountain pen is very exquisite, far superior to the quill pens used by England.

Its price is not extremely expensive, the cheapest perfume only costs a few pounds.

What political achievements could Chu Sheng achieve in England?

They reached a consensus and immediately started organizing the market.

Exquisite porcelain, delicious tea, and gorgeous silk are the pursuits of the upper class.

The treatment of these farmers is worse than that of my donkeys.

The market was open for five consecutive days, and until all the goods were sold out, Londoners' enthusiasm for buying did not subside.

Chu Sheng welcomed these businessmen into the embassy.

Because of the conflict of interests, both parties cannot tolerate each other. Now there is only one opportunity left for the two forces to officially start a civil war.

The average life span of these farmers who enter the factory is less than five years.

"Master Chu, I just arrived in London not long ago.

I also got a lot of things from those merchants that we can’t buy through normal channels.”

People who buy glasses, do they know how to use glasses to make lenses?

Fortunately, we responded quickly and blocked Chu Sheng’s questions.

It is not yet time for Ambassador Chu Sheng to receive them.

Those factory owners were very resourceful. They bought farmers' land to raise sheep and drove farmers into factories.

The waiter brought several glasses of dark drinks.

Chu Sheng suddenly asked this question, probably to test them.

"Father, this is a perfume only used by the upper class.

Many lifebloods of England are controlled by these people.

Li Xingge sighed: "I captured several pirates who attacked our fleet and interrogated them to find out where the pirates had written off their accounts. Those merchants were very satisfied with my goods.

How can you get the most benefit without traveling to Paris?

They all decided to stay away from Chu Sheng in the future.

He went to Paris so recklessly and was really prepared to risk his fortune and life.

We are already used to drinking tea, so let’s change the taste of a foreign country.”

Since I couldn't see the domestic newspapers, I asked the translator to read me the newspapers here in London.

When Ding Debao heard Wang Sen's introduction, he was a little envious of Wang Sen's courage.

But these tail goods must be disposed of in time.

They told about their respective situations.

He looked at the pounds in his pocket and saw that he couldn't keep the money he had finally saved this time.

There are also such illegal factories in some parts of the country, but the domestic laws are strict, and if caught, they will be punished.

Because they don't know English, they can't communicate with customers.

Ding Debao shrugged and said: "Technical leakage has been discussed many times by the court. As long as we communicate with the outside world, it is impossible to avoid it.

We'd better pay taxes and get rid of these tax collectors.

The products have been sold out, and we have to prepare everything for returning home."

After he said this, he walked towards the tax collector, and other businessmen immediately followed him.

(End of chapter)

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