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Chapter 542 Arriving in Cao Country

Chapter 542 Arriving at Cao Country

Author: Feng Xiaomu

The fleet was about to arrive at the dock of Cao State. King Su Hu of Wei looked at the sea with a telescope.

He could already see many wooden boats about ten meters long going out to sea to fish.

Fishermen can catch dozens of kilograms of fish in one net.

Occasionally, you can see sea fish several meters long in the net.

It can be seen that there are plenty of fish in the nearby waters.

Soon after King Xiang Su Li left the fleet, they arrived in northern South America.

This can be regarded as the territory of Cao State.

King Su Hu of Wei speculated that the cultivated land of Cao State was obviously not as large as that of Zhao State, and that Cao State would only send so many fishermen to fish when there was a shortage of food.

Immigrants from the Cao State are very precious. If the land of the Cao State was easy to cultivate, they would not send a large number of people to engage in fishing, which cannot obtain stable food.

The fishermen saw a huge fleet approaching them, and the fishermen looked very panicked.

They saw the flags fluttering on the boat. These flags were all familiar to them. They saw that they were their own, and the fishermen's expressions returned to normal.

King Su Hu of Wei ordered the fleet to approach Cao's port.

He was not prepared to let everyone in the fleet disembark.

But for a long voyage, he had to replenish some fresh water, vegetables, fruits and other supplies from Cao State.

He and King Qi Sushan will also meet with King Cao Li Dazhuang to discuss matters related to the alliance with him.

This kind of problem must be dealt with at this time.

Once King Cao Li Dazhuang felt that he was isolated, it would be very difficult to ease the relationship later.

King Su Hu of Wei also saw several patrolling small steamships through his telescope. They found traces of the fleet and immediately returned to the port in an emergency.

These steamships are flexible and fast.

They will definitely arrive at the port early and report the news of their arrival to King Cao Li Dazhuang.


King Cao Li Dazhuang had a map in front of his desk, and he was listening to the report from the Governor Kong Erniu.

His brows were furrowed, murderous intent was revealed in his eyes, and he ordered decisively:

"The army must at all costs overcome the obstacles of the mountains and open a road to the eastern plains.

When you encounter indigenous tribes, wipe them out.

When you encounter mountains and rivers, build roads to connect them.

The army must overcome various difficulties and break through the mountains the sooner the country can enter the fast lane of development.

The non-combat attrition of the army is a bit high now, but the army must persevere.

We have saltpeter mines and gunpowder in the arsenal, with an unlimited supply.

Even if the army uses gunpowder to blast a road, you must also fulfill this order."

Cao Guo's current development situation has reached a bottleneck. He knows how to break through the bottleneck, but he has yet to make up his mind.

Just because an order is issued, many people will lose their lives.

King Cao Li Dazhuang thought about it for a long time. As the leader of Cao State, he must be rational and cold-blooded and not benevolent as a woman.

All interests are based on the best interests of Cao State.

King Cao Li Dazhuang made up his mind, so he called the governor Kong Erniu over.

He led nearly 100,000 people and successfully built a gathering place near the seaside in South America, barely able to feed the people.

Liu Yuanshan also inspected it back then and found that the area of ​​this flat land was less than one county.

The rest is hills and mountains.

Hilly areas are only suitable for growing some sweet potatoes and corn, but are not suitable for growing crops such as wheat and rice.

Even these fields are covered with trees and grass, and people need to cultivate these areas.

The tropics are suitable for tree growth, and the mountains and forests here are very dense, forming patches of virgin forest, blocking their continued exploration.

King Cao Li Dazhuang sent his elite troops to explore the situation in the mountains and forests, and to search for the plains east of the mountains recorded by the Spanish.

The mountain range in Cao State is a mountain range of astonishing length.

According to what the Navy observed, there is a huge mountain range on the west coast of America.

This mountain range extends from the northern tip of North America to the southern tip of South America.

This is the longest mountain range encountered by King Cao Li Dazhuang.

It is a huge mountain range composed of multiple mountains.

King Cao Li Dazhuang sent people to explore this mountain range, and the only good news they got was that the mountain range in their Cao Kingdom was not too wide.

The scouts he sent traversed the entire mountain range in just over a month.

On the other side of the mountains, it is exactly the same as what the Spanish recorded. It is a vast plain area.

This plain is covered with grass and forests.

You only need to cultivate wasteland and forests to turn them into fertile farmland.

Cao Guo will never be like now, where every piece of food needs to be calculated carefully.

There is not enough food, so you need to fish and hunt to get enough food.

King Cao Li Dazhuang now ordered the army to clear a road to the east of the mountain range.

Once this road was opened, Cao Guo broke through its shackles and ushered in a period of rapid development.

The reason why King Cao Li Dazhuang hesitated about this matter was that there were unforeseen dangers in the primeval forest.

When soldiers are bitten by mosquitoes or poisonous snakes, it is difficult to recover.

Even if it is a frog, the poison in its body can kill a person.

Grand Governor Kong Erniu's forehead was covered with fine sweat, and he was thinking about how to respond to this matter.

Liu Yuanshan, Prime Minister of the Cao State Cabinet, knocked on the door.

Grand Governor Kong Erniu breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that things were disturbed.

When King Cao Li Dazhuang heard a knock on the door, he knew that a major emergency had occurred in the country.

He immediately ordered the guards to open the closed door.

Liu Yuanshan walked into the house and said excitedly: "Your Majesty, we finally waited for Dahua's ocean transport fleet.

Ocean convoys carry a lot of medicine.

Especially the drugs developed by Nanyang doctors, many kinds of drugs can treat the difficult and complicated diseases we encounter.

There are also many merchants who came to us with the fleet.

These merchants should bring the goods we need.

King Su Hu of Wei and King Su Shan of Qi followed the fleet to the place where they founded their kingdoms.

These two gentlemen request an audience with the king."

King Cao Li Dazhuang heard the situation introduced by Liu Yuanshan.

He was extremely excited and had been looking forward to the arrival of the domestic fleet for a long time.

Many of the commodities he brought have become in short supply after this period of development.

The arrival of the domestic fleet can supply Cao with a large amount of goods in short supply.

Especially since Cao State is now in a tropical environment, there is still a lack of medical treatment.

King Cao Li Dazhuang hoped that the domestic fleet could bring him some doctors and medicine this time.

Unexpectedly, their wish came true, and Emperor Su He sent them many medicines from Southeast Asia.

He looked at the Grand Governor Kong Erniu and ordered: "The military is ready, don't take action for the time being.

The arrival of the domestic fleet this time can replenish urgently needed supplies for the military.

In particular, drug replenishment can reduce non-combat attrition of the army.

It will become easier for the military to break through the mountains.

I will understand what supplies can be obtained this time, and then make a new action plan."

Kong Erniu stood upright. When he heard the order from King Li Dazhuang, he immediately saluted the army and said: "I understand your humble position."


King Cao Li Dazhuang took the Prime Minister Liu Yuanshan to the dock to greet the two princes and the supplies on the ship.

At the same time, he sent his men to notify the dock and asked the customs to guide the merchant ships into the port, and Cao Guo officials came forward to purchase the merchants' goods.

King Cao Li Dazhuang ordered the officials to increase the price of goods that are not in short supply in Cao State by one to two times according to the domestic prices in Dahua.

The prices of commodities that are in short supply in Cao State are five to ten times higher in Dahua.

Li Dazhuang knows that it is completely a seller's market now.

These merchants must benefit, and then there will be a steady stream of merchants going to Cao State to do business.

The price given is too low, and the merchants feel that the price is low and they cannot make money.

From now on, no merchants would cross the ocean and come to Cao State to do business.

A little gold and silver is nothing at all. If we can really build Cao State well, it will bring huge benefits.

King Cao Li Dazhuang quickly took a carriage and arrived at the dock.

He saw five ships docked side by side at the port, and workers were moving supplies from the ships to the dock.

Five cargo ships can be docked at one time, which is the maximum loading and unloading capacity of the terminal.

King Cao Li Dazhuang glanced at the goods that the merchants were selling.

He saw that these things were all rare industrial products in Cao State.

The merchants are very smart and know what commodities Cao Guoguo lacks.

The cargo ship of the Dahua Ocean Shipping Fleet is unloading boxes of medicines.

Among them are penicillin and cowpox vaccine, which are extremely valuable medicines.

King Cao Li Dazhuang came to America to establish his country and knew the general situation here.

By observing the situation in Nanyang, he had already stocked up on many medicines in advance.

But he didn't expect the bad situation here at all.

The medicines he brought over were basically consumed.

If there is no replenishment of medicines, there will be no medicine to treat people's illnesses.

King Cao Li Dazhuang just glanced at it, and Cao officials and merchants completed the transaction.

He took the Prime Minister of the Cabinet Liu Yuanshan to meet Wei Wang Su Hu and Qi Wang Su Shan.

These two people were not at the cargo terminal, but at the passenger terminal next to it.

These two princes are likely to be his neighbors in the future.

They have also worked together for many years and understand each other's personalities.

In particular, King Su Xiong of Zhao, the biological brother of King Su Hu of Wei, was still in the north of Cao State.

If Su Hu, King of Wei, established a country in the south of Cao State.

Cao Guo was caught between these two brothers, and he really couldn't sleep at night.

King Cao Li Dazhuang walked near the dock and saw the flagship steamship of King Su Hu of Wei.

Steam ships were too expensive. Even King Cao Li Dazhuang was reluctant to buy a steam ship.

As soon as Wei Wang Su Hu stepped off the deck, he saw Cao Wang Li Dazhuang coming to greet him in person, and immediately stepped forward to say hello.

"Long time no see, Brother Li. The Cao Kingdom you established looks very impressive."

King Cao Li Dazhuang said modestly: "It looks okay, but now internal and external troubles make me anxious every day.

I really miss the relaxed days before, these days are really gone forever.”

King Su Hu of Wei and King Cao Li Dazhuang were chatting. Soon King Su Shan of Qi came over and the three of them chatted for a while.

King Cao Li Dazhuang invited: "When the two brothers come to Cao State, I will fulfill my friendship as a landlord.

The two brothers are going to my palace for lunch, so you can go to the territory in this time."

King Su Hu of Wei and King Su Shan of Qi, if they want to purchase some supplies, they must obtain permission from King Cao Li Dazhuang.

They also had to discuss the alliance with Li Dazhuang, and they went happily.

King Cao Li Dazhuang led the two men to the city. He ordered the chef to serve the dishes according to the specifications of the state banquet.

The three of them were already at the table before the food was served.

King Cao Li Dazhuang took out a jar of wine and said with a smile: "This is the first batch of sweet potatoes grown in Cao State. I will share the sweet potato wine brewed with you."

They raised their glasses and drank, chatting about the brotherhood they had conquered the world together.

During the chat, King Su Hu of Wei proposed that he wanted to buy some supplies from Cao State, mainly vegetables and meat.

King Cao Li Dazhuang immediately agreed that this was just a small matter.

King Sushan of Qi then proposed an alliance. They would not attack each other until they cleared away foreign enemies.

He also introduced that among the five kings in America, only King Cao and Li Dazhuang did not join the alliance.

King Cao Li Dazhuang listened to the relevant terms of the alliance.

He did not directly say whether he agreed to join, but asked Qi Wang Sushan where they planned to establish the country?

King Qi Sushan introduced the place where their country was founded.

After hearing this, King Cao Li Dazhuang readily agreed to the invitation and joined the alliance.

The two neighbors of Cao State, Su Li, king of Xiang in the north, and Su Shan, king of Qi in the south, pose little threat to him.

He had also considered these two places before.

But King Cao and Li Dazhuang soon gave up. Both places were dominated by mountains and hills.

This kind of terrain makes it impossible to carry out large-scale agricultural production.

If agriculture is not strong, the population will inevitably be small, and it will not become a strong country.

King Cao Li Dazhuang chose to found his country here because he knew that there were plantations established by European colonists on the other side of the mountain.

He knew that there was a large plain on the other side of the mountain, so he established a country here.

After King Cao Li Dazhuang joined the alliance, he immediately asked the chef to start serving food.

"Brothers, this is the game I hunted in the forest.

Bear paws, venison, and wild boar are all extremely delicious after being cooked by chefs."

Li Dazhuang, King of Cao, was at the table and told the basic situation of Cao State.

He also made insinuations and asked about Zhao Guo's situation.

When he heard that Zhao State had only one golden city, he felt much more relaxed.

With the ability of Zhao Wang Su Xiong, they can only build one city now, and their power is between the two.

After the banquet was over, King Su Hu of Wei and King Su Shan of Qi said goodbye and left. After trading supplies, they prepared to continue their journey south.

King Cao Li Dazhuang personally saw them off.

King Su Hu of Wei was walking in the small town, but he didn't pay much attention when he came.

When I was about to leave, I saw that every house in the city had its windows covered with screens.

It is very hot here in Cao State, and many citizens wear long sleeves and gauze on their heads.

Seeing this situation, King Su Hu of Wei asked curiously: "Brother Li, why are your people dressed like this? Aren't they afraid of heatstroke?"

King Cao Li Dazhuang said helplessly: "The mosquitoes here are very powerful. If they bite you, they will cause big bumps on your body.

After people are bitten by mosquitoes, they can easily develop high fever, and many people die from the disease.

The land here in South America is fertile, but there are many poisonous insects and snakes, which can kill people if you are not careful."

When Wei Wang Su Hu heard this reason, he quickened his pace a little, trying to get on the carriage as quickly as possible and get away from this place.

The situation here in Cao State also reminded him to pay attention to the impact of the environment.

He looked at King Cao Li Dazhuang and asked with some confusion: "When Dahua developed Nanyang, I was leading troops in the country.

At that time, we knew that there were many plagues and poisonous insects and snakes in the tropics.

When Nanyang was being developed, villagers occasionally lost their lives, but it didn't go to this extent in Nanyang."

King Cao Li Dazhuang said helplessly: "How can the situation here be compared with that in Nanyang?

In the gathering place of Nanyang immigrants, every township has a health clinic and sufficient medicines.

Here in Cao State, the number of doctors including apprentices is not as good as a hundred.

This place is not rich in medicinal materials, resulting in a lack of medical treatment and medicine, and patients have no time to treat them.

I brought a lot of medicinal seeds. Cao State is in the tropics and the climate is very hot, so most of the medicinal seeds cannot be grown."

When Wei King Su Hu heard this reason, he also understood Cao Guo's difficulties.

"Brother Li, before I left Dahua, I heard that the Institute of Chemistry of the Royal Academy of Sciences was synthesizing various compounds.

They discovered that some compounds have specific effects on certain diseases.

We should pay attention to these drugs. The production of compound drugs is large and the price is relatively cheap.

With this kind of medicine, you don’t need to train doctors for a long time, you only need to use medicine to treat symptoms.”

After King Cao Li Dazhuang heard this, he was surprised and said: "The Royal Academy of Sciences of Dahua has developed so fast.

I immediately sent someone to follow the Dahua Ocean Fleet back to purchase a batch of this medicine."

King Cao Li Dazhuang received this news. He hoped that these drugs could reduce the accidental deaths of citizens and the non-combat attrition of the army.

He sent King Su Hu of Wei and Su Shan, King of Qi, back to their respective fleets.

The officials of Cao State brought a large amount of supplies and fresh water to trade with the fleets of the two princes.

Cao Wang Li Dazhuang watched Wei Wang Su Hu and Qi Wang Su Shan leave the dock.

He hoped that these two people would succeed in establishing their country.

Especially King Su Hu of Wei, once he successfully founded the country, he could attract most of the attention of European colonists.

It would be much easier for Cao State to expand eastward.

This chapter has been completed!
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