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Chapter 529 Dispute

Chapter 529 Dispute (Part 2)

As the proposer of the policy, Qu Tian couldn't even argue with civilian officials.

He remained stubborn and said firmly: "Local government decisions involving the military and retired soldiers must involve military generals.

In the past, our military also trusted you civilian officials, but you failed to live up to your expectations.

It violated the trust of our military."

While Qu Tian was talking, he took out a bag of files.

As the chief of staff, he always leads the army with plans before taking action.

He had already made a plan for what might happen during today's imperial meeting.

The cases in the file are cases of abuses committed by local officials against retired soldiers in recent years.

Qu Tian took out a file and said in a calm voice: "Regiment leader Lin Daniu was injured in the Battle of Zunyi, and his right thigh was amputated.

Other projects cannot compete with the Ministry of Rites’ school plan.

"Jin Shangshu, the construction of bridges in various places can be based on the railways. The Shaofu will set up a company to build the bridges and recover the construction funds by collecting tolls."

At the provincial level, chief envoys and political participants have been added, and major local decisions involving major decisions are held by the governor. These officials with decision-making power jointly vote to adopt a policy.

Subordinates keep things pretty much the same, and both sides know the other's bottom line.

When Cabinet Minister Li Zhisheng heard what Emperor Su He said, his eyes widened.

China has a long history, and the performance of officials can be traced back to history.

Money represents the political performance of each department, and all ministers are gearing up to fight for this budget.

The military representative does not have much authority, but he can serve as a nail in the airtight civil service system.

Local government decision-making officials can add military representatives.

Hai Rui's kind of upright example should be respected by officials, not reviled.

I request your Majesty to strictly restrain the conduct of the military."

Now the military wants to interfere in local government affairs, which has destroyed the bottom line of civil and military separation.

After this matter was resolved, the atmosphere among the civil servants and military generals eased a lot.

They settled the matter in a few words.

Thousands of years of Chinese history have told civilian officials that making the military stronger will inevitably infringe on their interests.

Civil servants have no way to intervene in the military except for military expenditures.

He immediately stood up and said: "Your Majesty, I think this budget should be invested in education.

According to the relevant policies of the imperial court, he will become a patrol officer.

Governor Feng Sanqiu knew that this matter could not be left to Li Zhisheng's nonsense. The military had to find its own solution.

He had accompanied Emperor Su He on his tour for two months and had already understood Emperor Su He's thoughts on some matters.

Our military does not want to get involved in local government affairs, but we must protect the rights and interests of retired military personnel."

The Metropolitan Governor's Office is a more powerful military department, and this yamen is still completely controlled by the military. This is terrible.

Prime Minister Wei Shiming saw Li Zhisheng's gaze, but he had no reaction.

If the Imperial Council approves this policy of the military, how will the officials view them and how will the people of the world view them?

Cabinet Minister Li Zhisheng was so anxious that he was sweating profusely. He kept signaling to Prime Minister Wei Shiming and asked Wei Shiming to think of a solution.

Now that the Yellow River Project has officially ended, there is no need to spend so much money maintaining the Yellow River waterways.

Qu Tian and other military attachés heard what Cabinet Minister Li Zhisheng said.

Emperor Su He's idea was to use the military to break up local cliques.

Military generals and civilian officials are naturally at odds with each other due to distribution of interests and other reasons.

Just build a few experimental middle schools to test this teaching method.

It is difficult for military representatives to influence local policies.

He stood up and said excitedly: "Your Majesty, our military has absolutely no intention of interfering in government affairs. We just want to obtain supervision rights.

Li Zhisheng got wise in his desperation and found a way to deal with the military.

Su He looked at the dispute between the Ministry of Rites and the Ministry of Works. He had already expected this situation.

He should have been a seventh-grade official in his hometown, at least the director of each county bureau.

Our military has just made its intention known, and we sincerely ask Your Majesty to make the decision for us."

They may all work together for their own interests and form a small closed circle in the local area.

Cabinet Minister Li Zhisheng and others saw Qu Tian presenting key evidence.

The Great China Empire also implemented civil and military divisions, local officials and their faction leaders.

As long as the interests are large enough, this situation will inevitably occur.

He only supervises work involving the military.

After passing the test in the first two years, middle school can allow mediocre people to learn university knowledge with a smoother knowledge system.

The construction cost of each bridge is extremely high and the local government cannot afford it. Wei Chen suggested that this money be used to build bridges."

Basic national policies must never be wavered.

I would like to ask Your Majesty to tell you where this budget will be spent."

The future goal of the Ministry of Rites is to establish a middle school in every prefecture."

The policy of civil and military separation was a policy often emphasized by Emperor Su He.

The two parties had been arguing for a long time. Qu Tian and Li Zhisheng, as the representative figures, both had red faces and looked very angry.

How could they be treated unfairly without the participation of local officials.

There is a voice among the people that middle schools should be established between primary schools and universities to serve as a link between the past and the following.

This was beneficial to local stability in the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China, but it also resulted in many corruption cases.

The military has touched the bottom line, and the bottom line must not be breached.

As soon as Emperor Su He said these words, the worried expressions of the civil servants eased a lot.

For those who have hit this bottom line before, the lowest price they can pay is to go home and retire.

This is my opinion. What the military representatives can do will be discussed with the Governor-General and the Cabinet."

Han Cuibai, the Minister of Rites, had just finished speaking when the cabinet minister Qu Xiangyang finished speaking.

This hole must not be opened.

Cabinet minister Qu Xiangyang stood up and said: "Your Majesty, the imperial court invests millions of silver coins in the Yellow River project every year.

But Li Zhisheng thought that if this thing was done, he would become a true leader of the civil service, so it was worth it.

It is precisely because the Ministry of Rites has no money that it has not established large-scale middle schools.

Before Dahua was established, Emperor Su He implemented the strategy of dividing civil and military rule.

Dahua currently does not even have a military department, and the civilian government lacks an office to control the army at the central core.

His Majesty often said that it takes ten years to grow trees and a hundred years to cultivate people.

He was appointed as a ninth-grade township head.

Emperor Su He gave Li Zhisheng a meaningful look.

The imperial court took the opportunity to adjust the local power structure.

He is prepared to lead some officials to strictly oppose this policy.

Emperor Su He supported the policy proposed by Qu Tian.

When the Great China Empire was first founded, local governors, prefects, and county magistrates had great power.

He was prepared to listen carefully to Emperor Su He's opinions and refute this policy in a targeted manner.

The civilian officials completely lost control of the military and allowed the military to counterattack to the core of the civilian officials.

Emperor Su He asked them to put forward restrictions, and they would definitely restrict the military representatives in the strictest way.

Those corrupt officials will definitely take action.

Now even local government affairs and the military have to forcefully intervene.

They frowned, but they didn't know what words to use to retort.

Once military representatives discover anomalies in the local government, they can report the abnormality through the military line.

In the middle and late Ming Dynasty, civilian officials were superior, but once military generals were allowed to take power, they would be very domineering.

The best project the Ministry of Industry found was to build bridges.

Each province has a university, which is the goal that the Ministry of Rites is about to achieve.

If he interferes in a hopeless matter, he will lose his majesty and make Emperor Su He disgusted. This is totally not worth it.

The military also refused to give in to each other. They competed with civilian officials for the rights of military representatives.

The court's current capabilities are unable to control local conditions in real time.

Emperor Su He could not support the military's violation of this policy.

"My lords, do you still want me to continue reading?

Just a few years after the war, hundreds of retired soldiers were treated unfairly.

This system operated stably, and subsequently several prefects were added at the prefectural level and several county magistrates were added at the county level, thus improving the local power structure.

He couldn't help but stood up and said: "Your Majesty has implemented a strict separation of civil and military rule since the founding of the People's Republic of China.

Emperor Su He watched the dispute between the two parties.

The civil servants saw that the matter was irreversible.

"But the separation of civil and military affairs is the basic national policy of the Great China Empire.

He couldn't help but stand up and said: "Your Majesty, this budget is the budget saved by the Ministry of Works, and it should be invested in the Ministry of Works.

Separation of civil and military forces was Emperor Su He's bottom line.

If there is "but" at the end of a sentence, there will definitely be a turning point.

Now the imperial court has an extra budget of millions of taels of silver coins every year.

He is a little restless now. I hope he can recognize himself and stop causing trouble.

Whether it is an official from the local Supervisory Office or a civilian officer who has been transferred from the military.

Emperor Su He learned about the situation during this tour. In some areas, there has been a situation where officials are protecting each other.

The excessive power of local governors led to the outbreak of the Shandong Yellow River Project corruption case.

They will also unite and cut off the military's hand extending to the local area.

This is a great deterrent to local officials.

Education is the driving force behind the development and growth of a country.

Under the current situation, the civil servants who share the same ideas with him cannot stop this matter.

The imperial court invested money in education, which was the investment with the lowest cost and the highest return.

Bridges in most parts of the country are now in dilapidated condition.

He had an idea and took advantage of Emperor Su He's influence.

Governor Feng Sanqiu looked at the disputes among the civil servants with a smile on his face.

The Metropolitan Government also competed for many powers for military representatives.

None of them has the ability to influence the appointment and dismissal of local generals.

Civilians have the power to command the military, and the promotion of generals requires the approval of civilians.

If the imperial court implements the policies proposed by Qu Tian, ​​it will achieve multiple goals with one stone.

Every era has a bottom line that must never be touched.

"Your Majesty, this is the rule agreed between the two parties."

Civilian officials were unwilling to allow the military to interfere in local affairs.

This is equivalent to sending a censor who will not betray at any time to supervise the local officials.

Prime Minister Wei Shiming took the regulations they had discussed and handed them to Emperor Su He.

Military representatives only attended the meeting, while local government decision-making officials met to discuss normal local affairs. Military representatives did not participate in voting.

Li Zhisheng saw that Prime Minister Wei Shiming remained silent for a long time.

Their civil servants are good at suppressing people with justice, but for these real cases, they can't find a way to fight back.

Zhou Tie, an ordinary soldier, lost his ability to work because his lungs were injured by Ming army firearms during the battle of Mengjin County.

The emperor will not become deaf or blind because of the obstruction of civil servants.

The Metropolitan Government is also covetous of this budget.

These civil servants also had sharp conflicts for their own interests.

Emperor Su He thought for a moment and said: "In some places, there are indeed signs that the mountains are high and the emperor is far away.

There will definitely be local officials who infringe on the interests of the military.

Now is the feudal era. Even if he strictly combats corruption and sends censors to inspect local areas, he cannot completely clean up corrupt officials.

Li Zhisheng was not prepared to use this method even if there was a chance.

The generals of the local garrison have become one of the top decision-makers in the local area and can keep abreast of the situation of the local government at any time.

Adding a military representative to the local government can indeed effectively prevent local officials from inaction and disorderly behavior when the interests of the military are involved."

The gap in knowledge between elementary school and university is so big that few people except geniuses can adapt.

Emperor Su He looked at Han Cuibai, he was very satisfied with Han Cuibai's performance.

As long as military generals are not given the power to control local areas, local garrison troops will not lose control.

Emperor Su He supported the military's policy, but he changed the subject.

They can basically decide local matters with one word.

Emperor Su He has not yet spoken. As important ministers of the country, they cannot ignore the facts.

But the current situation is completely different. The Great China Empire has no preparations for launching a war in the near future.

Emperor Su He looked at this regulation and found that the cabinet had placed great restrictions on what military representatives could do locally.

Just as Li Zhisheng was about to speak, he heard Emperor Su He say the word "but".

Qu Tian only talked about these two cases and showed hundreds of files with his hands.

He can only continue to purify the officialdom, and must not have a situation like that in the middle and late Ming Dynasty, where corrupt officials were proud and honest officials were despised by everyone.

It is impossible to understand the historical situation too clearly. We can only look at the situation in the late Ming Dynasty.

Wang Zhongce left. As the most senior minister in the cabinet, he had the right to act as prime minister for two months.

Cabinet Minister Li Zhisheng will never allow this to happen, which is also a thought shared by many civil servants.

If there is no large-scale reduction in military expenditures, the Governor-General will be happy and there will be no reason to compete for military expenditures.

But because of the dispute just now, the atmosphere in Qianqing Palace was still a little tense.

Only when the content of the discussion involves military interests, military representatives can express their opinions and participate in the voting of the meeting.

Only then did Prime Minister Wei Shiming and Governor Feng Sanqiu, who could make decisions, make the final decision.

They began to use various methods to restrict the rights of military representatives and strive to limit the rights of military representatives to the minimum.

Once you talk about facts, you can't avoid these cases.

No matter how much budget the court has, they can spend it all quickly.

After the Tumubao Incident in the Ming Dynasty, civilian officials completely suppressed the generals.

He must take advantage of the situation, and Prime Minister Wei Shiming's situation cannot be used.

When Honeysuckle heard this, he could only sit down helplessly.

The imperial court popularized primary schools in various places, and it was possible to have one primary school in every county.

Had the pension not gone through the banking system, it would have been paid directly to the individual.

Jinyinhua, Minister of the Ministry of Industry, heard the words of Han Cuibai, Minister of Rites.

This is to force Emperor Su He to stand up, which will inevitably arouse Emperor Su He's resentment.

As soon as Qu Xiangyang said these words, the eyes of the civil servants widened.

The military and local governments have almost no common interests.

His place was replaced, and the name Zhou Tie was replaced by Wang Enjie, the son of a wealthy businessman."

He immediately became anxious. Honeysuckle knew that Emperor Su He paid great attention to education.

He was not surprised at all when this happened.

This situation is conducive to centralized rule with the emperor as the mainstay.

"I have decided to use this extra budget to build a middle school.

No matter how poor you are, you cannot lack education.”

Han Cuibai, the Minister of Rites, said excitedly: "Your Majesty, please rest assured that I will definitely live up to your Majesty's expectations."

Su He discussed several more policies with the ministers, and the imperial meeting ended.

(End of chapter)

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