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Chapter 543 Temporary change of mind

Chapter 543 Temporary change of mind

Author: Feng Xiaomu

Chapter 543 Temporary change of mind

Qi Wang Sushan used a telescope to observe the situation on the west coast of South America.

Their fleet has already left the port of Cao State far away.

Cao is located in the tropics, where you only need to wear a shirt.

They were on the boat now and had to wear sweaters to resist the cold sea breeze.

Ma Jinshui, the confidant of King Qi Sushan, unfolded the map and said: "My lord, this place has entered the border we have defined.

I think the terrain at the seaside is pretty much the same, no matter where you land.

In order to preserve the physical strength of the immigrants, should we randomly select a port nearby and let the immigrants from the fleet land ashore?"

Qi Wang Sushan exhaled. North America is now entering spring from winter, Central America is hot, and South America is entering autumn.

He knew in China that due to the problem of sunlight, the seasons in the northern hemisphere and the southern hemisphere are completely opposite.

It’s midsummer in the northern hemisphere, and the sun is scorching in the sky. It’s winter in the southern hemisphere, and the scene is covered with snow.

When King Qi Sushan heard what Ma Jinshui said, he looked at the west coast of South America and said: "Jinshui, look here, is there a suitable port?

When our ship docks, even if it is far away from the shore without running aground, there is not even a place to build houses for immigrants.

We must at least find a place similar to where Cao Guo built a city.

The seaside here is filled with endless mountains.

There is not even a slightly flat piece of land. There is no place to cultivate farmland now, and there is no room for development in the future.

If we choose here, our country's development will fall far behind other countries.

The weak cannot survive, sooner or later we will be swallowed up by others.

This place is not advisable, let the fleet continue to sail south, and we must find a place that suits my heart."

Qi Wang Sushan looked at these places and kept shaking his head.

His progress has lagged far behind Cao Wang Li Dazhuang, and the initial position he chose to found the country was not as good as Cao Wang Li Dazhuang's choice.

The future development of the country will definitely not be as good as that of King Cao and Li Dazhuang.

He and King Cao Li Dazhuang were considered neighbors. Even among their generation, there was no conflict because of brotherhood.

If there is a big difference in strength between the two countries, their descendants will not be able to bear it and start a war.

Only when the strength of the two countries is not much different can long-term peace be maintained.

The fleet showed no sign of stopping and continued to sail south. Qi Wang Sushan used telescopes to constantly observe the situation on the west coast of South America.

As time passed, the weather gradually became colder, but a thin layer of sweat appeared on Qi Wang Sushan's forehead.

Ma Jinshui walked to the edge of the deck and looked at the frowning Cavalry King Su Shan.

He reported: "Your Majesty, King Su Hu of Wei sent someone to inquire about us.

According to the information displayed on the map, we will reach the southernmost tip of South America in about five days.

Wei Wang Suhe asked you, have you not chosen where to land?

If you go further south, you will reach a place that is always cold, which is not suitable for founding a country here."

Qi Wangsushan frowned even deeper. This was already close to the southernmost tip of South America. The mountains became steeper and the temperature was extremely cold.

Wei Wang Su Hu was right, this kind of environment was definitely not suitable for founding a country.

If the fleet goes further south, it will definitely not find a place suitable for founding a country.

Going back north, that's not a good idea either.

After this period of inspection, he did not find any place he liked.

Qi Wang Sushan felt angry when he thought about the South America he saw on the map.

These map makers should all be shot.

Qi Wang Sushan looks at the west coast of South America on the map. It is estimated that there are several excellent ports, and many places are suitable for founding a country.

He conducted an on-site inspection and found that the situation here was different from that on the map.

Qi Wang Sushan looked at Ma Jinshui's expectant eyes, he sighed and said: "We have no choice now, continue driving south.

Go around the southernmost tip of South America and take a look at the situation on the east coast of South America.

The southern tip of South America is relatively long and slender, and both the east and west coasts belong to our country.

If you can’t find a good place on the West Coast, I don’t believe you can find a good place on the East Coast.”

Ma Jinshui heard this order from King Qi Sushan.

He said with some hesitation: "Lord, we are heading to the unfamiliar east coast of South America.

This will break many of our previous plans.

Once the terrain on the east coast of South America is similar to that on the west coast, we will have wasted so much time.

The immigrants' patience is also very limited. They have been living in the cabin for nearly half a year, and many people have complained.

We informed you before that we would be landing in the near future.

A temporary change of mind now will cause the immigrants to become angry."

Ma Jinshui heard that King Qi Sushan changed his mind temporarily and wanted to change their landing on the west coast of South America to the east coast of South America.

This is not just a matter of changing a landing location, ranging from national positioning to obtaining resources and immigration from Dahua.

All these things need to be changed, and all previous plans have been overturned.

Ma Jinshui felt that King Qi Sushan’s order was too risky.

He suggested: "Lord, this matter needs to be considered carefully.

The distance we need to travel to the east coast of South America to receive supplies from Dahua will be extended by several months.

If this route for transporting materials becomes too long, it will delay the development of our country.

This is how we can successfully find a better location to found our country on the east coast of South America.

If we don't find a better location to found a country, we will be delayed for a few more months before taking a boat back to the west coast of South America."

King Qi Sushan heard the objections from his confidants, but he did not get angry.

What Ma Jinshui said is indeed an issue that he is more worried about during this period.

He has made comprehensive considerations and will never regret it even if he fails.

Qi Wang Sushan is the backbone of everyone. At this moment, he must not let his subordinates see him hesitating.

Regardless of whether the outcome is good or bad, he must make up his mind.

Qi Wang Sushan said firmly: "I have made up my mind on this matter.

Jin Shui, go and inform everyone and carry out my king’s order.

I predict that there will be a suitable place for founding a country on the east coast of South America.

All consequences will be borne by me."

Ma Jinshui saw King Qi Sushan's firm tone. He knew that King Qi Sushan had made up his mind and could no longer persuade him about this matter, so he immediately changed the subject.

"My lord, the envoy sent by Su Hu, King of Wei, how do we reply?"

Qi Wang Sushan said calmly: "Reply truthfully, this kind of thing cannot be concealed."

After he saw Ma Jinshui leaving, there was a hint of uneasiness in his eyes, which was then replaced by firm eyes.

From what he saw in Cao Guo, combined with his chats with the Spaniards in Dahua.

He was 90% sure that the east coast of South America was more suitable for founding a country.

King Qi Sushan's previous idea was to quickly establish a country on the west coast of South America to facilitate the reception of supplies shipped from Dahua.

Now that the west coast of South America is not suitable for founding a country, he can only choose to go to the east coast of South America to found a country.

As for receiving materials shipped from Dahua.

In the early stage, we can only let them take some detours.

As long as the price is raised, there are two forces: him and Wei Wang Su Hu.

There will be no shortage of sales for these goods.

Businessmen who are chasing money will definitely not let go of such a huge market.

King Cao and Li Dazhuang were preparing to expand eastward and open up roads to the plains.

At that time, King Qi Sushan could also choose to expand westward, break through the mountains, and build a port on the west coast.

At that time, the country was powerful and its ability to build ports was far greater than it is now. Suitable ports could be built in places like the west coast of South America.

In this way, materials shipped from Dahua can be transported directly to the port.

Now the matter of founding a country cannot be rushed.

King Qi Sushan would definitely choose a better place to found his country.


King Su Hu of Wei listened to the report from his subordinates.

He now understood King Qi Sushan's thoughts.

King Qi Sushan did not find a suitable place to found a country on the west coast of South America, so he could only choose the east coast of South America.

When Wei King Su Hu heard the news, he was very happy now.

He chose to found the country on the east coast of South America.

At that time, I was still a little scared. Dahua's ocean-going transport fleet and merchants disliked the fact that the east coast of South America was too far away and were unwilling to transport supplies to his country.

In this way, he could only organize the country's own fleet and go to Dahua to buy goods.

The efficiency of this is extremely low, and there may also be purchased goods. They have made a technological breakthrough here.

King Su Hu of Wei would not choose to do this unless it was absolutely necessary.

Now King Qi Sushan also founded a country on the east coast of South America.

The huge demand in the two countries will inevitably attract a large number of businessmen.

King Su Hu of Wei and King Su Shan of Qi could also take care of each other on the east coast of South America.

Fight alone and with the help of friendly troops.

Both situations have a great impact on the morale of soldiers.

As the fleet continued southward, the weather became more severe.

The people on the deck of the ship were covered in cotton coats, and there was a little bit of hoarfrost on their beards and eyelashes.

Thick ice formed on the coast, and the fleet could only sail far away from the coast.

King Su Hu of Wei picked up the telescope and saw that ahead was the southernmost tip of South America, which was composed of multiple broken islands.

He showed a happy look and said happily: "We have finally arrived here. According to what the Spanish sailors said, Tierra del Fuego is ahead.

As long as we bypass this sea area, we will see the east coast of South America in front of us.

Let everyone work harder, we are not too far away from our goal."

King Su Hu of Wei commanded the fleet and accelerated through the strait south of Tierra del Fuego.

When Qi Wang Sushan saw the fleet reaching the southernmost point, he also had a tangled look on his face.

Whether we can achieve better results this time will soon be known.

The fleet passed through the strait, moving slowly against the wind.

The steamship also lowered the temperature of its boiler and waited for the sailboat to catch up.

The fleet continued to move at a slow speed until the wind direction changed, and the fleet sped up slightly.

There was no smile on Qi Wang Sushan's face. He raised his telescope and looked toward the east coast of South America.

Through the telescope, what he saw was a flat plain with very few hills around it.

A long-lost smile appeared on his face, and he made the right bet this time.

The east coast of South America is indeed more suitable for founding a country.

Ma Jinshui was on the side, also looking at the situation on the shore with binoculars.

He also observed the smile on Qi Wang Sushan's face.

"Lord, this is really good news. The east coast of South America is flat. Only a few places on the coastline we passed are hilly.

This place is very suitable for growing crops and setting up various factories.

Is our fleet going to land here?"

Qi Wang Sushan waved his hand and said: "The fleet continues north to find a better landing place.

It’s still too cold here, and its geographical location is equivalent to Mongolia in China.

According to my guess, food can only be grown here for one season, and factories cannot operate in winter.

The question that directly asked me to reject it is that I did not see the mouth of the inland river.

Without the existence of big rivers, there would not be enough water sources to feed a large number of people."

Under the instructions of King Qi Sushan, the fleet continued to sail north.

The cotton-padded clothes on their bodies were also taken off layer by layer.

By the time they put on their sweaters again, the fleet was sailing according to the chart and had reached the middle of South America.

This is the northern end of the border agreed by King Qi Sushan.

The fleet never landed, but they encountered a relatively flat plain area.

Whichever plain you land on is more suitable for establishing a country.

Qiwang Sushan is looking for large rivers.

He had no way of knowing about other resources in advance.

Freshwater resources are easily visible from the boat.

The fleet also needs to constantly go ashore to replenish some precious fresh water resources.

Qi Wang Sushan picked up the telescope again and looked towards the coast.

A reflection appeared in the telescope. Qi Wangsushan took a closer look and saw that it was the mouth of a relatively wide river entering the sea.

He was suddenly overjoyed. The river he had been looking forward to flowing into the sea finally came to him.

Chess King Su Shan immediately issued an order: "Our team will land at the mouth of the river.

Inform all immigrants that we will build our country here.

As first-generation immigrants, they are the heroes of the country.

Order everyone not to drink water from the river directly to prevent immigrants from becoming acclimatized."

King Qi Sushan wrote a personal letter and asked someone to bring it to King Wei to sort it out.

He commanded the fleet to immediately turn to the west and head straight for the big river.

He planned to build the first city of his country by the river.


King Su Hu of Wei was in the cabin, reading a letter written by King Su Shan of Qi.

The two of them communicated with each other through letters.

King Su Hu of Wei saw the thoughts revealed in the letter, and King Su Shan of Qi was not worried at all about whether he could establish a country in southern South America.

Only in this regard, Qi Wang Sushan was more relaxed than him.

The atmosphere in Wei Wang Su Hu's fleet is still very tense.

He ordered the soldiers, even in the cabin, to conduct military training as a team.

The team consumes food, the steamship burns coal, and the warehouse is vacated.

King Su Hu of Wei has arranged for craftsmen to start assembling paper shell bullets with fire.

He wanted to go to the colony established by the Spanish, to capture at least one port and build a solid city.

He took this fleet on an expedition of tens of thousands of miles, and still had to win, which was extremely difficult.

The reason why King Su Hu of Wei is thinking so far away is because of this letter. It was a farewell letter written by King Su Shan of Qi.

King Qi Sushan is about to arrive at the place where he founded his country.

For the rest of the voyage, only Wei Wang Su Hu's fleet remained.

King Su Hu of Wei picked up the telescope and looked at the scene on the shore.

King Qi Sushan was directing the immigrants to carry supplies on the boat and prepare to settle by the river.

King Su Hu of Wei ordered his men to wave the flag, and the fleet formally bid farewell to King Su Shan of Qi.

(End of chapter)

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