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Chapter 528 Dispute

Chapter 528 Dispute (Part 1)

August 2, 4338 (1641 AD).

Emperor Su He took a special train and arrived at the Beijing Railway Station at dusk.

He concluded a tour that lasted more than two months.

Emperor Su He inspected the local situation in the Central Plains, southeast, southwest and northwest.

He traveled across most of the country by special train, and he had a good idea of ​​local conditions.

During this tour, I witnessed the opening of a new channel of the Yellow River.

The Yellow River has been tamed, and floods on both sides of the Yellow River will no longer occur.

There will be tens of millions more acres of fertile land on both sides of the Yellow River.

He also saw the development of future industry and the current situation of industry.

The imperial court has unified all taxes on farmers into field taxes, and the tax bureau is responsible for the taxation.

The soldiers shed their lives and blood in the officialdom, but the rewards promised by the court could not be fulfilled.

Prime Minister Wei Shiming saw the look in Emperor Su He's eyes.

We must crack down on such officials and resolutely eliminate the bad apples.

Han Cuibai, the Minister of Rites, immediately stood up and said excitedly: "This situation must not happen.

Retired officers and soldiers will be assigned jobs in accordance with the court's policies.

As soon as Qu Tian's words came out, the civil servants immediately became excited.

We cannot let our heroes bleed and shed tears.

Xuanwuwei, the emperor's eyes and ears, allowed him to obtain the most realistic situation.

When retired soldiers have no backing, they can bully retired soldiers arbitrarily.

It is used to supervise local governments and cooperate with local governments to implement military-related policies."

These corrupt officials must be dealt with promptly in order to rectify the atmosphere in the officialdom.

Now go home and rest, I will hold a royal meeting tomorrow, and some people will also participate in the royal meeting to discuss the issues accumulated during this period."

But retired soldiers should be assigned jobs, even serving as government servants.

He went to Kunning Palace to have dinner with his wife and children.

These questions were not suitable to be raised by Emperor Su He personally.

If the military wants to get involved in local affairs, this is an extremely dangerous sign.

After Han Cuibai broke up, Cabinet Minister Wang Yanhu and Cabinet Minister Li Zhisheng.

Emperor Su He inspected so many places and had in-depth conversations with people's representatives from various places.

Some of the common problems I encountered were very representative, and I brought them to the meeting to discuss them with everyone.

Once the new name of the Dahua Empire is announced, they all hope to be remembered in history.

He can see the whole picture of an event clearly through several perspectives.

In the beginning, we can still argue with each other based on facts.

The Great China Empire had just been founded, and its national power was on the rise.

But in this aspect of the debate, generals are naturally at a disadvantage.

Emperor Su He spoke first: "I sacrificed to the Yellow Emperor and changed the country's name to Dahua Empire.

Emperor Su He sent all the ministers with power and status overseas to found the country.

Cabinet Minister Li Zhisheng praised: "This method is indeed very effective. Does the Metropolitan Procuratorate have any difficulties?"

He rushed to Kunning Palace and found Wang Wenjun, Li Huixin and other wives and children.

This is inconsistent with etiquette and will cause serious hidden dangers.

They saw many situations on the road.

If this happens, it will become extremely dangerous.”

Li Yuanzheng, the censor of Zuodu, stood up and said: "The current situation is very serious, and the official system is collapsing very quickly.

After Emperor Su He said the name of the new country, he looked at Prime Minister Wei Shiming.

Qu Tian, ​​the deputy chief of general staff, was one step ahead of him, saying: "I followed His Majesty on this tour, and I discovered a big problem.

Gemstones that glow by themselves are extremely dangerous and must be transported in thick lead boxes."

They have some questions that they have thought about all the way and are ready to raise them today.

The pensions for fallen martyrs can be paid in full, which is a good situation.

Prime Minister Wei Shiming wanted to speak again.

Emperor Su He summoned his ministers to ask him to understand the causes and consequences of the matters he was concerned about.

Compare what he and the minister said.

On the contrary, Xuanwuwei found evidence that some officials were corrupt and perverting the law.

This kind of thing makes everyone happy and does not touch their interests. No one will choose to stop it.

During their trip, they discussed some of the problems they encountered.

Many of them also accompanied Emperor Su He on his trip.

Emperor Su He listened to Su Changsheng and others introduce the situation in the capital in the past two months.


When the father is away, does Ronger listen to the mother?"

These civil servants also accused them of wanting to rebel.

What I have seen is that veterans are not well placed in various places.

"Changsheng, regarding the bronze water pipes, Xuanwuwei secretly controlled the private company and carried out the matter quietly.

They also refuted the military's ideas in an extremely severe manner.

The current ministers' power and status are not enough to support their rebellion.

Your Majesty, I suggest that a military governor or deputy governor be added to participate in local politics.

Some counties clearly had a bad harvest, but they reported a bumper harvest to the court.

It will inevitably happen when the time comes that the people will starve to death, but the imperial court will see a bumper harvest throughout the country.

He could see that the Great China Empire was now in an era where small-scale peasant economy and commercial economy coexisted.

Emperor Su He was able to learn about the situation in the capital through telegrams.

When Emperor Su He was on a patrol, in order to fully understand what was happening in the capital, most of the telegrams conveyed the outline of some events.

Xuanwu Guards generally only deal with serious crimes such as treason and rebellion.

I hope everyone can brainstorm and come up with solutions to these problems."

Emperor Su He also encountered many situations during his tour this time.

It will lead to the distortion of relevant policies, and it is easy to make policies that ignore the facts and decide on the head.

He stood up and said: "This time I went on tour with His Majesty and saw many bad situations in various places.

The army cannot be allowed to get involved in government affairs, and the army should be freed from the government's funding and have its own small treasury.

The small-scale peasant economy gradually declined and was replaced by a commercialized economy.

He told the people accompanying him: "You have followed me all the way, and it has been very tiring.

Once these two household-extinction plans are implemented, the generation of old nobles in Mobei Mongolia will slowly disappear.

At the same time, he proposed the two plans he had in mind to wipe out his family.

Su Changsheng has great confidence in Xuanwuwei. Both of these things are not difficult. Xuanwuwei will definitely achieve the goal perfectly.

This is then supplemented by propaganda to let the people know the real situation.

Su Rong pouted her little mouth and said: "Father, don't worry, Rong'er listens to the mother's words very much. Rong'er studies medicine seriously, and now she can treat people."

Prime Minister Wei Shiming attracted everyone's attention.

There is a problem with members of the royal family. These are the families of Su Xiong and Su Hu. They are making noises about going to America.

Some officials were so bold that they collected the poll tax privately and asked the government officials to collect it directly.

Xuanwuwei usually just introduces the true situation of the incident without emotion.

Su He praised the eldest princess Su Rong. He picked up Su Rong and handed her to Queen Wang Wenjun.

After Emperor Su He met with the ministers, he summoned the senior officials of the Xuanwu Guard, including the commander of the Xuanwu Guard, Su Changsheng.

On his way back to the palace, Emperor Su He had asked Queen Wang Wenjun to call everyone in the harem to Kunning Palace to have dinner with him.

There were not many people in the palace, so nothing happened during this period.

The military attachés appeared more united, as they all came from the Governor's House.

For ordinary corruption, all cases are handed over to the Metropolitan Procuratorate and other relevant yamen.

To engrave the official seal of gemstones, select foreign craftsmen and craftsmen who have committed crimes to make them.

"Rong'er is good, my father misses Rong'er too.

Li Yuanzheng, the censor of Zuodu, saw that the cabinet had reached a consensus.

The Metropolitan Procuratorate is short of manpower, and the Provincial Metropolitan Procuratorate may be guarded by officials, unable to find any clues.

When Emperor Su He saw this situation, he immediately slapped the dragon chair.

Queen Wang Wenjun went to the two families many times and comforted them.

Emperor Su He returned to the Forbidden City. He summoned Cabinet Minister Li Zhisheng, Cabinet Minister Qu Xiangyang, Cabinet Minister Wang Yanhu, Governor Feng Sanqiu and others in the Qianqing Palace.

The most important role of Xuanwu Guard is to monitor the situation of various ministers.

Emperor Su He saw civil and military officials arriving one after another.

Emperor Su He sat down on the main seat and said with a smile: "The little guys are all impatient. Please notify the imperial kitchen to start dinner."

Su He rubbed his daughter's chubby face.

They soon realized that they could not defeat the civil servants, so they pushed away the table and wanted to take action.

They were all at the train station, waiting for Emperor Su He to return to the capital.

He held an imperial meeting in the Qianqing Palace to discuss some important policies with ministers.

This traditional tax item and tax collection method makes it difficult for people who have never traveled far to distinguish the true from the false.

In the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms at the end of the Tang Dynasty, the emperors took turns.

What Han Cuibai said was shocking, and he just wanted to make the military give up the idea completely by criticizing him verbally.

But the telegraph is not omnipotent. The newly invented telegraph has great limitations.

The roads in the palace were brightly illuminated by street lights.

A slightly powerful military leader would lead his troops to overthrow the emperor.

The lowest job position is that of a patrol officer in the township office.

Emperor Su He was very happy to see Su Changsheng's confident look.

If this problem is limited to a certain province, I have already sent a letter to the local governor and set a deadline for them to resolve the matter.

It was rare to have dinner together in the palace, so they enjoyed this meal happily.

While he was eating, he asked Queen Wang Wenjun and others about the situation in the palace and the royal family during his absence.

Dahua's strength far exceeds that of previous dynasties, so it should have a new national title.

He saw Queen Wang Wenjun taking the prince and princess.

When the new generation grows up, they will have become accustomed to the rule of the Great China Empire, and they will not have the strong resistance to it as they do now.

These officials all have their own positions, and what they say is basically biased towards the interests of their own faction.

Li Zhisheng and other cabinet ministers led the main civil servants.

After Emperor Su He met with the ministers, he walked out of Qianqing Palace and saw a crescent moon rising in the sky.

Emperor Su He personally proposed it, but the atmosphere of the discussion was not very good, and many ministers would be submissive.

Cabinet Minister Qu Xiangyang suggested: “This kind of problem must be solved by strengthening supervision.

Even though there would be some hidden dangers in this method, he still agreed to it.

Prime Minister Wei Shiming pointed out at the imperial meeting that there is still room for discussion on these policies.

The military commanders headed by Governor Feng Sanqiu immediately started arguing with the civilian officials.

There was more land available for cultivation, attracting a large number of farmers.

He frequently changed locations, and the content of his telegram transmissions was limited.

Emperor Su He informed Su Changsheng, the commander of the Xuanwu Guards, about the situation outside the Great Wall that he learned in Zhangjiakou.

Cabinet Minister Li Zhisheng and Cabinet Minister Qu Xiangyang, their descriptions of the same thing turned out to be completely different.

But the Metropolitan Procuratorate is currently short of manpower, and the Metropolitan Procuratorate in each provincial capital is prone to officials protecting each other."

The civil officials who participated in the meeting mainly included officials from the cabinet and the six ministries, as well as Li Yuanzheng, the censor of Zuodu, Han Youzhe, the Shaofu Ling, and others who were observing.


She immediately ran over and hugged Emperor Su He's waist.

"Ronger hasn't seen my father for a long time, and I miss him very much."

The Metropolitan Procuratorate in the capital can send people to direct the Procuratorate of the provincial capital in another place to investigate a certain place."

Only extremely important matters will be explained in detail via telegram.

He summoned officials from multiple factions to understand a certain matter from multiple perspectives, so that he would not have preconceived ideas and be biased against certain things.

If one county falsifies, it doesn't matter. If every county falsifies, it will shake the foundation of the country.

Emperor Su He moved the imperial meeting that was supposed to be held today to tomorrow.

This situation absolutely cannot be tolerated.

Some officials think that the sky is high and the emperor is far away, so they are so lawless that they even increase taxes on the people.

I will issue an imperial edict later to officially change the country's name."

Emperor Su He saw this result and was very satisfied with the performance of these officials.

If it weren't for the continuous expansion of the Dahua Empire, the military would win successive victories and earn a lot of benefits for the country.

He asked Xuanwuwei to hand over the evidence of officials' corruption and bending the law to the Metropolitan Procuratorate for processing.

The commander of the Xuanwu Guards, Su Changsheng, heard about Emperor Su He's arrangements.

He confidently assured: "Your Majesty, please rest assured that Xuanwu Guard will definitely be able to do these things well."

He asked these ministers about what happened in the capital and across the country in the two months since he left the capital.

These ministers were very self-aware. Even when Emperor Su He left the capital, no one was doing anything secretly.

I don’t know how many officials there are like this in the country.”

Both the civil and military factions strongly support the change of the country's title.

August 3, 4338 (1641 AD).

If you find a group of bad apples, get rid of them immediately.

They were listening to Concubine Jing Liu Rushi telling stories about the journey, and they laughed and laughed from time to time.

Emperor Su He stepped off the train.

The military generals saw the violent reaction of civilian officials.

But I found that many people make a living on their own.

Corrupt officials in some places are simply lawless.

I have also seen situations that are more serious than fraud.

Some situations don't need to be solved urgently, but some situations must be dealt with promptly.

The bankruptcy of the small-scale peasant economy will cause severe turmoil in the country.

Su Lei had sharp eyes. When he saw Su He arriving, he immediately said loudly: "Father is here, it's time to start dinner."

Governor Feng Sanqiu led the military attachés.

If there is a bad harvest, the court will investigate the cause, and if there is a good harvest, the court will reward the officials in charge.

He then slowly said: "I have found in various places that many officials falsify their political performance, or collect taxes under false pretenses for their own benefit.

If you don't think of a way to help the people, you still have to consume the old grain.

These two tactics are effective, and the imperial court will also have a trump card to deal with any force that may conspire without bloodshed.

Let the heroes’ spirits of the martyrs rest in peace.

The eldest princess Su Rong saw Emperor Su He stepping off the train.

Pregnant concubines are raising their babies with peace of mind, and concubines with children are educating their children.

He ordered the Qilin Guards, who were maintaining order, to separate the two groups.

Emperor Su He reprimanded: "You are all important ministers of the country, and you are preparing to fight in the Qianqing Palace. How unbecoming is this?"

The civil and military factions were suppressed by Emperor Su He, but they found each other very distasteful.

Order was restored in the Qianqing Palace, and ministers continued to discuss the policy.

(End of chapter)

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