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Chapter 632: Sharp Artillery, Strong Fortress

Chapter 632: Sharp artillery and strong fortress. Commander Ma Xianglin stood at the foot of the mountain, looking up at the Ural Fortress.

The artillery regiment needs to deal with the forts outside the Ural Fortress first.

Only by knocking out the outer forts can the artillery regiment set up the artillery halfway up the mountain.

In this way, the cannonballs can accurately fall into the Ural Fortress.

The ballistic trajectory of the 155mm caliber artillery used by the artillery regiment is a parabola.

However, the trajectory is relatively straight, and due to the structure of the artillery, it cannot hit high trajectories like mortar trajectories.

The Russian fort is on a mountain, and its range can be increased by being located high up.

The artillery of the Dahua Army is at the bottom of the mountain. It needs to tilt the muzzle to attack the fort on the mountain, and the range of the artillery will be shortened.

Between this increase and decrease, the originally huge gap in artillery level between the two armies was reduced to the extent that Russian artillery could bring harm to the Great China Empire.

The performance of the artillery regiment was still very stable. Commander Liu Song led the artillery regiment without any hurry and called out the exposed firepower points of the Russian army halfway up the mountain one by one.

Under the protection of the infantry, the artillery regiment cleared out the enemies within the range, and slowly moved up the mountain to clear out the enemies higher up.

Some of the hidden forts of the Russian army had not fired since before the war began, and the artillery regiment could not find their location.

These Russian artillery pieces will open fire as soon as the artillery regiment comes within range.

Commander Ma Xianglin saw a huge white smoke suddenly coming out of a place covered by vegetation on the mountainside, followed by a loud noise.

He guessed that the purpose of the Russian army was very simple, which was to use these artillery pieces to compete with their own artillery pieces.

Commander Ma Xianglin saw huge solid artillery shells from the Russian army falling into the artillery battalion's position.

After the shell hit the ground, it rolled forward rapidly, and a 120 mm caliber artillery was on its rolling path.

A solid cannonball collided with the artillery. Even if it was a cannon made of fine steel, the barrel of the cannon was bent by the impact of the solid cannonball. It was damaged to such an extent that it could no longer be used.

When Chief of Staff Su Cheng saw this situation, he frowned and said: "Our army's artillery shells are still sufficient, and there is no problem in taking down the Ural Fortress.

But every one of the artillery pieces in the army is damaged."

Artillery shells are easier to transport, and even if one or two are damaged during transportation, it will not cause much impact.

The artillery used by the artillery regiment are all large-caliber heavy artillery. It is extremely difficult to transport them here without open roads.

In particular, mountains such as the Tianshan Mountains, Kunlun Mountains, and Altai Mountains block roads.

In the Siberian Plain, it is not difficult to transport such heavy artillery.

However, the industry in the Tang Nu Uliang Hai area is basically zero and there is no ability to produce artillery.

All the artillery used by their 19th Army were shipped from the mainland.

At that time, the 19th Army put in a lot of hard work to transport these dozens of guns, and it took nearly a year to transport them to Tangnu Ulianghai.

Commander Ma Xianglin was also struggling. The Russian army's tactics were disgusting.

Once the Russian army uses the method of counterfeiting, all the artillery of the artillery regiment will be destroyed.

It is basically impossible for them to capture the Ural Fortress.

The 19th Army could only withdraw in despair, which proved that the 19th Army was not capable of attacking fortresses. This would become a joke in the army.

"Chief of Staff Su, do you think the artillery regiment has cleared the Russian forts on the surface?

How about we send a commando group to try to clear out the hidden Russian forts?"

Chief of Staff Su Cheng thought for a moment, nodded and said: "Doing this will prolong the speed of our army's attack, and the assault regiment will also encounter an ambush by the Russian army.

But this tactic can indeed solve the problems we encountered.

Our army is not in a hurry to capture the Ural Fortress, it doesn't matter if we go slower.

Our goal is to capture the Ural Fortress before winter.

The artillery regiment will clean up the Russian troops on the surface, and the assault regiment will not suffer too many casualties."

They discussed the details of this tactic and notified the artillery regiment and assault regiment of relevant orders.

When Liu Song, the commander of the artillery regiment, received the news, he was extremely pleasantly surprised.

He had been worried about excessive artillery losses in the artillery regiment, but now there was a turning point.

After Shi Maiyong, the leader of the assault regiment, received the order, he was also very happy.

It was a very bad feeling to watch the artillery regiment perform meritorious service at the foot of the mountain. They were not able to help at all.

Now in this battle, their commando group can also participate.

This is an opportunity for the army commander to look up to their assault group and give them a chance to make meritorious deeds.

Commander Maiyong of the division immediately asked the entire regiment to prepare. After a new round of shelling by the artillery regiment ended.

The soldiers of the assault regiment carried explosive bags and began to attack the mountain.

They went to the Russian position after the shelling to check whether there were any Russian troops hidden here.

Bang! Bang!

Two cannon shots rang out in succession, and then Shi Maiyong heard several screams.

To his left front and right rear were the sounds of artillery firing.

Two solid iron balls flew out, and the soldiers in the attack path of the iron balls were either killed or maimed.

Commander Shi Maiyong roared angrily: "While these bastards are loading the artillery, we use explosive bags to blow up this fort."

He began to command the soldiers of the assault regiment to install explosive packages on the hidden forts of the Russian army.

Commander Shi Maiyong saw that the explosive package was installed and ordered the explosive package to be detonated.

The hidden forts that the Russian army had painstakingly deployed were directly eliminated by the assault regiment.

They destroyed two artillery pieces and more than thirty Russian troops, but also paid the price of six deaths and seventeen serious injuries.

Commander Shi Maiyong looked very unhappy. This was the ugliest exchange ratio their assault group had ever seen since the war started.

The Dahua army used slow and effective steps to gradually eliminate the forts around the Ural Fortress and send troops to seize the strategic positions of the Russian army.


As the person in charge of the Ural Fortress, Count Korbin Rodevsky saw the slow advance of the Dahua army.

He was still smiling at first because he arranged it very well.

As long as the artillery regiment of the Dahua Army is eliminated, the Ural Fortress can survive the difficulties safely.

His smile had not lasted for a few days when he saw the Dahua army sending infantry to clear out the hidden forts.

Count Corbin Rodevsky immediately realized that the Chinese army must not be allowed to do this.

He tried to send thousands of Russian troops, armed with the best firearms, out of the fortress to meet the enemy.

The Dahua cavalry are very powerful, they have learned their lessons before.

It is normal for cavalry to be stronger than infantry.

What if the Chinese army is only strong in artillery and cavalry?

This kind of partial army is very common in Europe.

The performance of the Dahua army gave Count Corbin Rodevsky a blow in the head.

He sent more than a thousand people, but they couldn't hold on for even half a day before they were wiped out by the Dahua army.

With such a disparity in strength, the Russian army inside would never dare to leave the city to fight against the Chinese army.

The forts outside the fortress were eliminated bit by bit by the Dahua army.

The Russian troops in the fort found that they were certain to die.

People's hearts began to wander, and deserters continued to abandon the fort.

They knew that if they escaped into the fortress, they would surely die.

These people chose a small road and ran out of the war zone.

The Ural Pass, which runs from east to west, is blocked by this fortress.

They escaped along the path to the north and south without any problems.

When Count Korbin Rodevsky saw this situation, he was furious.

But he was powerless. The Russian army did not dare to leave the fortress, so they naturally lost control of the situation outside the fortress.

He had been worried that the Dahua army would finish clearing the forts outside and start attacking the main body of the fortress.

The main body of the fortress was built against the Ural Mountains and was built with huge rocks.

If the artillery of the Dahua Army wants to attack the main body of the fortress, the artillery must be set up within the range of the Russian fortress artillery.

Another thing that reassures Count Corbin Rodevsky is that the power of the artillery shells of the Dahua army is limited.

Even if the artillery of the Dahua Army were allowed to explode, it would be difficult to blow up the Ural Fortress's defenses within a month or two.

This is a powerful fortress built on mountains.

Count Korbin Rodevsky saw this happening.

His originally frightened expression returned to a smile.


In the 19th Army barracks, Ma Xianglin and others were discussing the general attack on the Ural Fortress.

The artillery regiment has cleared all the Russian forts outside the fortress.

Now all Russian troops are huddled within the Ural Fortress.

As long as we can capture this strategic point that runs through the Ural Mountains from east to west.

The Great China Empire will have the initiative in future wars and can attack at any time.

The Nineteenth Army destroyed the largest Russian army in the Ural Mountains, and the remaining Russian armies in the Ural Mountains will soon be wiped out by the Nineteenth Army.

The Great China Empire will control the entire Ural Mountains.

This is a natural Great Wall, which can effectively defend against enemy attacks and is an excellent base for advancing.

Commander Ma Xianglin looked at Artillery Regiment Commander Liu Song and asked seriously: "Regiment Commander Liu, please make it clear.

Isn’t the artillery regiment capable of taking down the Ural Fortress?”

Liu Song immediately stood up and replied: "Commander Ma, our artillery regiment has already tried it.

The Russian artillery has a short range, but they are condescending, the range of the artillery is greater, and the power of the solid shells is even greater.

Due to location reasons, the artillery regiment must be deployed in a limited location.

When the Russian army sees the artillery regiment, it will inevitably launch a fierce attack.

We only have one or two chances to attack, and then we will suffer heavy losses, and the artillery regiment's capabilities will drop sharply.

If conventional artillery shells are used, the Ural Fortress will be completely impossible to capture with just one or two waves of attack opportunities.

Even Russian artillery will not attack artillery positions.

Our army’s chances of capturing the Ural Fortress before winter begins are slim.”

Commander Ma Xianglin heard the implication of Commander Liu Fengsong's words.

"Commander Liu, traditional methods cannot defeat the Ural Fortress. Does your artillery regiment have any special methods?"

Commander Liu Song saluted with a military salute and replied affirmatively: "Commander Ma, our artillery regiment does have special methods.

Have you forgotten that the imperial court transported ammunition this time, including some special ammunition?

Our hope of victory lies in these special bombs."

When Commander Ma Xianglin heard about the special ammunition, he also remembered that the army did have a batch of special ammunition.

The personnel of the Weapons Research Institute strictly guard these ammunition and prohibit ordinary soldiers from accessing them.

He immediately asked: "What kind of special method is the special bomb that can actually destroy the resistance of the Russian army in the Ural Fortress?"

Commander Liu Song, I would like to introduce to you the situation of special bombs."

Liu Song immediately explained: "There are only two kinds of special bombs now, one is white phosphorus bomb.

This is ammunition specifically designed to deal with ironclad ships. It is not stable yet and requires temporary assembly of ammunition before the war begins.

The imperial court did not equip us with this kind of ammunition.

What we now have in our camp are chlorine gas bombs.

This gas used to disinfect tap water was highly toxic when it was first discovered.

Special ammunition is chlorine gas packed in iron ammunition.

Ammunition with these characteristics will be damaged when it hits the ground, releasing a large amount of chlorine gas.

As long as enough special bombs are fired, the Russian troops in the fortress will be killed.

This is the method, I think it is harmful to the world."

Commander Ma Xianglin slapped the table angrily.

"Asshole, with such a good weapon, why didn't you report it earlier.

Weapons are meant to kill enemy soldiers, and there is no distinction between noble and despicable weapons.

It is nobler to kill with a bow and arrow, more noble to kill with a gun, or more noble to kill with a cannon.

Now only the weapons have changed, so the artillery regiment should not have any additional burden."

Commander Ma Xianglin had been extremely anxious for a long time. He did not expect that the Ural Fortress would be so strong.

If the 19th Army has not completed its strategic objectives before winter comes.

Another army in Central Asia has achieved its set strategic goals.

Then their 19th Army will be in disgrace. If we encounter such a good opportunity in the future, it will definitely not be the 19th Army's turn.

Commander Ma Xianglin relied on his prestige to use special ammunition directly through the artillery regiment.

This military meeting will end after settling a few important matters.

When Commander Liu Song returned to the artillery regiment, he immediately found someone from the Weapons Research Institute and asked him about the details of the launch of special projectiles.


Margrave Oleg Ivanov was waiting in the Ural Fortress.

He now firmly believes that the fortress is strong and can block the attack of the Dahua army.

The Dahua army once again used the artillery regiment.

At the same time as the artillery regiment opened fire, the fort located on the top of the mountain began to attack the artillery positions of the Dahua Empire.

Marquis Oleg Ivanov watched with a telescope and found that this round of shelling did not cause much damage to the Artillery Regiment of the Great China Empire.

But as long as this result is maintained for a period of time and the artillery regiment of the Dahua Army becomes weaker and weaker, they will hold on to the fortress.

Marquis Oleg Ivanov had heard the news of the incoming cannon fire.

The Ural Fortress is very strong. Just a few rounds of shelling can kill and injure a few soldiers at most, and have little impact on the overall situation of the fortress.

He felt that the sound of the shells this time was a little different from previous situations.

Why didn't there be a violent explosion after the cannonball hit the ground?

"I was scared to death. I thought I wouldn't survive. It turned out that the weapons thrown by the Dahua army were spent bombs.

The shell didn't explode at all, it seemed to have broken."

Marquis Oleg Ivanov saw this situation and he was very happy.

It can be seen from this spent bomb that the Dahua army was really anxious. They didn't even have time to check whether the shell was late.

While he was rejoicing, news soon came from other places.

This attack by the Dahua Army was very strange. The shells fired generally did not explode.

Marquis Oleg Ivanov realized that something was wrong. The Dahua army might have been negligent and one or two shells were useless.

But it will never happen, all the shells are useless.

This must be the new weapon that Dahua's army is constantly emerging.

He immediately prepared to leave and told Count Korbin Rodevsky to be more vigilant.

When Marquis Oleg Ivanov passed the damaged cannonball, he noticed that the cannonball was full of cracks.

The cannonball is releasing yellow-green gas.

This chapter has been completed!
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